Grade 7 health unit 1 session 1

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Grade 7 health unit 1 session 1



Vocabulary Enhanceme


Arrange the scrambled letters to find the answer

State of complete, physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity‘LETHAH

Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into partsLITHOIS


Holistic Health Harmony and

balance in all aspect of health-physical, mental, emotional, social and moral-spiritual.



Physical Health refers to the state of the body its compositions, development, functions, and maintenance

Physical Health also means the ability to carry out daily task without becoming to tired.

Few ways to ensure good

physical health…

To keep the body and mind energized. Eat nutritious foods.

To prevent eating disorder. Never skip meals or overeat.

To cleanse the body, drink 8-10 glasses a day.

To increase immunity and endurance levels of the body, maintain fitness by exercising the body

To detect illness at early stage have a regular check-ups.

To enhance growth and development, sleep at least 7 uninterrupted hours daily.

To prevent addiction, avoid taking addictive substances.

Mental or Intellectual Health

Refers to the cognitive ability and skills to improve one’s quality of life.

It is the ability to reason out, analyze, evaluate, create and make rational decisions.

Some ways to attain good

mental health…

Set realistic goals

Look at every opportunity with an open mind.

Know the demands and expectations from you.

Maintain a positive outlook, especially when dealing problems with conflicts.

Emotional Health

Emotional Health Our ability to

accept and cope with our own and others feelings. It involves understanding and liking yourself.

Some ways to attain

emotional health…

Be aware of and accept one’s strength and weaknesses

Handle stress and seek help, if needed

Develop strong communication networks among family, friends and peers

Social Health

Social Health Refers to the ability

to build and maintain harmoniously and satisfying relationships. Being socially accepted is also connected to our emotional well-being.

Some ways to attain social


• Increase interaction with other people

• Improve interpersonal

communication skills

• Assume a positive self-image

• Interact with different types of people

• Accept and understand different cultural norms.

Moral- Spiritual Health

Moral- Spiritual HealthRefers to one’s faith, beliefs and values.

Being morally and spiritually healthy is also looking for the meaning and purpose of life.