Grant APP-lication: Title I Part A 401 Organization: 2071-01-000 … · 2018-09-24 · Application...

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Transcript of Grant APP-lication: Title I Part A 401 Organization: 2071-01-000 … · 2018-09-24 · Application...

Grant APP-lication: Title I Part A 401 Organization: 2071-01-000 LAKE CRYSTAL-WELLCOME MEMORIAL Award Year: 2019

1. Funds Available and Budget Summary 2. School Participation 3. Manage Budget ..... 4. Summary of Comments 5. Summary of Narrative 6. Contact Information ... 7. Summary of Attachments

Application litle I Part A401


Qant Application Satus: G'ant Application in A-ogress

)ist rict :2071-01-000 LAKE CR'tSf AL-WB.liDM EM BllORAL inanoo Oxle: Formula - 401 - !:FY2019,

litle I, Part A: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Clsadvantaged, FfY2018, O:OA 84.010A, SJ10A180023A


~s Rnandal

tate Rs:al Year: 2019 A"inted on: 08/2212018

::trimary MDEO:mtact Information- EiTiail: Alone: 651-582-8579

runds Available and B.Jdget SJmmary

UFAffiCl>urse Cl>de I ~ry Forward % I Federal Cbligate By 1 Federal Bcpend By R.mdsAllocation Unexpended Funds

000-401 2019 Award I 15.0% I 09/30/2020 11/14/2020 $80,106.07 $80,106.07

011-Balance forward from 401 2018 Award I .0% I 09/30/2019 11/14/2019 $1 ,786.76 $1,786.76

012-Trans'er from 414 2017 Award I .0% I 09/30/2018 11/14/2018 $.00 $.00 I

012-Balance forward from 401 2017 Award I .0% I 09/30/2018 I 11/14/2018 $.00 $.00 I

I i $81,892.83

UFAR3A9port Period

07/01/2018- 06/30/2019

J B.Jdget Cbligation Period I B.Jdget Draw Period- - - -r - Total Funds B.Jdgeted I Unbudgeted Funds J

07/01/2018-06/30/2019 I 07/01/2018-11/14/2019 I $80,334.70 _. - $1,558.~

lication S!c:tion: R..mdsAvailable and 8.Jdget 9.Jmmary-- 2071 -01-000 LAKECRYSrAL-WB..LCOv1EMEMCRAL..

Page of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I Part A 401

S:tlool Participation

DiS:rict Participation Information

81rpllmerit Data Date: 10/01/2017 !)~rid 2016A'YPSatus: , NIA 2018 Ckryover Waiver: Yes Tot~ Dstriet FFPB'lrolJment: 243 6-ade ElJan: KG-12

Formula Minimum FffU I Total R.mdsAvailable/Total FFPBlrollment 1%Parent Involvement amount based on ament year award

A.Jblic NonA.Jblic Total

S:tlool Participation Detail


Target astrict asa Whole: Na Use35%A.Jle: Np Use Rank Qdering by Gade~: No Sate .Rs:::al Year : 10095 Average Ostrict %AP. 27.21%

calculation I PPR.J Amount $81,892.83 / 243 I $337.01

I $.00 FFP PPR.J Amount

243 $337.01 $81,893.43 0 $337.01 $.00 243 $337.01 $81,893.43


I ' I Tobe K&12 Acflons

G'ade A"ogam Ste I 9:t1ool I I S3rved Slrved o/cfff> # Fff' Ehtoll· R:lal stool S:nool lnlo l:Pan Oass Name MMD 2018 2019 m~ PFRJ Allocation File Upload91

A.lbl ic stiool - Part icipating: 1 KG-05 Target91 10 L.kOy&al NIA, NIA, NIA Yes Yes

I 28.67% 129


450 $630.00 $81,270.00


I Memorial 8

06-12 33 LK NIA, NIA, NIA No No I 25.73% I 114 I 443 $.00 $.00



1plication S3c:tion: Distrid and S:hool Participation -2071-01-000 L.AKECRtSrAl...-WB..LID.AEMEMOAAL




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Application Title I Part A401

District Participation Information

Blrollment Data Date: 10/01/2017 District 2016AYPS:atus:, NIA 2018 Olrryover WaNer: Yes Total District FfPBlrollment: 243 Qade EPan: KG-12

Formula Minimum~ I Total Funds Available/Total FfP Blrollment

1%Parent Involvement amount based on ament year award




S:liool Participation Detail

G'ade A'og-am Ste atiool

~an Gass Name MMD








01-12 I 51 L..ONM ES'( I NIA, NIA, NIA

9.Jbtotal: A.Jblic s:hool


Total: 2071-01-000 LAKEa=l'ISrAL-WB..l!XJMEM8'v10AAL I






I No



Target District asa Whole: No Use35%A.Jle: No Use R:ink O'dering by Qade EPan: No Sate Rs::al Year: 10095 Average District %FFP. 27.21%

caJrulation I PPFUAmount $81,892.83 / 243 T $337.01

I $.00

FfP PPFU Amount 243 $337.01 $81,893.43

0 $337.01 $.00

243 $337.01 $81,893.43

Tobe KG12

::Srved %ff P #FFf' Biroll- A3aJ

2019 ment PFRJ

No .00% 0 0 $.00

No .00% 0 0 $.00

No .00% I 0 0 $.00

I 27.21% I 243 893

I 27.21% 243 893

plication 83ction: District and s:hool Participation - 2071-01-000 L.AKE<RrSrAl...-Wl:lJJXllllEM8'v1CHAL

