Government Science College, Hassan fileGOVERNMENT SCIENCE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), HASSAN Choice Based...

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Transcript of Government Science College, Hassan fileGOVERNMENT SCIENCE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), HASSAN Choice Based...


Government Science College, Hassan

Degree semester scheme




Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) B.Sc BOTANY SYLLABUS

Core subject- BOTANY

SYLLABUS FOR I SEMESTER, PAPER-I Microbiology and Phycology

3hours/week 45hrs

I. Introduction to microbiology, scope and branches of microbiology-Microbes from soil, air

and water

II. Virology: history and discovery of viruses, general characters, structures transmission

and multiplication of TMV and Bacteriophage (T4 phage). Viral diseases in plants-

Tobacco mosaic disease, Yellow mosaic of bean, leaf curl of tomato and papaya ring

spot, Katte disease of Cardamom. Brief account of Viroids and prions, Economic

importance of Viruses

III. Mycoplasma- History, discovery and general characters. Sandal Spike disease-

symptoms and management.

IV. Bacteriology- History and Discovery, occurrence, classification of bacteria according to

Bergy’s manual of determinative bacteriology. Morphology, Flagellation and nutrition of

bacteria. Reproduction in Bacteria- fission, budding, endospore formation. Genetic

recombination in bacterial conjugation- types, Transformation. Griffith’s experiment.

Transduction –generalized and specialized transduction

a. Role of bacteria in human welfare- role of bacteria in industry, agriculture and

waste disposal

b. Bacterial diseases in plants- Citrus canker, bacterial leaf blight of paddy,

Bacterial spot of tomato.

V. Phycology: introduction and brief account of Phycology

VI. Cyanobacteria ; general characters, occurrence, structure, reproduction and economic

importance. Type study- Spirulina, Anabaena, Scytonema, Oscillatoria.

VII. Algae- general characters, classification, habitat, thallus organization, reproduction and

economic importance. Type study; chlorella, spirogyra, Oedogonium, caulerpa,

Sargassum and Diatoms.

1semester Practicals


ONE PRACTICAL OF 3HRS/WEEK 13PRACTICALS Practical I: Study of compound microscope and dissection microscope, use, care, and

Staining and Mounting techniques

Practical II: Type study of Spirulina, Anabaena and Oscillatoria

Practical III: study of Scytonema, Chlorella, Spirogyra

Practical IV: Study of Hydrodictyon and Oedogonium

Practical V: Study of Caulerpa and Diatoms

Practical VI: Study of Sragassum.

Practical VII: study of Polysiphonia

Practical VIII: Microbiological instruments- Inoculation loop and needle, Hot air oven,

Autoclave, Pressure cooker, Incubator and Laminar air flow.

Practical IX: Sterilization techniques

Practical X: Preparation of PDA, NA and NB. Isolation of microbes from air by petriplate

exposure method

Practical XI: Serial dilution techniques. Isolation of microbes by soil pour plate method.

Practical XII: Direct and indirect staining of Bacteria.

Practical XIII: Study of Viral, Bacterial, Mycoplasma diseases in plants mentioned in the


Scheme of Practical Examination (Model Question Paper) Microbiology and Phycology Time: 3hrs Max. Marks: 30

I. Identify the specimens A and B with reasons and labeled sketches 3*2=6 marks

( one from Cyanobacteria and one from Algae)

Identification with reason= 1 mark, labeled sketches=1 mark

II. Prepare a temporary stained slide of the material C, 4marks

Sketch, label and identify with reasons. Leave the preparation for evaluation

Staining and mounting =2 marks, labeled sketch with reasons=3 marks

(Direct or Indirect staining of bacteria / Mounting of algae)

III. Write Crtical notes on D, E , F and G 4*3=12 marks

(One from Bacterial diseases/viral diseases, one from Microbilogical Insrtuments and

one from macroscopic Algae)

VI Identify the micro slides/ chart H, I,J and K With reasons.

