Grace United Methodist Church NEWSCASTER - Clover Sites

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Transcript of Grace United Methodist Church NEWSCASTER - Clover Sites

Grace United Methodist Church NEWSCASTER

January 2011 Edition


Evangelical Lutherans Join United Methodists to Celebrate Communion Together

Delegates to the church wide assembly of the 4.7 million

member Evangelical Lutheran Church in America sang, “O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” August 20, 2009 after voting 958-51 in support of a historic “Full Communion” agreement. The year before, United Methodists at the 2008 General Conference in

Fort Worth, Texas gave overwhelming support in an 864-19 vote to celebrate Full Communion with Evangelical Lutherans.

This was the first time United Methodists who number 11.5 million members worldwide have made such an agreement.

South West District area United Methodist Churches and Evangelical Lutheran Churches will celebrate this Full Communion agreement, Tuesday evening, February 22, 2011. Our two great tradi-tions founded by the towering figures in Christian history - Martin Luther and John Wesley will take up

centuries of differences and find centuries of commonalities at our Lord’s common table. Wesley and Luther impersonated by Asbury Seminary recently retired homiletics professor Reverend Charles Killian and retired recognized great preacher Reverend Harold Popp will be reflecting on the

history making communion service.

Come to St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2256 Bahia Vista, Sarasota, 34239 at 6:30 pm, February 22 to acknowledge our traditions as partners in the Christian faith. See the processional of all clergy in full

ecclesiastical vestments. Hear ecumenical ensemble choruses. Receive our Lord’s love. Come and bring your friends. For questions call Goodwill Chaplain Tom Pfaff, 941-724-5018.

Men’s Club Meeting Monday, January 3 at 6:00PM in Punch Hall

Church Council Meeting

Monday, January 10 at 7:00PM in Punch Hall

UMW Executive Meeting Tuesday, January 11 at 10:00 AM in East Wing

UMW Luncheon

Tuesday, January 11 at 11:30 AM in Punch Hall

Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 18 at 8:00AM in the Library

UMW Circle Meetings

Tuesday, January 18 at 9:30 AM

Staff Parish Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00 PM in the Parlor

Grace Reading Fellowship

Tuesday, January 25 at 10:00AM in the Parlor B

Page 2 January 2011

Walk to make a difference

The annual John Clay Memorial Venice CROP walk will be Sunday February 27. Join hundreds of friends and

neighbors who want to make a difference! What is CROP? Community Response to Overcome Poverty is a community event that involves churches,

families, neighbors and other organizations who walk to raise money to fight hunger in our own community as well as around the world.

The walk starts and finishes at the Venice downtown

gazebo. This year the walk will begin at 3:00 pm. Registration will start at 2:00. Sponsor envelopes

will be available in February. Look for more information in the coming weeks.

Our Nursery is

growing: Join our Sunday nursery ministry and spend a little time with terrific

toddlers and play-ful preschoolers. Volunteers are scheduled to

serve for 1 hour every other month

during The LifeJourney


IN MEMORIAM Pat Scott ~ Evelyn Bonnington ~ Olive Burt


MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF DOROTHY PRICE by the Thursday Night Bible Study group.

ALTAR FLOWERS Would you consider enhancing the beauty of our worship areas by placing flowers

on the altar? The flowers can be given either


IN HONOR OF a loved one or friend. The flowers are

yours to take home following the 11:00 AM service in the Sanctuary.

The cost of each bouquet is $30.00. You can sign up for your Sunday of

choice on the Flower Calendar located in the hallway by the staff offices.


The singers and ringers and all the musicians that make up our church’s Music Ministry wish you, the people of God here

at Grace United Methodist Church, a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous NEW

YEAR! And we remind all those talented people out there in the pews that we

always have room in our choirs for a few more faithful members. Please consider

joining one of our music-making groups in 2011 as we continue to “Make a joyful

noise to the Lord!” I remain your humble village organist,

Gene Hodges

For more information on any of the Children’s

Ministry notices, please call the

church office at 488-1374 or email at

Page 3 January 2011

EVERY SUNDAY 8:15 - 11:00 Coffee Time, TFEC 9:00 LifeJourney Worship, TFEC 9:30 - 10:15 LifeWAY Classes 11:00 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 5:00 PM Sr. High Youth Group, TFEC EVERY MONDAY 12:30 Preschool Dance, TFEC 108 3:45 Brownies, TFEC 108 5:00 Youth Bells, MR 6:00 Exsultate Practice, MR 6:30 The Bridge, TFEC The Improv

