Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud @WICSA 2014

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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Presented during the Software Architecture Design session at WICSA 2014, Sydney, Australia. Abstract: Energy efficiency is a primary concern for the ICT sector. In particular, the widespread adoption of cloud computing technologies has drawn attention to the massive energy consumption of data centers. Although hardware constantly improves with respect to energy efficiency, this should also be a main concern for software. In previous work we analyzed the literature and elicited a set of techniques for addressing energy efficiency in cloud-based software architectures. In this work we codified these techniques in the form of Green Architectural Tactics. These tactics will help architects extend their design reasoning towards energy efficiency and to apply reusable solutions for greener software.

Transcript of Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud @WICSA 2014

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Giuseppe Procaccianti

Patricia Lago

Grace A. Lewis

A common statement

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

“Cloud computing is

energy efficient...”

Cloud as a Nation

...but how much, exactly?

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Our approach

Energy Efficiency as a Software quality attribute

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

● Software determines hardware behavior

● We can design scenarios about energy efficiency

Our approach /2

Cloud Service

We analyze Software Architectures to study their influence on Energy Efficiency.

Energy Efficiency in Cloud Software Architectures

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

What is a Tactic?

“A design decision that influences the achievement of a

quality attribute response.” [1]

[1] L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman, Software architecture in practice, ed. Addison-Wesley, 2012.

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

● 3 categories:

1. Energy Monitoring

2. Self-Adaptation

3. Cloud Federation

● Elicited from a SLR on Cloud-based software architectures [2]

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

[2] G. Procaccianti, P. Lago, S. Bevini. “Green Software Architectures in the Cloud”. Submitted to Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM), Special Issue on Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing (SEAGC), 2014.

● Scenarios for Energy Efficiency [1]

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Energy Monitoring



Static Classification


Scaling Down


Workload Scheduling

Cloud FederationEnergy Brokering

Service Adaptation

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

2. Self Adaptation

● Stimulus: Excessive energy consumption alert

● Source of Stimulus: Energy Monitor

● Environment: Runtime

● Artifact: Hypervisor

● Response: The Hypervisor consolidates the VMs on the

less-active servers and then shuts down the idle servers.

● Response Measure: Energy consumption values

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Energy Monitoring



Static Classification


Scaling Down


Workload Scheduling

Cloud FederationEnergy Brokering

Service Adaptation

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Self Adaptation tactic: Consolidation

(Implementation example)

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud


● ...pose assumptions and constraints on the software architecture

● ...introduce a trade-off between EE and other system qualities

● …exhibit dependencies between each other and, in general, they cannot be applied in isolation

The Green Architectural Tactics are nice, but….

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

What’s next?

Inclusion of EE in a Software Quality

Model, for design-level decision-making

Evaluation of the environmental impact of Cloud-based software

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud

Thank you!

Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud