Gorai Project Brief

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Gorai Project Brief

Transcript of Gorai Project Brief


Our planet, which was born in fire continually, experiences tremendous upheavals; yet it has the ability to restore itself from many cataclysmic events. Storms, asteroids, volcanoes, earthquakes and glaciers all leave destructions in their path. But the land reforms with new structural features, ready to be carved again by water, wind and ice. Countless life forms have disappeared from the tree of life through the long process of evolution. Some, like the dinosaurs, may have died in a blink of evolutionary time from the impact that changes the earth’s climate. Though the earth force is more powerful than our technological force, the technology impact may torque the finally turned relationship of the earth’s components with more force than we can realize. The Green House effect from industrial activities; notice the growing ozone world over Antarctica. Numerous plant and animal species are becoming extinct each day. The world’s population will double to 10 billion in next 50 years. All these changes results from human behaviour needs and wants. In spite of these changes, we have a choice and we can restore ecological and environmental balance to those regions affected by our destructive behaviours. We have been able to revive number of lakes and rivers polluted by our activities over the last few decades. Some countries have successfully kept their population growth under control. We can plant trees to counter balance deforestation, and we can help prevent desertification. Everything we do not need, need not be thrown away. Recycling not only enables us to avoid creating more land fields but also save materials and energy. The most important thing is that, the awareness of our impact on the environment and the motivation to change our behaviour and think in sustainable terms.

So the cry of “Save the Earth”, though noble is not as realistic for our species and other forms of life as “Sustain the Earth”. Significant “Earth cycle” may change due to our activities, but the planet will not die by our hand.


Environment is the source of life on earth and it not only directs but also determines the existence, growth and development of mankind and all its activities. The primitive man ate wild fruits, hunted and fished and relied heavily on nature for his very existence.

Even these basic activities damaged nature to some extend. At that time, man did not concern himself with conservation methods; in other words, there was no need for its management because nature was able to cope up with whatever damage was inflicted, quickly restoring its resources.

As society developed, mans impact on environment grew in scope and strength. Until very recently, we adhered to the following dictum: “We cannot expect favours from nature; we must take them”. For quite a long time, no thought was given to possible consequence of such “taking” from nature. But the consequence was significant and pervasive. Man Kind has long trusted in nature’s potential and restorative powers, there was no reason to believe that these powers were inexhaustible. Only recently man has come to realize the necessity for conservation. Undoubtedly, this is the result of revolution in

science and technology, which has dramatically increased man’s ability to use natural environment and its resources.

Nature has been increasingly damaged and its restorative capabilities have progressively weakened and human environment is deteriorating day by day to the point of affecting not only the quality of life but also the very existence of life. At this point, man realized the need to preserve and improve his environment.

What is ENVIRONMENT? The term ‘Environment’ means surrounding. Literally, it is an English word formed by two words, i.e., ‘environ’ and ‘ment’ which means ‘encircle’ or ‘all round’. Thus, environment is complex of many variables, which surround man, as well as all living organism. Any external force, substance or condition, which surrounds and affects the life of the organism in any way becomes a factor of its environment. This is known as environment.

The environment comprises of two parts which are:

NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: It consists of landforms, water, natural vegetation, and minerals etc, which are natural phenomena.

MAN-MADE ENVIRONMENT: It consists of agriculture, buildings, roads, settlement, and dams etc. which are known as man-made environment. These are the two types of environment; now let’s see where these types of environment belong to within the spheres.


The Earth surface is broadly divided into three major physical systems-the solid proportion comprising rocks, soil and other sediments, known as the lithosphere, the liquid portion consisting of the oceans and fresh waters, call the hydrosphere, and the gaseous portion known as the atmosphere.

LITHOSPHERE: Soil is consider as a complex biological system formed from interaction of climate, from a plant and animal life on parental body, and is different from the inert rock material by the presence of plant and animal life, a structural organization and its capacity to respond to environmental changes. The major components of soil are mineral matter, organic matter, water and air.

HYDROSPHERE: Water is the elixir of life and without water life cannot exists on this planet. The bodies of living organisms contain 50 to 90 percent water. About 65 percent of human body is water. It is a universal solvent. Water can be present in liquid, gaseous and solid form. Estimate 1500 million cubic kilometers of water in one form or the other is present in the biosphere.Oceans contain about 75 percent of world’s total water although this water is salty. Lots of water is present in the form of ice caps in high mountains and Polar Regions. Liquid water for human use is found in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds etc. ATMOSPHERE: The mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth is called air. The Earth’s atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending to a height of 2,000 km. The major gases in the atmosphere are nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. It also contains trace

amounts of other elements and compounds like carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, hydrocarbons and particulates. In addition, water vapour in the atmosphere varies from 0 to approximately 4 percent by volume. The densities of these gases decrease with increasing altitude and about 15 percent of the total mass of the atmosphere lies in the first 5 km closest to the earth’s surface.


The temperature of the atmosphere varies with the altitude. The atmosphere can be divided into several layers on the basis of temperature variation.

The lower portion of the atmosphere is called the Troposphere. It usually extends up to 11km from the earth’s surface. It is characterized by a steady decrease of temperature with increase in altitude averaging 0.6 degree Celsius per 100m.

Above the troposphere there is stable layer of air, which usually extends up to 50 km from the earth’s surface and is called Stratosphere. The stratosphere contains ozone the ozone molecules present in the layers of the atmosphere absorb Ultra Violet (UV) radiation from the sun.

Above stratosphere is a Mesosphere. The temperature of this layer falls again with an increase in altitude reaching minus 70 degree Celsius. The Thermosphere, also know as Ionosphere, is characterized by a steady rise in temperature with altitude. The Thermosphere extends up to 500 km.

