GPACAC Millennials Rebooted

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Transcript of GPACAC Millennials Rebooted


(and their parents)Rebooted

GPACAC 2011Kevin Corr - Director of Sales

15 American Generations

4 Cycles = 4 Stage/2 Stroke

Generation X


Millennials Rebooted

What does it all mean?

Discussion and Media Resources

Manage the Expectations

A House DividedCusper



“In America, each generation is

a new people.”Alexis de Tocqueville, 1830

LifeCourse Associates

LifeCourse Associates

Generations, 13th Gen, The Fourth Turning

and Millennials Rising

LifeCourse Associates

4Number of Generations Colliding

in the WorkplaceSilent, Boomers, Xers and Millennials

Howe and Strauss

23.4Average Number of Years of

American Generations

Howe and Strauss

15American Generations (19 New World)

Howe and Strauss

4Number of Generational Cycles and

Number of Generations Per Cycle

Name + Birth Years

Awakening 1701-1723

Liberty 1724-1741

Republican 1742-1766

Compromise 1767-1791

Revolutionary Cycle

Name + Birth Years

Transcendental 1792-1821

Gilded 1822-1842

Progressive 1843-1859

Civil War Cycle

Name + Birth Years

Missionary 1860-1882

Lost 1883-1900

G.I. 1901-1924

Silent 1925-1942

Great Power Cycle

Name + Birth Years

Boomer 1943-1960

X 1961-1981

Millennials 1982-2000/01

15th (Homeland or iGeneration) 2000/01-20??

Millennial Cycle

Howe and Strauss

4/24 Stage/2 Stroke Per Cycle

The Fourth Turning

Name (Birth Years) = Description

Awakening (1701-1723) = Idealist

Liberty (1724-1741) = Reactive

Republican (1742-1766) = Civic

Compromise (1767-1791) = Adaptive

Revolutionary Cycle

Name (Birth Years) = Description

Transcendental (1792-1821) = Idealist

Gilded (1822-1842) = Reactive

Progressive (1843-1859) = Adaptive

Civil War Cycle

Name (Birth Years) = Description

Missionary (1860-1882) = Idealist

Lost (1883-1900) = Reactive

G.I. (1901-1924) = Civic

Silent (1925-1942) = Adaptive

Great Power Cycle

Name (Birth Years) = Description

Boomer (1943-1960) = Idealist

X (1961-1981) = Reactive

Millennials (1982-2000/01) = Civic

15th (Homeland or iGeneration) (2000/01-20??) = Adaptive

Millennial Cycle

Idealist birth Civic

Reactive birth Adaptive

Civic birth Idealist

Adaptive birth Reactive


4 Stage / 2 StrokeIdealist




Rebels against the elder-built world and

against the generation before it.

(Think X>Boomer and Millennial>X)

Redirects society towards its own inclinations.

Each Generation

1. Solves the problems facing the prior

youth generation (Millennial>X)

2. Corrects for the behavioral excess it perceives in

current midlife generation (Millennial>Boomer)

3. Fills the social role being vacated by the

departing elder generation (Millennials>G.I.)

Each Generation

Is shaped by their surroundings and by the

generations with which they interact.

While being born becomes history, and as

they age they make history.

Each Generation

Social Moment - a brief period of time when people perceive

historical events to radically alter their social environments.

1. Secular Crisis - when society focuses on reordering the outer

world of institutions and social behavior.

2. Spiritual Awakening - when society focuses on changing

the inner world of values and personal behavior.

Types of History

1. Idealist (Boomer)- encounters a spiritual awakening in rising

adulthood and a secular crisis entering elderhood.

2. Reactive (X) - encounters a spiritual awakening entering youth,

and a secular crisis entering midlife.

3. Civic (GI; Millennial)- encounters a secular crisis entering rising

adulthood, and a spiritual awakening entering elderhood.

4. Adaptive (Silent; Homeland)- encounters a secular crisis entering youth,

and a spiritual awakening entering midlife.