Page 3 of 37



atiool atiool Info

Allocation Rle Uploaded


I $.00


I $81,270.00 I

I $81,270.00

ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I Part A401

v1 an age BJdget

S9ction Name


lomeless ~-Aside

Cl>ject Cbde

303-Federal SJbawards and SJbc:ontracts (amount up to $25,000)

>arent, Family 81gagement

'arent Involvement et-Aside

.EA Activities

~es::hool ~-Aside


eneral S::hool Level Xµenses

430-SJppliesand Materials­Non-Individualized Instructional

161-°*1 ified Paraprofesaonal and Pers:>nal care Assistant

140-Licensed Oass-oom Tea:tler



I District Level

A.Jblic S::hool

District Level

A.Jblic S::hool

lication S:ld:ion: Manage B.Jdget and Narrative -- 2071-01-000 LAKECRYSJ"AL-WB.l..CXJM EM 8'v1ffiAL

Page 4 of 37


set aside for homeless liasion

supplies for parent involvement night

931ary for 4 REparaprofesaonals for pres::hool services.

931aryfor .6 licensed dassroom teacher for gr~es R"ek-4


A"oposed B.Jdget





ver. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Alrt A401 08/22/2018

v'lanage Budget

I QganizationaJ A"opo~ I S:lction Name Olject Cbde Level J.Jstification BJdget

~emeral 8::hool Level I 161-Csrtified Paraprofessional and F\Jblic 8::hool Silary for 2 RE paraprofessionals for grade $35,661 .12 Xpellses Pers::>nal care Pssistant pre&:hool-4.

210-RC'A/ Medicare F\Jblic a:hool RC'A/ medicare for parac;; and .6 licensec:J teirller $5,932.89 214-PEPA (F\Jblic 8nployees I F\Jblic 8::hool PEPA for paraprofessionals $2,674.58 Fetirernent Assxiation) I 218-TRI\ (Teirller Fetirement F\Jblic 8::hool TRI\ for .6 REiicensed teacher I $3,141.98 As9Jdation) I 22Q-Health lnwrance F\Jblic a:hool Health inwrance for the Teacher $6,300.oo I 230-Life lnSJrance F\Jblic S::hool [ Life inSJrance for tea::her $25.50 235-Dental lnSJrance F\Jblic S::hool Dental inSJrance for tea::her $291.00 240-LDngTerm Disability Insurance F\Jblic 8::hool Long term disability inSJrance for tea::her $177.21

j 430-SJppliesand Materials- F\Jblic S::hool SJppliesfor Parent nights and instructional $500.00 Non-Individualized Instructional I SlJ pp

al 0.Jdgsted General s:hool Level B<penses $79,449.87

btal 0.Jdgeted General $79,449.87

taid Total 0.Jd~ed $80,334.70

lication snion: Mancge SJdget a-id Na"rative-2071-01-000 ~CRrSrAL-WB..l!D\1EMEM01AL

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Application litle I Part A401

\Jarrative - S:tlool Participation

9'.tlool Participation



.1 Q:imprehensve NeedsA$esgnent he Sate B:iucational P9ency (s:A) I 1.1.1

hall ~prove a Local B:iucationaJ gency's (LBVdistrict) plan only if ie s:A determines that the LEA's !an provides that &:hools served nder this part rubstantially help hildren served under this part ieet the dlallenging state c.OOemicstandardsand meetsthe 3QUirementsof this part .

112(a)(3)(8) Information provided 1theapplication isasummaryof ,lanned activities. The EIV district/ &:hool is rei;ponsible to ocument implementation of all ctivities in order to demonstrate ompliance with federal ~lat ions. The World's Best Work orce (weNP) Cbmprehensive JeedsAssess'nent (GJA) isadata riven process focused on jentifying student ~emic needs

'Y linking state a5SeSSTlent r99..llts, >Cal student assessnents, on-~emicdata, fidelityof nplementation and percept ion


Desl'ibe the trends and findings from your GJA for rea:ling (8lgliS1 LanguC93 Arts).

Ii cation 83ction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 LAKECRYSrAL..-WEIJ..COv'I EM 8v100AL

~ 7 of



~veral types of data were collected for the rea:ling GJA They include NW8\ target imres, FASrfluenc.yimres, and MO\ data The NW8\reportsS1owed that, on averC93, 78%of students in grades2-5 were at or above target imres. FASrfluency imres Siowed that students in grades 1-4 rea:I an averC93 of 11 O words per minute. The M 0\ imres Siowed that 63%of L.ONM students were proficient in raooing.