Preservation of certain condition in the environment is essential for the survival and continuance of life on this planet. However, these environmental factors exhibit diurnal, seasonal and annual changes. In recent times changes in the environmental components and factors have been brought about by human activities. These environmental changes have become detrimental that unless immediate measures are not taken it will lead to pollution of the above spheres (Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere etc.) in turn affecting the human race.

What is POLLUTION? Pollution comes from the Greek word “defilement”. The Environmental Pollution Panel of the U.S. President’s Science Advisory Committee defines “Environmental pollution as a unfavourable alteration of our surrounding, wholly or largely as a by-product of man’s actions, through direct or indirect effects of changes in energy patterns, radiation levels, chemical and physical constitution and abundance of organisms”.

The National Academy’s report review of Waste Management and control defines pollution as “the undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of air, water and land that will be or may be harmful to human and other life, like industrial process, living condition and cultural assets”.

Pollution has become the greatest threat to man and environment throughout the world. Various types of pollution that is air, water, land, noise and radioactive which are all around us. Pollutants cause pollution and it is defined as “as any substance that is released intentionally or inadvertently by it in to the environment in such concentrations that will have an adverse effect on environment and health”.

These changes may affect man directly or indirectly by hampering his supply of water and of agricultural and other biological product, his physical objects or possessions, or his opportunities for recreation and appreciation of nature.Let us discuss some of the pollutions in short. There are three major types of pollution they are as follows:

AIR POLLUTION: The poisonous gases emitted from vehicles, burning of fuels at home and smoke from industries is called as air pollution. This air pollution kills three million people every year. Eg. The Acid rains are example of air pollution.

WATER POLLUTION: Water is the medium in which primitive life first evolved. Water pollution becomes significant only when it influences living systems directly or indirectly although pollution is produced by the activities of organisms (including man), it is usually recognized only when it adversely affect other living organisms i.e. fishes are killed, algae growth is enhanced, people acquire a disease. SOIL POLLUTION: Maintaining productive soil for agriculture, rangeland and forests are the fundamental aspects for sustainable human development. However, every year some 25 million acres of land are converted into barren non-productive areas because of various abuses and miss-management. Since some of the processes or agents responsible for land degradation or soil pollution or soil erosion are deforestation, over grazing, mining activities, solid waste disposal and agricultural practices.

Generally the reference point for identifying and assessing pollution is the impact that it has on human interest. However, we have became sophisticated enough to realize that any thing which indirectly influence human well-being is as important as man himself, and that the pollution which ultimately influences mans well-being, although indirectly, is also a matter of survival. The main topic is “Gorai’s Environment”, which is sub-divided into two parts that is ‘Gorai Beach’ and ‘Gorai Creek’.


The Ocean is a mystifying realm in which beauty and drama are intertwined in a never ending cycle of life.

Though Mumbai lies on the seashore, and is surrounded by water on three sides. It has eschewed adopting an island mentality approach to life. Island people are distinguished for their penchant for singing, dancing, joy and celebration. They are happy-go-lucky, laid-back and approach side up. In Mumbai quiet, the opposite is evident. Either the city is grinding all joie out of its citizens or they themselves have adopted a grim, depressed approach to life. Most people in Mumbai walk around as though the sky is about to fall on their heads and in many cases it does. But that still does not explain why, when it is surrounded by such an inspiration mass of water, its inhabitants do not, even in their worst moments, look out to the sea and just take solace from its presence.

Being close to the energy of nature, especially large masses of it, always gives humans an inexplicable charge. Stripping their surroundings of trees, plants, grass and water, not only deprives people of one of the most important life sustainers, but it also removes from their lives the source that can heal them and make them whole and peaceful again.

“Gorai” is one of the exotic beaches of India, which is specially liked by the Mumbaikars because of the lush palm trees and cool breeze, far from the hustle, bustle of city life. This is an excellent, safe suburban beach, linked by a rocky headland and accessed across a small creek from mainland Mumbai. The Gorai creek barge looks like a jalopy but is sturdy and serviceable. We can order lunch before heading towards the beach. Gorai is more down market but less expensive. It is a perfect weekender for the people who want to enjoy the sand and the sea. This is a best place to visit throughout the year because of the pleasant climatic conditions. People have an advantage of hiring shacks. Usually, illicit couples and rowdy picnic groups occupy these shacks. The beach is full of dodging balls and flying Frisbees especially during holidays, the water is always inviting.

This beach can be accessed even from Marve to Manori creek by the service, which is been provided by the BEST launch and also from Borivali i.e. Gorai creek to the Gorai Island and the boat service is been provided by the Gorai Machimar Society. Gorai Beach is also accessible from Bhayander by road. Essel World and Water Kingdom are the main attractions of Gorai. People get the advantage of having fun in both the World’s on the Beach at their footsteps. The people of Gorai have a very simple life style. These people belong to the Koli and the East Indian community. The main occupations of these people are Fishing, Agriculture etc.


The people of “Gorai Village” are facing a number of problems, which are as follows: SANITATION FACILITY: As there is no proper latrine and urinary facilities, the villagers have to go on the beach or on the roadside. On the other hand resort owners make their own sanitation lines.

SUPPLY OF WATER: Water supply is less for the people living in Gorai. Water comes just for half an hour in a day, which is not sufficient for them. As the tanks are placed in dirty areas there is a fear of people getting affected by malaria, typhoid, cholera and various other diseases.

DRAINAGE SYSTEM: There is improper management of the drainage system. The drain is cleaned only once in a year and because of this, during the rainy season the drain gets flooded and the polluted water gets into the peoples house. As the government authorities does not help for the cleaning of drain due to which the people living in that surrounding risk their lives and live in a polluted atmosphere.

LOCAL AUTHORITIES: The local authorities of the society who are appointed to help the people in that particular area are not working properly. The department people are less concerned about the people’s problems. The society does not have proper staff where people can go and register their complaints.

