GRADE 9 Medieval Music

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Transcript of GRADE 9 Medieval Music

Medieval Period Music

Medieval Period Also called as “middle ages” or

transition period From 400-1400 A.D. Began with the fall of the Roman

Empire The Roman Catholic became very


Medieval Period First musical notations took place

during this period Foundation was laid for the

notational and theoretical practices that would shape the Western Music

Gregorian Chant Central tradition of Western

plainchant Developed in Western and Central

Europe during the 9th-10th centuries Credited to Saint Pope Gregory I Organized into 12 modes

Gregorian Chant Traditional sung by church choirs of

men Written in Neume, an early form of

musical notation Guido d’Arezzo – person who

invented the musical staff Monophonic in texture Texts are in Latin

Assignment: Research about the Medieval

Secular Music and some famous Medieval Composers


Sociocultural Influences on Music Rise and development of

polyphonic forms System of notation Western society are becoming

more independently, economically and intelectually

Medieval Secular Music Music that focuses on chivalry,

dances and romance Overcomes Sacred Music during

the 14th century Had a narrow range Used many string instruments

when performing

Minstrels It is an European medieval

wandering musicians and moved from town to town to make money


Troubadour A composer and performer during

the High Middle Ages Trobairitz – female version of

troubadour Began in the late 11th century Themes of musical composition:

chivalry and courtly love

Adam de la Halle Also known as Adam le

Bossu (Adam the Hunchback). He is a French-born trouvere, poet and musician. He is most famous for his musical play “Jeu de Robin et Marion”.