Great Quotes To Use & Repeat When You Can’t Find A Better Way Of Saying It

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Great Quotes To Use & Repeat When You Can’t Find A Better Way Of Saying It

Great Quotes To Use & Repeat When You Can’t

Find A Better Way Of Saying It

Collected & Visualised by Tom Himpe

On advertising

The definition of advertising: ‘You lie people to the truth’

We found advertising works the way the grass grows. You can never see it, but every week you have to

mow the lawn

Andy Tarshis, A.C.Nielsen Company

Stop interrupting what people are interested in, and be what people are interested in

Advertising agencies may come up with the best brand ideas but big brand ideas are not always best expressed through advertising

Nike didn’t discover the power of advertising, they discovered the power of

their own voice

Dan Wieden

After the next nuclear holocaust there'll be cockroaches

and ad people

On brand strategy

If you don’t have a strategy, any campaign can take you there

A good strategy should be

concrete on the inside and

chewing gum on the outside,

not the other way around.

The business model of the digital age is one-

word equity for brands, that word being the

one word that a company wants

associated with their brand

Maurice Saatchi

Successful brands must work like a molecule; adding successive ideas into a chain of interesting innovations, many of which are not even

seen as marketing

John Grant, “The Brand Innovation Manifesto”

The more you understand

something, the less interesting

it is

You don't need to control the conversation to reap the benefits of the exposure

Henry Jenkins

If you want to influence people's behaviour, give them something to copy

It’s not what advertising does with the consumer.

It’s what the consumer does with advertising.

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The key is to produce

something that both pulls people

together and gives them

something to do

Henry Jenkins

The less control a company has over its marketing message, the greater its


The Economist

If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail

Bernard Baruch

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it

Upton Sinclair

The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to

action, while reason leads to conclusions

neurologist Donald Galne

We use logic to prove and intuition to discover

If I can't picture it, I can't understand it

Albert Einstein

Genius is in simplicity and specificity.

Success is in consistency.

On ideas

Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous


Admiral Rickover

Adapt the technique to

your idea, not your idea to

the technique

Bill Bernbach

The idea is the company. Get

employed by it and employ others who

believe in it, defend it, develop it and

deliver it.

By 2015, there will be no separate media and

creative awards because there will be no distinction

between ad agency creativity and media

agency creativity

Cliff Francis, P&G's manager of global media and

communication, in Cannes 2005

On media

It used to be that no brand manager at P&G ever got fired for recommending a 30-

second TV spot

It no longer makes economic sense to send an advertising message to the many in hopes of

persuading the few

We are a big marketer. We are not a mass marketer.

M. Lawrence Light, McDonald’s chief marketing officer

Media organisations have learned how to buy sausage and bread for the cheapest price, they

haven’t learned how to create great tasting hot-dogs

People don’t read ads. They read what interests them, and

sometimes that happens to be an ad

We don't want 1.000 channels - we want the one we want to watch

Nicholas Negroponte

As long as there are sofas, there'll be


Contagious Magazine

On new media

Rule for bloggers: first thoughts, best thoughts

Widgets are the glue between people and the

content they want

Traditional advertising is buying time,

online is about creating time

Peer production is the most powerful industrial force of our time

Chris Anderson

Instead of asking them to watch, to listen, to play, to passively consume, the race is on to get them

to create, to produce and to participate

I think the real indicator will be when someone confesses that they cried at level 17

Steven Spielberg, on the fusion of games and film

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Participating in conversations is not about crowdsourcing, it's about crowdmanaging

5/50 rule: in 5 years time, 50% of all content will be consumer-generated

The Podshow

We cannot allow the multiplicity of possibilities to drag us into complexity

Kevin Roberts

People are replacing their trust in traditional authorities with trust in each other

On the future

The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed

William Gibson

We always overestimate what will change the next 2 years, and underestimate what will change the next 10

Bill Gates

The one fact about the future of which we can be certain is that it will be utterly fantastic

Arthur C Clarke

[in the future] you will physically be inside the experience, which will surround you top,

bottom, on all sides

Steven Spielberg

On ambition

It’s quite fun to do the impossible

Walt Disney

The problem is not that we aim

too high and fail, but that we

aim too low and succeed.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish

Steve Jobs

I think that's the best thing in life:

keeping busy

Andy Warhol

On whatever

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more

complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of

genius -and a lot of courage- to move in the

opposite direction.

Albert Einstein

If we took the mission statements of 100 large

industrial companies, mixed them up while everyone was asleep, and reassigned them

at random, would anyone wake up tomorrow and cry,

'My gosh, where has our mission statement gone?'

Actions speak louder than words

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change

Charles Darwin

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To rob a bank you need two things: a

gun and a smile.

A smile to convince and a gun to

convince faster.

It’s nicer to join the pirates than to join

the navy

An educated customer is better than an

entertained customer, because

they're already further down the


If I had asked people what they wanted, I would’ve built a faster horse

Henry Ford

The consumer is not a moron, it's your


David Ogilvy

The greatest geniuses

accomplish more by doing less

The subconscious needs time and space to roam

I make movies for the masses but I speak to

them one by one

Steven Spielberg

Kids, you tried your best and failed

miserably. The lesson is, never try.

Homer Simpson

It takes two people to lie.

One to lie, and one to listen.

Homer Simpson

Just because I don’t care, doesn’t mean I don’t understand.

Homer Simpson

speak less, say more

Before you speak, make sure that what you say is

better than silence

What you have to remember when building a mousetrap, is to leave room for the mouse

Any technology that is sufficiently advanced is

indistinguishable from magic

Arthur C. Clarke

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fail fast, learn fast, fix fast