Repeating in America

“Applications and yield numbers are down”

NACAC Study, October 2010

“Loan crisis goes to college.”

CNN, May 2010

“College loans are the new subprime crisis”

New York Times, June 2010

X“A generation that can sneakily trump boomer

narcissism and millennial entitlement.”

Jeff Gordiner, “X Saves the World: How Generation X Got the Shaft but Can Still Keep Everything from Sucking”

Born and raised as independent latch-key kids.

Sexual Revolution, Watergate, Vietnam,

Gay Rights, High Divorce Rate, Recession and

Woman’s Movement peppered their youth.

Demonized by Hollywood: Rosemary’s Baby, The

Exorcist, Taxi Driver, Pretty Baby and The Omen.

About Generation X

Betrayed by social institutions in their youth.

Boomer envy.


To the point.

Playing to win by half expecting to lose.

Proud of their ability to cut through the hype.

About Generation X

Becoming cautious in family life and gradually

mellowing in personality.

Dedicated to starting and maintaining stable

families, something their Silent generation

parents did not.

About Generation X

MillennialLargest, most wanted, most watched over and

most diverse generation in American history.

Howe and Strauss “Millennials Rising”

The Three “Kaitlins”

Kaitlin Caitlin Kate Lynn

Pop Culture

3.6Average birthrate of Millennials

(in millions)

Howe and Strauss “Millennials Rising”

76Million Millennials

(vs. 72 million Boomers and 42 million Xers)

Howe and Strauss “Millennials Rising”

$50kParents willing to pay for an ovum from an

attractive, high IQ, female at a top university

Howe and Strauss “Millennials Rising”

50%Increase in amount of stuff in weight in

average American homes vs. 20 years ago

US News and World Report, 2008

87%College freshmen who have never shared

a room with a sibling

Chronicle of Higher Education, November 2009

35% are non-white (and Latino).

1 in 5 have an immigrant parent,

1 in 10 have a non-citizen parent.

Largest separation in wealth in American history.

About Millennials

Celebrated, cherished and protected.

Celebrated by Hollywood: Three Men and Baby,

Baby Boom, Mr. Mom and Disney princesses.

Empowered females.

Bike helmets, car seats, nanny cams and more.

About Millennials

Raised by attached parents.

Freakishly close to their “Helicopter Parents” or

“Blackhawks” transitioning to “Stealth.”

Parents are “Best Friends” and co-purchasing.

Conservative. Or Conventional?

About Millennials

Team Oriented.

Task Oriented.

Civic Oriented. (not in march on D.C. way)

Want to achieve high standards set for them.

Feel that they have already “paid their dues.”

About Millennials

Eliminate Ambiguity.

Think of Time as 24/7 Resource.

Combine Work with Play.

Make it Worthwhile.

Handle with Care.

Play to Their Strengths.

Group Think.

Reaching Millennials

5000Marketing messages your members are

assaulted by each day

Adweek November 2006

90%Consumers who trust word of mouth,

vs. traditional advertising

Adweek November 2006

Watch Welcome to the Social Media Revolution

Reconize 2nd Cohort.

Post Great Recession.

Shift from Boomer Helicopter to Xer Stealth.

Parents want ROI.

Financial Aid knowledge is key!

Cut through the hype.

Online and In-Person support work in tandem.

Millennials Rebooted

Who is Next?

15thHomeland or iGeneration


Your Bookshelf

The Medium: Sweeping the Clouds Away

Web 2.0 Video

Pew Internet Research

Media and Resources

Mommy, Tell My Professor He’s Not Nice

A Generation Serves Notice; It's a Moving Target


Facebook grows up

YouthQuake (Millennial Values in Work)


Scenes From A Culture Clash

Get The Best Out Of Millennials

The Millennials are Coming

Employee Evolution - Millennials at Work

TargetX iThink Blog

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(and their parents)Rebooted

GPACAC 2011Kevin Corr, Director of Sales