EVERY TUESDAY 9:00 MMO, Nursery TFEC 5:30 GraceTones, Music Room 6:30 Cub Scouts, PH/EW/WW/Rm 2/A9 7:00 AA, Meeting Room C EVERY WEDNESDAY 9:00 Piecemakers Quilting, A-8 & PH 9:00 MMO, Nursery TFEC 12:30 Preschool Gymnastics, TFEC 3:00 LifeWAY Kids, 108 & TFEC 6:30 Boy Scouts Troop #77, PH 6:30 Chancel Choir, Music Room 7:00 Al-Anon, Mtg. Rm C

EVERY THURSDAY 9:00 MMO, Nursery TFEC 12:30 Preschool Gymnastics, TFEC 4:00 Girl Scouts, TFEC Rm 108 7:00 AA, Meeting Room C 7:00 LJ Praise Team Practice, TFEC EVERY FRIDAY EVERY SATURDAY Gideon's - Library & MRC

J anuary Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 No Men’s Breakfast!

2 Holy Communion

3 OFFICE CLOSED 6:00 PM Men’s Club, Punch Hall

4 5 6 6:30 PM Disciple Bible Study Class, West Wing

7 9:00 AM Threadcatcher Circle, A8


9 Mission Opportunity Sunday 11:30 AM Your Turn Class gathering, PH

10 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting, Punch Hall

11 10:00AM UMW Meeting; EW 11:30 AM UMW Luncheon, Punch Hall

12 13 14 15 8 AM Pancake Bkft , TFEC 8 AM Preschool Gymnastic Exhibit, Punch Hall

16 Children’s Coin Ministry Sunday


NEWSCASTER Info DUE for February

18 8:00 AM Finance Meeting, Library 9:30 AM UMW Circle Meetings 12:30 PM Preschool Director’s Meeting, MRC 7:00 PM Staff Parish Meeting, Parlor B


20 21 9:00 AM Threadcatcher Circle, A8 6:00 PM Boy Scout Dinner, PH

22 6:00 PM Em-maus Dinner, TFEC

23 Canned Food Sunday


24 31

25 10:00 AM Reading Fellowship, Parlor B

26 8:15 AM Collators meet, MRC 11:00 AM Tom’s Bible, Parlor B 5:30 PM Connection Café, TFEC

27 28 Lifetouch Pictures, Parlor B

29 Lifetouch Pictures, Parlor B

Page 4 January 2011

15 Bill & Virginia Schulte 18 George & Pat Jandacek 22 Roy & Katrina Cook 23 Steve & Jennifer Boone 26 Mat & Karen Donahue 27 Cliff & Ruth Randall

If your birthday or anniversary is not listed but should be, or if there are any errors, please email or call the church office so that a correction can be made. Thank you!

Pick Up Take Home 1/2 Bob Bainbridge Bob Bainbridge 1/9 Sheldon Toepfer Sheldon Toepfer 1/16 Steve Boone Steve Boone 1/23 John Thurston Sheldon Toepfer 1/30 Robert Waldron Monty Andrews

JANUARY Ted Salmon Dan Boone

Barbara Wood Bill Stuck

Marion Ogle Mel & Phyllis Johns

1/2 F Ronnie & Louis Karaska B Ayleen Durrer & Vivian Bonham 1/9 F Jack & Jill Schmidt B Maxine Messner & Barb Newcomb 1/16 F Ken & Sue James B Mary Bush & Merri Rowden 1/23 F Mary Chambers B Diane Slikas 1/20 F Penny Collins B Ellen Boggs

1 Barbara Stevens Diane Slikas Austin Joyner 2 Jeff Drew 3 Ed Diefenbach Martha Rummell Mildred Drake 4 Madeline Jones Bob Bricker Jim Camarata 5 Melanie Delehanty 7 Shannon Dowdy 8 Tom Hicks 9 Mary Jeanne Moorman 10 Sam Diefenwierth Julie Kern 11 David Taylor 12 Virginia “JJ” Cook Julia Diefenwierth Crystal Bader 13 Roy Helge 14 Grace Starkey Khara Tallman Heather Lawrence Elizabeth Kresse

15 Linda Baker Lucille Hofmann Marlene Grant 16 Patricia Johnson Victoria Valleau Jack Chambers Bob vonMarschall Becky Delaney 17 Randy Johnson Evan Boone 18 Tom Derrough Lisa Eastes Bob Sommers 19 Vivian Bonham Herb Poenisch Sarah Wellman Tom Stoddard 20 Kacie Rogers 21 Bill Davis 22 Shirley Fountain John Galloway Lynda Johnson

