Gravity Man

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Gravity Man

By David Neil Daniell

Explaining Gravity Trials

• I am trying to find out how gravity effects mass. What I’m going to do is compare objects with different masses. I am going to time the object when I drop it, measure the height I dropped it from, and divide distance and time.

Trial 1!

• 1st Trial I’m going to take to take a soccer ball and drop it The height was 100 cm. The time was 1.36 seconds. The speed was 73 cm per second.

Trial 2!

• The 2nd Trial I used a baseball and dropped it from 100cm. The time was .55 seconds. The speed was 155 cm per second.

Trial 3!

• The 3rd Trial I am going to use a rubber ball. The height is 100cm. The time was 1.03 seconds. The speed was 116 cm per second.


• The bigger the mass the more gravity takes effect on the object.

This is my Flip Video! Enjoy!

My project presentation is finished!


• Book: Force and Motion



Other Facts About Gravity

• When certain stars stop shining it eventually collapses. If a star is three times bigger than the sun when it collapses it will form a object called a black hole. Black holes have the strongest pull of gravity. Its so strong that even light, the fastest thing in the universe, can not escape.