Graphic organiser task

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Graphic organiser task

Graphic Organiser Task

•New media technology is the development of computerized, or networked information and communication technologies. Most technologies that are referred to as ‘new media’ tend to be digital. This is because it is a simpler, quicker and more efficient way of storing data when compared to other older methods. •Before the introduction of digital technologies, all films were shot on big film cameras, these films would be recorded on big reels. Once the film had been recorded onto a reel, it would be edited onto a machine called the Moviola, where the film would simply be cut and pasted together frame by frame. •Special effects used would always be basic, and designed by the props department. They did not often represent reality, and were quite unrealistic. •Digital cinematography has only become frequent in the past 10 years. Footage can now be recorded on a tape, hard disk or memory stick, as long as the camera being used is digital. The first major Hollywood film to be recorded in this way is Starwars. Later films include Superman Returns and Sin City. •HD video is the upgraded version of digital video. It has a higher resolution which means the quality has improved. Although it is far easier to edit, even the highest quality HD DV is not as clear as the 35mm and 70mm film. •There has also been a discovery in 3D film making over the past 10 years. There is also a move towards ‘glasses free’ 3D viewing which uses trick of the mind creating holographic images. •There are advantages for the film industry, digital cameras are far easier to transport. Digital cameras can also record sounds internally, halving the equipment needed. Traditional film cameras were very expensive to buy and shoot from. Cameras now are cheaper. There is also an ease of editing as video is now far easier to capture and far easier to manipulate afterwards. •Linear methods of editing required the editor to literally cut and paste footage into a line, however non-linear and digital editing using computers allow the editor to edit footage in any order they choose. Large expensive editing machines are now being replaced with either a MAC or PC. •CGI stands for computer-generated imagery. It involves computer graphics and adding 3D computer graphics to add special effects to films. They are created using a virtual wireframe which then manipulated by the animator. The first major film using CGI was Terminator II: Judgment Day •There are advantages of using special effects for the film industry such as being able to manipulate footage, cost and convenience. Verisimilitude is also achieved using special effects. This is because with today’s technology it is difficult to establish special effects from real life, where as in the past special effects have easily been identified as fake.