37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application 1itle I Part A401

~arrative- S:ilool Participation

::thool Participation



atatoexaminetherootcauses I 1.1.1 nd set progam targets for a:tion. lfter a thorough analysis, the nplernentation team Siould ummarize and prioritize the needs, eleci the focus of improvement nd d1oose evidence-based tratajes for their lit le I progam nplementation. 'This information hould be S'lared with staff, parents nd oommunity members to better nderstand the focus of the lit le I irogam. A Chmprehensive Needs ISS9SSl11ent (CNA) is a data driven rncessfocused on identifying tudent a:mernic needs by linking late ~untability res.Jlts, local :!Ve! student Edlievement, on-a:mernic data, fidelity of nplementation and perception ata to examine the root causes nd set progam targets for a:tion. lfter a thorough analysis, the nplementation team Siould ummarize and prioritize the needs, eleci thefocusof improvement nd choose evidence based

trategies for prQgram



Ii cation S!ction: Narrative -- 2071-01-000 LAKECRrSrAL-WB..l!DJI EM Bv1a=IAL

Page 8


"" l


of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A401 08/2212018

~arrative - S:tlool Participation - -- ---- - ----1

Silool Participation


I DeOO'iption QJestion AnSNer

nplementation. This information 1.1.1 hould be shared with staff, parents nd oommunity members to better nderstand the torus of the Title I

rngarn. I 1.1.2 Using the trends and findings of your O'JA, The group that should be targeted for intensive SJpport is the R"ee and

list your priorities for rea:ling (BlgliS'l Feduced SJbgoup.

l.anaJ~ Arts). 1.1.3 Usingthedataoollected from your O'JA, The perCBlt~ of all students in gades3-6 at L.ONM Bementary S:hool who

writeastudent ailievement ~tic are proficient on the R3a:ling MO\ will increase from 63%in 2017 to 65%in

M eas.Jrable Attainable Felevant 2018. Time-bound (SIAART) goal for rea:ling (Ehglish L..angu~ Arts).

1.1.4 DeOO'ibe the trends and findings from your Several types of data were oollected tor the math CNA. They indude NWEA O\JA for mathematics. target emresand MO\emres. AA aver~of 76%of students in gades2-6

met or exceeded the target emreson the NWFA. The MO\ math emres showed that 63%of students were proficient.

lication S3ction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 LAKECRYSrAL:WB.l!Dv1 EM Bv100AL

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Application litle I Part A401

~arrative- S:flool Participation

911001 Participation


Des:ript ion

he Sate B:lucational /lg3rlcy ($A)

hall .,.:>prove a l..ocaJ B:lucational gency's (LEA/distrid) plan only if

1e s:Adeterminesthat the L.EA's lan provides that s:hoolsserved nder this part substantially help hildren served under this part ieet the dlallengng state calemic standards a'ld meets the

:iquirernentsof this part. 112(a)(3)(8) Information provided i the application is a summary of ~anned a::tivities. The EA/distrid/&tlool is responsible to ocument implementation of all ctivities in order to demonstrate ompliance with federal ~lat ions. The World's Best Work brce (WB#PJ Cbmprehensive leedsAssessnent (Q\JA) is a data riven process focused on :lentifying student a:OOemic needs 'Y linking state ag;essnent results, x:al student ag;essnents, on-a:OOemic data, fidelity of nplementation and perception atato examine the root causes nd set prcigram targets for a::tion.



Using the trends and findings of your O\IA,

list your priorities for mathematics.

lica!ion S3c:tion: Narrative - 2071-01-000 L.AKECR'tSl'Al...-WB..l!Dlll EM EIVlalAL

Pcge 10 of


MSNer The g-oup that S"lould be targeted for intensive support is the R"ee and Feduced subgoup.

37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Pat A401

\Jarrative - S:::hool Participation

9:tlool Participation



lfter a thorough analysis, the nplementation team muld ummarize and prioritize the needs, elect thefOOJsof improvement nd choose evidenarbased trategiesfor their litle I progam nplementation. This information hould be shared with staff, parents nd oommunity members to better nderstand the fOOJs of the lit le I rogam. A Cbmprehensive Needs iSSeSmlent (CNA) is a data driven rocessforused on identifying tudent EKa:lemic needs by linking late a:muntability res.ilts, local ~student a::hievement, on-EKa:lemic data, fidelity of nplementation and perception ata to examine the root causes nd set progc:m targets for a::tion. lfter a thorougi analysis, the npJementation team muld ummarize and prioritize the needs, elect thefOOJsof improvement nd choose evidenre b81l9d trategiesfor progam nplementation. This information hould be shared with staff, ~ents



lication Slction: Narrative -- 2071-01-000 L.AKErnYSl"AL-WB..l!DVI EM EM CAAL

~ 11


I Arl9Ner

of 37 ver. CXXl1-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A401 08/22/2018

\larrative - Silool Participation -- - - - I

9::hool Participation


Des::ription I I Q.iestion - , Ammer - -

nd community members to better nderstand the forusof the lit le I


I 1.1.s




Using the data collected from your O\IA writeastudent a:hievement SJIARTg;>al for mathematics. Des::ribe the trends and findings from your <NA if u9ng litle I funds for aiy local education agency (LEA) a:tivity (After ailool, A"es::hool, Instructional A"ogarn, 9.lmmer A"ogam, A"ofessional Development and/or Qher .Activity). Using the trends and findings of your Q\IA list your priorities if you are using lit le I funds for any L.EA.a:tivity (After ailool, A"es::hool, Instructional A"ogam, 9.lmmer A"ogam, A"ofessional Development and/or Qher Mivity).

lication S3ction: Narrative- 2071-01-000 LAKECRtSrAL..-Wa.J..!DvlEMEJvtcJAAL

~ 12 of

lhe percentage of all students in gooes 3-6 at l..DJ\IM Bementary a:hool who are proficient on the M athematic:s MCA will inaease from 63%in 2017 to 65%in2018. NIA


37 wr. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A401

\Jarrative - Silool Participation

Sttool Participation



he Sate 8:1ucationaf ~ (s::A) hall approve a LDcal 8:1ucational gency's (LEA/dist rid) plan only if 1e ~determines that the l.EA's ,Ian provides that s:hoolsserved nder this part substantially help hildren served under this part ieet the challenging state C3Jemicstandardsaid meetsthe aquirenientsof this part .

