grammar in English

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grammar in English

Transcript of grammar in English



I. Nouns

1. Definition:

- A noun is a word that refers to a person, a thing, a place, a quality or an activity.

e.g. John, chair, beach, sorrow, tennis ….

2. Types of nouns

- There are many ways to classify nouns

+ abstract nouns vs. concrete nouns

e.g. chair vs. beauty

+ common nouns vs. proper nouns

e.g. fish vs. London

+ countable nouns vs. uncountable nouns

e.g. cups vs. sugar

2.1. Countable nouns

2.1.1. Definition

- A countable noun is a noun that can be counted and has both singular and plural form

e.g. a horse – two horses

2.1.1. Types of countable nouns: singular nouns and plural nouns

- Normally add “-s” to make a countable noun plural

e.g. a table – the tables; a book – books …

- With the nouns ending with “-o; -ch; -x; -sh; -ss; -s”, add “-es”

e.g. a box – boxes; a watch – watches …

Irregular nouns

- End with “-is” → “-es”

e.g. analysis – analyses; axis – axes; basis – bases; crisis – crises …

- End with “ –f/ef” → “-ves”

e.g. leaf – leaves; life – lives

- End with “-y” → “-ies”

e.g. baby - babies

- Change the vowel in the following seven nouns

e.g. foot- feet; tooth – teeth; goose – geese; man – men; louse – lice; mouse – mice; woman –


- Some nouns remain the same when being changed into plural

e.g. a fish – 10 fish; a deer – 10 deer; a sheep – 10 sheep

2.2. Uncountable nouns

- An uncountable noun is a noun that can be counted and has no plural form

e.g. wine, water …

- Make an uncountable noun countable by putting a countable expression before the noun

e.g. A piece of information; 2 glasses of water; 10 liters of coffee; Three grains of sand;

A pane of glass.

II. Verbs

1. Transitive verbs

- Must be followed by direct objects


e.g. She loves me; Can I borrow your book? …

2. Intransitive verbs

- Doesn‟t take a direct objects

e.g. He sits

III. Adjectives

- Adjective proper: good,blue,alive.

- Noun converted into an adjective because placed before another noun: a five- room house, a

ten- year old boy

- Verb in the 3rd form, used as an adjective: a worried man, her confused mind

- “-Ing” form of verb used as an adjective: an amusing film

- Compound adjective: good-looking, long-lasting, open-minded, well-dressed.

IV. Comparison

1. As + adj/ adv + as

e.g. Janet‟s as old as Sue

He doesn‟t play the piano as well as his brother

2. Short adj/ adv + er + than ….

More/ Less + long adj/ adv + than ….

e.g. He is taller than me

She runs faster than her boyfriend

This exercise is less difficult than that one.

My English teacher is more beautiful than hers.

3. The + short adj/ adv + est ….

The most + long adj/ adv ….

e.g. This is the funniest story I‟ve ever heard

One of the most difficult thing is being right all the time

4. The + comparative , the comparative

e.g. The sooner we leave, the sooner we‟ll get there.

The more beautiful she is, the more men fall in love with her

Ex 1. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. Some people in Hong Kong lead a hard __________ (live).

2. We waited one hour for the __________ (arrive) of the train.

3. He is the ___________ (manage) of the bank.

4. You need to improve your __________ (write). It is difficult to read.

5. We waited __________ (patient) for the bus to come.

6. He led a __________ (lone) life in the foreign country.

7. The old lady made herself ___________ (comfort) in a big chair.

8. We laughed at the ___________ (see) of her dirty face.

9. You should keep your ___________ (distant) from her family affairs.

10. He feel __________ (doubt) about whether to go or not.

11. She is a __________ (love) girl.

12. We can trust him because he is a __________ (faith) person.

13. You should do your ___________ (correct) on a new page.


14. This difficult concept is beyond students' __________ (understand).

15. They have just reached an __________ (agree).

16. He is __________ (agree) to the suggestion.

17. The news of his sudden __________ (die) came as a surprise.

18. He found all the fish were __________ (die).

19. The manager scolded the worker ___________ (angry) because he broke the glass.

20. He was filled with __________ (angry) at what he saw.

Ex 2. Circle the correct answer

1. Look at you! You need to brush your hair/ hairs.

2. Mirrors are usually made of a glass/ glass.

3. Spinach is good for you because it contains a lot of iron/ irons.

4. I‟ll have a glass/ glass of orange juice, thank you.

5. Is there a room/ room for my coat in that suitcase?

6. I had left some very important paper/ papers on my desk.

7. Have you ever wished you could travel through time/ times?

8. They make these notebooks from a recycled paper/ recycled paper.

9. The hotel was excellent. We stayed in a room/ room on the sixth floor.

10. He can‟t see very well without his glass/ glasses.

11. There is dog hair/ hairs all over the sofa!

12. Don‟t forget to buy a paper/ paper so we can see what‟s on at the cinema this


Ex 3. Circle the correct answer

1. He‟ll be very angry/ angrily when he hears about this.

2. Don‟t be so rude/ rudely to people

3. It was dark and I couldn‟t see clear/ clearly.

4. That test was really hard/ hardly.

5. She sang beautiful/ beautifully.

6. I‟m not very good/ well at Maths.

7. Have you been doing anything interesting late/ lately?

Ex 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adj or adv

1. (fast) …………………. reptile in the world is an iguana from Costa Rica.

2. Most snakes can swallow animals that are (wide) ………… than their bodies.

3. (few) ………….. than 33% of the world‟s snake species are poisonous.

4. (large) …………….. species of frog in the world is the Goliath frog; it can grow as (big)

……. as an adult cat.

5. A Colombian frog is (poisonous) ………………………. animal in the world. Its poison is

(dangerous) ………………. than that of a cobra.

6. The world‟s (old) ………….. turtle lived on the Galapagos Islands. It was 200 years old

when it died.

7. (Heavy) …………………… snake in the world was an anaconda.



1. Indefinite articles

- “A” + nouns beginning with consonant sounds

e.g. I have a cat and a dog

This is a university

- “A” + abbreviations pronounced as a word

e.g. a NATO general; a FIFA official

- “An” + nouns beginning with vowel sounds and the silent “h”

e.g. I saw an apple on the table

The plane has landed for about half an hour

Don‟t forget to take an umbrella

- “An” + abbreviations pronounced as a sequence of letters of the alphabet

e.g. an FBI

1.1. Use “a/an” to refer to something at the first time

e.g. An elephant and a mouse fell in love.

Would you like a drink?

I've finally got a good job.

1.2. Use “a/an” to refer to a particular member of a group or a class

“a/an” + nouns referring to jobs

e.g. John is a doctor.

Mary is training to be an engineer.

He wants to be a dancer.

- Notes: + to mention the position of someone in the company, use “the” or zero article

e.g. She‟s been made (the) head of the company

+ after the expression “the position of, the post of, the role of”, use zero article

before the names of jobs or position

e.g. He has been in the position of manager for years

“a/an” + nationalities, religions

e.g. John is an Englishman.

Kate is a Catholic.

“a/an” + musical instruments

e.g. Sherlock Holmes was playing a violin when the visitor arrived. (BUT to describe the

activity we say "He plays the violin.")

1.3. Use “a/an” to refer to a kind of or example of something

e.g. The mouse had a tiny nose

The elephant had a long trunk

It was a very strange car

1.4. Use “a/an” + quantity expressions ( a pair of, a little of, a few, a couple of, a hundred, a

thousand, 3 times a day, forty miles an hour)

e.g. I have bought a new pair of trousers

- Use “one” to add emphasis or to contrast with other numbers

e.g. Do you want one sandwich or two?

He‟s got one Mercedes and two Rolls – Royce


2. Definite article “the”

2.1. Use “the” to refer to something which has already been mentioned

e.g. An elephant and a mouse fell in love.

The mouse loved the elephant's long trunk,

and the elephant loved the mouse's tiny nose.

2.2. Use “the” when both the speaker and listener know what is being talked about, even if

it has not been mentioned before.

e.g. 'Where's the bathroom? - 'It's on the first floor.'

2.3. Use “the” in sentences or clauses where we define or identify a particular person or


e.g. The man who wrote this book is famous.

'Which car did you scratch?' 'The red one.

My house is the one with a blue door.'

2.4. Use “the” to refer to objects we regard as unique

e.g. the sun the world the North Pole

2.5. Use “the” before the superlatives and ordinal numbers

e.g. the highest building, the first page, the last chapter

- We can omit “the” in informal language or in the case there is no noun after the superlatives

e.g. Why did you decide to stay in this hotel? – It was (the) cheapest I could find

2.6. Use “the” with adjectives to refer to a whole group of people

e.g. the Japanese

2.7. Use “the” with names of geographical areas, oceans, rivers, hotels, pubs, mountains,

museums, theaters and newspapers

e.g. the Atlantic, the River Thames, the Lotus Hotel, the Red Lion Pub, the Royal Theater,

The British Museum, The Times

2.8. Use “the” with decades or groups of years

e.g. She grew up in the 17th century

3. Zero article

There is no article:

- with names of countries (if singular)

e.g. Germany is an important economic power.

He's just returned from Zimbabwe

(But: I'm visiting the United States next week.)

- with the names of languages

e.g. French is spoken in Tahiti.

English uses many words of Latin origin.

Indonesian is a relatively new language.

- with the names of meals.

e.g. Lunch is at midday.

Dinner is in the evening.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day.

- with people's names (if singular):

e.g. John's coming to the party.


George King is my uncle.

(But: we're having lunch with the Morgans tomorrow.)

- with titles and names:

e.g. Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son.

President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes' friend.

(But: the Queen of England, the Pope.)

- After the 's possessive case:

e.g. His brother's car.

Peter's house.

- with professions:

e.g. Engineering is a useful career

He'll probably go into medicine.

- with names of shops:

e.g. I'll get the card at Smith's.

Can you go to Boots for me?

- with years:

e.g. 1948 was a wonderful year.

Do you remember 1995?

- with uncountable nouns:

e.g. Rice is the main food in Asia.

Milk is often added to tea in England.

War is destructive.

- with the names of individual mountains, lakes and islands:

e.g. Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska.

She lives near Lake Windermere.

Have you visited Long Island?

- with most names of towns, streets, stations and airports:

e.g. Victoria Station is in the centre of London.

Can you direct me to Bond Street?

She lives in Florence.

They're flying from Heathrow.

- in some fixed expressions, for example:

Ex 1. Put a/an/the in each space, or leave the space blank

1. We went by ………….to ……… west of England

2. ………….. people who live in the Netherland are called ………. Dutch

by car

by train

by air

on foot

on holiday

on air (in broadcasting)

at school

at work

at university

in church

in prison

in bed


3. …………… judge sent me to ………….. prison for ……….. ten years

4. ………… Columbus was one of ………first people to cross ……… Atlantic.

5. As ……… captain of ……. ship, I have ………… complete authority

6. David learned to play ………. violin when he was at ……….. university

7. ………….. Trafalgar Square is near ………….. Charing Cross Station

8. Did you read ………. book I lent you …………… last week?

9. We‟ll put up ……….. shelves and then go to …….. pub for ……. drink

10. Is that …….. present Bill gave you for ……… Christmas?

Ex 2. Choose the most suitable phrase

1. Is the a person/ the person you told me about?

2. This is the only cinema/ an only cinema in the area.

3. Philip has just bought the Thames barge/ a Thames barge

4. Here is a thousand pounds/ the thousand pounds I owe you

5. Are you going to church/ the church on Sunday?

6. Do you have a milk jug/ milk jug?

7. The Prime Minister/ Prime Minister will give a speech this afternoon.

8. The computer/ Computer has changed our lives dramatically

9. I haven‟t been to an open-air theatre/ open-air theatre before.

10. I‟m going to the British Museum/ British Museum this afternoon

Ex 3. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase

1. The butler was ………. I suspected.

A, last person B, a last person

C, the last person D, some last person

2. Where …………… you borrowed last week?

A, is scissors B, are the scissors C, is some scissors D, are scissors

3. Why don‟t we go to the park ………?

A, in the car B, with a car C, with car D, by the car

4. Too much rubbish is being dumped in …….

A, sea B, the sea C, a sea D, some sea

5. Let‟s go on holiday to ………..

A, Greek Islands B, the Greece Islands

C, islands of Greece D, the Greek Islands

6. This is exactly ……… I was looking for

A, job B, a job C, some job D, the job

7. Of all these cars, I think I prefer …………..

A, a Japanese B, some Japanese C, the Japanese one D, a Japanese one

8. Interest on this account is only ………… percent

A, a four and a quarter B, four and a quarter

C, four and quarter D, four quarter

9. I try to go jogging at least four times ……..

A, the week B, of the week C, a week D, of a week

10. Sally spent six months out of ………..

A, work B, a work C, the work D, some work


Ex 4. Put a/an/the in each space or leave the space blank

1. Neil Armstrong make …….. first footprint on ……… moon

2. There was ……….. accident yesterday at ……….. corner of ………. Street

3. I need ……… time to think about ………… offer you made me

4. …….. recipe for …………. success is ………….. hard work

5. ……… people who live in ….. glass houses shouldn‟t throw ……… stones

6. ……… worst part of ……. living in a caravan is ………. lack of space

7. …… book you ordered ……. last week is now in ……. Stock

8. ……….. dancing is ……… more interesting activity than ………… reading

9. ……. people we met on …….. holiday in ………. north or England sent us …….. postcard

10. A little knowledge is ……… dangerous thing

Ex 5. Choose the most suitable phrase underlined

1. I wan under an impression/ under the impression that you had left.

2. I have to go. I‟m in a hurry/in hurry.

3. I managed to sell the old painting at a profit/at profit.

4. I think I prefer the other restaurant on the whole/on whole

5. How many hours do you work, on average/ on the average, every week?

6. I was in pain/ in a pain after I twisted my ankle

7. Jack recovered from his accident and is now out of danger/out of the danger

8. Excuse me, but you‟re in the way/ in a way

9. Sue felt seasick on the cross-channel ferry/ a cross channel ferry.

10. The burglar hit me on my back of the neck/ the back of my neck



I. Demonstratives

1.1. Demonstrative adjectives

- Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those…) are the words show whether the noun they

refer to is singular or plural and whether it is located near to or far from the speaker or writer.

e.g. “This pen is expensive” vs. “That pen is cheap” → location of the pen

“This pen belongs to me” vs. “These pens are gifts from my husband” → the quantity

1.2. Demonstrative pronouns

- “This, that, these, those, none and neither….” are demonstrative pronouns that

substitute nouns when the nouns they replace can be understood from the context. They also

indicate whether they are replacing singular or plural words and give the location of the object.

e.g. + These are my friends. None/Neither of them can speak Vietnamese.

+ You take these bags and I'll take those. → “Those" refers to bags that are at a

distance from the speaker.

+ I bought this last year. → "This" refers to something that is sing., near the speaker

and readily understood in the context of the conversation.

II. Possesives

2.1. Possessive adjectives vs. possessive pronouns

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

Form my mine

your yours

our ours

their theirs

her hers

his his

its its

Functions - as an adjective

- must be followed by a


- as a noun phrase

- subtitute the mentioned


Example My name is Stephen My name is Stephen, and

yours is Pilar

2.2. Possessives with ‘s

- The possessive pattern ('s) is generally used when indicate a relation of ownership or

association with a person, rather than a thing.

e.g. Mary's website kept growing larger and larger.

- There are, as ever, exceptions to this rule when a group of people is involved or animals.

e.g. The members' forum.

The dogs' tails.

- Singular and irregular plural nouns that don't end in 's' take -'s.

e.g. Pete‟s shoes.

The people's court.

- Plural nouns that end in " s " take an apostrophe at the end ( ' ).

e.g. The girls' dresses.


- People's names that end in "s" you can write (') or ('s).

e.g. Charles'/ Charles‟s job was on the line.

- To show joint ownership, give the possessive form to the final name only.

e.g. Abbott and Costello's famous baseball sketch.

2.3. Possessive with “of”

- We cannot usually use a possessive word before another determiner and a noun

e.g. “my cat” not “a my cat”

→ Struture of “of + possessive”: determiner + noun + of + possessive

e.g. He got the President‟s Award for a painting of his.

A cousin of mine serves in the army.

- “Own” is commonly used in a similar structure

e.g. I wish I had a car of my own. (= I wish I had a car of mine.)

They have an apartment of their own in the city. (= They have an apartment of theirs in

the city.)

III. Quantifiers

3.1. Some and any

- Some = a little, a few or a small number or amount

- Any = one, some or all

- Use “some” in positive (+) sentences and “any” in negative (-) and question (?) sentences.

e.g. He needs some stamps.

He doesn't need any stamps.

Does he need any stamps?

I refused to give them any money.

I have some homework to do.

I don't have any homework to do

Do you have any homework to do?

Would you like some more tea?→ expect a positive yes answer

3.2. Each and every

- Each = every one separately

- Every = each, all

- Sometimes, “each and every” have the same meaning:

e.g. Prices go up each year.

Prices go up every year.

- “Each” expresses the idea of 'one by one', emphasizes individuality.

- “Every” is half-way between each and all. It sees things or people as singular, but in a group

or in general.

e.g Every artist is sensitive.

Each artist sees things differently.

3.3. A few, few, a little, little

- Use “a few” and “few” with countable nouns

+ “A few” = a small number, some: possitive meaning

e.g. A few people came to the party

+ “Few”= not many: negative meaning


e.g. Few people attended the party

- Use “a little” and “little” with uncountable nouns

+ “a little” = a small amount, some: positive meaning,

e.g. Could you give me a little milk?

+ “little” = not much: negative meaning

e.g. There was little doubt in my mind

3.4. Much, many and a lot of

- Much + uncountable nouns

e.g. I don‟t like much sugar

- Many + countable nouns

e.g. Many students are intelligent

- A lot of + uncountable and countable nouns

e.g. A lot of sugar was poured into my cup of coffee

A lot of books are sold

Ex 1. Complete the sentences with “some” or “any”

1. We didn‟t buy …………flowers.

2. This evening I‟m going out with ………….friends of mine.

3. “Have you seen ………..good films recently?” – “No, I haven‟t been to the cinema

for ages”.

4. I didn‟t have ……………money, so I had to borrow………..

5. Can I have ………a………..milk in my coffee, please?

6. I was too tired to do………work.

Ex 2. Complete the sentences with “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”

1. He isn‟t very popular. He has ………..friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ……… time.

3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?

4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.

5. Most of the town is modern. There are …………..old buidings.

6. We must be quick. We have………..time.

7. Listen carefully, I‟m going to give you ……….advice.

8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?

9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.

10. I don‟t think Jill would be a good teacher. She‟s got …………..patience.

11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” - “yes, please. ………….”

12. This is a very boring place to live. There‟s ………….to do.

Ex 3. Fill in the blank with “of” if needed

1. All……….cars have wheels.

2. None………this money is mine.

3. Some……..people get angry very easily.

4. Some……….the people I met at the party were very interesting.

5. I have lived in London most………my life.

6. Are any………those letters for me?

7. Most………days I get up before 7 o‟clock.


8. Jim thinks that all……museums are boring.



I. Prepositions of time

1.1. In, on, at

Time phrases with “at” exact time at 10 o‟clock

meal time at lunch time

other points of time at dawn, at midnight

festivals at Christmas, at Easter

age at the age of

time at this time

Time phrases with “on” days of the week on Monday

specific parts of the days on Saturday morning

dates on June 1st

day + date on Monday, June 1st

particular occasions on that day

anniversaries on your birthday

festivals on New Year‟s Day

Time phrases with “in” parts of the day in the morning

months in July

years in 2005

seasons in (the) spring

centuries in the 19th century

festivals in Ramadan

periods of times in that age

Ex 1. Complete the note with “in”, “on”, “at”

Dear Gordon,

Many thanks for agreeing to stay in the flat while I‟m in Wales. I enclose the key and

here‟s the list of what that I promised you: If you lose this key, Johnson (1) ………… the flat (2)

……… the ground floor has a spare. If she‟s away, the landlord lives (3) ……… the building (4)

…………. the corner of the street. It‟s called Laurel Villa, and he‟s Mr. Emerson. They both know

you‟ll be there while I‟m away.

The electricity and gas main switches are (5) …………. the wall (6) …………. the back

of a large cupboard (7) ……….. in the study. You can turn the water of by the large tap (8) ……..

the corner of the bathroom. I hope you won‟t need to. I‟ve made a list of all the useful phone

numbers I can think of. It‟s stuck (9) ……….. the kitchen door. I hope you have good time.

Much love,


Ex 2. Complete with “in”, “on”, “at”

1. Our train leaves ……… half past seven.

2. He‟ll be back ………….Friday afternoon.

3. Nellie and Jarvis are getting married ………… September

4. I always send her a card ………….. Christmas.


5. A lot of trees lose their leaves ……….. winter.

6. I was born ………….. 13th August …………… 1990.

7. I‟ll be in Madrid ………………. Christmas Eve

8. They came back ………….. four o‟clock …………. the morning.

9. I often have to work ………….. night.

10. Life will be very different ….. the 25th century.

11. I met him ………….. my birthday.

12. I‟m sorry but Mr. Newton is very busy ………. the moment.

13. ……….. midday, the sun will be directly over our heads.

14. The First World War broke out ………… August, 1914.

1.2. By, until

By Until

- refer to something that will take place (at

the latest) by some time in the future

- we refer to the duration that an action or

state will have

e.g. I‟ll be at the office by eight (I will get to

the office by eight at the latest)

e.g. I‟ll be at the office until eight (I will be

at the office until eight. Then I will leave)

Ex 3. Complete with “by” or “until”

1. I won‟t see her when she gets back. I will have left ……… then.

2. Let‟s go shopping. The shops are open ……………… half past two.

3. Kate‟s late. She should have been here ……………….. now.

4. I can‟t come with you. I have to finish this article ………………. tomorrow.

5. No, I‟m not leaving. I‟ll be here ………. five.

6. We don‟t have much time. We have to be at the airport ………………. nine thirty.

7. David is in Spain. He‟ll be away ………………. Saturday.

8. Don‟t call him now. Wait ……………….. tomorrow.

1.3. During

- “During”, which is followed by a noun, is used in the same way as “while”; yet “while” is not

a preposition and is followed by a clause

e.g. Mary fell asleep during the film

Mary fell asleep while she was watching the film.

