Greek Civilizations Chapter 5.4. The Spread of Greek Culture.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Greek Civilizations Chapter 5.4. The Spread of Greek Culture.

Greek CivilizationsChapter 5.4

The Spread of Greek Culture

• What was the name of the book that Appolonius of Rhodes wrote?

• Argonautica

• What was Argonautica about?

• It tells the legend of Jason and his band of heroes. They search for a ram with a “golden fleece”.

• What did Theocritus write ?

• He wrote short poems about the beauty of nature.

• How was the comedy in Athens was different from in Ancient Greece?

• These stories still had a happy ending and made people laugh.

• These did not make fun of political leaders.


• Who was Epicurus?

• He was a philosopher who founded Epicureanism.

• Which philosophy believes happiness was the goal of life?

• Epicureanism

• Who developed Stoicism?

• A Phoenician named Zeno

• Which philosophy believes that happiness comes from following reason, not emotions, and doing your duty?

• Stoicism

Greek Science and Math

• What do you call people that study the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies?

• Astronomers

• Who was the astronomer who claimed that the sun was at the center of the universe and that Earth circled the sun?

• Aristarchus

• Who was in charge of the library at Alexandria and concluded that the Earth is round?

• Eratosthenes

• Who is the most famous Greek mathematician who describes plane geometry in his book Elements?

• Euclid

• What do you call the branch of mathematics that shows how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to each other?

• Plane Geometry

• Who was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era?

• Archimedes

• What do you call the study of ball-like shapes called spheres and tubelike shapes called cylinders?

• Solid Geometry

• What is the value used to measure the area of a circle?

• Pi

• What did Archimedes build for the King of Syracuse to help protect the city?

• He built catapults (machines that hurled arrows, rocks, and spears).