Grabbing Online Technology Faith Based

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of Grabbing Online Technology Faith Based


““Meeting them where they are – ONLINE!Meeting them where they are – ONLINE!Grabbing Online TechnologyGrabbing Online Technology

and Making it Work for your Faith Based Ministry”and Making it Work for your Faith Based Ministry”

How your church or faith based ministry can implement and use technology for little or no cost and compete with others spending

thousands of dollars!

Pam Dechert, CFRE, ePMT

……without having to become without having to become technology experts or spend lots technology experts or spend lots

of money!of money!

““Grabbing Online Technology Grabbing Online Technology and Making it Work”and Making it Work”

Our objectiveOur objective - -We want to explore how we can utilize We want to explore how we can utilize

technology and the Internet to meet the needs technology and the Internet to meet the needs and desires of our and desires of our

donors/volunteers/members/prospects, while donors/volunteers/members/prospects, while at the same time furthering the mission and at the same time furthering the mission and

work of our organization… work of our organization…

The Agenda

Introductions I’m not a teenagerOverview of Industry as it relates to Faith Based NPO’s & ChurchesThe BasicsPutting it Together• Websites• Online Activities• Email• Regulations • Databases

Discussion & Questions

Thoughts from Industry ExpertsThoughts from Industry Experts

“Utilizing rent-able applications and other low cost or free web applications allows the small nonprofit to leverage labor and financial resources. Thus they are able to serve more of their constituency, as well as better communicate with (and broaden) their donor base, and improve services.

In other words, leveraging through technology provides the small nonprofit an opportunity to "level the playing field."Carolyn S. Sechler, CPAPhoenix, AZ

“We are in the middle of a fundamental shift from mass media to the personal media of computers and the Internet, and charitable giving is a logical progression.”

Paul Saffo Director of the Institute for the Future.

Why do we care about this?Why do we care about this?

70 million Americans log into the 70 million Americans log into the internet everydayinternet everyday

Pew Internet Research StudyPew Internet Research Study

In 2005, online giving increased by In 2005, online giving increased by 40% with an average gift of $97 40% with an average gift of $97

enonprofits benchmark studyenonprofits benchmark study

Over $3 Trillion was spent on online Over $3 Trillion was spent on online ecommerce in 2004 aloneecommerce in 2004 alone

Sure…but do we REALLY need to Sure…but do we REALLY need to do thisdo this?

How often do you check the mail box? How often do you check your email?Where do you go to search for information, buy plane tickets, find a map, or research something?If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about a nonprofit – do you Google, write them or look in the phone book?


New Breed of MemberNew Breed of Member

Reads email before snail mailReads email before snail mail

Busy, satisfy interests on their scheduleBusy, satisfy interests on their schedule

Expect to find information onlineExpect to find information online

Expects information to be personalizedExpects information to be personalized

Expects immediate feedbackExpects immediate feedback

Demands information/stewardshipDemands information/stewardship

Online Giving EstimatesOnline Giving Estimates**



1999 2001 2003 2005

$Mil (USD*)

Estimate of Giving in 2001 = $550 million

Estimate of Giving in 2002 = $1.1 Billion

Estimate of Giving in 2003 = $1.9 Billion

Estimate of Giving in 2004 = $2.62 Billion

Estimate of Giving in 2005= $4.53 Billion

*The United States represents slightly more than ½ the Global Online Philanthropic Market

*Estimates provided by ePhilanthropy Foundation

Online Donor ProfileOnline Donor Profile

Made an online purchasepurchase 64.2%Listened to online radio show 35.7%Created ‘cookie’ preferences 28.5%Created Web page 42.8%

Conducted research using search engines 85.7%Customized a personal Web page 35.7%Viewed a Web broadcast 21.4%Participated in chat room or discussions 50.0%Registered for an event 42.8%Personal Banking 64.2%

Source: HJC New Media (Toronto)

Gen Y


Gen X


Young Boomers


Older Boomers




Reading Newspapers (not online)

1.2 1.7 2.8 3.6 5.1

Reading Magazines (not online)

1.7 2.0 2.1 2.4 3.1

Playing Video Games 4.3 2.0 1.1 1.1 1.1

Watching DVDs or VHS 5.8 4.3 3.6 3.3 2.8

Listening to Radio (not online) 7.0 6.9 7.4 6.2 5.3

Watching TV10.4 11.3 12.5 13.7 14.3

Using Internet, PC, Mobile Phone 28.8 22.3 19.6 18.6 16.7

Average Hours Spent Per Week:Source: Forrester Research 2007

Demographics of Internet Users

Demographics of Internet Users

Educational AttainmentEducation Level Percentage

College + 91%

Some College 84%

High School 64%

Less than High School 40%

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2006

Demographics of Internet Users

Annual Household IncomeIncome Level Percentage

$75,000+ 91%

$74,999 – $50,000 86%

$49,999 – $30,000 80%

Less than $30,000 53%

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2006

Why Now?