Ex 4. Complete with “during” or “while”

1. I saw Tim ………… I was waiting for the bus.

2. She was so tired that she fell asleep …………. the meeting.

3. The phone rang …………… I was in the shower.

4. I‟ll be studying for the History test …………. the weekend.

5. Helen called ………… you were sleeping.

6. You must not speak …............... the exam.

7. I wake up twice ………. the night.

8. This letter came ………. you were out.

9. No one spoke ……….. the journey.

10. I found this old photo …………. I was cleaning my room

II. Prepositions of place

at Mike is at the office


on I left a note on the kitchen table

over Let‟s hand the painting over the sofa

above There‟s a sign above the entrance

in My purse was in my bag five minutes ago

inside Let‟s see what‟s inside that box

outside He‟s been standing outside the bank for hours

under There‟s a mouse under the sofa

below I usually wear my skirts below the knee

near Is there a bank near here?

next to The cinema is next to the post office

beside They have a beautiful house beside the river

by We sat by the fire to get warm

in front of She parked her car in front of our house

behind The shop assistant was standing behind the counter

opposite Let‟s put the bed opposite the window

among I found the magazine among some books

between Liam is sitting between Jill and Tom

Notes: in Willow Street # at 25, Willow Street

on a chair # in an armchair

on a bus/train/plane/ship/bike/horse # in a car/taxi

Ex 5. Circle the correct answer

1. He hid the flowers beside/ behind his back

2. Olivia has been in/ at hospital for two weeks now.

3. The manager‟s full name was printed below/ down her signature

4. We hung the painting on/ over fireplace.

5. I wasn‟t at/ in home last night.

6. The boy standing between/ among Grace and Maria is my cousin.

7. His office is in/ at 25, Cherry Street

8. Our flat is on/ in the 5th floor.

9. Ms Sims sat on/ in an armchair by the fire and told us a story.

10. You‟ll see the bus stop in/ on your left.

11. The bank is in/ on Wellington Street.

12. There is one black sheep between/ among all the white ones.

13. They stood out/ outside the gate and waited.

14. Look at the list of words on/ in page 316.

III. Prepositions of movement

up Let‟s go up this mountain

down She ran down the stairs

onto The cat jumped onto the bed

into He got into his car and left

out of Get out of my room now

from I come home from work at six


to Do you usually walk to school?

towards I saw her walking towards me.

over The dog jumped over the wall

round Go round the corner

along Let‟s go for a walk along the river

across (to the

opposite side)

He swam across the river

off ( going


The little boy fell off his bike

past (pass sbd/

sth and leave

him/it behind)

I walked past Jane‟s house this morning

through I drove through the tunnel

Ex 6. Circle the correct answer

1. The earth goes towards/ round the sun.

2. We took along walk along/ through the river

3. A car hit him while he was walking through/ across the road.

4. We stood up when the teacher walked into/ to the classroom.

5. The burglars got in across/ through the kitchen window.

6. I jumped over/ onto the train while it was moving.

7. She walked pass/ though me without saying anything.

8. He fell out of/ off the ladder and broke his leg.

9. Bob stood up and walked towards/ along the door.

10. She walked out of/ off the room with a strange look on her face.



I. The present simple tense

1. Verb form

a, To be: am/ is/ are

b, Modal verbs: can, may, must, need, dare + V

c, Ordinary verbs

- Notes: She/ he/ it + V-s/-es

+ Verbs ending in –ss, -s, -o, -x, -ch, -sh: add –es

e.g. I kiss – He kisses

I go – He goes

I mix – He mixes

I watch – He watches

I wash – He washes

+ Verbs ending in –y: change into -ies

e.g. I study – He studies

+ With the rest, just add -s

2. Usage

a, To describe habits, states or things that happens on regular basis

e.g. I always get up early in the morning

British people drink a lot of tea

* The following adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency are usually used with this tense

- Always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally →the adverbs are put after the present tense of

“to be” and before the present tense of ordinary verbs

e.g. He always gets up late in the morning

It‟s usually hot in the summer.

- Rarely, seldom, scarcely, never → have got the negative meaning but are used with the

positive verbs

e.g. He never eats meat.

She rarely goes to town

- Every day/ week/ year/ summer, once/ twice …… → these phrases are used at the beginning or

at the end of the sentence.

e.g. Every day, we take the dog for a walk.

My parents go on a holiday every summer.

b, To describe true facts or situations that exist now and as far as we know, will go on


e.g. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west

The Earth is round.

I‟m a teacher. I teach maths in a school.

He lives in London. He works in a bank.

c, To give instructions

e.g. First you pour some water, then you put it onto the cooker…

On three day, we visit Hyde Park.

d, To summarize the historical events or content of films, plays or stories


e.g. May 1945: The war in Europe comes to an end.

At the end of the play, both the young lovers kill themselves.

II. The present continuous tense

1. Form: am/is/are + V-ing

* How to make V-ing:

- Verbs ending in –e: omit –e before adding –ing

e.g. dance – dancing

write – writing

- Verbs containing a vowel, followed by a consonant: double the ending consonant before

adding –ing

e.g. run – running

swim – swimming

- Verbs containing more than one vowel and the stress falls on the second syllable: double the

ending consonant before adding –ing

e.g. begin – beginning

- Some special cases: travel – travelling

signal – signalling

traffic – trafficking

dial – dialling

- With the rest, just adding – ing

2. Usage:

a, To describe an action in progress at the moment or around the moment of speaking

e.g. We are learning hard for the entrance exam next year.

We are learning the present continuous tense at the moment

I‟m saving up to build a house.

- The following adverbial phrases are usually used: at the moment, at present, currently, still,


b, To complain about the bad habits

e.g. You are always forgetting to lock the door

They‟re constantly having parties until midnight.

- The following adverbs are usually used: always, constantly, continually, forever.

c, To describe changes, development or tendencies

e.g. It‟s getting hotter.

More and more people are giving up smoking.

d, To describe future arrangement or plans

e.g. What are you doing tonight? – I‟m going out with my friends

Are you free this afternoon? – No, I‟m afraid. I‟m having a meeting

3. Verbs that do not take the continuous tense

a, State verbs: agree, believe, belong to, contain, consider*, feel*, fit, hate, have*, hear, know,

look, like, matter, mean, need, own, prefer, regard, suppose, taste*, think*, understand, weigh*

- The starred verbs can take the continuous tense but usually have the different meaning

+ Feel: I feel that you are wrong


I feel/ am feeling cold

+ Taste: The soup tastes salty

I‟m tasting the soup

+ Consider: People consider the restaurant to be good

I‟m considering changing my job

+ Have: I have got a motorbike

She‟s having a bath

+Think: What do you think of M. Jackson? – I think I like him

He‟s thinking of going abroad

+ Weigh: How much do you weigh?

I‟m weighing this bag

b, Perfomative verbs: admit, accept, acknowledge, advise, apologise, deny, guarantee, hope,

inform, predict, promise, recommend, suggest, suppose, warm …

e.g. I admit that I can‟t see as well as I used to.

I hope that the weather will be fine.

He refuses to believe that smoking is harmful

III. The present perfect tense

1. Form: have/has + PII

2. Usage:

a, To describe the immediate past actions, without a definite time given.

e.g. I‟ve just seen a ghost.

We‟ve missed the last train.

Jim has had three car accidents.

I haven‟t had breakfast yet

Have you seen a good film recently?

- Some adverbs: just, recently, lately, yet

b, To describe indefinite events which may have obvious result in the present

e.g. I‟ve cut myself badly. My finger‟s bleeding

Can you lend me $10? I‟ve left my wallet at home

- When we ask for and give details about these actions, past simple must be used

e.g. Have you had breakfast?

Yes, I have

What did you have?

I had some bread

c, To describe a state or an action that started in the past and lasts up to the present

e.g. I‟ve played football for 2 hours

- The duration of time is usually expressed by for, since, ever since

+ for + period of time

+ since + a point of time in the past

d, To describe experience

e.g. I‟ve never eaten snake

He‟s never had an accident

Have you ever been to a funeral?


Ex 1. Form sentences using the present


1. We/ have/ dinner/ at eight (always)


2. What/ you/ do/ after/ school? (usually)


3. Martin/ visit/ his parents/ in

Southampton (once a week)


4. He/ wear/ ties (never).


5. She/ fight/ with her brother? ( often)


6. You/ go/ to the cinema? (How often)


7. David watch/ horror film (seldom)


8. I/ not work (at weekends)


9. He/ go/ to work/ by bus? (sometimes)


10. Danny/ finish/ work/ at 5:30 (every day)


11. We/ write/ to each other (rarely)


12. Palm trees/ grow/ in warm climates



13. I/ have/ basketball practice (on Saturday



14. She/ cook/ such wonderful meals?



15. We/ put away/ our things? (at the end of

the day)


Ex 2. Complete with present simple or

present continuous.

1. We always (stay) ……… at the President

Hotel when we‟re in Portsmouth.

2. Hey! I (talk) …………….. to you! Why

(you/ not listen)

………………………… me.

3. I (not see) ………….. her very often.

4. Hurry up! Alex and Bob (wait)

……………………… for us.

5. What‟s so funny? Why

………………………… (you/laugh)?

6. She‟s a teacher, but she (not/work)

………………….… at the moment.

7. (Kangaroos/ live)

…………………………… in Africa?

8. You (always/lose) ………………... your

car keys.

9. The population of India (grow)

……………………… very fast.

10. I (never/ eat) ……………. meat.

11. How often (you/go) …………….. to the


12. Let‟s go. The film (start) …………at


13. Harold (talk) ………….. to his

girlfriend on the phone for hours every day.

14. The cost of living (go) …………… up

all the time.

Ex 3. Circle the correct answer

1. That man over there looks/ is looking at us.

2. Those colors look/ are looking lovely on you.

3. Do you think/ Are you thinking he‟s telling the truth?

4. I haven‟t decided yet. I still think/ am still thinking about it.

5. They have/ are having a lesson at the moment.


6. We have/ are having a house in the country.

7. This perfume smells/ is smelling fantastic. Why can‟t you buy it?

8. I am/ am being busy right now.

9. Mom feels/ is feeling his forehead because he may have a temperature.

10. What‟s the matter with you? You sound/ are sounding upset.

Ex 4. Complete with the present

simple or present continuous.

1. What‟s the matter? Why (you/look)

………………………………. at me?

2. I‟ve met Alice. She (be)…………… a

wonderful person.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Richards (have) …

………………… six children.

4. She (taste) ………………… the meat

to see if it need more salt.

5. He (hate) …………….. cartoons.

6. I (think) ……………….. it‟s a great


7. Mary can‟t come to the phone now.

She (have) ……………….. a shower.

8. (You/remember) …………………...

my brother Mick?

9. I (not believe)………………… you.

You‟re lying.

10. Be quiet! I (think) ………………...

11. I don‟t know why he (be) …………

so rude. He‟s usually very kind.

12. That cake (taste) ……….……….


13. Maya (see) ………….. Louis after

dinner tonight.

14. That bag (belong) …………. to me.

Ex 5. Form sentences using present


1. I/ eat/ four sandwiches (today)


2. Charles/ be/ a fan of Rolling Stones



3. They/ leave (already)


4. You/ visit/ Peru? (ever)


5. We/ not do/ the shopping. (yet)


6. I/ finish/ my homework (just)


7. She/ ride/ a horse (never)


8. You/ tidy/ your room? (yet)


9. We/ have/ this car (for years)


10. I/ not see/ Tim (since Monday)


11. They/ live/ in this town? (How long)


12. We/ hear/ the good news (just)


Ex 6. Rewrite the sentences using words given.

1. I‟ve never driven a car before. (time)

→ This is the first time ………………………………………… a car.

2. This is the first time we‟ve visited Australia. (never)

→ We ……………………………………………………….. before.

3. I‟ve never read such a good book before. (best)

→ This is the …………………………………………………… read.

4. She is the prettiest girl. (never)

→ I ……………………………………………… such a pretty girl before.

5. He has never done anything so silly before. (time)

→ This is the first time …………………………………. anything so silly.


6. This is the first time I‟ve tasted Chinese food. (have)

→ I ………………………………… Chinese food before.

7. This is the most beautiful country they‟ve ever visited. (never)

→ They ………………………………………………. such a beautiful country.



I. Past simple

1. Form:

a, To be: was/ were

b, Modal verbs: could, might, would +V

c, Ordinary verbs

Regular verbs: V-ed

- Verbs ending in –e: add –d

e.g. like – liked

dance - danced

- Verbs ending in a short vowel and a single consonant: double the consonant before adding –ed

e.g. stop – stopped

step – stepped

drag - dragged

- Verbs ending in – y: change into –ied

e.g. try – tried

marry – married

- With the rest: just add –ed

e.g. open – opened

look - looked

Irregular verbs

- See the list of irregular verbs at the back of your dictionary

e.g. do – did

write – wrote

come – came

read – read

2. Usage:

a, To describe a completed action in the past

e.g. I played football yesterday

b, To describe a completed situation in the past

e.g. He lived in London for 5 years

He liked sweets very much when he was small

c, To describe a repeated action in the past or past habits

e.g. They went to Spain every year until 1995

When I was small, I usually went swimming with my father

Last summer, I spent 2 months in Do Son. Every day, I got up early and walked along

the beach.

- “Used to + V” describes habits and states in the past that don‟t exist now

e.g. When I was small, I used to like sweets very much. I used to pester my mother for some

after meals.

Tom and Peter didn‟t use to like each other very much, but now they seem to get on well

with each other.


