Grammar Induction - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Transcript of Grammar Induction - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Grammar Induction

Regina Barzilay

EECS Department


November 15, 2004

Unsupervised Grammar Induction

• Goal: Learn syntactic structure from raw text

• Motivation for unsupervised learning:

– Huge amounts of raw data are readily available(compare with 50K of Penn Treebank)

– We can easily adapt for new domains and tasks

– Humans can learn language with little supervision

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What a Crazy Idea!

• Gold (1967): Negative learnability results

– No superfinite class of languages is learned without

negative examples

• Chomsky (1980): The poverty of stimulus

– Children are born with a hard-wired language acquisition device (LAD)

– Free parameters of LAD are set through interaction

with other humans

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Response on Negative Learnability

• If texts are generated by some stochastic process, language acquisition can be guided by observed frequencies

– Constructions that have very low frequency function

as pseudo-negative examples

• Horning (1969): stochastic context-free grammars are learnable only from positive examples

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Response on Poverty of the Stimulus

• There’s a lot of stimulus: Baayen estimate of 200 million words by adulthood

• Language acquisition is emergent result of the interaction between cognition, learning abilities, and the structure of the linguistic data the child receives (Jackendoff, 2002)

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Learning Grammars

• A discrete structure (the topology of the HMM, the context-free backbone of a PCFG)

• A set of continuous parameters which determine the probability of the sentences described by the grammar

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Learn PCFGs with EM

• (Lari&Young 1990): Learning PCFGs with EM

– Full binary grammar over n symbols

– Parse randomly at first

– Re-estimate rule probabilities of parses

– Repeat

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• R is the set of rules in the context free grammar

N is the st of non-terminals in the grammar

• Θ for r ∈ R is the parameter for rule r

• Let R(λ) ⊂ R be the rules of the form λ β for→

some β

R• The parameter space Ω is the set of Θ ∈ [0, 1]| |

such that for all α ∈ N

r∈R(α) Θr = 1

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ΘCount(T,r)P (T |Θ) = r


where Count(T, r) is the number of times rule r is seen in the tree T

logP (T |Θ) = Count(T, r) log Θr


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EM for PCFGs

• A PCFG defines a distribution P (S, T |Θ) over tree/sentence pairs (S, T )

• If we had tree/sentence pairs (fully observed data) then

L(Θ) =

logP (Si, Ti|Θ) i

• If we only have raw sentences S1, . . . , Sn, then trees are hidden variables

L(Θ) =


P (Si, T |Θ) i T

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EM for PCFGs (cont.)

Trees are hidden variables •

L(Θ) =


P (Si, T |Θ) i T

• EM algorithm is then Θt = argmaxΘQ(Θ,Θt−1), where

Q(Θ,Θt−1) =

P (T |Si, Θt−1) log P (Si, T Θ)|i T

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EM for PCFGs (cont.)

logP (T, Si Θ) =

r∈R Count(Si, T, r) log Θr,|where Count(S, T, r) is the number of times rule r is seen in the sentence tree/pair (S, T ) Q(Θ, Θt−1) =



P (T Si, Θt−1) log P (Si, Y Θ)| |




P (T Si, Θt−1)


Count(Si, T, r) log Θr|=



Count(Si, r) log Θr

where the expected counts are

Count(Si, r) =

T P (T Si, Θ

t−1)Count(Si, T, r)|

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EM for PCFGs (cont.)

• Solving ΘML = argmaxΘ∈Ω gives:

Θα β =

i(Count(Si, α → β)) →


S∈R(α) Count(Si, S)

• Use Inside-Outside algorithm for efficient computation (see the handout)

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Example Parse




The screen



NP PPwas





DT INwas



DT NN IN NP The screen DT NN

a sea of NN a sea


Treebank Parse

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Local Maxima

Carroll&Charniak, 1992:

• Constraints on grammar topology

– Limit on rule length

– Non-lexicalized

– Rules added processing sentences in incremental order

– Rare rules are removed

• Generate a corpus using a PCFG

• Initialize rules with random probability (repeat 300 times)

• None of the derived grammars matched the original

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Grammar Format

• Lari&Young, 1990: Satisfactory grammar learning requires more nonterminals than are theoretically needed to describe a language at hand

• There is no guarantee that the nonterminals that the algorithm learns will have any resemblance to nonterminals motivated in linguistic analysis