1 1.1.9

112(a)(3)(B) Information provided 1

1 the application is a rummary of 4anned cd:ivities. The EA/distrid/sdlool is r~nsible to ocument implementation of all ctivities in order to demonstrate omplianoe with federal '9-Jlations. The World's 139& Work brae 0NfNVP} Cbmprehensive leedsAssessrlent (CNA) isadata riven process focused on :lentitying student a3:1emic needs 'Y linking state~ resJlts, x:al student assessments, on-a3:1emic data, fidelity of nplementation and perception ata to eXa'Tline the root causes nd set crag-am tar~sfor cd:ion.


Using the data oolleded from your CNA,

write a student a::hievement SVIARTgoal for ea:h l...64. cd:ivity if you are using lit le I funds for any (After S:hool, A"es:hool, lnstrudional A"ogram, SJmmer A"ogram, A"ofessional Development and/or Qher Pdivity).

lication Slction: Narrative- 2071-01-000 ~CRtSrAL-WB..l.O:MEMBAOOAL

Page 13 of




37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I A:rt A401

\larrative - S:hool Participation

9::hool Participation



1rogam. 1 1.1.9

nplement~ion team S'lould ummarize and prioritize the needs,

elect thefOOJSof improvement net choose evidence-~ trategiesfor their litle I progam nplementation. This information hould be shared with staff, parents net oommunity members to better nderstand the forusof the lit le I rngam. A Cbmprehensive Needs ~ (O\JA) isadatadriven rooossforused on identifying tudent eav:lemic needs by linking tate a::oounta,mty res.1lts, local wel student Edlievernent, on-eav:lemic data, fidelity of nplementation and perception atato examine the root causes net set progam targets for a::tion. lfter a thorough analysis, the nplementation team S'lould ummarize and prioritize the needs,

elect theforusof improvement

nd choose evidenre ~ trategiesfor program nplementation. This information hould be S'lared with staff, parents


lication Slction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 L.AKECR!SrAL..-WB.J.!D\11EM81.10FIAL

~ 14 of



37 WI'. 0001-12152010

Application lit le I Part A 401 08/22/2018

'-Jarrative - S:tlool Participation ----- --_ - - l

S:nool Participation



nd oommunity members to better nderstand the forusof the lit le I wgam.

I QJesion I ' 1.1.S I I I I

lical:ion S!ction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 LAl<ECRrSrAL-WB..LO:M EM Ell.100AL

f>ade 15 of


37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I Part A401 08/22/2018

\Jarrative - atiool Participation ---- - ~ - -- - 1

9:11001 Participation

- -1 9.Jbsection

Des::ription I _L _ Q.Jestion An&Ner I .2 A"ogram Narrative I b ensure that all d1ildren receive a igh-quaJity education, and to dose 1e a:hievement gap between hildren meetingthe d1allenging

tate academic standards and those hildren who are not meeting sud1

tandards, ea:h local educational gency plan Siall deocribe how the )Ca) educational cgency (distrid)

ionitors students' progress in 1eeting the d1allenging state ca:lemic standards by: • eveloping and implementing a tell-rounded prograni of istrudion to meet the academic eedsof all students; • identifying tudents who may be at risk for ca:lemicfailure; • providing dditional educational assistance to idividual students the local ducational agency or s:hool etermines need help in meeting 1e d1allenging state academic tandards; and • identifying and nplementing instructional and ther strategies intended to trengthen academic progranis and

1.2.1 Deocribe the strategy the distrid uses to coordinate lit le I prograni/sunder this part with proganisunder litle II and litle Ill (if applicable) to provide professional

development for tea:hers, principals, and other g;hool lecdersde9gned to ~dress student a:hievement as indicated in the


lication Slction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 ~CRtSrAL-WBJ..a:M EMEMCRAL

Page 16 of

If there are ~ditional funds that are used for professional development or funds that are used from litle II, these profesaonal development opportunities are created based on the needs shown in our O\JA Snee our O\JAS"lowsthat we need to focus our reoources on our liter~ growth, that is what our professional development focuses on.

37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A401

'Jarrative - S:tlool Participation

9::hool Participation

SJbsec:tion I De&:ription

nprove ldlool ronditionsfor 1.2.1

tudent learning; 112(b)(6)(b)(1)(A-D)




I OJestion


Cles:ribe how your llsrict litle I program (Targeted A5Sstance and/ or S:::hoolwide) is developed with timely and meaningful conSJltation with tecdiers, principals, other s::hool lea:lers, para-professionals, specialized instructional support pers:mnel, a:lmi nisrators (i ndudi ng a:lmi nist rat ors of programsdes::ribed in other parts of this title), other appropriate s::hool peroonnel, and with parents of children in s::hools served under this part. Des:ribe how your district coordinates and integrates services for the following student populations in your district (as appropriate): R\nlid-11 =rni:>r!': fR \ d11rlAnt!': with

1 disabilities, Migrant (MEP) students, Negected or Delinquent students, students who are homeless, students in foster care, and other students.

lication Slction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 L.Al<

~e 17 of



I s::hool lea:lership team (it is the only s::hool/ building that receives funds I in our district) meets regularly to di&:Ussthe best use of our lit le funds. It is at these meetings that the lea:lerstlip team decides which gra:le levels will receive services and whet her they will receive rea:ling or math services or both.