(One from Bacteria,one from Algae ,one from Cyanobacteria and one from Bacterial Culture)

(Labelled sketch –01, Identification with reasons –01) 4X2= 12marks

Note;The candidates shall produce the records which shall be signed by the examiners

which is certified by HOD



THEORY: 60 + 10 Marks 3 hours per week 45 Hours Unit I: PLANT PATHOLOGY – Introduction and classification of plant diseases, Disease cycle. Symptoms, causal organisms and management Disease cycle of:- 1. Late blight of potato 2.Tikka disease of groundnut 3. Blast of paddy 4. Coffee rust 5. Koleroga of arecanut 6. Wheat rust - Puccinia graminis 7. Grain smut of Sorghum 8. Rhizome rot of Zinger. 9. A brief account of Biopesticides: Neem, Trichoderma, Bacillus thuringiensis in pest and disease control. 15 hours Unit II: Fungi- General Characters, occurrence, Thallus organization, Nutrition, Reproduction, Ainsworth’s classification and Economic importance of fungi Type study: 1) Pythium 2) Rhizopus 3) Penicillium 4) Lycoperdon 12 Hours Unit III: Edible Mushrooms and poisonous Mushrooms.Cultivation of Mushrooms, Spawn production, composting, Cultivation of Oyester mushroom by bag. Nutritional values of Mushrooms 3 Hours Unit IV: LICHENS: Distribution, types, structure, reproduction and economic Importance 3 Hours Unit V: BRYOPHYTES: General characters and classification of bryophytes. Structure, Reproduction & Alternation of generations in:- Study of: 1. Marchantia 2. Anthoceros 3. Porella 4. Aspergillum 4. Polytrichium 5. Economic Importance of Bryophytes 12 Hours

II SEMESTER PRACTICALS PRACTICALS - II PLANT PATHOLOGY, FUNGI, LICHENS AND BRYOPHYTES One practical of three hours per week 15 Practicals Practical I: Methods of staining and mounting fungi using cotton blue and Lactophenol Practical II: Study of Pythium and Rhizopus PracticaL III: Study of Penicillium and Lycoperdon Practical IV: Demonstration of Mushroom cultivation. Practical V: Study of fungal diseases: Tikka disease of groundnut, Late blight of potato, Koleroga of arecanut, Blast of paddy, Rhizome rot of ginger. Practical VI:, Grain smut of sorghum, wheat rust, coffee rust and PracticalVII: Study of Biopesticides: Neem, Trichoderma and Bacillus thuringiensis Practical VIII: Study of lichens Practical IX & X: Isolation of Fungi and Identification from diseased material Practical XI: Study of morphology, internal structure and reproduction in Marchantia Practical XII: Study of morphology, internal structure and reproduction in Anthoceros Practical XIII: Study of morphology, internal structure and reproduction in Porella Practical XIV: Study of morphology, internal structure and reproduction in Polytrichum

SCHEME OF PRACTICAL EXAMINATION—PRACTICAL II (MODEL QUESTION PAPER) PLANT PATHOLOGY, FUNGI, LICHENS AND BRYOPHYTES Time --3 Hours Max.Marks: 30 I. Identify the specimens A, B and C with reasons and labelled sketches 2*3=6 marks (One from fungi/pathology and one from Bryophyta) Labelled sketch-01 Identification with reasons-01 II. Prepare a temporary stained slide of the material D. Sketch, label and identify with reasons. Leave the preparation for evaluation. 6 marks (Staining and mounting-02, Identification, labelled sketch, reasons-03) III. Write critical notes on E and F 2*3=6marks (One from fungi/pathology/lichen and one from Bryophyta) IV. Identify the Microslides F, G, H and I with reasons and labelled sketches 3*4=12marks (Identification with reason-01, Labelled sketch-01) (Two from fungi/pathology and two from lichen/ Bryophyta) Note: The candidates shall produce the records which shall be signed by the examiners

