Google Double Click Campaign Management Tips

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Google Double Click Campaign Management Tips

Google (DFA,DFP,DCC)


Reach customers throughout all stages of the purchase funnel

Targeting Options

Demographic: Demographic targeting is what it sounds like-a way to find your target by age and gender. It can help you reach a specific target based on stage of life to continue to serve the most relevant messages to consumers.

Affinity: Affinity audiences can help you move beyond demographics and reach people who care about your brand. With over 80 unique personas based on lifestyle and interests, affinity audiences mimic the depth and breadth of TV-style audiences, so you can engage with precise audiences at scale.

In-market: Reach potential customers while they're actively browsing, researching or comparing the types of products you sell. Connect with those most interested in what you have to offer, using precise segments that classify users based on their demonstrated in-market behavior and purchase intent.

Similar audiences: Similar audiences looks at data about your existing remarketing audiences and finds new and qualified consumers who have shared interests with that audience. It's a powerful - but simple - way to reach a much larger audience and drive clicks and conversions among new prospects.

Best Practices | I

Organize around customers, not channels

• You don't have desktop customers and mobile customers -- you just have customers, who interact with your brand across all of their devices.

• To achieve the greatest success with your campaigns, make your advertising strategy integrated with unified budgets, unified teams and common success metrics across desktop and mobile, web and app.

• This way, you’ll gain a single view of the customer journey.

Best Practices | II

Improve channel performance based on real impact across devices

• When making budget allocation decisions, consider channel performance across devices. – For example, if a channel is contributing to a significant number of

cross-device conversions, it could mean that you have the opportunity to generate even more conversions by increasing the budget or bids.

– If you don’t look at channel results across devices, you’ll be introducing a systematic bias against mobile which will be hard to change.

Best Practices | III

Identify the most common device paths

• Cross-device conversion metrics might tell you that your customers are frequently engaging with your brand on tablet and then converting on desktop, but you should bring all of your knowledge of the customer and buying experience to ask and understand why. – For example, if the purchase cycle for your products is long, find out what

your customers are trying to achieve on each device: are they getting inspired? are they comparing different options? or are they actually buying your product?

– Combine cross-device data with all of the other context you have about your customers and business to see the full picture.

Best Practices | IV

Improve consumer experience across all devices

• Monitoring cross-device conversion trends can help you identify broken user experiences. – For example, if after launching a new mobile website there is a

sudden increase in cross-device conversions, it could mean that consumers are frustrated by the experience and are abandoning purchases on mobile in favor of buying on the desktop.

– This could indicate that the user experience on mobile should be improved.

Way forward…• Cross-device conversion metrics are about a lot more

than assigning additional conversions to your campaigns and assuming you’re meeting consumers’ needs across screens.

• Different devices are more than just different environments for delivering the same message -- they’re ways to reach customers in fundamentally different ways.

• You need a reliable way to connect all of those different devices -- and metrics that won’t hide the differences, but help you to understand them.

Stay tuned for more…


Search Kiran Mandrawadkar

Gmail: kdmblr@gmail.comFB: MandrawadkarTw: kirandm1234Insta: kirandm1234Li: mandrawadkar