Google Earth Pro Tip Sheet - · Google Earth Pro Tip Sheet Hide/Show...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Google Earth Pro Tip Sheet - · Google Earth Pro Tip Sheet Hide/Show...

Google Earth Pro Tip Sheet





Add ImageOverlay



Switch betweenSky, Earth, andother planets


Print View inGoogle Maps


Clear Searches

Layers are arranged in ahierarchy in the layers pane.

Google Earth Pro User Interface


Get directions

Record aTour

ShowHistoricalImagery Save


New PlacemarkDialog Box

Google Earth User Guide online:

Click to expand folder

Some containeditems are visible

Click to collapse folder

Item is invisible

Item is visible

Find in My Places

Adjust opacity Play tour ofhighlighted item

Somesub-layersare visible

Allsub-layersare visible

Layer isnot visible

Layer isvisible

Drag to rotate the view.Click to set north to top of view.

Click an arrow on the look joystickto look in that direction.

Drag the zoom slider or click the + or – to zoom in or out.

Click or hold on an arrow or between arrowson the move joystick to move your point of view.

3D ViewerNavigation Controls

Use tabs to access other properties

A link or web image can be added byentering the URL, or a local image can be addded

Name will appear as a label

Description will appear in placemark baloon, and caninclude HTML markup

View searchhistory

Print searchresults

Copy currentsearch results to my places

Copy current search results to the clipboard as kml

Some contained items are visible

Click to expand folder

Click to collapse folder

Item is invisible

Item is visible

Adjust opacity

Find in My Places

Play tour of highlighted item

Right-click and choose Save Place As

Save yourwork often!Make backups!

Right-click andchoose Save Place Asto save an item in aKMZ or KML file