• Constraints on the grammar format may simplify the reestimation procedure

– Carroll&Charniak, 1992: Specify constraints on non-terminals that may appear together on the right-hand side of the rule

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Partially Unsupervised LearningPereira&Schabes 1992

• Idea: Encourage the probabilities into a good region of the parameter space

• Implementation: modify Inside-Outside algorithm to consider only parses that do not cross provided bracketing

• Experiments: 15 non terminals over 45 part of speech tags The algorithm uses Treebank bracketing, but ignores the labels

• Evaluation Measure: fraction of nodes in gold trees

correctly posited in proposed trees (unlabeled recall)

Results: •

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– Constrained and unconstrained grammars have similar cross-entropy

– But very different bracketing accuracy: 37% vs. 90%

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Linguistic Constituency

Look at Noun Phrases: •

you, the man, a cat with a limp, three black cats

They may appear in the following contexts: saw me, He saw , The elephant sat on

• EM assumptions/greediness may not work:

– The important test for linguistic constituency emphasize external distribution

– Not internal constituency

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Finding TopologyStolcke&Omohundro, 1994: Bayesian model merging

• Data incorporation: Given a body of data X, build an initial model M0 by explicitly accommodating each data point individually such that M0 maximizes the likelihood P (X|M).

• Generalization: Build a sequence of new models, obtaining Mi+1 from Mi by applying a merging operator m that coalesces substructures in Mi, Mi+1 = m(Mi), i = 0, 1

• Optimization: Maximize posterior probability

• Search strategy: Greedy or beam search through the space of possible merges

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HMM Topology Induction

• Data incorporation: For each observed sample create a unique path between the initial and final states by assigning a new state to each symbol token in the sample

• Generalization: Two HMM states are replaced by a single new state, which inherits the union of the transitions and emissions from the old states.

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HMM Topology Induction

• Prior distribution: Choose uninformative priors for a model M with topology Ms and parameters θM .

P (M) = P (Ms)P (θM |Ms)

P (Ms) ∝ exp(−l(Ms))

where l(Ms) is the number of bits required to encode Ms.

• Search: Greedy merging strategy.

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a b

I 1 2

3 4 5 6 F a b a b





I 1


1 2 5


2 F

5 F

6 F

1 2

4 5 6 F

a b

a b a


b a b

a 0.5



0.5 0.5




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PCFG Induction

• Data Incorporation: Add a top-level production

that covers the sample precisely. Create one

nonterminal for each observed terminal.

• Merging and Chunking: During merging, two nonterminals are replaced by a single new state. Chunking takes a given sequence of nonterminals and abbreviates it using a newly created nonterminal.

Prior distribution: Similar to HMM. •

Search: Beam search. •

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ExampleInput: ab,aabb,aaabbb

S −>−> A B −>A A B B−>A A A B B B

A −>a B −>b

Chunk(AB)−>X S −>−> X −>−> A X B−>−> A A X B B

X −>−> A B

Chunk(AXB)−>Y S −>−> X −>−> Y −> A Y B

X −> A B Y −> A X B

Merge S,Y S −>−> X−> A S B

X −> A B

Merge S,X S −> A B−> A S B

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Results for PCFGS

• Formal language experiments

– Successfully learned simple grammars Language Sample no. Grammar Search

Parentheses 8 S → ()|(S)|SS BF

a 2n 5 S → aa|SS BF

(ab)n 5 S → ab|aSb BF

wcw R , w ∈ a, b 7 S → c|aSa|bSb BS (3)

Addition strings 23 S → a|b|(S)|S + S BS(4)

• Natural Language syntax

– Mixed results (issues related to data sparseness)

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Example of Learned Grammar

Target Grammar Learned Grammar

S NP V P S NP V P → →

V P V erb NP V P V NP → →

NP Det Noun NP DetN → →

NP Det Noun RC NP NP RC → →

RC Rel V P RC REL V P → →

V erb → saw|heard V saw heard → |Noun → cat|dog mouse N → cat|dog mouse| |

Det a the Det → a|the→ |Rel that Rel that→ →

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Other approaches

• Recent approaches in learning constituency:

– Clark 2001: Mutual-information filters detect constituents, then an MDL-guided search assembles them

– van Zaanen 00: Aligns similar sentences and extracts their differences

• Results on bracketing:

Clark 34.6

van Zaanen 35.6

Right-branch Baseline 46.4

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