ENFORCEMENT OF LAW: There is no proper enforcement of law and no control over the picnickers and the people visiting the place. For example: you can find an instruction on the beach saying that

1) Driving strictly prohibited on beach area.2) Kindly do not park vehicle on the beach3) Strictly legal action will be taken on breaking above instruction.

BY ORDER. But still the above instructions are only made in papers and painted on the walls and are not seen and even read by anyone, no one bothers to read and follow them, they are just disobeyed by every tourist which causes accidents. There is no government and private authority to inform on the laws and instruction. CLEANLINESS ON THE BEACH: Lack of management by the authorities has made people less concerned about the beach. Even though sanitary facilities are provided on the beach it is not maintained and therefore the people do not use it. The picnickers leave the waste on the beach as well as the fisher folks leave rotten fishes on the shore. The people drink alcohol and leave the bottles on the beach, all this scrap gets washed away during high tide, and the broken bottles hurt the people playing in the water. The shore is full of branded polythin bags right from parachute oil to milk, biscuits etc.



Diwali ‘lights’ may be even more damaging to our health than bombs that startle us! Firecrackers designed to burn for a longer period of time emits more toxic compounds into the air. Depending on the purpose, such crackers may comprise as much as 75 per cent potassium nitrate, 10 per cent sulphur and 15 per cent carbon. When they are lit, they release pollutants that irritate and harm the soft and vulnerable linings of our eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.

It is a huge and poisonous business that turns over Rs.250 corer each Diwali and leaves something like 4,000 metric tones of hazardous waste made up of paper, plastic and metals contaminated with phosphorous, sulphur and potassium chlorate. For the elderly, for infants and for those already affected by asthma this is torture time.

People come to celebrate Diwali on different beaches including Gorai; they burn crackers on the shore, containing the chemicals such as potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, gun powder, phosphorus etc. which is washed during high tide in turn polluting water and the shore affecting the aquatic life as well as human life.

Suggestions to control pollution during Diwali. Buy fewer crackers; keep your celebrations down to Symbolism. Burn lamps with non-toxic oils or candles. Support campaigns to ban firecrackers.

If you are a teacher or doctor, you have a special responsibility. Make your voice heard by writing to Newspapers, The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Your local police station. The secretaries of housing societies near you, And point out the importance of keeping sound and the pollutants down. HOLI THE FESTIVAL OF COLOURS

Holi starts with the ritual known as Holika where they are suppose to burn wood, but now a days this wood is mixed with toxic materials like polythene, rubber materials etc. The burning of this material causes the amount of carbon and other elements to increase in the atmosphere, which causes the ozone layer to deplete.

At first Holi was restricted to gulal but now it’s changed to oil paints and lead based colours causing accidents, blindness, toxic shock and different types of skin diseases. Holi is played on Gorai beach, making the water colourful and the shore filled with plastic. The aquatic life is badly affected by the chemicals and polythene bags.

Suggestions to make your Holi pollution free.

We are not against the ritual but instead of burning four to five Holi bonfires, we should opt for one in a particular area.

Lets go back to our olden days were gulal was used to celebrate Holi. Do not use polythene bags.


Lokmaniya Tilak started the festival of Ganpati for uniting the people during independence but even after independence the people not for unity carry this ritual but it is commercialized. Soon after the Ganpati immersions we see fish deaths, again because bigger, larger, more toxic structures such as POP are being built. Along with it they throw garlands, ash, colours etc.

Suggestions for Idol Immersion

Make different tanks for Idols Immersion. Make different tanks for throwing away ashes, garlands etc. Do not make Idols of POP (Plaster of Paris).


PLANNING: Planning is the base of every activity, without planning you cannot build anything; this is what is required in the beautiful beach of Gorai. The drainage system should be taken care of and cleaned at least every 3 months.Sanitary facilities provided on the beach have to be maintained well. Local authorities have to be more responsible towards their duties. There should be constant patrolling on the beach and the things like spitting, littering etc, should be punished and fined. Water tanks have to be placed in a cleaner and healthier environment. Water supply should be given at least 2 hours daily.

EDUCATION: It is truly said that knowledge is power, without knowledge a king can be ruled by a beggar. The problems of Gorai can be solved only if the villagers and the authorities are educated on environment and its importance. The fisher folks also have to be educated on the recycling of waste like rotten fishes, which can be used on the fields as natural fertilizers. They have to learn to live in harmony with the environment.

Conclusion for the beach

Reaching for the moon and the stars, scientists and philosophers remind us that our knowledge of the earth and particularly the sea is still in its infancy. The sea has a capacity to evoke awe, wonder respect and fear in those who enter its unpredictable realm. The people knowing the sea well, sailors and fisher folk tend to flow with its tide, adjusting their own pace and plan to suit the immutable. Land lubbers, on the other hand, feel challenged by the sea and thus seek to control, alter and dominate it. Thus are corals and mangroves destroyed, beaches reclaimed and estuaries poisoned.

On its part the sea reacts to such affronts as it is programmed to react… unpredictably and violently. Storm surges become more frequent and fierce. Waves erode homesteads and farms. And sweet water aquifers are filled with salt. On top of all this, the sea offers us fewer fish to feed our hungry.

Instead of making life so difficult for ourselves, we could take inspiration from creatures such as the ghost crab that blends so well with its own chosen universe. It adjusts to its environment, instead of attempting to alter it and thus taps into all the survival strategies that allowed uncounted species to survive the trials of life for billions of years. “Flow with the tide of nature to survive”. That is the simple proposition environmentalists ask the earth’s powerful to accept. We have now begun to forget the sea’s presence in Mumbai, for most of us it is a blind spot, a background noise, a forgotten presence. If only we would make an effort to consciously remember that we, unlike so many cities like the land-locked Delhi or Bangalore, have this most magnificent gift of nature at our doors. Perhaps we would not be the miserable people we are at most times. Perhaps we would learn from the sea its strengths, and its lessons of eternity and impermanence. Perhaps every new wave would wash away our tiny cares and concern and in the sea’s depths we would learn to drown our worries.

