Graffiti: The Coveted Universal Web Component Format

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Graffiti: The Coveted Universal Web Component Format


UniversaLWeb Component


June 16th, 2015 - Wicked good Ember Conf

“Component” is a super Ambiguous word these days.

Ember, React, Angular, etc all have concepts of “Components”

UNIVERSAL u·ni·ver·sal [ yoo-nuh-vur-suh l ]


1. Used or understood by all

I am declaring war On all framework view layers

Jay PhelpsSenior Front end engineer | Netflix Twitter: @_jayphelps

W3c - Web Components Create custom, reusable HTML elements which allow

encapsulation and interoperability.

The Real world

What’s missing?


No Interpolation

No bindings

No Helpers/directives

{{#if foo}}

<div ng-repeat="(key, value) in myObj">

{{#each items as |item|}}

<input ng-model="value" />

No computed properties, Observers etc

What do we do?

Filling in the gaps




It’s awesome.

element properties can be bound in the templateDeclarative data binding

Computed Properties


Polymer 0.5 “alpha”

Complex lists, charts, etc.Bindings/renders can be slow

Shadow DOM “shady DOM”Polymer 1.0

Quite literally a ground up rewrite from 0.5So much faster

But…Not fast enough…For me…

reinventing the virtual dom wheel

via BabelEs6/7++ ???


what now?

*Ember 2.0 with Glimmer rendering engine

React & ember* are super fast


ember fast ≈ htmlbars/glimmer

With sugar, glue, and some duct tape

Can we use it?




They both use Es6/7++ with decorators

Yes, it looks a bit like angular 2.0

How bout bindings?

Like ember, will get even faster as more hybrid approach is taken


Open source

Even if it’s you telling me how crazy I am

Contributions extremely welcome

HUGE Thank you to ember core team

Particularly those who let me bug them about htmlbars/glimmer

Q/aTwitter: @_jayphelps