Google+ API (2012)

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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this is last year my presentation last year (2012). I presented on GDG DevFest Jakarta 2012. (Google Day in g|indonesia 2012). this year (2013) I will present for the same GDG DevFest event, I will bring the same topic, keep it updates with the latest version, and add some comparison with other Social Network.

Transcript of Google+ API (2012)

Google+ API#GDG #DevFestJkt #DevFest #2012

Oon Arfiandwi <>Manager of Google Developer Group Jakarta

so, what can be coveredin 35 mins?

Google+ API in general

OAuth2.0 + REST API

Sign in with Google+, get to know about People, Activities & Comments

Let’s code in Android + Google Play Services

Google+ History

Google+ API

Plugins for your website + REST API

Mobile Platform (Android, iOS, mobile web)

Hangout API

History API (developer preview)

OAuth 2.0

Generate OAuth 2.0 Token

via Google Play ServicesGoogleAuthUtil.getToken()

via Google APIs Client Library for Javacreate API Project with Google APIs Consoleopen browser to URL from GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestURL

get Token via execute GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest

Activate Service:Google+ APIGoogle+ History API

Create:OAuth 2.0 client ID

Google APIs Console

String googleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl( ShrdPrfsStore.CLIENT_ID,ShrdPrfsStore.REDIRECT_URI,ShrdPrfsStore.SCOPE).build(); webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { if (url.startsWith(SharedPrefsStore.REDIRECT_URI)) { try { if (url.indexOf("code=") != -1) { // Url is like http://localhost/?code=4/Z5DgC1IxNL-muPsrE2Sjy9zQn2pF String code = url.substring... TokenResponse accessTokenResponse =

new GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest( new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), ShrdPrfsStore.CLIENT_ID, ShrdPrfsStore.CLIENT_SECRET, code, ShrdPrfsStore.REDIRECT_URI).execute();

... credentialStore.write(accessTokenResponse); ... } } catch (IOException e) {} } }; }); webview.loadUrl(googleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl);

OAuth 2.0 login with Google+ Account

Registered Product Name:DevFestJktPro


“Public” ActivitiesAccess Google+ Activities using OAuth access token as GoogleCredential

Filter the Google+ Activities by user and collections (eg: “public”)

Create Simple ListView based on Google+ Activity Titles

Google+ History API

“Google+ history is a collection of moments that describe activities the user has engaged across the web and apps.”

Google+ history API privately save moments, users can share those moments with others.

Moments in History

Types of Moments





ReviewActivity ...

Moments target URL must include attribute from markup

Request new type of Moments?

Google+ History

Google+ History preview user interface, available for registered developer

History of CheckInActivity

History of AddActivity (+1)

Google+ API

The endor is it the beginning?

(quote from G+ History)