Coastal Regulation Zone (C.R.Z) The coastal stretches of seas, bays, estuaries, creeks, rivers and backwaters which are influenced by tidal action in the landward side up to 500 metres from the High Tide Line (HTL) and the land between the Low Tide Line (LTL) is called as coastal Regulation Zone.

The distance from the High Tide Line is applied to both sides, in case of rivers, creeks and back waters and may be modified on a case by case basis for reasons to be recorded while preparing the Coastal Zone Management Plans.

However, this distance shall not be less than 50 meters or the width of the creek, river or back water whichever is less. The distance upto which the tidal effect of sea is experienced in rivers, creeks or back waters, as the case may be, and should be clearly identified in the Coastal Zone Management Plans.


1) Setting up of new industries and expansion of existing industries, except those directly related to waterfront or directly needing foreshore facilities.2) Manufacturing or handling or storage or disposal of hazardous substances as specified in the Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forest3) Provided that Government of India in the Ministry of Surface Transport on a case-to-case basis may permit storage of the petroleum products as specified in ANNEXURE-111 appended to this notification within the existing ports. Limits of existing ports and harbours and in those areas of ports that have not been classified as CRZ1 subject to implementation of safety regulation including guidelines issued by Oil Safety Directorate in the government of India, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas after ensuring proper location of site and availability of necessary equipment to meet the safety norms and the exigencies arising due to any accident or spillage.4) Setting up and expansion of fish processing units including warehousing. Provided that existing fish, processing units for modernization purpose may utilize twenty five percent additional plinth area required for additional equipment and pollution control measures only subject to existing Floor Space Index and Floor Area Ratio norms and subject to the condition that the additional plinth area shall not be towards seaward side of the existing unit and also subject to the approval of State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee.5) Setting up and expansion of units/mechanism for disposal of waste and effluents except facilities required for discharging treated effluents into the water course approval under the water [Prevention and control of pollution] act, 1974, and except for storm water drains.6) Discharge of untreated waste and effluents from industries, cities or towns and other human settlement. Schemes shall be implemented by the concerned authorities for phasing out the existing practices, if any within the reasonable time period not exceeding 3years from the date of this notification.7) Dumping of city or town waste for the purpose of land filling or other wise the existing practice, if any, shall be phased out within a reasonable time not exceeding 3 years from the date of its notification.8) Dumping of ash or any wastes from thermal power station.9) Harvesting or drawl of ground water and construction of mechanism within 200m of height. 10) Land reclamation, bunding or disturbing the natural course of sea water except those required for construction of ports, harbours, jetties, wharves, quays, slipways, bridges and sea links and for other facilities that are essential for activities permissible under the notification for control of coastal erosion and maintenance of clearing of water ways, channels and ports or for prevention of sand bars or for tidal regulators, storm water drains or for structures of prevention of salinity ingress and sweet water is recharged. 11) Mining of sand, rocks and other substrata materials, except those rare minerals not available outside the CRZ area.


In India, the State Maharashtra has a coastline of 720 km and about 300 villages are situated on the coastline. Fisherman’s population is about one million they survive by fishing alone.

But, in the name of development all kinds of projects are coming upon the coastal area of Maharashtra, like thermal power plant, amusement park, the Enron power plant, construction of sea Link Bridge, airport, harbour and chemical industrial zone.

This is polluting the water, displacing fisher people almost every 10 km of coastal belt of Maharashtra.


This Company has destroyed 700 acres of mangrove fields by spraying chemicals in Gorai village.

It is trying to reclaim this mangrove fields This is in the coastal region zone area where fisher people having been fishing

traditionally. Fisher people have traditional and customary rights over this area. The company is not allowing the fisher people to fish in the area. They are agitating against their company and asking the government to vacate the 700 acres of mangrove fields and to allow the fishermen to fish.


More than 100 fishermen were detain when they staged a ‘dharma’, obstructing passenger boats from playing visitor to Easel world at Gorai, the fisherman were arrested for creating a law and order problem and have been charged.Problem started when a large number of fishermen from the adjuring village stormed the jetty at Borivali and Malad to prevent passenger boats belonging to Easel world from playing in the creek according to the fishermen, the passenger were damaging their nets resulting in low catch. This has directly affected their livelihood claimed the fishermen.

The protest assumes significance in the light of the fact that the fishermen are forbidden from sailing out to sea during monsoon. As a fallout, they are forced to fish in the narrow creek were the tide flushing is low. Easel World sources on the other hand claimed that they have obtained permission from the Mumbai Port Trust and BMC with respect to using the creek since the inception of the Park in 1989.

Over the years the fishermen from the adjuring village at Gorai, Manor and Uttam have been complying that increase activity of the passenger boats in the area has been affecting the creek and the livelihood of 1000 fishermen.


It is the oldest and well-known creek constructed at the suburban end of western Mumbai, while considering fishing business in Mumbai the government was forced to divert its attention towards Gorai Creek for further development.

Gorai Creek was constructed approximately 15yrs back by Mr. Ram Naik. The development of this place was started a decade ago. This place was originally famous for the people visiting Easel World and Gorai Beach, but now because of dumping of garbage, this place has gained utmost importance.

The Gorai Creek is surrounded by three places namely Charkop, Babhai, and Vaziranaka, which have come into limelight. In the early 90’s MHADA with the help of World Bank’s Loan started constructing housing society.

Gorai creek is polluted mainly by two reason;

1) People throw garlands, ashes etc after cremations in the creek. Though the authorities have provided the people with pots to throw the waste but due to lack of management and responsibility the pots are over flowing with waste. In turn the garbage goes into the creek. 2) Gorai dumping ground.