- “Would + V” describes repeated actions, not states. It describes a habitual activity which was

typical of a person.

e.g. He used to love her very much. Everyday, he would buy her a bunch of flowers.

Whenever she was angry, she would shout loudly.

d, Successive past actions, one after another

e.g. He got up, quickly dressed and rushed to school

He stopped, looked through the glass, knocked at he door and walked in.

3. Adverbs of time

- Yesterday morning/ afternoon/ evening

- Last night/ week/ month/ year/ September

- Three years/ two days/ few minutes ago

II. The past continuous tense

1. Form: was/were + Ving

2. Usage:

a, To describe a past activity happening over a period of time

e.g. What were you doing at 6am? – I was watching TV

I was doing my homework when Jack arrived

When the teacher arrived, the students were talking

b, To describe the changes, development and tendencies in the past

e.g. It was getting darker, so they decided to stop

The car was getting worse all time.

c, To give criticism towards someone‟s bad habits

e.g. When James was at school, he was always losing things

d, To describe the scene in stories and the past simple tense tells the action

e.g. The moon was shining through the window. James Bond came into the room and sat

down on the

III. Past perfect simple tense

1. Form: had + PII

2. Usage:

a, To describe a past situation or activity that took place before another past situation or

activity. We use past simple for the one that happened second

e.g. When he came home, his son had left

By the time I arrived, Jack had already gone to bed.

After Mike (had) finished reading, he put out the light

b, To describe an action that happened before a specific point in time in the past

e.g. It was one o‟clock in the morning. The guests had gone home.

3. Time markers:

- When, after, before, as soon as, until, just, already, by, by the time

Ex 1. Complete with the past simple or past continuous

1. We (wait) …….………. for the bus when

it (start)……….……… to rain.

2. I (see) …………….. Laura as I (walk)

…….………… down the street.

6. Mr. Brown (fix) ……………. his car

when I (see) …………… him

7. What (you/ talk) …………………..

about when I (come) ………...…… in?


3. She (not hear) ………………….… the

doorbell because she (listen)

………………………. to music.

4. Jim (fall) ……………. asleep while he

(do) ……………… his homework.

5. They (not work) ……………… when I

(leave) …………… the office.

8. Sheila (break) ……………. her leg as

she (walk) ……………….. down the stairs.

9. (You/ sleep) ……….…………… when I

(call) ………………..?

10. The TV (be) …………………. on but

he (not watch) ……………..…. it.

Ex 2. Join the sentences with as, while or when. Do not change the order of the sentence

1. Dad was reading his newspaper. Mum was cooking dinner


2. The boys were playing football. We were sitting in the garden.


3. I was walking the dog. I ran into Michael.


4. The sun was shining. We were walking along the river.


5. Peter was reading a comic. The teacher walked into the classroom.


6. I was driving down West Street. I saw an accident.


7. She was cleaning the house. I was tidying the attic.


8. He called. We were having dinner.


Ex 3. Circle the correct answers

1. Bob was/ has been here a minute ago.

2. They bought/ have bought this house in


3. We lived/ have lived here since 1998.

4. Liam came/ has come back from Paris

last night.

5. I didn‟t do/ haven‟t done my homework

yet, so I can‟t come with you.

6. I already read/ have already read this


7. What time did you finish/ have you

finished work yesterday?

8. Brenda went/ has gone to the Bahamas

last year.

Ex 4. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. I haven‟t seen her since Monday. (saw)

→ I last ……………………………………………………………….. Monday.

2. The last time I spoke to Albert was a month ago. (for)

→I haven‟t ……………………………………………………………. a month.

3. We haven‟t had a holiday since 1999. (had)

→ The last time …………………………………………………….. was in 1999.

4. It hasn‟t rained since June. (last)

→The …………………………………………………….. ………. was in June.

5. The last time she played tennis was in 1992. (since)


→She …………………………………………………………………….. 1992.

6. Sandra hasn‟t written to us for two weeks. (last)

→ Sandra ……….……………………………………………….. two weeks ago.

7. Hugo last visited us in the summer. (since)

→ Hugo …………………..…………………………………………. the summer.

Ex 5. Complete with used to or past simple. Use used to whenever possible

1. I (go) ……………………. work by bus

but I bought a car last month.

2. I (not go) ………………. to work on

Friday because I was ill.

3. (You/ study) ………………………. hard

when you were a student?

4. What time (you/ leave) …………………

the office yesterday?

5. I (play) ……………… the piano when I

was at your age.

6. We (not enjoy) …………………. the

party last Saturday.

7. I (not like) ………….. spinach but now I

love it

8. He (be) …………… very tired. So he

went to bed early.

9. When you were a child, (you/ go)

…………………… to the party very often?

10. Hannah (go) ……………….. to four

parties last month.

11. Marvin (collect) ……………… toy

soldier, but when he grew up, he lost

interest in them.

12. The students (not enjoy)

………………….. the excursion to the

seaside because of the bad weather.

13. Why (she/ be) ……………….. angry

with them yesterday?

14. There (be) ……………………. a small

cottage here but they pulled it down a few

years ago.

Ex 6. Complete with would and the verbs given

When I was a child, I (visit) …………………. my grandparents on Sundays. They had

a cottage by the sea.

Every morning, I (always/ go) ……………… fishing with my grandfather. My sister

(sometimes/ come) with us. She (simply/ sit) ……………… and watch us. But she (not/ let)

………………. us take any fish back home. Whenever we caught one, she (take) …………… it

off the hook and throw it back to the water.

I (get) …………………… really angry whenever she did that by granddad (laugh)

……………… about it. He didn‟t really mind. He thought it was sweet.

Ex 7. Complete with past simple or past perfect

1. By the time we (arrive) …………… at

the cinema, the film (already/ begin)


2. They (already/ sell) ……………… that

blue dress when I (get) ………….. to the


3. Richard (just/ finish) …………….

Breakfast when I (wake) ……….. up.

4. As soon as the play (finish) ……………

we (leave) the theater.

5. I (start) ……… typing those letters

6. I (not feel) ………….. so hungry after I

(eat) …………… that sandwich.

7. I only realized that I (meet)

…………………….. her a few years ago

when I (see) …………. her.

8. The bank (already/ close)

……………….. when I (leave)

…………………. the office.

9. The meeting (start) ……….……. by ten.

10. He (not find) ……………… my story

interesting because he (hear)


before the boss (come) ……………… …………..……….. it before.



I. Complete with a/an/the

1. She gave him …………. book for his birthday.

2. Have you read ………….. book I gave you last week?

3. There‟s …………… man here to see you.

4. …………. boy in that photo is my cousin.

5. He visits his grandparents once ……. week.

6. Is there ………. airport in Birmingham?

7. I have to be at …………….. airport at six.

8. That was ……………. most amazing story I‟ve ever heard.

9. Ms Jackson is …………. university professor.

10. How often do you go to ………… dentist?

II. Circle the correct answer

1. I‟ll be at home/ the home after half past two.

2. I was very tired, so I went straight to bed/ the bed.

3. Anne works as a nurse at hospital/ the hospital in the centre of town.

4. He had an accident and was taken to hospital/ the hospital.

5. What time do you finish work/ the work on Fridays?

6. Mom has gone to school/ the school to talk to my teacher.

7. She‟s studying medicine at university/ the university.

8. The reporter went to prison/ the prison to interview one of the guards.

9. Put your new clothes out on bed/ the bed and we‟ll look at them.

10. Joanna doesn‟t work; she‟s still at school/ the school.

III. Choose the correct answer

1. I haven‟t decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. But I think

about it/ I‟m thinking about it.

2. All right, you try to fix the television. But I hope/ I‟m hoping you know what you are


3. Every year I visit/ I‟m visiting Britain to improve my English.

4. It‟s time we turned on the central heating. It gets/ is getting colder every day.

5. Of course, you are Mary, aren‟t you? I recognise/ I‟m recognising you now.

6. What‟s the matter? Why do you look/ are you looking at me like that?

7. The film of War and Peace is very long. It lasts/ is lasting over four hours.

8. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do/ what are

you doing in the afternoons?

9. I‟m going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one doesn‟t fit/ isn‟t

fitting anymore.

10. That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What happens now/ What is

happening now?

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses (present simple or

present continuous)

1. Ann (make)…………….…. all her own clothes. At the moment, she

(make) ……………… a dress for herself.


2. What‟s that smell? Something (burn) …………………………… in the kitchen.

3. I (work) ………………… overtime this month because I (save) ……………….

up to buy a car.

4. He (smoke) 30 cigarettes a day, but at the moment he (try) ………………….. very hard to

cut down.

5. She usually (learn) ……………. languages very fast, but she (have)

………………… problems with Chinese.

6. Emma (spend) ………………………… every school holiday in Scotland.

7. Why are you under the table? (You/look) ………………………. for something?

8. My wife (not like) …………………………….. football, but my son (be)

………………….crazy about it.

9. Margaret Simon (come) …………… from Norway, but now she (live)

………………. in Britain.

10. I (not belong) …………………………to a political party.

11. Hurry! The bus (come) …………………….., and I (not want) ………………. to miss it.

12. The River Nile (flow) ………………………. into Mediterranean.

13. The river (flow) …………………… fast today – much faster than usual.

14. Ron is in London at the moment. He (stay) …………………… at the Hilton Hotel. He

usually (stay) ………………………. at the Hilton Hotel when he‟s in London.

15. A: Can you drive? – B: No, but I (learn) ……………... My father


V. Complete with the past simple or past continuous.

1. He (have) ……….. shower and (leave) …………….. for work.

2. At 10:30 last night, Jim (work) ………… and Maria (watch) ………………… TV.

3. I (get) ………….. ready for bed when the phone (ring)…………………………….

4. I‟m sorry. I (not listen) …………………… Can you repeat that?

5. (You/ call) …………….. the police when you (hear) ……………….. the


6. We (not drive) …………… fast but the police (stop) ……………………………. us.

7. While the teacher (talk) ………….., I (think)……………. about my birthday party.

8. The film (start) …………………. at eight and (finish) …………………… at ten.

9. He (not answer) …………….. the phone because he (not hear) ……………… it.

10. (Bruce/ wait) ………………. for you when you (arrive) ……………… at the station.

11. What (you/ do) ……………………………………… at nine yesterday morning?

12. Mum (cut) ………… her finger while she (cook) ………………………………..

VI. Rewrite the sentences

1. She had never flown in a plane before.

→ It was the first time …………………………………………………………………...

2. I had never eaten Mexican food before.

→ It was the first time …………………………………………………………………...


3. It was the first time Ned had ever driven a car.

→ Ned ……………………………………………….…………………………………..

4. Mary had never made a chocolate cake before.

→ It was the first time …………………………………………….……………………..

5. It was the first time I had ever played golf.

→ I …………………………………………………………………………..…………...

6. They had never used a monolingual dictionary before.

→ It was the first time ……………………………………………………………..…….

7. It was the first time we had ever seen an eagle.

→ We …………………………………………………………..………………………...



I. Simple future tense

1. Form: will + V

2. Usage:

a, The simple future talks about the predictive future or what we think will happen in the


e.g. I think it‟ll rain

b, The simple future describes known facts, or what we suppose is true

e.g. My brother will be 45 next month

c, Some other uses of “will” and “shall”

- “I‟ll …../ Shall I… ?” express the willingness to offer to do things for the others

e.g. Shall I carry the bag for you John?

- “I‟ll …………” express a promise or threat

e.g. I‟ll help you this time

3. Other ways of referring to the future

- Be about to

- Be on the point of

- Be due to

- Be to do

- Be going to

II. “Will” vs. “be going to”

1. Will

- To make a prediction, to say what we believe will happen in the future.

+ With expressions such as “I think, I believe, I bet, I expect, I am sure/ afraid, I suppose, I


e.g. I‟m sure she‟ll pass the exam

+ With adverbs such as “probably, perhaps, possibly, certainly …”

e.g. I‟ll probably be at school early tomorrow morning

- For decisions that we make spontaneously, at the time when we are speaking

e.g. The phone‟s ringing. I‟ll answer it.