which is certified by HOD




THEORY: 60 + 10 Marks 45 HOURS 3 hours per week Unit I-PTERIDOPHYTA :- Introduction, general characters, classification and Economic importance of Pteridophytes. 3 Hours Morphology, Anatomy and reproduction of the following forms: (Developmental details not required) 1. Psilotum 2.Selaginella 3.Equisetum 4.Ophioglossum 5.Osmunda 6.Marsilea A brief account of Heterospory and seed habit and Stelar evolution among Pteridophytes 12 hours Unit II- GYMNOSPERMS :- Introduction, general characters and classification and economic importance of Gymnosperms . 3 Hours Morphology, Anatomy and reproduction of the following forms: 1. Cycas - Anatomy of Coralloid root, Young stem and leaf-let, Reproductive organs. 2. Pinus - Stem anatomy (Young and old), Anatomy of Needle, Reproductive organs. 3. Gnetum - Stem anatomy (Young), Eccentric secondary growth in stem, leaf anatomy.Reproductive organs. 10 Hours Unit III- Paleobotany: A brief account of the study of geological time scale, fossil types. Type study of Rhynia and Cycadeoidea 3 Hours Unit IV- Morphology of Angiosperms 1. Parts of a flowering plant: Monocot and Dicot plant Root System: Tap and Fibrous root system 2. Root modifications: Fusiform, Napiform, Conical, Fasciculated, Tuberous, Prop, Stilt, Climbing, Respiratory, Parasitic and Epiphytic Shoot system:- 3. Stem modifications: Rhizome,Tuber, Corm, Bulb, Runner, Stolon, Offset, Sucker, Phylloclade (Opuntia, Euphorbia tirucalli),Cladode (Ruscus, Asparagus) 4. Leaf: Parts, Phyllotaxy, Simple and Compound leaves (Pinnate and Palmate) Leaf modifications: Tendril, Spine, Phyllode, Pitcher 5. Inflorescence: Racemose types, Cymose types and Special types (Cyathium, Thyrsus, Verticillaster, Hypanthodium) 6. An account of floral morphology (calyx, corolla, Androecium and Gynoecium) 7. Fruits: Classification- Simple (Dry dehiscent, dry indehiscent, Schizocarpic and Fleshy types), Aggregate and Composite types 8. Structure of seed: Dicot 9. Structure of Grain: Monocot 14Hours ****************8888888888**************



One practical of three hours per week 15 Practicals Practical I: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs (as mentioned in theory) Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Psilotum Practical II: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Selaginella Practical III: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Equisetum Practical IV: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Ophioglossum Practical V: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Osmunda Practical VI: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Marsilea Practical VII: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Cycas Practical VIII: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Pinus Practical IX: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Gnetum Practical X: Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive organs of Rhynia and Cycadeoidea (with slides and Photograghs) Practical XI: Study of root modification (As mentioned in the theory) Practical XII: Study of Modifications of Stem Practical XIII: Study of Modifications of Leaf Practical XIV: Study of Inflorescences: Racemose types Cymose and Special types Practical XV: Study of Fruits —Simple, Aggregate and Composite type ***********************88888888**********************


PTERIDOPHYTA, GYMNOSPERMS, PALEOBOTANY AND MORPHOLGY OF ANGIOSPERM Time: 3 HOURS Max.marks:30 I. Identify the specimens A and B, giving reasons 2*3=6 marks (One from Pteridophytes and one from Gymnosperms) II. write a critical notes on C, D, E and F (One from Pteridophytes, one from Gymnosperms, one from inflorescence and one from fruit ) 4*3=12 marks III. Identify the specimen G, H and I 3*2=6 marks (Mentioning the type of modification, giving suitable reasons) IV. Identify the microslides and photocharts. J, K, and L (One from Pteridophytes, one from Gymnosperms, 2 from Paelobotany) 3*2=6 marks NOTE: In Paleobotany : Photograph or Slide may be kept The candidates shall produce the records which shall be signed by the examinerswhich

is certified by HOD

SYLLABUS FOR IV SEMESTER THEORY PAPER – IV PLANT ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY AND TISSUE CULTURE THEORY: 60 + 10 Marks 45 HOURS 3 hours per week Unit I: Plant anatomy: Introduction and tissue organization in plants( Epidermal, Ground and Vascular tissue system) Meristems- Classification of meristems based on origin and development, position and plane of division. Function theories- Apical cell theory, Histogen theory and Tunica Carpus theory. Simple and complex permanent tissues- Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Xylem and Phloem. -Classification of Fibres and economic importance. - Anatomy of Dicot and Monocot Root, Stem and Leaves. -Secondary Growth in dicot stem. Anomalous secondary growth in Dracaena and Boerhaavia. 15 Hours Unit II - REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY (Embryology )

1. Introduction to embryology and its type. 2. Development and structure of mature Anther, Role of Tapetum. 3. Microsporogenesis; microspore tetrad and pollinia. Compound pollen grains,

maassulae 4. Development of male gametophyte, Palynology- Pollen morphology, aperture NPC

system, geo and melitto palynology. 5. Structure of ovule, typs of ovules. Tenninucellate and Crassinucellate ovules. 6. Megasporogenesis- types of embryosac development (Monosporic-Polygonum type),

Ultra structure of embryosac 7. Pollination Biology: self and cross pollination Types, Contrivances and significance

of cross pollination, types of cross pollination, adaptation for cross pollination. Special mechanism for pollination- Salvia and Ficus. Pollen pistil interaction.