The above map shows the surroundings of Gorai Creek. The passengers are picked up from the Creek for Essel World and Gorai Beach which are major attractions in that area. The Gorai Dumping ground is surrounded by residential area built by MHADA, which is surrounded by three places namely Vaziranaka, Bhabai and Charkop.

By now it is clear that the dumping ground is situated in the centre of the creek. Besides the construction of MHADA building there is a BEST bus depot, just along side it. A little further there is a college and also a school. There is a BSES building situated just left to the dumping ground. In front of the dumping ground there is Shanti Dham Ashram which belongs to the Missionaries of Charity where the lame, poor, orphans and mentally retarded reside because that is their only home and hope for their survival. Finally the dumping ground has covered the mangroves which are the lungs of the city.


Waste collected from different areas are gathered and disposed at a particular place. This process is called as dumping and the place where the garbage is dumped is known as dumping ground or a dump.

Any unwanted or discharged non-liquid waste material generated from domestic, commercial, industrial and agriculture activities is termed as solid waste (dumping). It is known as refuse in the cities and litter in the countryside.

It is mixture of dust, ash, vegetables and putrefying matter, paper and packing of all kinds, rages and other fabrics, glass and other combustible and incombustible debris.


The composition and volume of solid waste varies from locality to locality and from season to season. In fact, it reflects the living condition of the people.The main constituents of the domestic waste may vary 20-75% for vegetable and other putrescible matter, 5-40% for inert matter, 2-66% paper, 0-10% for glass and 0-15% for metals. Depending on there origin, the waste may be grouped as follows:

1. Agricultural Waste.2. Fruits and Vegetables Waste.

3. Animal Waste.4. Aquatic Waste.5. Community Waste.6. Industrial Waste.

A study conducted by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur showed a refused generation of 0.51kg in Pune and 0.3kg in Nagpur per day per person. As we talk about small cities of Maharashtra, comparatively Mumbai is a much densely populated and so in turn a larger amount of refused is created. This refused has to be dumped some where in or around Mumbai. Mumbai has three dumping grounds including Thane that is Mulund and Gorai.


These are some of the statistics of Gorai dumping ground.

The 13-acre dumping ground on L.T. road in Gorai, which is said to have already exceeded its capacity, continues to be used for dumping garbage by the whole of the western suburbs. There are 700 trucks of garbage which has been diverted to this ground. Some 20 trucks full of stale garbage and dripping water can be seen outside the Gorai dumping ground at all times. The trucks wait in queue to dump the garbage for long hours. MCGM has entered in to an agreement with Energy Development Limited India [EDLI] to gasifies 1000 metric tones of city waste per day to generate 21mega watts electricity through the establishment of gasification based waste to energy (WTE) plant at Mumbai Gorai dumping ground. The plant will cost them 2.42 crores.

THE PAST OF GORAI CREEK Since last 17/18 years the Municipal Commissioner for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai were and still are dumping the household refuges in lakhs of tones at Gorai at the Western end of L.T. Road. The capacity of Gorai Dumping Ground which is situated on the Gorai Creek, which is already exhausted over and inspite of that the authorities are still going on dumping the household refuges. Without considering a reasonable alternate place and without considering its obligations duly casted upon the M.C.G.M. under the enforcement of law.As a matter of fact the Municipal Commissioner for Greater Mumbai is duty bound primarily and mandatory to construct and to provide the nice garden, Jogus park etc. for the citizens so that ozone and oxygen shall be easily available and volume of the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may be reduced.The Central Ministry of Environment and Forest Department (Department of Environment, Forest and Wild life) of Government of India prohibited to accumulate and/or to store said such household refuges and to create and to maintain the dumping grounds within the Coastal Regulation Zone (C.R.Z) vide its clauses No. 1 to 13 while government notification dated 19.02.1991 within reasonable time not exceeding three years inspite of the fact this is being done openly and negligently by the Municipal Commissioner for Greater Mumbai in contravening this particular notification which is highly objectionable besides its illegal.Under the particular clauses (g) and (h) of the Article 51 of the Constitution of India which states that natural resources like rivers, valleys, creeks, forests and animal protection is every citizens duty.

More than 80,000 families are residing in the village Gorai, Vazira, Babai and Charkop area near this Dumping Ground and thus the problem of air pollution suffered every day by these citizens very badly which is highly objectionable.Hence the people from the Gorai village had made various requests vide various means but neither the Government of Maharashtra nor the commissioner of M.C.G.M. had any time listen to them up till now and thus the Municipal Commissioner had deliberately seems to be violated the ambit.


1975 Government passed a notification for a coastal region known as “COASTAL REGULATION ACT”.

1983 World Bank made an agreement with MHADA for development of GORAI CREEK and construction was started.

1991 A} Government came out with the law stating that not to allow construction around coastal region within 500m.

B} Government passed a notification that there should not be any construction for 18 months.

C} Inauguration of the Gorai dumping ground with capacity of 3yrs.

Initially 40-50 trucks across the area were being dumped.

1994 The numbers of trucks were raised to 105 trucks per day.

1995 Due to dumping which was extended for 1 year 2000 cases of asthma were being registered.


The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and its Commissioner are spending sizeable amount for various kinds of budgets and get it passed in the General Body Meeting (where the 220 councillors are seating) of the M.C.G.M. as a Public Funds out of which the present Municipal Commissioner for Greater Mumbai is spending lot of funds (say crores of rupees) unreasonably; there is also every possibility (say 100%) that no body in the Municipal Corporation or in the government of Maharashtra will pay proper and positive attention (free from the political angle) to this burning issue which is hazardously pertains to the thousands of life of the people.