- To offer your help to sbd.

e.g. I‟ll help you with your homework

- To make a promise

e.g. I promise I won‟t be late

- To ask sbd to do sth for us.

e.g. Will you open the door for me?

- To warn sbd about sth

e.g. Be careful! You‟ll hurt yourself with this knife.

- To talk about sth that will definitely happen in the future because it is inevitable, we can‟t

change or control it using external factors.

e.g. The sun will rise at 6:35 tomorrow.

The temperature will drop during the weekend.

2. Going to


- To refer to future plans, to something that we intend to do in the future

e.g. We‟re going to buy a new car next month

- When we know that sth is going to happen in the future because there is sth in the present that

shows us this, an indication

e.g. Look at those clouds. It‟s going to rain

3. Present continuous vs. present simple

- We use the present continuous to refer to sth that we have already planned to do in the

immediate future. We are sure that the action that we are talking about will happen.

e.g. We‟re flying to London tomorrow.

- We use the present simple for the future, when we refer to programmes (cinema, theater, etc.)

or timetables (for ships, trains, etc.)

e.g. Our bus leaves at 6:30

The play finishes at eleven o‟clock.

Ex 1. Complete with “will” or “going to”

1. Don‟t worry. I (show) ……………. you

how the camera works.

2. Don‟t wait up for me. I (probably/ be)

………………….……….. home late


3. Jordan has sold his car because he (buy)

…………………….. a new one next


4. According to the weather forecast, there

(be) …………… heavy rain in the south on


5. I‟ve bought a new dress and I (wear)

………………. it to the party tonight.

6. What (you/ do) ………………….. this

weekend? Have you decided?

7. I promise I (not tell) ……………..

anyone about this.

8. Autumn is almost over. It (get)

………..... colder soon.

9. I‟ve been thinking about this for weeks. I

(not accept) ……….………… that new


10. It‟s really hot in here. (You/ open)

………………….. the window, please?

Ex 2. Circle the correct answer

1. A: Did you remember to book a table?

B: Oh, no! I forgot. I will/ am going to call

the restaurant now.

2. A: Why do you need Craig‟s phone


B: I‟ll/ „m going to invite him to my party

3. A: I‟m going out with Alice tonight.

B: Oh, really? Then I‟ll/ „m going to come

with you.

4. A: Mike called this morning

B: Yes. Mom told me. I will/ am going to

call him later.

5. A: So, what are your plans for the


B: I will/ am going to visit my cousin in


Ex 3. Complete with “will” or present


1. – Would you like something to drink?

- Yes, please. I (have) ………… an orange


2. I can‟t come with you on Sunday. I

(have) ………………. dinner with Tina.

3. You looked tired. I (make)

……………….. you a cup of coffee.

4. Bob (come) ………………………... to

see us tonight.

5. (You/ post) ……………………. this

letter for me?

6. (You/ do) ……………..…………

anything tomorrow morning?

7. Oh no! I forgot to call Violet. I (call)

………………………….. her now.


6. A: Jill has passed her exam

B: Really? That‟s great! I will/ am going to

call her and congratulate her.

7. A: Would you like something to eat?

B: Yes, thank you. I will/ am going to have

a sandwich.

8. A: Do you really need all those eggs?

B: Yes, I do. I will/ am going to make an


8. We (fly) ………………….. to Madrid on

Friday. Here are your tickets.

9. I (meet) ………………………. James

for lunch at 12:30.

10. I‟m really tired. I think I (go)

………....... straight to bed.

Ex 4. Read and complete. Use the present continuous or present simple.

Dear Caroline,

I‟m afraid we can‟t meet you tomorrow.

The weekly meeting (1. finish) ……………. at 17:00 and I have to be at the airport at


You see, my mother (2. come) to visit. Her plane (3. arrive) …………… in London at

17:30 and I (4. pick) her up form the airport.

Then, in the evening I (5. take) ……………. her to the theatre. The play (6. begin) at

20:00 and it (7. not finish) ………………. until 22:30.

But I (8. not work) ………….. this Monday, so we can meet then if you‟re not busy.

What do you say?



P.S. The art exhibition (9. open) ……………… next week. Do you want to go?



I. To – infinitive and bare infinitive

1. To V + seem/ be/ appear + adj (1)

e.g. To pass this exam appears difficult

To put your hands out of the car window is dangerous

To save money now seems impossible

- (1) = It + seem/ be/ appear +adj + to do

e.g. It appears difficult to pass this exam

It is dangerous to put your hands out of the car window

It seems impossible to save money now.

2. S + V1 + to V2

V1 = agree*, aim, appear*, arrange*, ask, attempt, be about, be able, be determined*, bother,

care, choose, claim*, decide*, demand*, determine*, do one‟s best, do what one can, fail,

forget*, happen, hesitate, hope*, learn*, make up one‟s mind, make an/ every effort, manage,

neglect, offer, plan, prepare, pretend*, promise*, refuse, remember*, seem, swear*, threaten,

turn out, try one‟s best, volunteer, vow …

e.g. She agreed to pay $50.

They failed to contact their boss

I managed to put the fire out before the Fire Brigade arrived

The tenants refused to move

I was just about to leave when the phone rang

He isn‟t able to afford to live in the city center

She made every effort to pass the exam

Don‟t bother to wait for me. I may be late

- The starred verbs can be used with “that clause”

e.g. I promise to wait = I promise that I will wait

He pretended to be angry = He pretended that he was angry

They decided to divide the profit equally = They decided that the profit should be

divided equally.

They arranged to meet the guests at the airport = They arranged that the guests should

be met at the airport.

3. S + V1 + (O) + to V2

V1 = ask, beg, expect, help, (would) hate, (would) like/ love, prefer, want, wish ….

e.g. He likes to eat well

He would like everyone to eat well

She asked to speak to Mr. Brown.

She asked me to speak to Mr. Brown

I begged to go (= I said “Please, let me go”)

I begged him to go (= I said “Please, go”)

4. S + V1 + O + to V2

V1 = advise, allow, command, compel, enable, encourage, entitle, forbid, force, instruct, invite,

oblige, order, permit, persuade, require, remind, warn, urge, train, show, teach, tell …

e.g. She encouraged me to try harder


They persuaded us to go with them

Her parents forbade her to leave the house

He showed me how to use this telephone

He told me how to do the exercise

He told me to do it

She taught me how to behave

5. S + V1 + O + V2

V1 = hear, see, watch, let, make, help, feel

e.g. I heard him sing this song yesterday

They made us lie on the floor

They let us go home once a week

6. S + to do + anything/ nothing/ everything + but/ except + V + sth

e.g. He does nothing but complain

Can‟t you do anything but ask this silly questions?

There‟s nothing to do but wait

My dog can do everything but speak

7. Noun + to V

e.g. His ability to get on well with other people made him popular

Their plan to rebuild the town was protested

She was annoyed by his unwillingness to do his share of the work

8. To V used with adj or adv

a, too + adj/ adv + to V

e.g. You are too young to drive

The grass was too wet for us to sit on

He spoke too quickly for me to understand

b, adj/ adv + enough + to V

e.g. She is old enough to travel by herself

The ice was hard enough to walk on

I‟m not tall enough to reach the shelf

The student isn‟t clever enough to answer the question

c, It + be + adj + O + to V

adj = (un)kind, (un)helpful, generous, mean, foolish, wise, careful, careless…

e.g. It‟s kind of you to wait for me

It was so careless of you to break my glasses

It was generous of them to put us up for the night.

d, S + be/ feel + adj + to V

adj = glad, happy, delighted, angry, annoyed, furious, surprised, astonished, amazed, terrified,

horrified, disappointed, sad ….

e.g. I was glad to get your letter this morning

He was angry to learn that his brother had damaged his cassette player

Children are always delighted to get presents

II. Gerund

1. As a subject


e.g. Reading is a very popular pastime in the world

Jogging is very good for your health

Swimming in hot summer days is interesting

2. As an object (V1 + V2 – ing)

V1 = admit (to), appreciate*, avoid, consider*, delay, deny, detest, dislike, dread, enjoy, escape,

excuse, fancy, imagine*, finish, forget, forgive, involve, keep, continue, loath, be afraid of,

mean*, mind, miss, practice, prevent, propose*, suggest, recommend, remember, resist, risk,

stop …

e.g. He admitted (to) taking the money

Avoid overeating

Would you mind closing the window?

Would you consider selling the house?

He detests writing letters

She kept complaining

Putting in a new window means cutting away part of the roof

3. Preposition + V-ing

e.g. She is fond of climbing mountains

I‟m afraid of travelling by car, I often get car sick

We are not keen on gambling

I‟m tired of arguing

- Some phrasal verbs:

+ to be good/ bad at

+ to be fond of / keen on/ interested in

+ to be afraid/ frightened/ terrified/ scared/ horrified +of

+ to be bored with/ tired of/ fed up with

+ to be for/ against

+ to feel like

+ to approve/ disapprove of

+ to have difficulty/ trouble/ problem + in

+ to get/ be/ become + used/ accustomed + to

- Some structures

+ There‟s no point in …

+ It‟s no good/ use …

+ Can‟t/ couldn‟t help…

+ Can‟t/ couldn‟t stand/ bear/ put up with …

4. V1 + possessive adjectives/ noun ( with „s case) + V2 – ing

V1 = dislike, like, mean, mind, propose, remember, stop, suggest, approve of, disapprove of,

insist on, object to …

e.g. Tom insisted on reading the letter

Tom insisted on my reading the letter

He dislikes working late

He dislikes his wife‟s working late

Forgive my coming late for school today


III. Some special cases

1. Begin/ start/ continue + to V/ V-ing

e.g. I started to learn/ learning English 5 years ago.

They continued working/ to work on the project

Look! It‟s starting to rain

2. See/ watch/ hear/ find + O + V/ V-ing

e.g. She saw a boy fall into the river

We often see him waiting for someone at the school gate

3. Stop + to V/ V-ing

e.g. Stop talking, it‟s so noisy in class

We decided to stop to have some coffee

He stopped to get some petrol

4. Remember/ forget + to V/ V-ing

e.g. They shall never forget living in slums

Don‟t forget to lock the door before leaving

Do you remember to post the letter on the way home?

I still remember visiting the zoo when I was small

5. Try + to V/ V-ing

e.g. He tried to learn English well to pass the university examination next year

He tried to open the door but failed. Then he tried putting some oil in the lock

6. Allow + to V/ V-ing

e.g. They don‟t allow us to cook in the hostel

They don‟t allow cooking in the hostel

Ex 1. Circle the correct answer

1. You can ask Peter drive/ to drive you to

the station

2. Let me help/ to help you with that


3. Hi! I‟m so glad see/ to see you!

4. You‟d better hurry/ to hurry or we‟ll be


5. Paul and Anne have decided get/ to get


6. May I use/ to use your phone?

7. That was close! You‟re lucky be/ to be


8. We can‟t afford buy/ to buy a new car

9. Could you hold/ to hold this bag for me?

10. James has agreed lend/ to lend us the


Ex 2. Rewrite the sentences using the word given

1. She‟s too young to vote (old)


2. He was driving too carelessly to avoid the accident. (carefully)


3. I’m not tall enough to reach that shelf. (short)


4. The students aren’t interested enough to concentrate. (bored)



5. She’s too shy to make a speech in public. (confident)


6. He didn’t work fast enough to finish on time (slowly)


7. Some people are too impatient to be good teachers. (patient)


8. We didn’t get up early enough to catch the train. (late)


9. You didn’t play well enough to beat her


10. The children are too young to watch that film (old)


11. The actor doesn’t look young enough to play the role (old)


Ex 3. Choose and complete with the correct form of the verbs

call lie paint shop try

clean listen play steal watch

go open see travel work

1. He’s always been good at ………………

Have you seen his latest picture?

2. You should practice ………………….. the

piano more often.

3. He hasn’t finished …………….. the living

room yet. He still has to vacuum the carpet.

4. I always have a glass of milk before ……

…………… to bed.

5. I can’t stand …………………… to that kind

of music.

6. Are you accusing me of …………………….

to you?

7. …………………….. first class by plane is

very expensive.