8. Fertilization : A general account and its significance 9. Endosperm : Types(Nuclear, cellular,Helobial and Ruminate endosperms)

development- a brief account 10. Embryo: development of dicot embryo-Crucifer type 11. Experimental embryology, Apomixis, Polyembryony and Scope of experimental

embryology 15 hours

Unit III; Tissue culture – Introduction to plant tissue culture, History, Laboratory organization, Media and aseptic manipulation. 3 Hours Basic Concepts in cell Culture: Cell Culture, Cellular Totipotency, somatic embryogenesis. 4 Hours In vitro Culture: Approaches and Methodology. Preparation Steps for tissue culture, Surface sterilization of plant tissue materials, basic procedure for aseptic tissue transfer, incubation of culture 4 Hours

Tissue Nutrition: Growth Hormones: Plant cells (Composition of culture media, Growth hormones, vitamins and selection of media. Tissue culture methodology: Plant cells, Callus Culture, Cell suspension Culture, Organ culture, Protoplast culture, Somatic hybridization 4 Hours

IV SEMESTER PRACTICALS PRACTICALS IV PLANT ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY AND TISSUE CULTURE One practical of 3 hours per week 15practicals Practical I: Sectioning and staining method- slide preparation.Roots- sorghum root, Cicer root. Stem-Tridax,Grass. Leaves- Grass,Tridax ) Practical II: Study of tissue systems- Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma. Xylem and Phloem Practical III: Anatomy of root (Dicot and monocot) Practical IV: Anatomy of stem (Dicot and monocot) Practical V: Anatomy of Leaves (Dicot and monocot) Practical VI: Study of anther T. S and Ovules of different types. Practical VII: Mounting of different types of pollen grains (Hibiscus, Vinca, Datura honey sample) Practical VIII: Mounting of endosperm and mounting of embryo. Practical XI: Invitro culture- washing and sterilization, preparatory steps for Tissue culture, surface sterilization of plant material. Practical X: Preparation of culture media and Reagents, media preparation, preparation of Growth Hormones Practical XI: Basic procedure for aseptic Tissue culture, callus culture, cell suspension and Inoculation of culture. Practical XII: organ Culture-shoot tip, Excised root, leaf culture, anther culture and pollen culture. SCHEME OF PRACTICAL EXAMINATION- PRACTICAL IV (MODEL QUESTION PAPER) PLANT ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY AND TISSUE CULTURE Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks :30 I. Perform inoculation of given Explants A (Demonstration-2, procedure and Diagram-2 and 2 significances-1, root tip, shoot tip, anther, leaf tip or node) 5marks II. Prepare a temporary stained section of material B (Dicot stem, root, monocot root and stem- Identification-2, sectioning-2, Labeled diagram and reasoning-2) 5 marks III Prepare a temporary stained mount of C (Select from Pollen grains, embryo, endosperms) 2marks IV. Comment on D, E, F and G. 3*4=12 marks (One from Anatomy, one from embryology and 2 from tissue culture) V Identify the given Microslides H, I, J and K 4*2=8marks


Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Economic Botany, Ethnobatany and Plant Resource conservation

Theory 70+30 Marks 3hours/week

45hrs Unit-I Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Principles of Taxonomy, A brief account of Classical and Modern Taxonomy Systems of classification: Broad outline of Bentham and Hookers and Engler and Prantl’s- Classification with Merits and Demerits.

A Brief account of APG System of Classification Plant Nomenclature- Binomial system, ICBN Principles and aims Numerical Taxonomy and Chemotaxonomy 06hrs

Unit-II– Field and Herbarium Techniques, Herbaria, Botanical gardens, Floras and their

importance (Hassan, Mysore and Mandya Districts floras). Botanical Survey of India and its functions 04hrs

Unit-III- Study of following families according to Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification,

DICOTS:1.Magnoliaceeae 2. Brassicaceae 3.Malavaceae 4. Rutaceae 5.Papilionaceae 6.Caesalpinaceae.7.Mimosae 8.Euphorbiaceeae 9.Apiaceae 10.Apocynaceeae 11.Asclepiadaceae 12.Verbenaceae 13.Lamiaceae 14.Solanaceae 15.Rubiaceae 16.Cucurbitaceae17.Asteraceae18.Amaranthaceae 15hrs