Most Popular Online Activities

Number of Participants

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2005








• Tithing & Giving is still based upon Relationships Tithing & Giving is still based upon Relationships • The Internet expands our opportunity for Communications The Internet expands our opportunity for Communications • Communications build strong RelationshipsCommunications build strong Relationships• Technology is and will be part of any non profit organization Technology is and will be part of any non profit organization • Technology takes many shapes Technology takes many shapes • Your use of it levels the “playing field” Your use of it levels the “playing field” • Your success can be increased because of technology (more Your success can be increased because of technology (more

with less!)with less!) • You must integrate your online/offline activitiesYou must integrate your online/offline activities• Expand our giving by building stronger relationshipsExpand our giving by building stronger relationships

• The Internet is not just for kids anymore

• The Internet is used by the educated and engaged

• The Internet is not just for downloading music and fantasy football

• The Internet is used by your constituents…or someone else's

Initial ConclusionsInitial Conclusions

What does this mean for churches & ministries?

To establish a strong foundation on which your ministry can grow and be most effective, you must be able to attract and engage members, build meaningful relationships with them, increase involvement and encourage ongoing support.

From broadcast ministries, local churches, relief agencies to missionary-sending organizations and mega churches, faith-based groups like yours can use comprehensive online solutions to:

Build a more effective ministry,

Increase outreach

Nurture and cultivate member relationships, and

Decrease communication costs while streamlining administrative processes.

Use All Your Tools Together


PrintOther Tools

An Integrated Strategy

In Person Meetings



BlogsText MessagingSocial Networking Sites

Your Web Site

Know the Difference

How To Succeed OnlineHow To Succeed Online

The key to grabbing technology…The key to grabbing technology…

Relationship BuildingRelationship Building


Internet PresenceInternet Presence


Successful Online Community Successful Online Community

& A World Class Church or Ministry& A World Class Church or Ministry

You Have 10 Seconds

It’s Quiz Time!It’s Quiz Time!

Are You Ready to be a World Class Online Church or Ministry?

Online ? #1: Clearly Display Name, Logo, MissionCompleted_____

Online ? #2: Register With Local, State and Federal authorities (as required)


Online ? #3: Make It Easy For Donors To Get Quick Answers To Questions


Online ? #4: Make Sure Your Website Uses Encryption Technology Wherever You Request Sensitive or Confidential Information


Are You Ready?Are You Ready?

Online ?#5: Provide Multiple Opportunities and Methods For Gifts To Be Made Both Online and Offline.

Completed_____ Online ? #6: Post a Comprehensive Privacy Policy

Completed_____  Online ?#7 Is your advancement/marketing plans integrated with online & offline activities


Online ? #8: Are your online activities going directly into your

database? Completed_____ 

Sources for small churches & Sources for small churches & ministries to get technologyministries to get technology

Where to find a list of service providers

and Resources

Global Resources

My “personal favorite”…online resources

The BasicsThe Basics

1. Establish an Informative Website (Content)2. Collect Email Addresses 3. Communicate with those who opt in4. Offer the option of online giving (encrypted)5. Give, Get, Do - online6. Comply with Regulations and laws7. Understand Privacy and Security Issues8. Read, learn, test, adapt….


There are almost as many strategies as there are nonprofits, however to get started…

The key to grabbing technology…The key to grabbing technology…

Relationship BuildingRelationship Building++

Internet PresenceInternet Presence==

Successful Online Community Successful Online Community & A World Class Online Church or & A World Class Online Church or


Web Site Creation

Power Of Your Web SitePower Of Your Web Site

More than 50% said that they would NOT have taken further action if they had not first visited charity Web site

Toward e-engagement Nonprofits and Individuals Engaging Online – Kellogg Foundation

39% 37%






















Web Visitors

A few “before” and “after” sites

A few “before” and “after” sites



Some really good church/ministry websites

Common Reasons Why NP Web Sites Fail

Upside Down Web Site

Dead Web Site

Disconnected Web Site

Cool Web Site

Stingy Web Site

"Why Web Sites Fail and What To Do About It" at Nonprofit Day by Michael C. Gilbert April 1999


Should a Non Profit host it’s own web site?

