Government. The Path to Citizenship C1S2 Key Terms Naturalization: The legal process where...

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Transcript of Government. The Path to Citizenship C1S2 Key Terms Naturalization: The legal process where...


The Path to Citizenship


Key Terms

• Naturalization: The legal process where foreigners decide to become citizens

• Alien: Noncitizens

• Immigrants: People who move permanently to a new country

• Deport: Send aliens back to their home country


• Every country has rules about how people gain citizenship

14th Amendment

• “anyone born or naturalized in the United States.”

• 2 ways– Birth

– Naturalization


• Born in the U.S.=citizenship

• Born outside the U.S. in Puerto Rico, Guam, or U.S. military base =citizenship

• Born outside of U.S. but parents or a parent is a citizen


• Several million aliens in the U.S.– Study

– Work

– Visit relatives

• Some stay longer and become naturalized citizens

• .5 million immigrants become citizens yearly


• Aliens must:– Sign statement saying they

want to become a citizen• Filed with U.S.

Citizenship and Immigration Services

– Live in the U.S. for 5 years• Married to a citizen 3yrs• Take special classes

– At least 18 years old and living in a state:

• File application for citizenship

Process cont.

• After Paperwork:– Interview with USCIS

official• Meets requirements• Good moral character

• Citizenship Exam– Reading– Writing– Speaking English– Facts about U.S. History

and Govt.

Final Step

• Ceremony where they pledge their oath and allegiance

• Swear:– Loyalty to U.S. above all

others– Obey Constitution– Obey laws– If needed, perform military

or other duties

• Sign document that grants and takes away citizenship

Aliens in the U.S.

• U.S. restricts how many enter yearly– 675,000

EasierRelatives of U.S. citizensPeople with needed job

skillsPeople helpful to the


Illegal Aliens

• 8-9 million living in U.S.• How do they get here:

– Visitors that never leave– Crossing border illegally– Stayed after permits expired

• Why do they come:– Jobs/money– Better life

• Is it legal to hire legal aliens?– No


• If found they are deported

• U.S. Border Patrol

Legal Aliens

• Live like American citizens

– Hold jobs

– Own property

– Attend public schools

– Receive services

– Pay taxes

• Do not have full political rights

• Cannot vote or run for office

• No juries or govt. jobs

• Must carry id cards always


• Chapter 1 Section 2 Questions

• Pg 17

• Questions 1-6

• Answer with complete sentences