However if the present Municipal Commissioner of the M.C.G.M. will fail in the removing of this “Gorai Dumping Ground” with immediate effect from the present place, then, there shall be all possibilities of Public Movement from the suffering citizens which has to be faced by the Government of Maharashtra and by the Municipal Commissioner of the

M.C.G.M., both, in near future which may be required to be taken into the mind and to be considered for upliftment of peoples health.


Since the capacity of Gorai dumping ground was for 3 years and it was extended for 4 more years. The dumping ground was shifted to Chincoli Bunder which is situated between Malad and Goregoan for a year. The land had been taken over by Raheja Builders, it was shifted to Gorai.

Environment report said that Gorai dumping ground capacity is completely over.

2002 600 to 700 trucks have been dumped, 6250 tones or 1/3rd

of garbage is being dumped.

In the span of seven years forty thousand cases of asthma, had been registered.

Vermiculture has been started at 60 places. Budget for solid waste management is 375.23 crores for the year 1998-99. Average cost of solid waste disposal capita works out to be Rs. 340 crores per year.

The 4 dumping grounds have been in use for the last 12 to 15 years. Out of this Gorai dumping has exhausted its capacity, whereas Mulund dumping ground expected to last for another 2-3yrs. Only Deonar dumping can be used for the next 8-10 years. Thus there is urgent need to search for different methods for disposal of garbage and also for location of new dumping sites.

Vermi composting which are environmental friendly and a natural process are disposing of about 100 metric tones per day of market waste.This is done at 60 places.


Conventional wisdom has it that waste management must be done in a sustainable manner. But the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has chosen an unsustainable and hazards technology to manage its waste. According to the agreement it has signed with Energy Development Limited India (EDLI), a gasification-based Waste-To-Energy plant will soon be set up in the Gorai dumping ground, 50 kilometres north of Mumbai, to manage the city waste.

The cost of the plant is rupees 2.42 billion. The proposal claims that the plant will generate 21 Mega Watts of electricity from 1000 metric tones of waste a day. The plant could be another Bhopal disaster in the making.

According to senior MCGM official who deals with solid waste management, the electricity generated from the WTE project will be sold at the rate of Rs 3.50 per unit. The plant has been given 7.33 hectors of land on lease for 20 years in Gorai.

Gorai comes under the Coastal Regulation Zone, so constructing a plant violates the CRZ notification. Contrary to Schedule (4) of the Municipal Solid Waste rules, 2000 signatories of the agreement have not got approval from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board or Central Pollution Control Board, as is mandatory.

Has gasification incineration process that emits dioxins, the most poisonous cancer causing toxin known in the world.

Incineration transfers the hazards characteristics of waste from solid form to air, water and ash. It also releases new toxins, which were not present in the original waste stream, besides generating heavy metals. In a situation in which India neither has standards nor the technical facilities to monitor and analysis this dioxins emission, the MCGM has signed an agreement with Energy Development Limited India. They intended to dispose off waste and recover electricity through the company’s “Presser Cooker Technology”, which is called a solid waste recycling facility. The Gasification of fossil-fuel based waste cannot be classified as renewable energy, as the fossil-fuel based waste resources are destroyed instead of being recycled. The gasifies also destroy all the paper, card, and kitchen waste in domestic waste, instead of recycling and composting. The agreement is inaccessible even to media people and researchers. If the Maharashtra State Electricity Board and companies like TATA power and others have even an iota of consent by environment public health, they should not buy electricity from this polluting and experimental incinerator. The advocates of the projects claim that no segregation of plastic from the garbage is required. This not only violates the municipal solid waste (management handling) rules 2000 which stipulates segregation and promotes recycling of “Recoverable resources” but also pre-empts segregation efforts being made by municipalities and communities around the country. “This is yet another instant of ignoring environment and public health defects. The gasification -- based WTE technology is a fail technology”. Environmental economist from Jawaharlal Nehru University, ash a suspended particulate matter the combustion technologies in a huge perpetual because all though there is a volume reduction of waste through this technique the management of every growing ash remains.Signing the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP’s) treaty is at odds with the current policy of union ministry of non- conventional energy resources to promote dioxin- emitting high heat waste-to-energy technologies. As a consequence agreements for many such toxic projects have signed and are been signed around the country surprisingly, this project have under gone no environment impact assessment and public hearing process. The approval from the technical appraisal has not even been sought. As a result of growing scientific evidence against incinerators, gasifies, land fills “ end–of –pipe” solutions, which generates pops, developed countries have legislated severe

environmental norms. What is appalling is the fact that multinational corporation’s international financial institutions and Aid agencies are pushing such technologies.It will be in the interest of our health and environment to ratify and implement the Stockholm convention and enforce it. It will encourage indigenous and safer non combustion technologies that can be implemented and operated at the community level. This could also help the informal sector improve its working conditions, encouraging composting and recycling rates.


The accumulation of solid waste in mans environment poses the following health hazards:

Almost 70% of the children living in the area have respiratory diseases and skin diseases. Several fires are caused by the chemicals in the waste. People are often falling ill. The accumulated garbage in their residential area has also started affecting the health of the resident. Numerous residents face eye problem, cough and cold, asthma, bronchitis, malaria and dengue fever. The garbage’s in the refuse attracts rats and the organic matter ferments and favours the breeding of flies. The pathogens may enter the human body through flies and dust. When rain water passes through deposits of fermenting refuse, there is a risk of air pollution.

The toxic chemicals released from the solid waste are absorbed by the soil and may kill the plants and animals.


It is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) represented by the local residents of Gorai. They are opposing the dumping of garbage at Gorai because it affects them and their family members. As people say, “Health is Wealth” but the people of Gorai cannot rely on their surrounding to keep them healthy.

To avoid this, the Gorai Dumping Ground Hatao Samiti have given some suggestion, they are as follows.Alternative sites where future dumping can be carried out are

1. 100-acre plot at Aarey colony.