You’ve built a website…

…will they come?

You’ve built a website……how will they find you?

Search engines(85% use them)

Tell them!•Letterhead•Pledge cards•Newsletters•Business cards•Materials•Email signatures

They’re at your website, now what do they do?

1. Can they get something?

2. Can they do something?

3. Can they give something?

Your goal – to get something from them!

Can they get something?Can they get something?

Information DocumentsDevotionals Member ListsCalendars NewslettersPodCasts Stewardship InformationHelp


83% of Internet users expect to find product information on the Internet – Pew Internet Project

Can they do something?Can they do something?

Participate in an eventGolf tournamentsWalk-a-thonsDinners

Join – Become a memberUpdate their informationRun planned gift calculationsPurchase products or services

Can they give something?Can they give something?

Time - Volunteer

Goods (in kind gifts)


An Overall StrategyAn Overall Strategy

Sign Up For Newsletter

Multiple Ways

To Support & Get Involved

Donate Now

Get, Give, Do

Short/Long Term Missions

Website IntegrationWebsite Integration

Website IntegrationWebsite Integration

Website IntegrationWebsite Integration


Corporations$14 5.4%

Foundations$30.00 11.5%

Bequests$17.44 6.7%

Individuals$199.07 76.4%

2005 Contributions: $260.28 Billion by Source of Contributions

Source: Giving USA Foundation – AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy

76.5% of all Monies given by Individuals!76.5% of all Monies given by Individuals!

Online Giving EstimatesOnline Giving Estimates**



1999 2001 2003 2005

$Mil (USD*)

Estimate of Giving in 2001 = $550 million

Estimate of Giving in 2002 = $1.1 Billion

Estimate of Giving in 2003 = $1.9 Billion

Estimate of Giving in 2004 = $2.62 Billion

Estimate of Giving in 2005= $4.53 Billion

*The United States represents slightly more than ½ the Global Online Philanthropic Market

*Estimates provided by ePhilanthropy Foundation

39 states have official legislation

regarding charitable


35 States and DC accept the Unified

Registration Statement (URS)

(some require supplemental attachments)

State Charity Registration

Build Your Email List

Not about the Web site!Push works better than pullKey methods1. Email newsletter sign-up2. Online contests/campaigns3. Opt-in during online data gathering4. Pass along push to current subscribers 5. Offline opportunities are critical

At events (postcards, live data entry) In the mail (renewals, acknowledgements) On the phone


A Communications Tool



Direct MailDirect Mail EmailEmail

Substantial – labor intensive Easy

Expensive (materials/prep/postage) Very low cost

Yes (personalization/gift info/etc.) Yes (same)

Virtually unlimited Has limits

Universal Growing

Slow Fast

Oxfam America Email: Campaign Monitoring and Benchmarking

16,445 Messages Sent (12,825 in HMTL)


531 Bounces (3%)109 unsub (0.5%)

50% HTML Open Rate

1,792 Participated

2,065 Unique Clicks on Link

~13% CTR on all received~25% CTR on all opened

87% convert from Click~11% of all recipients

Test & Track Email Results


2 2 2 0 1 1 2 3 3 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1





Email Marketing Schedule___Holistic Planning

Coordinate Email and Direct Mail Cross-reference offline campaigns in online communications… and vice versa!Reinforce your message across different media to maximize results… ensure you are consistent in your different messages!

Coordinate Web and Phone Campaigns

It bans false or misleading header information(Your email's "From," "To," and routing information – including the originating domain name and email address – must be accurate and identify the person who initiated the email)

It prohibits deceptive subject lines(The subject line cannot mislead the recipient about the contents or subject matter of the message.)

It requires you give recipients an opt-out method

(You must provide a return email address or an Internet-based mechanism that allows a recipient to ask you not to send future email messages to that email address, and you must honor the requests.)

Commercial email identified as an advertisement and include sender's physical postal address

(Your message must contain clear and conspicuous notice that the message is an advertisement or solicitation and that the recipient can opt out of receiving more email from you.)

CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act)

PenaltiesEach violation of the above provisions is subject to fines of up to $11,000. Deceptive commercial email also is subject to laws banning false or misleading advertising.

See the FTC Web site for updates on the CAN-SPAM Act.

The FTC maintains a consumer complaint database. Consumers can submit complaints e at and forward unwanted commercial email to the FTC at

CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act)

Other online “stuff”

Social networking

RSS Feeds





Social Networking Boom

Social Networking Boom









Blogs, SMS, RSS, IM, VoIP, ???