In our s::hool we have an RTI team that meets monthly with ecdi of the different gra:le levels. This team ronsistsof the lltle I tecdier, principal, &:>dal worker, i;pecial education tecdier, speech tecdier, and behavior 9.lpport n::ir::i At thA~ mnnthlv mAPtinn.c: d11rtAnt!':th::rt fit intn thA!¥! r.::itAnnriA!O: ::irA I

di&:Ussed and pla:ed into supportive services as needed.

37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A401 08/22/2018

~arrative - Silool Participation

9:tlool Participation



b ensure that all children rE!CBve a i!tJ-quality education, and to dose 1e a::hievement ~between hildren meeting the challengng late c:aEemic standards and those hildren who are not meeting such tandards, ea::h local educational gency plan mall des:ribe how the x:al educational agency (district) ionitorsstudents' progessin ieeting the challengng state caiemic standards by: • eveloping and implementing a 1ell-rounded progam of 1st ruction to meet the c:aEemic eedsof all students; • identifying t udents who may be at riS< for caiemicfailure; • providing dditional educational a!Bstanceto ldividual students the local ducational agency or s::hool eterminesneed help in meeting 1e challenging state c:aEemic tandards; and • identifying and 11plementing instructional and ·ther stratajes intended to trenghen c:aEemic progams and norove s::hool cxmditions for

I QJe&ion I AA5wer _ ~ 1.2.4 Des:ribe how your lit le I funds supplement All of our students in our building rE!CBve 90 minutes of oore instruction from J

not supplant general education progams their r9!J.llar education tecrller. If students s::ore in lier 2 or lier 3, they and other existing progams. receive an a:lditional 30 or 60 minutes of rea:ling instruction/intervention in

a:ldition to their oore instruction.

lication S3ction: Narrative -- 2071-01-000 L.AKE<RtSrAL-WB.l!Xlv1 EM BVICflAL

~ 18 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

.Application litle I Part A 401 08/22/2018

\Jarrative - S:tlool Participation

9::tlool Participation


I Des::ription Q.Jestion AA&Ner

112(b)(6)(b)(1)(A-D) 1.2.4 l

112(b)(6)(b)(1)(A-D) I

lication Slc:tion: Na"rative - 2071-01-000 ~CRtSrAL-WB.l.!XM EMa/ICRAL

Page 19 of 37 \le!". 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A401

\Jarrative - Stlool Participation

9::hool Participation

9.Jbsection I Des:ription 1

.3 Targeted Assistance A"ogranis argeted Assistanre A'ograms jentify students who are failing or t ri9< of failing to meet the hallenging Sate acoclemic tandards and provide Title I ervices (for example, an ldusion-push-in, pull-out or ombination servire delivery model). itle I funds can only be used for upplemental services to Title I tudents, their fcrnilies and Title I taff. (S<ip this section if the LEA perates no targeted assistanre iodel Title I programs.)





What are the student selection criteria used for identifying Title I students? (Multiple objective measures are required for entranre and exit from the program.)

List the re00ing services to students, induding the service model to be used. (B<ample: irldusion - push in, pull-out or com bi nation.) List the mathematics services to students, induding the service model to be used. {B<ample: indusion - push in, pull-out or combination.)

lication S3ction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 LAKE CRYSrAL-WB.l.COv1 EM EMOOAL

Page 20 of



All students K-6 are benchmarked three times each year using FASr, si!tlt word lists, srARre00ing, and FASrmath as:;esgnents. NW66.isaloo administered two times per year and the MO\ Ill is given eoch spring. These SX>res are all entered onto a multi-SX>re sheet for which "rut off SX>res'' have been created for each meas..ire. Sudentswho are rated as lier II (about one-half year below grade level) or Tier Ill (about one year below grade level) rereive support in re00ing and/or math. Title program focuses primarily on pull-out instruction. If students are pulled out for Title servires, they receive a research-based reading intervention.

Cl.Jr Trtle progam focuses primarily on pull-out instruction. If students rereive Title services for math they receive a research-based math intervention.

37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I Part A 401

\Jarrative - S:ttool Participation

3:ttool Participation



argeted Assistance A'ograms jentify students who are failing or t ri9< of failing to meet the hallenging S:ate ~emic tandards and provide Title I ervices (for example, an 1dusion-push-in, pull-out or ombination service delivery model}. itle I funds can only be used for upplemental servicesto Title I tudents, their families and Title I taff. (S<ip this section if the LEA perates no targeted assistance iodel Title I programs.)

, 1.3.4





Des:ribe the program evaluation process induding how multiple sources of data will be used for making programmatic decisions that impa::t student ~emicachievement.