MONOCOTS: 1.Poaceeae 2.Arecacae 3.Liliaceae 4.Musaceae 5.Orchidaceae 05hrs

Unit-IV ECONOMIC BOTANY (Cultivation aspects not required) Food Plants: Rice, Wheat, Maize, Ragi Fiber plants Cotton, Jute, Coir Spices: Cardamom, Clove, Cinnamon, Pepper Beverages: Coffee and Tea Narcotic plants: Opium, Cannabis, Tobacco Oil yielding plants: Ground nut, coconut, Safflower, Sunflower Timber: Rose wood, Teak, Honne Medicinal Plants: A general account- Plants of medicinal importance studied in monocot and Dicot families under Taxonomy 5hrs


Introduction and significance of Ethnobotany: 1. Phyllanthus emblica and Phyllanthus amarus 2. Hemidesmus indicus 3.Terminalia chebula 4.Strychnos nux-vomica 5 Alove vera 6 Boerhaavia diffusa 7. Withania somnifera Importance of sacred groves and their conservation 3hrs

Unit-VI.Plant Resource conservation

Biodiversity: Introduction, types of diversity-species diversity, Genetic diversity and Ecosystem diversity (α β γ). Green revolution: Benefits and adverse consequences. Principals of Conservation, causes of extinctions, International Union for conservation of Nature-Rare, Endangered, Threatened Vulnerable species and Natural resource, Red Data Book. Strategies of Conservation: In situ-sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere reserver, wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs and Ex situ-Principles and Practices. Botanical gardens, field gene banks, pollen banks, seed banks, invitro repositories,cryobanks for conservation of wild biodiversity. 07 hrs


One Practical of 3 Hours/ Week I . Technical description of the plants II. Construction of floral diagrams with floral formulae. Herbarium technique III. Study of the plants belonging to the Families prescribed in the theory (1 to 10 families) IV. Study of the plants belonging to the Families prescribed in the theory (11 to 22 families) (One or Two plant representatives per Family) V. Study of plants of economic importance (Economic Botany) VI. Study of medicinal plants- Acorus, Adhatoda,, Azadirachta, Eclipta, Costus, Cyanodon, Centella, Turmeric, Asparagus, Garlic, Ocimum, Tinospora, Cymbopogon, Piper longa, Rauwolfia (Live or dry plants/ herbarium specimens/ photographs of above plants) VII. Ethnobotany VIII. Field Visits: Field trips to the local areas to study biodiversity identify and record the Flora. Field visit report has to be submitted along with the Tour report at the time of practical examination. IX. Preparation of Five Herbarium sheets and submitting the same at the time of examination (Mostly of uncultivated plants) X. As a part of the curriculum, a compulsory Botanical trip/ tour of about three days is to be Conducted to study the different types of vegetation, medicinal plants and to collect herbarium specimen. A visit to herbal gardens/ Ayurvedic college.


Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Economic Botany, Ethno-botany and Plant Resource conservation

Time 3 Hours Max. marks: 35 I. Assign the plants A, B and C to their respective Families, giving reasons- 12 marks (One from Polypetalae, one from Gamopetalae and one from Monochlamydeae / Monocot) Family name and classification-1 mark, Characters with important diagrams -3 marks II. Describe the plant D in technical terms. 5 marks III. Draw the floral diagram with floral formula of E 4 marks (Floral diagram - 3 marks, floral formula-1 mark)

IV. Comment on F, G, and H (Economic Botany) 2X 3= 6 marks (Botanical name and family-1 mark, Part used, -1 mark) V. Identify and write the medicinal uses of I and J 2X 2= 4 marks (Botanical name and family-1 mark, Part used, uses-1 mark) VI. Comment on K and L (Ethnobotany) 2X 2= 4 marks (Local and Botanical name, family -1 mark, and Part used and uses-1 marks) Note: Valued record, Tour report and Herbarium sheets shall be signed by the Examiners



CELL BIOLOGY, GENETICS, PLANT BREEDING AND EVOLUTION THEORY: 70 + 30 Marks 45 HOURS 3 Hours/ Week CELL BIOLOGY UNIT -I Microscopy- Introduction, Principles and uses of Light, Phase- contrast, Fluorescent and Electron Microscopes Ultra structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Cell-organelles—Cell wall, Cell membrane, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Nucleus, Chloroplast, Mitochondria, Lysosomes and Ribosomes. Microbodies (Peroxysomes and Glyoxysomes)

UNIT – II. Chromosome- Structure- nucleosome concept ,number, Karyotype and Idiogram, Cell cycle and its regulation, Cell division-Mitosis, Meiosis and their significance Numerical variation in chromosomes, Euploidy, Induction of polyploidy in plants, Aneuploidy (Detailed account) Structural changes in Chromosomes: Deletion, duplication, Inversion and Translocation

14 Hours

UNIT III - Introduction- to the science of genetics Heredity and variation, History of genetics classical and Modern Genetics. Introduction to Mendelian inheritance, Monohybrid, Dihybrid cross, Test cross, Backcross, Incomplete dominance in 4’O clock plant.