Teens (11-17) Teens (11-17) heaviest texters – heaviest texters –

active users active users average nearly 50 average nearly 50 messages / mo.messages / mo.

72% of 16-24 yr 72% of 16-24 yr olds have used olds have used Text MessagingText Messaging

Young Adults Young Adults (18-24) average (18-24) average

nearly 30 nearly 30 messages/ mo.messages/ mo.

Sources: 2002 Usage and Attitudes Study. Rogers Wireless , The Yankee Group 2003 Mobile User Survey,

Choosing the Right Media: New Technologies

Go to Them (e.g. RSS)

Leverage Social Networks

Allow Members to Participate


What else?

Testimonies, Mission Trips


Blogs cont.


Why are RSS feeds great?

Now that you’ve collected the data – what do you do

with it?

•Record donor details•Record donor preferences•Segmentation capabilities•Individual email•Mass email•Snail mail

Put it in a database!



Keeping it simple

Prospect Website

Gather InformationUse Email


Your database can even be with you and usable anytime & anywhere!

Analysis…Analysis…• How are gifts designated?How are gifts designated?

• Who are your top donors?Who are your top donors?

• Who are your top prospects?Who are your top prospects?

• How many new donors do you have?How many new donors do you have?

• How many donors increase/decrease giving?How many donors increase/decrease giving?

• How many donors are lapsing?How many donors are lapsing?

How are gifts designated?

How many new, increasing, decreasing, lapsed…?

How many new, increasing, decreasing, lapsed…?

BenchmarkiBenchmarkingngAnd Donor And Donor LoyaltyLoyalty

““Up and Up and Coming”Coming” Analysis Analysis Tools Tools

Benchmarking - What is it?

Now, for the very first time, you can get dynamic reports that let you compare your fundraising activities and results to other nonprofit organizations! You can even filter the data to match your results to organizations that are similar to you in type, size and location. 

Benchmark Reporting module is designed to gather aggregate statistics from a large number of participating eTapestry/FEP customer databases. The data is then displayed side-by-side with the same statistics from your own database, giving you a comparison between your organization and other nonprofits.

Having access to this data will allow you to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie in comparison to similar groups. This valuable data supports growth-oriented strategic planning and budgeting for your fundraising programs, enabling you to raise more money!

We are losing current donors, not focusing enough of our stewardship time on lapsed donors, and spending

more money to acquire donors

Benchmark Giving Dynamics, Status, Trends, Comparisons

Member Loyalty

Your ability to fund your mission is dependent on the generosity of donors. However, the loyalty of donors is what allows you to sustain, plan, and expand your mission. Do you know if your donors are “loyal” to your organization?Can provide a scientific measurement of individual donor loyalty, which provides accurate insight into future donor behavior.

Member Loyalty

Integrated Tools…Integrated Tools…

Grant ResearchGrant Research

Matching Gift ResourcesMatching Gift Resources

Planned Gift CalculatorsPlanned Gift Calculators

Prospect ResearchProspect Research

Online GivingOnline Giving

Website IntegrationWebsite Integration

Grant ResearchGrant Research

Matching GiftsMatching Gifts

Matching GiftsMatching Gifts

Planned Gift CalculatorsPlanned Gift Calculators

Planned Gift CalculatorsPlanned Gift Calculators

Prospect ResearchProspect Research

Prospect ResearchProspect Research

John Marshall

John Marshall

John Marshall

Prospect ResearchProspect Research

John Marshall

John Marshall

John Marshall

John Marshall

Fundraising is still based upon Relationships Fundraising is still based upon Relationships The Internet expands our opportunity for The Internet expands our opportunity for

Communications Communications Communications build strong RelationshipsCommunications build strong Relationships Technology is and will be part of any non profit Technology is and will be part of any non profit

organization organization Technology takes many shapes Technology takes many shapes Your use of it levels the “playing field” Your use of it levels the “playing field” Your success can be increased because of Your success can be increased because of

technology (more with less!)technology (more with less!) Expand our fundraising by building stronger Expand our fundraising by building stronger



What does this mean for churches & ministries?

To establish a strong foundation on which your ministry can grow and be most effective, you must be able to attract and engage members, build meaningful relationships with them, increase involvement and encourage ongoing support.

From broadcast ministries, local churches, relief agencies to missionary-sending organizations and mega churches, faith-based groups like yours can use comprehensive online solutions to:

Build a more effective ministry, Increase outreach, Nurture and cultivate member relationships, andDecrease communication costs while streamlining administrative processes.




Pam Dechert, CFRE, ePMTeTapestry