8. I hate …………………… late at the office.

9. I don’t feel like ……………... TV right


10. I’m going …………………. With Carol in

the afternoon.

11. Would you mind ………………. the


12. I look forward to …………………… you


13. He admitted ……………….. the money.

14. It’s no use ………............ to fix that. It’s


15. There’s no point ……………….. her now.


Ex 4. Complete with the infinitive or gerund

1. The doctor advised her (stay) ……………….. in bed for a few days.

2. When do you intend (leave) ……………………. for the USA?

3. I have to (practice) ………………………. playing the piano more often

4. I hate (have) …………………………… to stay at home on a Saturday night.

5. Everyone started (laugh) ………………………… when she dropped the cake.

6. Don’t worry. I don’t mind (wait) ………………………

7. Do you really think they deserved (win) ………………………….. the game?

8. We still haven’t finished (redecorate) ……………………… the house

9. I can’t afford (buy) …………………….. a new computer right now.

10. She refused (tell) ………………………… us what happened last night.

Ex 5. Rewrite the sentences

1. We need to clean the windows

The windows …………………………………..

2. Our bedroom needs painting

We …………………………………………………

3. You will need to wash your car

Your car ………………………………………….

4. His computer needed fixing

Someone …………………………………………

5. Those letters need typing

The secretary ……………………………………

6. You need to iron your shirt

Your shirt…………………………………………….

7. We needed to mop the floor

The floor……………………………………………

8. The grass needs cutting

She …………………………………………………..



I. Structure: To be + PII

e.g. Dustbins are emptied every two days.

This bridge was built 20 years ago.

He was being questioned in a police station when he fainted.

A new road is going to be built here.

II. Some special cases

1. Make/ see sbd do sth → to be made/ seen to do sth

e.g. We saw them go out. → They were seen to go out.

He made us work. → We were made to work

Let sbd do sth → to be let do sth/ to be allowed to do sth

e.g. They let us go → We were let go./ We were allowed to go.

2. Agree/ be anxious/ arrange/ be determined/ determine/ decide/ demand + to do sth →

Agree/ be anxious/ arrange/ be determined/ determine/ decide/ demand + that + sth +

should be done

e.g. He decided to sell the house → He decided that the house should be sold.

3. Insist/ propose/ recommend/ suggest + doing → insist/ propose/ recommend/ suggest +

that + sth + should be done

e.g. They recommend using this computer → They recommend that this computer should be


4. It + be + possible/ impossible + to do sth → Sth + can/ could + (not) + be done.

e.g. It‟s impossible to catch him. → He can‟t be caught.

5. It‟s your duty to do sth → You‟re supposed to do sth

e.g. It‟s your duty to keep the room clean. → You‟re supposed to keep the room clean.

6. Think/ say/ believe/ expect/ estimate/ know/ understand/ report + that + S +V

→ It + be + PII + that + clause/ S + be + PII + to V

e.g. Many people think that her new film is excellent

→ It is thought that her new film is excellent.

→ Her new film is thought to be excellent.

Some people believe that Mary left the country years ago.

→ It is believed that Mary left the country years ago.

→ Mary is believed to have left the country years ago.

7. Have/ get + sth + PII

e.g. The hairdresser cuts my hair once a month

→ I have my hair cut once a month.

Ex 1. Complete with passive voice. Use

the tense given.

1. This film (direct) ……………………..

by Sam Britton. (past tense)

2. English (speak) ……………………. all

over the world.

3. A new school (build) ……………… in

West Street. (present continuous)

Ex 2. Complete with the passive voice

1. A space probe (send) ………………. to

Mars two months ago.

2. Roller skates (invent) …………….. in


3. The classrooms (clean) ………………

every day.

4. We can‟t use our office at the moment. It


4. Dinner (server) …………………… at

8.00 (will)

5. The rules (must/ obey) ……………… by

all the students. (present simple)

6. The match (cancel) …………………...

(past perfect)

7. My car (steal) ………...…………….!

(present simple)

8. The room (clean) ……………………..

when I arrived. (past continuous)

(clean) ……………………………….

5. She (might/ interview) ……………… by

a famous journalist.

6. I think a hospital (build) ………………

here next year.

7. Mr. Smith was waiting while his car

(repair) ………………………………….

8. By the time the police arrived, all the

money (steal) …………………………..

Ex 3. Rewrite the sentences

1. Millions of people use internet every day.


2. Mrs. Richards will mark your tests.


3. A neighbor had reported the murder.


4. An old lady saw the thief.


5. Scientists have discovered a new species

of dinosaur.


6. Mr. Jones locks the office every evening


7. Isabella will write the article for next

week‟s issue.


8. The ancient Greeks built the Parthenon.


Ex 4. Rewrite each sentence in suitable


1. Someone is watching us.


2. Horror films shouldn‟t be watched by



3. She is being examined by Doctor



4. An old man found her purse.


5. “Romeo and Juliet” was written by



6. This river has been polluted by

poisonous chemicals.


7. She was assisted by two young men.


8. The prime minister will make an



Ex 5. Complete with “by” or “with”

1. This picture was painted …………… a famous British artist.

2. These pictures were taken …………….. a very good camera.

3. My notes were blown away …………… the wind.

4. He got stung ……………. a bee.

5. The room was filled …………… smoke

6. These pictures were taken …………… a professional photographer.

7. Her desk was covered ……………… books.

8. The Statue of Liberty was designed ……………… F.Bartholdi.

Ex 6. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.


1. Our teachers make us work hard at school.

→ We………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. She lets the children pick fruit from her trees.

→ The children …………………………………………………………………………..

3. He made the boy apologise

→ The boy ……………………………………………………………………………….

4. They don‟t let people touch the exhibits in the museum.

→ People ………………………………………………………………………………...

5. Mother will make you wear that dress.

→ You ……………………………...……………………………………………………

6. The teacher will let us leave school early today.

→ We …………………………………………………………………………………….

7. She has never made me do anything like that.

→ I ……………………………………………………………………………………….

8. They let us use the equipment.

→ We ……………………………………………………………………………………

Ex 7. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. It is said that a black cat brings bad luck

A black cat is …………………………………………………………………………….

2. It is known that dogs are colour blind.

Dogs are ………………………………………………………………………………….

3. It is believed that he has moved to Brazil.

He is ……………………………………………………………………………………...

4. The thieves are reported to have escaped.

It is reported ……………………………………………………………………………...

5. It is said that five people died in the accident yesterday.

Five people are …………………………………………………………………………..

6. The plane is reported to have landed safely last night.

It is reported ……………………………………………………………………………...

7. The new restaurant is thought to be very good.

It is ……………………………………………………………………………………….

8. The actor is said to be seriously ill.

It is ……………………………………………………………………………………….

9. It is thought that people came here three thousand years ago.

People …………………………………………………………………………………....

10. She is believed to have bought the painting for over a million pounds.

It is believed ……………………………………………………………………………..

Ex 8. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Use two constructions for each sentence.

1. They say that he‟s the richest man in Britain.



2. They believe that she stole the jewellery.




3. People say that he has written a book about ancient Greece.



4. Everyone knows that this is the oldest building in town.



5. People say that she was a genius.



6. They say that he robbed a bank when he was young.



7. They believe that she has discovered the secret.



8. People say that dolphins are very intelligent.



Ex 9. Complete with the causative form

1. We (our garage/ build) ………………………………………… at the moment.

2. Dad (his newspaper/ deliver) ………………………… to our house every morning.

3. She usually (her breakfast/ serve) ……………………..……… in her room.

4. He (his last book/ publish) ……………………………………………… in 1999.

5. I (the letters/ just/ type) …………………………………………………………..

6. The actor (his portrait/ paint) ………………………………… two times so far.

7. The house (its roof/ blow off) ……………………………… in the storm last night.

8. Sue (her carpets/ clean) …………………………………. when I phoned.

9. They (the swimming pool/ already/ clean) ………………………… when we visited them.

10. I (the door/ fix) ……………………………………. soon. I promise.

Ex 10. Rewrite the sentences using the causative form

1. A professional photographer took his picture.


2. Someone stole Kate‟s bike this morning.


3. The florist is going to deliver the flowers to my house at 9:30


4. A technician has just set up their new computer network.


5. A secretary types Mr. Evans‟ letters for him.


6. The children are washing Lisa‟s car for her.



7. A piano tuner tunes my piano once a year.


8. The cleaner was vacuuming Bella‟s office when I called her.


9. Fred‟s assistant will organise the meeting for him.




I. Complete the sentences with infinitive or gerund

1. The store ordered (refund) ………… the money I paid for the book I returned,

2. Don‟t pretend (be) ………. what you aren‟t.

3. I persuaded my brother-in-law not (buy) ………… that old car.

4. Annie denied (throw) …………… the brick through the window.

5. My father expects me (get) …………… high marks in school.

6. According to the sign on the restaurant door, all diners are required (wear) ……….. shirts and


7. We are planning (visit) …………… several historical sites in Moscow.

8. There appears (be) ………….. no way to change our reservation for the play at this late date.

9. For some strange reasons, I keep (think) …………. to is Sunday.

10. All the members agreed (attend) …………….. the emergency meeting.

II. Complete with the infinitive or gerund.

1. I regret (tell) ……………… you that you have not passed your exam. I know you worked

very hard.

2. Who told her about the party? I don‟t remember (say) ……………. anything about it last


3. I‟m going to buy that car, even if it means (spend) ……………. all my money!

4. Don‟t forget (call) ……………….. me as soon as you arrive.

5. He told the police how the accident had happened. Then he went on

(say) ……………. that it wasn‟t his fault.

6. I‟m sorry. I didn‟t mean (sound) ……………………. so rude.

7. James is a vegetarian. He stopped (eat) ……………….. meat years ago.

8. If you can‟t find him at home, try (call) ……………. him at the office.

9. I‟ll never forget (meet) …………………. my favorite film star.

10. We stopped (have) ……………. a cup of coffee on our way home. That‟ s why we‟re late

III. Rewrite the sentences using the words given

1. Thousands of people attended the concert. (by)


2. You must read this paragraph carefully. (read)


3. They‟re going to restore that old building. (restored)


4. They didn‟t pay me last month. (get)


5. They will give $500 to the winner. (given)


6. The storm caused a lot of damage. (was)



7. They are cleaning the garage at the moment. (is)


8. They will not let you into this building. (be)


9. His colleagues are organizing a surprise party. (being)


10. A ball broke the window. (by)


* Questions tags

1. A positive statement has a negative tag, and expects the answer “Yes”

e.g. You agree with me, don‟t you?

2. A negative statement has a positive tag, and expects the answer “No”

e.g. You don‟t take sugar, do you?

3. It is possible for a positive tag to follow a positive statement, to express interest, or

ask for confirmation

e.g. So you like working here, do you?

- Tags with “will” and “won‟t” can be used after imperatives

e.g. Don‟t drive too fast, will you?

- “Let‟s ..” has a tag formed with “shall”

e.g. Let‟s have a drink, shall we?

Ex 1. Choose the most suitable words in

each sentence

1. Let‟s go to London next weekend, shall

we/ won‟t we?

2. You shouldn‟t have told me, did you/

should you?

3. Jim hasn‟t been waiting long, was he/

has he?

4. You won‟t tell anyone about this, do

you/ will you?

5. You‟re not doing what I told you, do

you/ are you?

6. Answer the phone for me, will you/ do


7. George can‟t have noticed, can he/ has


8. You‟ve got to leave now, don‟t you/

haven‟t you?

9. Pam and Tim got married last year,

didn‟t they/ haven‟t they?

Ex 2. Add a question tag to each


1. Don‟t leave anything behind, ………..

2. David is bringing some wine, ………..

3. You‟ll be home before midnight, ……..

4. Harry was working in Bristol then, …...

5. Nobody knows who invented the

wheel, …..

6. You don‟t need me any more, ……..

7. The ticket to London doesn‟t cost a lot,


8. Let‟s invite the Smiths from next door,


9. You aren‟t too busy to talk,


10. Jean owns a restaurant,



10. I don‟t think John‟s very friendly,

does he/ is he?