Interaction of genes:-Complementary gene action- flower color in sweet pea Supplementary interaction - Anthocyanin pigmentation in Snapdragon Epistasis - fruit color in summer squashes Multiple factor inheritance - Ear size in maize Linkage and crossing over - linkage in maize. Gene mapping by 2 and 3 point test cross, interference and coincidence. Cytoplasmic inheritance - Plastid inheritance in Mirabilis jalapa and Cytoplasmic male sterility in Maize. Mutation - spontaneous and induced, Transposable genetic elements

15 Hours PLANT BREEDING UNIT IV- Introduction to plant breeding, scope of plant breeding, germplasm collection, preservation and importance. Methods in plant breeding their importance in plant introduction, selection (Mass selection, pure line selection, clonal selection)

Hybridization methods (pedigree method, bulk method) types of crosses (Back and Test Cross), single cross, 3 way cross double cross, top cross, multiple cross. Techniques (Emasculation, Artificial pollination, bagging) Hybrid vigour and its importance in

crop improvement. 8 Hours EVOLUTION UNIT V. Introduction to evolutanary biology, concepts and scope, origin of life, Abiogeneisi, biogenesis, theiry of chemical evolution of life- Stanly Miller’s experiment. Theories of Organic Evolution- Lamarckism, Darwinism, Weismanism, DeVries theory, Neo Darwinism - Isolation, Mutation, Genetic Drift and Speciation. Palaenotological, biological, cytogentical and biogeographical evidences, variations in evolution, polymorphisim.

8 Hours


Max Marks 35

One Practical of 3 Hours/ Week 14 Practicals 1. Preparation of Fixatives and Stains

2. Study of Mitosis-Onion root tip

3. Study of Meiosis- Onion Chlorophytum flower buds

4. Micrometry

5. Karyotype Study

6. Solving the genetic problem related to Monohybrid cross

7. Solving the genetic problem related to Dihybrid cross

8. Solving the genetic problem related to Interaction of genes

9. Construction of Linkage maps and Two point test cross.

10.Hybridization technique- Emasculation and bagging.

11. Experiment on pollen germination

12. Photographs and Charts-Pertaining to the theory portion of cell biology, genetics, plant breeding and evolution



Time 3 Hours Max.marks 35 I. Make a temporary squash preparation of the given material A, identify, sketch and label with reasons. Leave the preparation or evaluation (Preparation-2 mks, Identification of stage-1 mk, Labelled sketch-1 mk, Reasons-1 mk)

5 marks II. Make a temporary squash preparation of the given material B, identify, sketch and label with reasons. Leave the preparation or evaluation -Meiosis. Squash preparation (reparation- 2 marks, Identification of stage-1 mk, Labeled sketch-1 mk, Reasons-1 mk)

5 marks III. Identify the given stages C and D (C- Mitotic stage, D- Meiotic stage (Both slides) (Identification 1 mark, labelled sketch 1 mark, reasons 1 mark) 2X 2= 4 marks IV. Solve the given genetic problems E, F and G 3X3= 9 marks V. Micrometry H- Calibrate the ocular micrometer using stage micrometer and measure the given material (Procedure-2 marks, Calibration-2 marks, Measurement-2 marks) 4 Marks VI. Perform pollen Germination of I 2 Marks VII. Critically Comment on J, K and L (Photographs- I -Cell Biology Cell- organells and Microscope charts, J-Karyotype, K - Evolution) 3X3 =9 marks



THEORY: 70 + 30 Marks. 3 Hours / Week 45 HOURS

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY UNIT I – Plant and Water Relations-Diffusion., Imbibition, Osmosis, Cell as an Osmotic system, Concept of water Potential Short Distance Transport - Active and Passive absorption of water.Absorption of minerals- Donnan’s Equilibrium, Carrier Concept. Long Distance Transport- Ascent of Sap, Vital theories (Root pressure Theory, TCT Theory), Phloem Transport- Munch’s Hypothesis Mineral nutrition, Role of Macro and Micronutrients (P, Mg, K, Mn, Bo, Cu,)

10 hrs UNIT II – Transpiration- Definition, Types, Mechanism of Stomatal movement- Starch-Sugar Inter conversion Hypothesis, Action of potassium ion transport, Antitranspirants, Guttation. Growth – Definition, Phases of growth, sigmoid curve Phto Hormones-chemical nature, biosynthesis and application of auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, and ABA. Growth and Movements- Tropisms: Photo, Thigmo , Geo and Hydrotrotropisms. Photoperiodism,Vernalisation and Phytochrome.

