Grand Army Plaza

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Grand Army Plaza

Source: Google MapsAll other photographs taken by Slavena Salve Nissan

Source: Google Maps

JFK Memorial

Bailey Fountain

Wisdom and Felicity

Bailey Fountain

This is a shared public space.

The Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch

Detail of The Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch

Detail of The Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch

Bas-Relief of President Lincoln on the interior arch face

Bas-Relief of President Grant on the interior arch face

One of Four Pillars facing the Arch

Benches in front of the Arch

Bench in front of Prospect Park

One of several stone benches placed around the plaza


Decorative vase outside of the gazebo

Inside of the gazebo

The plaza is perfect for biking…

…walking your dog…

…and jogging.

James Samuel Thomas Stranahan

Alexander J.C. Skene

Henry Warner Slocum

The view from the library

Central Library

Engraved on the front of Central Library

The front of Central Library

JFK fits perfectly inside the Arch