Total number of Title I-funded instructional paraprofe5Sonals in Targeted Assistance

A'ograms. Total number of Title I-funded teachers in Targeted Assistance A'ograms.

lication ~ion : Na-rative-2071-01-000 ~CR!SrAL-WB.l.CD\1EMl3VIOAAL

Page 21 of




- - - - - J


EValuation of the Title I program is ongoing as well as annually. For example, as students, "groouate" from Title I in reooing, paraprofe5Sonalsare lrlleduled to provide math support. G'ooe level teams and the A'oblem S:>lving Team meet each month and determine if program oojustments are needed. Q.Jr site has aloo implemented a A'eK-3rd grooe leooership team, which aloo provides feedbad< to the Title I program. The multi-srore sheets are used three times per year to determine what percentage of each

dass-oom, each grooe level and the building asa whole fall into Tier I, Tier II, and Tier Ill. The goal isto move students toward Tier I. This process is oompleted by the Title I lead teacher. Thisprocessisdonethreetimesper year within thegr000 level teams. These meas..ireswill be used to evaluate the Title I program. If students are oovandng upward through the tiers, the program can be judged a success.



37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A 401

\Jarrative- S::hool Participation

9:hool Participation

SJbsect lon


.4 S:tloolwide A"ogams

he a:hoolwide A'ogam (SNf? iodel is available to as:hool in 1hidl not less than 40 peramt of 1e dlildren come from low income omes (receive free and acluced-price lundl) or the s:hool as been identified as a focus or riority s:hool. All students and

tatf are considered litle I. To etermine whether a site is eligible,




I 1.4.3


The district will operate one or more

9::hoolwide A'ogam(s) (SNf?.

What budget line items relate to this implementation? (What staff and services are funded using lit le I funds?) If you are using Trtle I funds for any LEA a:tivity (After S::hool, A'eg:hool, Instructional A'ogam, SJmmer A'ogam, A'ofessional Development and/or Qher .Activity), des:ribethe a:tivitiesthat are SJpported with these funds.

lication s:iction: Narrative- 2071-01-000 L.AKECR'tSfAl.:Wfil!XMEM BACAAL

Page 22 of







37 ver. 0001-1215201 O

Application Trtle I Art A401 08/22/2018

\Jarrative-S::hool Participation - - ---=1

9:.tlool Participation



I o Oes::riptlon I Q.Jestion Ammer

he s:hoolwide A'ogam (SllJF}

I 1.4.4 I Total number of funded instructional

lOdel isavailableto as::hool in paraprofes9onalsin 9::hoolwide A'ogams. lhidl not l0$thE1140 percent of

ie dlildren oorne from low inoome omes (rave tree and aduced-price lund"I) or the s:hool ~been identified ~a focus or of'iority s:hool. All students and taff are oonsidered lit le I. To et ermine whether a site is eligible, efer to the 9::hool Participation age. (S<ip this sea ion if the istrict does not operate choolwide model litle I progarns.)

r 1.4.5 Total number of funded tea:hers in I o I 9::hoolwide A'ogams.

licalion Sldion: Narrative-- 2071-01-000 LAKECR!Sl'AL-WB..liDv'IEMEMOOAL

Pcge 23 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I Part A401

\Jarrat i ve - S:hool Part id pat ion

:lilool Part icipation


Desai pt ion

.5 LEA Activities & A"ograms kip this section if there are no LEA

d:ivities' A"ogarns.



If you are uang lit le I funds for any LEA

a::tivity (After stiool, A"es'.:hool, Instructional A"ogarn, SJmmer A"ogarn, A"ofessional Development and/or Qher Pdivity), des::ribe the a::tivitiesthat are

supported with these funds.

lication Slction: Narrative- 2071-01-000 L.AKECRiSfAl.:WEl..l!XllAEMBIAa=IAL

Page 24 of




37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A 401 08/22/2018

~arrative - S:tlool Participation

9:hool Participation


I Desl'iption OJestion Ammer

.6 Nonpublic A"ograms he nonpubli? Trtle I progam must 1.6.1 B'iefly des:ribe these three ar~of the NIA tiliie the Targeted Assistmai Trtle I progarn in the nonpublic s::hool. 1. togam model. (Sdpthissection if What types of services are provided? 2. I

onpublic s::hools are not Who provides the services? 3. Where are

artidpating.) the 93/Vices provided? 1.6.2 B'iefly desl'ibe how the distrid evaluates NIA

theprogessof partidpatingstudentsand how the re&Jltsare used to make decisions ax>ut the program design.

I 1.6.3 Bcplain how the dist rid maintains oontrol of NIA the litle I nonpublic (Ei:ruitable S'lare} funds I

licaion S3c:tion: Na-rative - 2071-01-000 LAl<Ea=rrsrAL-WBJ..O:M EM EMCHAL

~ 25 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A401

'-Jarrative - s:tlool Part id pat ion

9::hool Participation

SJbsed:ion I 1- I Des:ript ion Q.Jestion

.7 Oher S:udentsWho May Be At AS< For AcademicSJa::ess bordination of S9rvioes 1.7.1 Des:ribe the disrid's efforts to ooordinate

aid integateother educational servioesfor BlgliS"I Learners (B.s}, migratory children and sudentswith disi:t>ilities.

lication ~ion: Ncnative-2071-01-000 ~<RISrAL-WB.l!X:MEMEMCRAL

Pa;Je 26 of



14. our monthly RTI team meetings, our RTI meets with ecd1 g-a:le level. It is duringthesemeetingsthat servicesfor sudentsaredetermined on an as needed ba<:is. OJr a population is very small and there are times that we do not have any asudents in our population at all.