8 hrs UNIT III – Enzymes; Classification, properties, and mode of action. Photosynthesis- Introduction, significance, photosynthetic apparatus and Pigments, mechanism- light and dark reactions- C3, C4, and C2 Pathways UNIT IV -Respiration- Introduction, types, glycolysis, Krebs cycle Terminal oxidation, ATP Synthesis - Chemiosmotic theory, Anerobic respiration- alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. Nitrogen metabolism, - nitrogen fixation, nodulation, mechanism- biological nitrogen fixation. 7 hrs

Unit IV-ECOLOGY 1. Ecosystem: Classification, Concepts and components of ecosystem, concept of biosphere 2. Ecological factors: Brief account (Climatic, Edaphic, Topographic and Biotic) 3. Study of Forest (dry deciduous), Freshwater (Pond) and Marine water ecosystems 4. Endangered plants,Endamism and Red data books 5. Biogeochemical cycles: Carbon cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Phosphorous cycle 6. Ecological adaptations: Hydrophytes, Xerophytes, Halophytes, Parasites, Epiphytes 7. Plant succession: Definition, Steps of succession and types (Xerosere,Hydrosere) 8. Phytogeography: Definition, Vegetational types of Karnataka 15Hrs

UNIT V – Plant propagation - methods of vegetative propagation- stem cutting, grafting,

trenching, layering, suckers, stolons, tubers, corms. Basic nursery mehods and green house techniques, Advantages of plant propagation. 5 hrs.



One Practical of 3 Hours/ Week 14 Practicals

Major Experiments: a) Determination of Osmotic potential by plasmolytic method. Tradescantia, or Rheo / Onion peel/ Spirogyra b) Experiment on the relationship between transpiration and absorption. c) Experiment on Oxygen evolution during photosynthesis. Effect of 1)-light intensity 2) quality of light.(Red, Blue, Green) d) Separation of chloroplast pigments by paper chromatography. e) Demonstration of Starch in the leaf. f) Suction force due to Transpiration. g) Determination of Water holding capacity of different soil samples h) Standardization of pH meter using buffer tablet. Determination of pH of the given Soil sample (Samples from different Agro climatic regions)

Minor Experiments: a) Streaming of cytoplasm ( Staminal hairs, Hydrilla leaf) b) Determination of transpiration by Ganong’s Potometer. c) Experiment to demonstrate fermentation (Kuhne’s vessel ) d) Measurement of growth by using Auxanometer. e) Experiment to demonstrate Geotropism, Phototropism and Hydrotropism f) Root pressure experiment g) Ganong’s Respirometer h) Determination of unequal transpiration by using cobalt chloride paper. Ecology a) Water holding capacity of different soil samples b) Determination of pH of different soil samples c) Study of Hydrophytes: Eichhornia, Elodea. d) Study of Halophytes: Vivipary and Pneumatophores. e) Study of Xerophytes: Casuarina, Euphorbia tirucalli, Opuntia. f) Study of Epiphytes: Orchids. g) Study of Parasites: Cuscuta, Loranthus/Viscum h) Anatomical characters ( Slides only): Eichhornia, Elodea, casuarina stem, Nerium leaf, Orchid root T.S., Cuscuta-T.S. of host stem with parasite J) Study of Ecological Instruments: Hygrometer, Anemometer, Rain Gauge, Altimeter

Propagation: Demonstration of grafting, bud-grafting, wedge-grafting, cuttings and layering.



Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 30 I. Perform the major experiment A. Write the procedure, results, inference and leave the setup for evaluation. (Indent- 2 marks, Procedure-2 marks, Setting/conducting- 3marks, Results/calculation/ interpretation- 3 marks)

08 Marks

II. Comment on B, & C (Minor expt.) 3X2=08 marks

III. Perform Plant propagation method of D & E Air layering (Gootee ), trench layering.(G)grafting (approach, Bud, wedge) 2X3=06 marks (Procedure significance & labeled diagram-2 marks, conducting/skill - 2marks) IV. Write Ecological Adaptations of F& G 2X2=04 marks V. Identified the slide (Ecological anatomy) H& I 2X2=04 marks VI. Write a note on Ecological Instrument J 02 marks



THEORY: 70 + 30 Marks 45 HOURS 3 Hours/ Week MOLECULAR BIOLOGY UNIT I- DNA: As genetic material (Hershey and chase experiment), chemistry of DNA, types, Watson and Cricks double helix model. b) RNA: As genetic material (Fraenkel-Conrat’s experiment), types-genetic (single and double stranded) and non-genetic (rRNA,mRNA, tRNA), structure (Clover leaf model) c) DNA replication: Semi –conservative mechanism; Enzymes of DNA replication, Mechanism of DNA replication. d) Ceentral dogmaof Molecular biology, Geneticc Code: Assignment of codons, Major features of genetic code, Wobble conceept. e) Transcription- Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic RNA polymerases, sigma factors, initiation elongation and termination; post-transcriptional modification; capping, polyadeenylation; RNA splicing (spliceosome mediated). f) Regulation of gene expression: a) regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes lac operon, trp operon.

16 hrs GENETIC ENGINEERING UNITII- a) An introduction to r-DNA Technology-concept and scope, principles and tools of recombinant DNA Technology, basic steps in RNA Technology. b) REN Enzyme, DNA Ligases, DNA Ligases, Cloning vectors, plasmid vectors, Bacteriophage vectors. Artificial chromosomes (Yac &Bac). Gene transfer technique, Agrobacterium mediated Electrophoration Shot gun method.

8 hrs UNITIII-a) Screening of Recombinant, dot, blot, colony hybridization, plaque hybridization, Micro array technique. b) Construction and importance of C-DNA libraries. C) Application of genetic engineering; application in Agriculture, Medicine, Industry and Environment., Synthetic seed preparation.

7 hrs PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY UNITIV- Concept and scope of Biotechnology, areas of Biotechnology, Development of Biotechnology in India. a) Microbes as factrory cells/model organisms for biotechnology-E coli Saccharomyces, Neurospora, Chlorella. b) Microbial Enzymes; Types of Microbial enzymes and their applications, Immobilization of enzymes. c) Production of Industrial Chemicals; Antibiotics (Penicillin and Streptomycin); Alcoholic, Beverages (Wine and beer); Single cell proteins (spirulina); Mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus) bio fuels (Gasohol); Biofertilizers and Bio insecticides. d) biotechnology and intellctural property, Patents, trade, secrets, copyrights, plant genetic resources (PGR), GATT and TRIP.

14 hrs


One Practical of 3 Hours/ Week 12 Practicals

1. Estimation of DNA by Method 2. Isolation of genomic DNA from Onion/ 3. Isolation of genomic DNA from coconut endosperm 4. Separation of DNA by Agarose Gel electrophoresis 5. Separation of DNA by Agarose Gel electrophoresis 6. Mushroom cultivation (oyster mushroom) 7. Preparation of synthetic seeds 8. Study of Transgenic plants 9. Study of E-coli, Sacharomyces, Neurospora, Chlorella 10. Penicillin production and its estimation 11. Study of photographs and charts (DNA replication, transcription, Lac operon, trp operon,

Grenster’s model, Britten-Davidson model.) 12. Preparation of wine


MOLECULAR BIOLOGY GENETIC ENGINEERING, PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 30 I. Perform the DNA estimation/DNA isolation from Onion/coconut endosperm A. Write the procedure, results, inference and leave the setup for evaluation. (Principle- 2 marks, Procedure-2 marks, Setting/conducting- 6marks, Results/calculation/ interpretation- 2 marks)

10 Marks II. Perform Agarose Gel Electrophoration B. Write the procedure, results, inference and leave the setup for evaluation. (Principle- 2 marks, Procedure-2 marks, Setting/conducting- 2marks, Results/calculation/ interpretation- 2 marks)

08 Marks

II. Comment on C,D & E

(One from Genetic engineering, One from Biotechnology, One from Molecular Biology.)

3X2=06 marks

III. Prepare synthetic seed/ demonstrate the production of transgenic plant (Principle- 1 mark, Procedure-1 mark, Setting/conducting- 3marks, Results/calculation/ interpretation- 1 mark) 06 marks