I. Reported statements

1. The reporting verb may change in some cases

Direct speech Reported speech

We use “say” when there is no indirect


We use “say to” or “tell” when there is an


We use “say” when there is no indirect


We use “tell” when there is an object

Ann said, “I miss my sister” Ann said (that) she missed her sister.

Ann said to me, “I miss my sister” Ann told me (that) she missed her sister

Ann told me, “I miss my sister” Ann told me (that) she missed her sister.

2. Pronounces and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning of the sentence

e.g. Brian said, “I‟m going to wear my new jacket”

→ Brian said that he was going to wear his new jacket.

3. The tenses of verbs change when the reporting verb is in the past tense

e.g. Alice said, “I hate horror film”

→ Alice said that she hated horror film

Lynn said, “I’ve never ridden a horse”

→ Lynn said she had never ridden a horse.

Juliet said “I must work harder”

→ Juliet said the she had to work harder.

Nick said, “I’m going to have a party”

→ Nick said he was going to have a party"

- The modal verbs: “could, would, might, ought to, should, mustn’t” do not change

e.g. " I might see you later", she told me. → She told me she might see me later

- The tenses of the verbs do not change

+ when the reporting verb is in the present tense or in the future tense

e.g. She says, “I‟m not going to sell the house”

→ She says she's not going to sell the house.

+ when the sentence that we are reporting expresses a general truth or a fact that continues to


e.g. He said, "Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina"

→ He said Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina

+ when the verb follows the expressions "I wish" or "If only"

e.g. She said, “I wish I had enough money for a new car"

→ She said she wish she had enough money for a new car.

+ when we have the second or third conditional in direct speech.

e.g. Sarah said, "If I had the money, I would lend it to you"

→ Sarah said the if she had the money, she would lend it to me.


4. The time markers change

Direct speech Reported speech

now then

today that day

tonight that night

this year that year

yesterday the day before, the previous day

a month ago a month before

last week the week before, the previous week

tomorrow the next day, the following day

next year the following year

- Some other words that change

+ this/ these → that/ those

+ here → there

+ come → go

II. Reported speech: commands and requests

1. Commands

- Reporting verbs: tell, order (command)

e.g. “Stop complaining”, Jim said to Lisa

→ Jim told Lisa to stop complaining

"Answer my questions”, the judge said to the thief

→ The judge ordered the thief to answer her questions

2. Requests:

- Reporting verbs: ask, beg

e.g. "Please let me read your article", Charles said to Becky

→ Charles asked Becky to let him read her article

The little boy said, "Please, please, don’t switch of the light!”

→ The little boy begged his mother not to switch of the light.

III. Reported speech: questions

- If the questions in direct speech start with a question word (who, what, where, when, how,

why), the questions start with the same word.

e.g. “Why are you crying, Jenny?”, asked David

→ David asked Jenny why she was crying.

- If the questions in direct speech start with an auxiliary verb (be, do, have) or with a modal

verbs, the questions in reported speech start with "if" or "whether"

e.g. "Did you post the letter?" he asked

→ She asked him if/ whether he had posted the letter.

IV. Reporting verbs

1. Reporting verb + infinitive

Direct speech Reported speech

agree He said, “I‟ll lend you my camera” He agreed to lend me his camera


demand She said, “I want to see the manager” She demanded to see the manager.

offer He said, “I‟ll help you” He offered to help me

promise She said, “I‟ll be back soon” She promised to be back soon

refuse He said, “I won‟t tell you my secret” He refused to tell me his secret

threaten She said, “I‟ll tell mom if you don‟t


She threatened to tell mom if I didn‟t


2. Reporting verb + object + infinitive

Direct speech Reported speech

advise She said, “You should get more sleep” She advised me to get more sleep

beg She said, “Please lend me the money” She begged me to lend her money

forbid He said, “You can‟t see him again” He forbade me to see him again

invite She said, “Will you join me?” She invited me to join her

order He said, “Don‟t move” He ordered me not to move

remind She said, “Don‟t forget to send the


She reminded me to send the letter

warn She said, “Don‟t press the button” She warned me not to press the button

3. Reporting verb + Ving

Direct speech Reported speech

admit He said, “I stole the necklace” He admitted stealing the necklace

deny She said, “I didn‟t read your diary” She denied reading my diary

4. Reporting verb + that

Direct speech Reported speech

admit She said, “I stole the necklace” She admitted that she had stolen the


agree He said, “The film is excellent” He agreed that the film was excellent

complain She said, “The hotel is too expensive” She complaint that the hotel was too


deny He said, “I didn‟t read the diary” He denied that he had read the diary

explain She said, “I was late because I was


She explained that she had arrived late

because she had been busy

inform He said, “You have passed the exam” He informed me that I had passed the


promise She said, “I‟ll be back soon” She promised that she would be back




He said, “Don‟t forget that the guests

will arrive at 8”

He reminded that the guests would

arrive at 8

threaten She said, “I‟ll tell mom if you don‟t


She threatened that she would tell

mom if I didn‟t stop



He said, “The water is dangerous” He warned me that the water was


5. Reporting verb + prep + Ving

accuse sbd of She said, “You started the fight” She accused me of starting the fight


apologize for He said, “I‟m sorry. I‟m selfish” He apologized for being selfish

6. Suggest

suggest + Ving She said, “Let‟s go to the cinema”

→ She suggested going to the cinema

suggest + that + past simple She said, “Let‟s go to the cinema”

→ She suggested that we went to the cinema

suggest + that + S + should She said, “Let‟s go to the cinema”

→ She suggested that we should go to the cinema

Ex1. Rewrite the sentences

1. He said, “I‟ll never speak to him again if he doesn‟t apologize”


2. They told us, “We‟ll be back next week”


3. Craig said, “I‟ve tried to write this article since 8.00”


4. She told me, “If you had been on time, we would have caught the bus”


5. Ethan said, “I didn‟t have breakfast this morning”


6. “Paula was in her room a few minutes ago”


7. “You can‟t park here”, the man told us


8. “If I didn‟t need the money, I would quit”, he told me


9. Diane said, “Andy wasn‟t at the party last night”


10. The teacher told him, “You ought to be more careful”


Ex 2. Rewrite the sentences using the words given

1. “Hurry up!”, she said to him. (told)


2. He said, “Don‟t make so much noise, Tom”. (told)


3. “Don‟t be afraid”, she told me. (to)


4. “Give me the money”, the thief said to her. (ordered)


5. “Don‟t leave your toys on the floor”, she said to her son. (his)


6. The teacher said to us, “Read the instructions carefully” (to)


7. “Please, please, don‟t drive so fast”, Paula said to Jason (begged)



8. Elsa said to Maggie, “Please meet me at the station at six” (asked)


9. He said to me, “Don‟t worry” (told)


10. “Follow that car”, the detective said to the driver (ordered)


Ex 3. Rewrite the sentences

1. “How often do you do exercise?”, the doctor asked him


2. “Do you speak English?”, the tourist asked us


3. “When did he call?”, she asked her mother


4. Jeff asked her, “Can you hear that noise?”


5. Emma asked Frank, “Have you finished?”


6. “Are the children still at school?” she asked him


7. “How old are you?” she asked me


8. “Where‟s the newspaper?” he asked me


9. He asked me, “Did you have a good time?”


Ex 4. Rewrite the sentences using the word given

1. “I can carry the suitcase for you”, Steve told me (offered)


2. “I won‟t tell anyone”, Mary said (promised)


3. “I‟ll call the police”, I said (threatened)


4. “I‟ll come with you”, he told us (agreed)


5. “I want to talk to your boss”, she told me (demanded)


6. “No, I won‟t let you use my computer”, he said to me (refused)


7. “I‟ll type that article for you”, she told me (offered)


Ex 5. Circle the correct answer

1. Chris offered to lend/ lending me his car


2. She warned her son not to play/ playing with matches

3. He denied to break/ breaking the vase

4. You promised to let/ letting me wear your sweater!

5. He accused me of lie/ lying

6. Carol apologized for be/ being late

7. He refused to work/ working on Sunday

8. I suggested to have/ having dinner at an Italian restaurant.

9. The policeman ordered her to answer/ answering his question.

10. The boy admitted to break/ breaking the window.

Ex 6. Rewrite the sentences

1. He said to me: “You told her my secret”

He accused me of ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. She told me: “I‟m sorry I hurt your feeling”

She apologized ………….…………………………………………………………………….

3. “I didn‟t do anything wrong”, I said

I denied ………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. He tol me, “Yes, I lied to you”

He admitted ……………………………………………………………………………………..

5. They told us, “We‟re sorry we didn‟t come to your party”

They apologized ………………………………………………………………………………….

6. “You took my jacket without asking me”, she said

She accused ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Unit 11. Conditionals and subjunctives

I. Conditionals

Types If - clause Main clause Usage Examples



- Present simple - Present simple - To refer to actual facts, general

truths or states

If/ When you frighten the

birds, they fly away



Present tenses - Future tenses

- Modal verbs (present) +


- Imperative

- To refer to sth that it is possible

to happen in the present or in the


- If she invites me to the party,

I‟ll go

- If it stops raining, we can go


- If you see him, tell him about

the party



- Past simple

- Past continous

- would + V

- Modal verbs (past) + V

- To refer to sth that does not

apply to present and when it is

impossible to happen in the


- To refer to sth that we don‟t

expect to happen

- If someone threatened to hit

me, I would shout for help

- If I were you, I‟d plant some

trees round the house

- If a burglar came into my

room at night, I‟d scream.



- Past perfect tense - would/ could/ should

have + PII

- To refer to sth that could have

happened in the past but did not


- To express our sorrow or regret

about an event in the past

- If he had lent me the money,

I would have bought this car

- If you hadn‟t told mom about

that, she wouldn‟t have got so




- Past perfect - would + V

- modal verbs (past) + V

- To refer to the past action

which has the present result

If I hadn‟t so careless, I

wouldn‟t be in the trouble now



- Provided/ Providing/ As long as + that + clause = If + clause

e.g. You will have the money provided that you promise to pay back in time

- Unless = If …. Not

e.g. They‟ll kill the boy if they don‟t get the money = They‟ll kill the boy unless the get the money

- But for + noun/ Ving/ the fact that … = If it weren‟t/ hadn‟t been for + noun/ Ving/ the fact that …..

e.g. But for the bad weather, we would have enjoyed the journey = If it hadn‟t been for the bad weather, we would have enjoyed the journey

But for the money, the job wouldn‟t be worth doing = If it weren‟t for the money, the job wouldn‟t be worth doing

- Supposing/ Suppose = If

e.g. Supposing/ Suppose you won the lottery ticket, what would you do? = If you won the lottery ticket, what would you do?

- Otherwise/ Or/ Or else

e.g. Give me the money or I‟ll kill you = If you don‟t give me the money, I‟ll kill you

Your should come back before 10 p.m. Otherwise, you will be locked outside = If you don‟t come back before 10 p.m, you will be

locked outside.

- In case = If

e.g. If Tome comes, we‟ll buy some more beer. = We‟ll buy some more beer in case Tom comes

- “Without + noun/ Ving” is used in the second and the third conditionals

e.g. Without the glasses, he would look very funny = If he weren‟t wearing the glasses, he would look very funny

Without my father‟s encouragement, I would have failed = If my father hadn‟t encouraged, I would have failed.

II. Subjunctives

1. S1 + wish/ If only + S2 + V (past simple/ past continuous)

- To refer to sth that we would like to be different at the present

e.g. I wish I had a motorbike

I wish you weren‟t leaving

He wishes he wasn‟t having an English lesson now

2. S1 + wish/ If only + S2 + would + V

- To complain about sth or to express our desire to change a situation that is annoying us


e.g. I wish you would stop making that noise.

She wishes you would leave

3. S1 + wish/ If only + S2 + V (past perfect)

- To express our sorrow about sth that we would like to have happened differently in the past

e.g. If only I had stayed at home last night.