37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Title I Part A401 08/2212018

~arrative- S:hool Participation

S:tloo Participation

SJbsection I I I Des:ription Q.Jestion AnSNer

~ 1 Improvement

s we continue to move forward 2.1.1 O:>esthe district/s:hool public web site Yes 1ith eB6. implementation, the contain the district/&:hool report card 1 innemta Department of information for the general public?

i:lucation (M~ iscommittedto nproving the state's educational ystem in r~nse to the needs of 1e 21st century student. To upport these efforts, M DE provides :murcesand toolsto as9st istrictsand s:hoolsengaged in nprovingthe effectiveness of I

istruction to increase student I

chievement. The FScord of I I bntinuous Improvement is


esigied to SJpport s:hools in :w::ilitating and documenting the chool improvement process. The 31Tlplate indudesdistrict and s:hool iformation; a comprehensive eedsassessnent; &:hool caion ,lansto SJpport r~ing, iathematics, groouation, and other oals; Sjioolwide lit le I A"ogam ummary; and an appendix of dditional toolsfor s:hool nprovement. The FScord of bntinuous Improvement is lication S!c:tion: Narrative-- 2071-01-000 LAKECR'!STAL-WB...l.CDv'IEMEMOOAL

Page 27 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A401

~arrative - S'.tlool Participation

9:hool Participation



organized by Etagesand aitical ~ures. 9::hool leir:ierS'lipteams se the Feoord and rubric to jentifytheir current level of evelopment Er1d to plan next Etep ctionsto inaeasetheir iffectiveness.




How doest he diEtrict oommunicate the diEtrict/91lool report card information to the ex>mmunity?

lication Slction: N!rrative - 2>71-01-000 L..AKECRrSrAL-WB..LO:M EMEMCHAL

~ 28 of




We report this information on our website. We alSl report this information to theoommunitythrou!jl our newsletter that isex>mposed by our superintendent.

37 ver. 0001-12152>10

Application Title I Fart A 401 08/22/2018

\Jarrative - S:tlool Participation

9::hool Participation


I I I Des:ription OJestion Ammer

1.1 1-bmeles:; Eaucation and Other S:udents Who May Be At Rsk For Academic SJcces:; bmplete the O:mtact Information I 3.1.1 Des:ribe the L.EA's plan for educational T district will plan to serve homeless students on an as needed basis. We

ab, if you have not already done so. services and tram:portation services for will meet their specific needs if they are at ri9< for ocademic S.Jccess.

le S.Jre you have updated the students in foster care. (Rease respond

ontact information as necessary I with N/ A if not applicable.)

nd added the names of the LEA bmeless B:lucation Liaison and the I EA's Fbint of O:mtact for Oiildren

1 Foster care. 3.1.2 Des:ribe how the L.EAoonductsannual OJr homeless liaison oonducts presentations regarding homeless students to

awareness-raising and outreach activities our staff and information that is relevant for our teachers to know. Sle is also

among district personnel and relevant the oontact point if a teacher needs to know any information about a student

oommunity agencies and organizations or is having anyooncernsabout a specific student(s).

ooncerning the educational rights of families and youth experiencing

I homelessness under the McKinney-Vento


3.1.3 (All McKinney-Vento SJbgrantees) Des::ribe NIA

any supplementary education services and activities provided for homeless and highly mobile students and how they are

coordinated with lit le I set-aside funds. (non-S.Jbgrantees S<ip this question.)

lication 83ction: Narrative-- 2071-01-000 LAKE01'rSrAL-WB..L.CD\llEM8\llORAL

Page 29 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A401 08/2212018

~arrative- Silool Participation

::chool Part icipation

SJbsectlon l

I Oes:ription Q.Jesti on An&Ner

hmplete the Omta:t Information 3.1 .4 Des::ribe the eduational servi~ for NIA ab, if you have not alreajy done&>. students Hving in local institutions for

I le SJre you have updated the negected or delinquent students and as

onta:t information a-s necessary appropriate for negected or delinquent

nd EDded the names of the LEA students in s:hool progEVTIS. (Clstric:tswith

lomeless Ei1uation Liaimn and the najected or delinquent fa::ilitiesand/or

EA's R:>int of O>nta:t for Olildren najected-or delinquent-identified

1 Foster Olre.

I students.) (Rease respond with NI A if not applicable.)

lication Slction: Narrative- 2071-01-000 LAKECRSrAL-WB..L!DJIEMeJla=IAL

~ 30 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A401

~arrative - Stlool Participation

9::hool Participation

9.Jbsedion I ~-- l Des:riptlon I OJestion

.. 1 Parent, Family, S:tlool and Cbmmunity Blgagement If the district lit le I, Part A

!location, pluscarryover and

·ansterred funds is over $500,000, 1e disrict mus set ~de a iinimum 1 percent of the Jlocation for family, s:hool and

ommunity engegement. (With 90 ercent of the 1 percent ~ing to 1e lit le I s::hools with the higiest


4. U Des:ribe at least one of the parent, family, s:hool and ex>mmunity engagement cdivitieslised below, that the district/ sdlool is using to rupport the ~emicgowth of sudents. 1116

(a)(3)(D) 1. A'of~onal Development in parent and family engagement srateges 2.

