GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order

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Transcript of GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Look at the fo l low ing signs in

    each quest ion .

    Someone asks you what itmeans.

    Decide wh ich let ter A , B or C

    is the co rrec t exp lanat ion .

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    A. The plane will arrive soon.

    B. This plane has left.

    C. Passengers should go to Gate 5 immediately.

    A. If your coat is stolen, its

    your problem.

    B. If your coat is stolen, they

    will buy you a new one.

    C. Do not leave your coat


  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    A. The police are watching

    the store.

    B. If you steal something

    you may be caught.C. The shop is closed at

    the moment.

    A. Mr Smith is holding a

    meeting in his office.

    B. All meetings this weekare cancelled.

    C. You should not hold a

    meeting in Room 4.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Look at the four signs again. Two of

    them talk about things happening for

    a l imi tedperiod of time and two talkabout things happening for an

    unl imi tedperiod. Two of them use

    the present simpleand two use thepresent continuous. Which?

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    So, we can say that we use thepresentsimplefor

    events which are unl imi tedin time:Store detectives operatein this store.

    We do not acceptresponsibility

    We use thepresent continuous for events which are

    l imitedin time, either around now


    or over a longer period of time

    Painters are work ingin Room 4 this week.

    The painting might take a few daysbut it is still

    l imitedin time.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Look at the sentences below . In each pair one

    or bo th m ight be r igh t .

    1a. I watch football at the moment.1b. Im watching football at the moment.

    2a. My brother lives in Paris.

    2b. My brother is living in Paris.

    3a. Shes the boss of the whole company.3b. Shes being the boss of the whole company.

    4a. John is really silly.

    4b. John is being really silly.

    5a. The earth goes round the sun once a year.

    5b. The earth is going round the sun once a year.

    6a. This week I study for my exams.

    6b. This week Im studying for my exams.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    State verbs

    There are some verbs that we do not usual lyuse in the present continuous. These verbsare usual lyconnected to the idea of:

    emotion: like want wish mind: agree believe mean know

    appearance: look like resemble seem

    possession: belong consist contain haveneed own

    perception: see hear smell

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Look at the following sentences. Foreach one choose between thepresent simpleor present continuous.

    Be careful some verbs can changetheir meaning depending on thesituation.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    1. Im not believing a word you say.

    2. I dont believe a word you say.

    3. What are you thinking about? My family.

    4. What do you think about? My family.

    5. What do you think of Waynes mother?

    6. What are you thinking of Waynes mother?

    7. Im seeing him. Hes coming through thegate.

    8. I see him. Hes coming through the gate.

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  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    1. Hes earning a lot of money at the moment.

    2. He earns a lot of money at the moment.

    3. Warning: these cakes are containing nuts.

    4. Warning: these cakes contain nuts.

    5. Im not understanding my girlfriendsometimes.

    6. I dont understand my girlfriend sometimes.

    7. The moneys belonging to me, I earned it.

    8. The money belongs to me, I earned it.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Choose the correc t answer.

    1. What do you do?Im an architect.

    Im designing a new factory.

    2. What are you doing?Im a teacher.

    Im trying to fix this toaster.

    3. Whats Jimmy doing?

    He watches the football on TV.

    Hes watching the football on TV.

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    4. Where do you come from?

    Im Spanish.

    Im coming from Kansas.5. Whats the weather like today?

    It gets warmer.

    Its getting warmer.6. Youve got paint in your hair.

    Yes, we paint the kitchen this week.

    Yes, were painting the kitchen this week.

    7. What about your grandmother?

    Oh, she was born in Belfast. She still lives there.

    Oh, she was born in Belfast. Shes still living


  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    8. Wheres Bill?

    He comes from York. Maybe the trains late.

    Hes coming from York. Maybe the trainslate.

    9. Why are you here?

    I take the bus because my wife has the car.

    Im taking the bus because my wife has the


    10. Whats the problem?

    Youre stupid. Slow down.

    Youre being stupid. Slow down.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    1. Vanessa is _ 6. Her husband is_2. Her boyfriend is _ 7. The man she is looking

    at is _

    3. Mary is _ and Charlie is _

    4. Her husband is _

    5. Julia is _

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Find one wo rd to desc r ibe each shir t :

    check plain spotted striped

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Find two words to descr ibe each


    medium-height overweight short slim tall well-built

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Find two words to describe each persons

    hair :

    blonde brown curly ginger straight


    C l t th f l l i

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Complete the fol low ing

    quest ions. Using either the

    present s impleor cont inuous.1. ___you work here?2. ___she working this


    3. ___Gillian live near you?

    4. ___it really important?5. ___we winning the game?

    6. ___Liz practising thetrumpet?

    7. ___they want moremoney?

    8. ___you having fun?

    9. ___I eat too much?

    10.___he doing hishomework?

    11.___your friends help you?

    12.___we know him?

    13.___they talking about me?

    14.___Charlie want to seeme?

    15.___the kids making too

    much noise?16.___your sister likebasketball?

    17.___I annoying you?

    18.___Ron making much


  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Ad ject ive order

    Look at Wayne. We can say he

    has short brown hair and

    hes wearing a new, striped,

    football shirt. We dont sayhe has brown short hair and

    hes wearing a football,

    striped, new shirt.


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    brown, short, new, football, andstripedare


    They tell us something about his hair and his

    shirt. But when we have more than one

    adjective beforea noun, they usually come in

    a fixed order. If we take one adjective of each

    type, they would normally follow the followingorder.

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    1. size (short)

    2. age (new)

    3. colour (blue)4. pattern (striped)

    5. purpose (football)

    Wayne is wearing a short, new, blue, striped,football shirt.

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  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Now look at the ad ject ives below .

    Three of them go w ith each pic ture

    on the fol low ing sl ide.

    blue brown check coffee green kitchen modern new

    office red small sports

    striped tall work

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    1. A _ _ _ car. 4. A _ _ _ building.

    2. A _ _ _ cup. 5. A _ _ _ cloth.

    3. A _ _ _ shirt.

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Look at these three words:CALM FARM WARM

    Two of them are underlined because they rhymethey

    end in the same sound. Look at the others below. In

    each group of three there are two words that rhyme.

    1. cork park talk

    2. mould would good

    3. bomb home comb

    4. missed worst wrist5. know now toe

    6. hour pour four

    7. sheet accept receipt

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Now look at these consonant

    letters from the previous words:

    b c d f g h k l m n p r s t w

    Some of them are silent. Look at the list again

    and decide which are silent.1. cork park talk

    2. mould would good

    3. bomb home comb4. missed worst wrist

    5. know now toe

    6. hour pour four

    7. sheet accept receipt

  • 8/12/2019 GRAMMAR-Present Simple vs Present Cont. State Verbs-Adjective Order


    Order o f adjec t ives.The words in each phrase below have been mixed

    up. Rewrite them in the correct order.

    1. small pot a flower brown

    2. and towel white a bath check red

    3. book blue grammar a thin4. white bag large a carrier

    5. big engine a fire red

    6. table old dining long a/an

    7. tie a and school blue striped white

    8. train a passenger grey modern

    9. motorcycle helmet and striped black a red

    10 enormous stadium football white a/an