2. 2000-acre Godrej Compound in Vikroli.

3. 100-acre plot on the Gorai Uttan Road near Maxwell Hotel.

Vermiculture can be another alternative to reduce the garbage at the dumping ground. The use of vermiculture will turn the garbage into fertilizers.

The projected figure of vermiculture of garbage generated per day for the year is as follows:

In the year 2003 - 8900 tonnes.

In the year 2006 – 11800 tonnes.

In the year 2011 – 14000 tonnes.

About 100 Mega tonnes per day of waste is being disposed off by Vermi composting which are environmental friendly and a natural process.

Q&A with M.C.G.M

These are the following question to the burning issue of immediate removal of MUNICIPAL garbage dumping ground at GORAI. These questions were asked by Mr. Yogesh Shah Secretary of Gorai Creek to the Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).

Q1. In the municipal development plan W1 next to Gorai creek shown as CRZ 1 and no development zone, how come the MCGM can carry out dumping of the entire western suburbs garbage?

Q2. Has permission been taken by MCGM from the chairman coastal regulatory zone, Mantralaya and Chairman Maharashtra Pollution Board’s to carry out dumping of garbage at Gorai?

Q3. Is MCGM aware that this dumping falls in CRZ 1 and No Development Zone in their plan which is well within 100 meters of high tide line?

Q4. Is MCGM aware of the circular of the Environmental and Forestry Ministry (New Delhi) dated 19th February 1991 states that dumping in coastal regulatory zone is not allowed?

Q5. Why is the Chairman Coastal Regulatory Zone and Chairman Maharashtra Pollution Control Board not taking cognizance when MCGM is dumping garbage which is progressively destroying the mangroves?

Q6. Are you aware that the capacity of the dumping ground is already exhausted as stated by the MCGM’s own environment status report of 1998-1999?

Q7 The World Health Organisation has twenty years back declared that dumping of garbage near residential areas (within 500m) is a criminal offence worldwide. Is MCGM aware of this?

Q8 Why MCGM is forcing all the people who are developing their independent houses and societies in Gorai MHADA World Bank project to give up their right by being made it sign on bond paper to state that they have no objection to have a dumping ground at Gorai Creek (in order to get Commencement Certificate and Occupation Certificate)?

Q9. Why is MCGM breaking their own obligatory and discretionary duty of the MCGM section rule no.51 AB,D,G,&T by causing hazardous atmospheric and Gorai creek pollution by dumping garbage resulting in obvious health hazard to Gorai Creek pollution due to which the coastal and environmental ecological balance being destroyed?

(AB) Urban Forestry, Protection of Environment & Promotion of Ecological aspects.

(D) Reclamation of Unhealthy localities, removal of noxious vegetation and generally abatement of all nuisances.

(G) Measures of Protecting and checking of spread of dangerous diseases.

(T) The improvement of Brihanmumbai.

Q11. Are the Health Department of Government of Mumbai aware that Mother Teresa’s Shantidan Hospital and many residential buildings are encircled by this dumping ground?

Q12. When the Indian Constitution states in rule 51A(G) that natural resources like rivers, valleys, creeks, forests, animal protection is every citizen’s duty, then why is it that Gorai creek and surroundings are destroyed by MCGM?

The above Questions were supposed to be answered within a week’s time. But two months have passed; the answers come in the form of no reply.


These are the obligatory and discretionary duties of the corporation and the facilities to be provided by them. It shall be currently on the corporation to make adequate provision, by any means or measures, which it is lawfully competent to them to use or to take, for each of the following matters, namely:

The construction, maintenance and cleansing of dams and drainage works, of public latrines, urinals and similar conveniences.

Planning for economic and social development.

Urban forestry, protection of environment and promotion of ecological aspects.

The construction and maintenance of works and means for providing a supply of water for public and private purposes.

Scavenging and the removal and disposal of excrementitiously and other filthy matters and of all ashes, refuse and rubbish.

The reclamation of unhealthy localities the removal of noxious vegetation and generally the abatement of all nuisances.

Measures for preventing and checking the spread of dangerous diseases

Establishing and maintaining public hospital and dispensaries and carrying out other measures necessary for public medical relief.

The construction and maintenance of pubic markets and slaughterhouses and the regulation of all markets and slaughterhouses.

The regulation of offensive and dangerous trades.

The entertainment of a fire brigade and the protection of life and property in the case of fire.

The securing or removal of dangerous building and places.

The construction, maintenance, alteration of public streets, bridges, culverts, causeways and the like.

The light, watering and cleansing of public streets.

The removal of obstruction and projections in or upon streets, bridges and other public places.

The maintenance of a municipal office and of all public monuments and other property vesting in the corporation.

The obligation imposed by the City of Bombay Municipal (Amendment) Act 1933 upon the corporation arising out of the transfer to the corporation of the powers, duties, assets and liabilities of the Board of Trustees for the Improvement of the City of Bombay constituted under the City of Bombay Improvement trust Transfer Act. [1925].


The latest campaign of collecting wet and dry garbage from households starting from January 15th 2003, the BMC looks determined to succeed. Rag pickers will collect dry garbage and the wet garbage should be for vermiculture within the area. If there are no vermiculture facilities in the neighborhood, the BMC will collect it. “The separation of garbage is the only solution to solve this problem. If garbage is not separated, we will have to levy a fine.” The BMC is also organizing a seminar and training sessions for the conservancy staff handling the separated garbage.

The BMC has stressed on households separating garbage as there are only three dumping ground in the city which it predicts, will reach full capacity by 2004. “New dumping grounds cannot be developed in open spaces in the city. There are no potential dumping sites in the periphery of Mumbai and going into the interiors of the state will be a costly affair for the corporation.” There are 30,000 conservancy workers transporting garbage from 200 collection points in the city. Every year, the BMC spends Rs 400 crores in the conservancy department for collection and transportation of garbage.