Home-ba99d in the rommunity, or at sdlool programs 3. Disseminating information on

best prcdicesthat foruson parent and family engagement 4. CbllOOC>rating or providing SJbg'antswith rommunity-ba<:led organizations or employers that have been

known to be sua::essful. 5. Other cdivities or sratajesthat thedisrict determines appropriate and ex>nsisent with the district family, sdlool and rommunity engagement policy.

lication S3ction: Narrative - 2071-01-000 L.AKECR\"SrAL-W8...l!XJIAE M aAOAAL

~ 31 of




37 var. CXXJ1-12152010

.twlicalion Trtle I Pat A401

~arrative - S11ool Participation

9:tlool Part icipation



i.1 ~iption




Q.Jest ion

Will your distrid FBPR.EXfundsinto litle 1?

I Will your dist rid transer funds into Trtle I? Will your distrid use litle I funds to serve A-es:hool children?

lication S3ction: NS'rative- 2071-01-000 L.AKECRtSrAl...-WB.!..COAEMBIAOFIAL

~ 32 of



I No

No Yes

37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application Trtle I Part A401

bntacts For Application

l::>ntcd: Type: S:ilool Ostric:i or h;ptcy AcXX>untant lame: itle: )'ganization Name: iddress Line 1:

iddressUne2 lty: late: ipCbde: hone Number: Jternate Rlone Number: ax Number: mail Address:


8Jsiness Manager Lake Qy&al Welloome M ernorial Cls::trict atiCB f/J7 ~ights Lane

Lake(}ySal MN 56055



:bntact Type: Authorized R3pr~ntative lame:

itle: )'ganization Name: ddress Line 1:

ddressUne2 lty: late: Ip Cl>de: hone Number: Jternate Rlone Number: ax Number: inail Address:

Tom Farrell SJperintendent Lake Qy&al Welloome Memorial Clstrict f/J7 ~ights Lane

LakeQygal MN 56055 507-72&2323


liction S!ction: O:>nta:ts- 2071-01-000 ~a=rrsrAl.:WB..l..O'.:M EM EMOOAL


~ 33 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A 401

:bntads For Application

lame: itle: )'ganization Name: ddress Line 1: ddress Line 2 Jty: late: lpCbde: hone Number: Jternate ~one Number: ax Number: mail Address:

ll:lrl 8*!rt 8ementary A'indpal Lake Oy&al Welloome Memorial 8ementary

502 E Watonwan S.

L.akeOy&al MN 56055 507-726-2320

l>ntact Type: Not Defined lame: itle: )'ganization Name: iddress Line 1:

ddress Line 2 Jty: tate: lpCbde: hone Number: Jternate ~one Number: ax Number: mail Address:

Mlleigi Foster S:>dal Worker Lace QySal Welloome Memorial 8ementa-y

502 E Wat.onWS11 S.

L.akeOy&al MN 56055 507-72&2320


liction Sldion: O:lnt!Ds- 2071-01-000 LAKECR"rsrAL-WB..l!nJIEMEMCHAL


~ 34 of 37 ver.0001-12152010

Application litle I Part A401

l:>ntads For £\pplication

:bntact Type: Homeless Liairon Jame: ASllei!jl Fo&er itle: )'ganization Name: iddress Line 1: ddress Line 2 lty: tate: lp<l>de: hone Number: Jternate Phone Number: ax Number: mail Address:

Sx:ial Worker Lake Oy&al Welloome Memorial Bementary 502 E Watonwai S.

LakeOyS:al MN

56055 507-726-2320


:bntact Type: Program Cbntact Feprerentative Jame: itle: )'ganization Name: ddress Line 1: ddressUne2 lty: tate: lpChde: hone Number: Jternate Phone Number: ax Number: mail Address:

J9ssica Rlelps

Rrs <Sooe TEatler/ Former Trtle Oie Te!Dler Lake Oy&al Welloome Memorial Bementary 502 E Watonwai S.

LakeOyS:al MN



liaion Slction: Cbnta:ts- 2071-01-000 LAKECR'ISJ"AL-WB..l!DJIEM EMa=tAL


~ 35 of 37 ver. 0001-12152010

Appliation Title I Part A401

Attadlments- S:tlool Participation

O'g:inization Level L -Att 1~:tm1ent I

HlOOl Patidpation

»SJRCr Clstria Pa"ent ald Fanily 81gagement A:>licy

B.ldget Worksieet







view or print lllual attanments, plec93 refer to theonline 93=M>application.

liation Slction: Attldlments- 2071-01-000 l.Al<Effi'1Sl"Al..-WB...LC0.1EMEMOOAL

Page 37 of


O'iginal RleName: Clstrict s:hool pcrent involvement plan 18-19.doo<

MDERleName: 2019_401_PAR:NT_IN\0..\£_012071000000_1 534783935821. dooc

O iginal Rle Name: Appendix 9 Trtle I 0.Jdget Worksieet 2018.doo< M DEAie Name: 2019_ 401_BJl:XE"_Wa=K9-IEEf_012071000000_1534956134


37 ver. 0001-12152010