23 Becky Rom Kyle Graser Chelsea Campbell Freda Boone Ray Cook Debbie Steranko 24 Isabel Fowler Janet Keown Tara Merritt 25 Martha Swenson Diane Zabik Carson Grant 26 Diana Perkins John Milton 27 Barbara Newcomb Pat Bruce Sam Rutherford Ina Pedersen 28 Sara Halpin 29 Faye Miles Becky Pickering Tami Taylor 31 Mike Jenkins Carol Gray Norma Dallman Mary Jane Granberry

PIECEMAKER NEWS: We meet in the East Wing every Wednesday from 9:00am to 2:00pm. You are cordially invited to visit us to view our “work in progress” or to join with us as we work together in support of our church and each other. If you have questions,

please call Janie Merritt at 488-5066 or Lorry Stover at 485-0094. IF YOU have a son or daughter returning home from active duty in the military, please call Carol Simpson at 497-5460 or Audrey

Tamblingson at 497-5478.

Page 5 January 2011

News from the

~ Our prioritized project list for 2010 has been updated and you can get your copy from the office. Help is al-ways appreciated on any of these projects; please contact Gene Stover for more information. ~ The Board of Trustees would like to thank you for add-ing the church in your will. Without this funding we would not be able to provide new roofs, new lighting for the parking lot, update Punch Hall or pay down our large mortgage.

Grace Reading Fellowship; All readers invited Tuesday, January 25 at 10:00AM in the Parlor. The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver.

Grace UMC Men’s Travel Events 2010-2011

January 12: Starlight Dinner Cruise in Clearwater February: To Be Determined March 8-18: South Caribbean Cruise. Still time to get

on board! March: Date yet to be set - Men’s only baseball game April 13: Off Broadway – Palm Dinner Theatre

ATTENDANCE Information:

November Average Worship - 611 Sunday School - 102 Yearly Average Worship - 646 Sunday School - 96

Directory Picture Update

If your family situation has changed, you missed the last picture taking sessions or are new to Grace, you

will have an opportunity to be photographed. Lifetouch Photography will be here on Friday and Saturday,

January 28 and 29, 2011. More specific details will be given at a later date. Complimentary updated pages will be available to be added to your 2009 directory

following the January sessions.


ITEMS ONLY, PLEASE! Mark through the bar code then

place in the shopping cart located in the Narthex.

ALSO check the expiration date!! Thank you for your support!!

Financial Stewardship Report


Received as of 12/9/2010 $719,419.33

Spent as of 12/9/2010 $727,100.56

Florida United Methodist Children’s Home News Between January and April we will have 12 young people turning 18 years old. We have an opportunity to take on a project to help in their

Independent Living program, which provides support to the young men and women in our care that are turning 18. Can your church

provide a basket? It begins with a laundry basket which is then filled with a simple cookbook, pot holders, kitchen towels, an inexpensive

set of pot and pans, basic kitchen utensils, simple silverware, dishwashing soap and a daily devotional book. If you would like to

take on this project, please contact Freda Boone at 488-3701

The Newscaster is sent as an E-Mail publication. Contact Katrina Cook at 941-488-1374 or to be added to the list or pick up a hard copy in the Narthex.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! What a blessed time of the year. We hope that you and yours have a wonderful Christmas with all the hope and joy that the season brings. Some of our VPK children and families helped Venice Area Beautification

Inc. and their lighting of the Venice Arboretum on December 11th. They sang and teachers helped all the children that attended with crafts for the holidays. The preschool Christmas program was on December 14th. The children had been practicing so very hard so we hope you enjoyed the show! Aren’t we lucky to be able to worship God in this most wonderous way! The preschool will be closed from December 20th – January 2nd, 2011 with classes resuming on January 3rd, 2011. Hearing screening will be held on January 13th and 14th for all of our 4 and 5 year old children. This is a service provided by the Jewish Women’s Council. We wish you a Happy New Year!!!

NEWSCASTER DEADLINE Please submit all articles by January 17th for inclusion in the February Newscaster. Thank you, Katrina Cook

Grace United Methodist Newscaster (USPS 581-930) is published monthly (except July) by Grace United Methodist Church, 400 field Avenuce East, Venice, FL 34285-4035. Periodicals Postage Paid at Venice, FL 34285, and additional mailing offices.

Grace United Methodist Church 400 Field Avenue East Venice, Florida 34285-4312 941-488-1374 Website:

Postmaster: Send Address Changes to:

Grace United Methodist Church Newscaster

400 Field Avenue East , Venice, FL 34285-4035