Over the year, the BMC has tried to enlist citizens to help them to keep the city clean. A break-through came in 1996, when a chartered accountant Viren Merchant, successfully implemented the scheme of Advance Locality Management (ALM) in Joshi Lane in Ghatkoper. This inspired citizen from various localities to experiment with the scheme and help the BMC to bring some sense in the cleanliness of the city. But progress has been very slow, as people have yet to accept the concept of vermiculture. So far, there are 700 ALM in the city and only to 280 practice vermi composting.

The BMC now wants to make the separation of garbage compulsory in the city. Municipal Gardens, Pumping Stations Gardens are being used for vermi composting were the area’s garbage can be converted in to manure. A section of the dumping ground has also been converted into a vermiculture pit. With the BMC kick starting their plans and with the co- operation of the citizens, one can only hope that this year, we will see a cleaner Mumbai.


These are the fundamental duties of each and every citizen of India:

To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures

Human beings are the part of nature. We must learn to respect it. To achieve a sustainable-Earth society, many changes need to be made. In order to accomplish this, each one of us can:

(a) Become ecologically informed.

(b) Choose a simple lifestyle to reduce resource consumption, waste and pollution.

(c) Become politically involved at the local and national levels.

(d) Bring about change and change a few people near us.

(e) Think globally and act locally.


Recycling and reuse of much of the matter otherwise being wasted.

Conserving both the matter and energy by reducing unnecessary waste.

Building things that last longer and are easier to recycle, reuse and repair.

Cut down the use of resources by proper management.

Education on pollution control and social responsibility towards the environment.

In ‘Nasik’ the municipalities have got new equipment for disposal of garbage. They have a machine were the garbage is pulled in and is separated according to its weight, like rubber, paper, plastic, metals etc.

Segregation Method: It is where the people have to separate the garbage from their home itself and that makes it easier for dumping the garbage.

Example: ‘Spain’, where garbage is separated and put into big black bags.

In ‘Nagpur’ they took pointed rods and pick garbage’s from every place and put them into dustbins which are taken for disposal.

MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE There are three main ways to deal with the disposal of solid wastes, out of which the three main approaches are:

Throw-away output approach. Resource recovery output approach. Input approach.

The throw-away approach includes the dumping of the wastes in land or ocean or to burn them in incinerators. However, reuse, recycling and energy recovery approach are eco-friendly approach or sustainable earth approaches where wastes considered as resources at another place. The input approach includes the reduction in wastes products. It is achieved through a psycho-sociological awareness and rational use of material. Biodegradable solid waste can be mixed with soil and decomposed by aerobic bacteria to produce composed, which can be used as a soil conditioner and fertilizer. Sometimes the composting is supplemented with the introduction of earthworms to the soil to produce good quality manure, this process known as vermi-composting. It is an Eco-friendly scheme for resources recovery in an urban system.


The surrounding that we live in is called environment.The environment comprises of two parts which are: NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: It is part of nature MAN-MADE ENVIRONMENT: It comprises of man made elements. The Earth surface is broadly divided into three major physical systems they are LITHOSPHERE: Soil

HYDROSPHERE: Water ATMOSPHERE: The mixture of gases. The undesirable change that is taking place in the physical systems is due to pollution. Pollution is defined as any solid, liquid and gases substance present in such a large consternation that tends to be injuries to environment and hazards to life. The major three types of pollution are:1. Air Pollution 2. Water Pollution 3. Soil PollutionGorai also faces pollution but in different forms, the following are the problems faced by people of GoraiSANITATION FACILITIES: As there is no proper latrine and urinary facilities SUPPLY OF WATER: Water supply is less for the people living in Gorai.DISPOSAL OF DRAINAGE WATER: There is improper management of the drainage system.CLEANLINESS ON THE BEACH: Apart from the beach getting polluted there are other things that make the beach polluted Festivals which Pollute:

1. Diwali2. Holi

3. Idols Immersion

Gorai comes under the Costal Regulation ZoneCoastal Regulation Zone (C.R.Z): CRZ is the costal zone between the low tide and 500m from the high tide line. It regulates the activities between these regions.Gorai creek is polluted by two reasons People throw garlands, ashes etc after cremations in the creek. Gorai dumping ground. PAST There were 40-50 trucks dumping garbage all day long.In 1994 it was raised to 105 trucks per day.This has increased the number of cases of asthma being registered.PRESENT Now there are 600 to 700 trucks that is 6250 tones or 1/3rd of garbage is being dumped.In 2002 forty thousand cases of asthma, had been registered. Vermi composting was started in societies to take care of the garbage.FUTUREThe M.C.G.M wants to start Waste- to- Energy, which will cause more pollution. It will become another Bhopal if WTE project is implemented.


What kind of environment do we want to live in? If we are asked to describe the kind of environment we would like to have, we would definitely mention such things as clean air and water, productive soil for agriculture, freedom from hazardous waste and forest with abundant wild life.

In short, we want are relationship with the environment to be sustainable. Thinking about a better future wouldn’t help because pollution has already become the greatest threat to man and environment throughout the world. Various types of pollution that is air, water,

land, noise etc are all around us. As society developed, mans impact on environment grew in scope and strength. Countless life forms have become extinct from the tree of life.

We not only say this because environment is our subject but also our duty. In other words, we would like to be able to look towards the future with a feeling of confidence that these essential qualities are not being depleted or degraded but are being maintained and renewed so that these are also available to our future generations.

Therefore, we request you to put your efforts to keep our environment neat and clean because environment is not a buzzy word, “there is enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”. This message is not only for you our friends but also for the outsiders. Our agenda should be, to save the earth, not destroy it.