4. It‟s time/ high time/ about time + for sbd + to do sth = It‟s time/ high time/ about time + S + V (past simple)

e.g. It‟s time for us to go home

It‟s high time we did something about the traffic

Ex 1. Form the zero conditional sentences

1. Jack/ always/ bring/ flowers/ when/ he/ come/ to visit us


2. If/ you/ mix/ red and blue/ you / get/ purple


3. Glass/ break/ when/ you/ heat/ it?


4. If/ you/ not eat/ you/ get thin


5. When/ the weather/ be/ nice/ I/ walk/ to work


6. Your brother/ help/ you/ with your homework/ when/ he/ have/



7. I/ usually/ read/ a good book/ when/ I/ not be/ busy


8. If/ plants/ not get/ enough water/ they/ die


Ex 2. Complete with the first conditional sentences

1. You (feel) …………. better if you (take) …………. an aspirin

2. If they (come) ………… with us, we (have) ………. great time.

3. If it (rain) ………….. I (might/ stay) …………. at home

4. (You/ post) …………. this letter for me if you (not be) ………….

too busy?

5. You (should/ apologise) ……….…….. if it (be) ………… your


6. If David (invite) …………….. Janice, I (not go) ……………….

to his party.

7. If you (not know) …………………. the answer, (ask) ………….

Mr. Walters.

8. Jock (move) …………… to Scotland if he (find) …………. a

good job there.

9. If the pain (not stop) …………………., I (see) ………………..

the doctor.

10. If you (not like) ……………….. that dress, (not wear)

…………….. it


Ex 3. Rewrite the sentences using the word given

1. I‟ll let you go to Phillip‟s house if you tidy you room. (provided)


2. Provided I finish work early tomorrow, I‟ll come with you (if)


3. If you let me use your computer, I won‟t tell mom what you did

(as long as)


4. Aunt Josephine will be here at eight as long as her train arrives on

time (providing)


5. You can borrow my car provided you bring it back at four (as long



6. I‟ll go to the party as long as you come uiwht me (so long as)


7. If they offer him enough money, he will accept. ( so long as)


8. I‟ll tell you all about it as long as you promise to keep it a secret



Ex 4. Rewrite the sentences in second conditional

1. I haven‟t got any money, so I won‟t buy that


2. Pigs haven‟t got wings, so they don‟t fly


3. His marks aren‟t good because he doesn‟t work hard


4. I‟m busy, so I won‟t come with you


5. They don‟t know her, so they won‟t invite her to the party


6. I won‟t call him because I haven‟t got his phone number


7. She walks to school because she hasn‟t got a bike


8. It‟s cold, so we won‟t got to the beach


9. I won‟t join you because I have to stay at home


10. He won‟t lend you his camera because he needs it.


Ex 5. Complete with third conditionals

1. If I (hear) ………………. the weather forecast, I (take)

………………………….. an umbrella with me.

6. If you (not be) ……………………… so rude, she (not get)

………………………………… so upset.

7. If Raymond (not miss) ……………………. the bus, he (not be)


2. If you (come) ………………………. to the party last night, you

(meet) …………………………………… James

3. If I (listen) ……………………. to her, this (not happen)


4. If I (know) …………………….. you were at home, I (call)

…………………………………….. you.

5. What (you/ do) ……………………… if he (not lend)

………………………… you his car?

………………………… late for work.

8. If someone (tell) ……………………. me that there was no milk

in the house, I (go)………………………… to the supermarket.

9. She (not refuse) ……………………… if you (ask)

……………………..….. her nicely.

10. (You/ come) ………………............. with us if we (tell)

…………………………. you about the concert?

Ex 6. Write the sentences using “would” and the prompts given

1. Oh no! You‟ve broken another glass! You/ be/ more careful.



2. My little sister is always asking me questions. She/ not bother/ me

all the time (if only)


3. George is so bossy! He/ stop/ telling me what to do (if only)


4. You talk too much. You/ be/ quiet (wish)


5. Mrs. Edwards wants us to write another composition. She/ not

give/ us so much homework. (wish)


6. Bill and Fred are fighting again. They/ stop/ arguing (wish)


7. There‟s water everywhere. You/ clean up/ after your bath (if only)


8. Where‟s my blue dress? You/ not wear/ my clothes without asking

me (wish)


9. My brother is so untidy. He/ be/ more careful with his things (if



10. My parents don‟t allow me to go out on weekends. They/ let/ me

go out with my friends (wish)


Ex 7. Write the sentences with “wish” or “if only”

1. We spent all our money on CDs.


Ex 8. Complete with “it‟s time” and the prompts.

1. I look awful! (I/ have) ……………………… a haircut.

2. She‟s been working too hard lately. (She/ take)


2. You didn‟t tell me the truth.


3. I lost my car keys.


4. I didn‟t listen to her.


5. We didn‟t win the game.


6. I forgot to call him last night.


7. I failed the test.


8. I was late for work.


9. Jim wasn‟t at the party last night.


10. I told her my secret.


……………………….. some time off.

3. I‟m tired. (I/ go) ……………………………. to bed.

4. We have to be at the station at six. (We/ leave)


5. (I/ start) …………………… looking for a new job. I hate

working in the city center.

6. Those windows are very dirty. Don‟t you think (we/ clean)

………………………. them?

7. (You/ buy) ……………………… a new car. This one‟s too old.



I. Defining relative clauses

Subject Object Possessive

For people Who/ that Who/ whom/ that Whose

For things Which/ that Which/ that Of which/ whose

1. As subject of relative clauses

e.g. The man robbed you. He has been arrested

→ The man who/ that robbed you has been arrested

The stairs lead to the cellar. They are rather slippery

→ The stairs which/ that lead to the cellar are rather slippery

* Notes: when relative pronouns substituting for things stand after “all, everything, little, much,

something, anything, none, no” and the superlatives, we should use “that” instead of “which”

e.g. All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.

This is the biggest hotel that has been built there

Ann said something that was annoying

2. As object of relative clauses

e.g. He employs some girls. They are always complaining about their pays.

→ The girls (who(m)/ that) he employs are always complaining about their pays.

My car hit a motorbike. This motorbike was badly damaged.

→ The motorbike (which/ that) my car hit was badly damaged.

* Notes: as an object of relative clauses, relative pronouns can be omitted

3. Relative clauses beginning with “whose” or “of which”

- “Whose” substitutes possessive adjectives and „s case

e.g. The film is about a spy. His wife lost her memory suddenly

→ The film is about a spy whose wife lost her memory suddenly

- With non-animated nouns, use “with + noun phrase” to substitute “whose” or “of which”

e.g. Can you see the house? The doors of this house are green

→ Can you see the house whose doors are green?

the doors of which are green?

with green doors?

4. Relative clauses beginning with “where, when, why”

- Where = in/at which (place)

e.g. Last week I visited a city. I was born in this city

→ Last week I visited a city which I was born in/ where I was born.

- When = in/on which (time)

e.g. I still remember the year. I joined the army in that year

→ I still remember the year which I joined the army in/ when I joined the army

- Why = for which (reason)

e.g. Do you know the reason? Peter was late for this reason

→ Do you know the reason which Peter was late for/ why Peter was late?

II. Non-defining relative clauses

Subject Object Possessive

For people Who/ that Who/ whom/ that Whose


For things Which/ that Which/ that Of which/ whose

1. As subject in relative clauses

e.g. My friend works in a bank. He is going to lend me a big sum of money.

→My friend, who works in a bank, is going to lend me a big sum of money.

The train 8.15 is usually punctual. It was late today.

→ The 8.15 train, which is usually punctual, was late today.

2. As object of relative clauses.

e.g. She introduced me to her husband. I hadn‟t met him before.

→ She introduced me to her husband, who(m) I hadn't met before

She gave me this jumper. She had knitted it herself

→ She gave me this jumper, which she had knitted it herself

* Notes: don‟t omit relative pronouns in non-defining relative clauses

3. Relative clauses beginning with "whose"

e.g. Ann is trying to get a job. Her children are at school all day.

→ Ann, whose children are at school all day, is trying to get a job

His house needs repairing. The windows of this house were all broken in the storm

→ His house, whose windows were all broken in the storm, needs repairing.

4. Relative clauses beginning with "where, when"

e.g. He went to Hollywood, where he made his first film

I‟ll never forget the year 2000, when I won the lottery ticket for $100000

III. Some special cases

1. Relative clauses beginning with “which” to substitute for the information mentioned in

the previous clause

e.g. He failed the exam, which disappointed everyone.

The clock struck thirteen, which made all of us laugh

2. When relative pronouns is an object of prepositional verbs, the prepositions can be put

before the relative pronouns.

e.g. … the man who/ that I talked to = … the man to whom I talked…

… the ladder which/ that I was standing on = … the ladder on which I was standing

… Mr. John, who/ whom I was looking for … = … Mr. John, for whom I was working

4. It + to be + noun/ pronoun + defining relative clause (beginning with “who, that”)

e.g. It is the speed that caused the accident

It was wine that we ordered

It‟s the manager that I want to see

It was Tom who broke the window

It was the monitor who helped me do all the exercises

5. Relative clauses → To infinitive

a, After the ordinal words (first, second, last, only …) or the superlatives

e.g. I was the first person who told them the good news = I was the first person to tell them

the good news

She was the only one who understood my point = She was the only one to understand

my point

Is this the cheapest thing that you can buy? = Is that the cheapest thing to buy?


b, When relative clauses express the purpose of the nouns or the duty or permission to do

sth with the nouns

e.g. He has three more shirts that he has to wash = He has three more shirts to wash

She had something that she had to do = She had something to do

They need a garden that they can play in = They need a garden to play in

6. Relative clauses → Ving: the verbs in relative clauses are active voice

e.g. The girl who is standing over there is my cousin

→ The girl standing over there is my cousin

Boys who attend this school have to wear a uniform

→ Boys attending this school have to wear a uniform

7. Relative clauses → Ved/ Being + Ved: the verbs in relative clauses are passive voice

e.g. The weapon which was used in the murder has now been found

→ The weapon used in the murder has now been found

Ex 1. Complete with relative pronouns

1. The man ……. called didn‟t leave a


2. Did you see the letter …….. came for

you this morning?

3. The shop ……….. she works is in

Cherry Street.

4. Do you remember the day …… you first


5. The woman ……… car was stolen went

to the police station

6. Is that the reason ……. she got angry?

7. I don‟t know the girl …… is having the


8. This is the restaurant ……… we had

dinner last night.

9. The book ……….. I‟m reading at the

moment is a historical novel

10. The boy ……….. brother is a tennis

champion is in our class

Ex 2. Join the sentences using the relative


1. The girl said she wanted to speak to Tim.

She called


2. The men have been arrested. They

robbed the bank.


3. The care has been repaired. It was

damaged in the accident


4. That‟s the book shop. Lisa‟s sister works



5. The cheese sandwiches are for you.

They‟re on the kitchen table.


6. An old lady called the fire brigade. Her

cat had got stuck in a tree.


7. Do you remember the day? We first came

to this school then.


8. The woman smiled proudly. Her

daughter won first prize.


9. The architect from Sweden. He designed

this building


10. The painting costs me $1000. It is

hanging on the sitting room wall


Ex 3. Join the sentences in two ways

1. I don‟t know anyone. You can sell your

5. That‟s the room. She spends most of her

time in it.


car to them



2. This is the hotel. We stayed at this hotel

last year.



3. This is the restaurant. We usually go to it.



4. She‟s the woman. I borrowed the money

from her





6. History is a subject. I‟ve always been

good at it.



7. She‟s a friend. I share all my secrets with




8. This is the box. Mom keeps her jewellery

in it.



Ex 5. Join the sentences

1. Jane didn‟t even say hello. This was very

rude of her


2. Bob didn‟t pass the exam. This made his

parents very angry


3. He says he has met the Prime Minister.

This can‟t be true


4. I‟ve been working. This is why I feel so



5. She is more than two hours late. This is

very annoying.


6. Mary had a fight with Nick. This

explains why she looks so upset.


7. Gavin gave me a watch for my birthday.

This was very kind of him


8. It‟s their anniversary. This is why they‟re

having the party
