Google Adwords Management | Power of keyword tool

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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description As digital marketing experts, we can tell you that creating your online marketing strategy doesn’t have to be a complicated experience, especially when you understand the power of the Google Adwords keyword tool. In fact, it is a straightforward process that only takes few minutes to learn.

Transcript of Google Adwords Management | Power of keyword tool

Google Adwords Management | Power of keyword tool

As digital marketing experts, we can tell you that creating your online marketing strategy doesn’t have to be a complicated experience,

especially when you understand the power of the Google Adwords keyword tool. In fact, it is a straightforward process that only takes few

minutes to learn.

What’s more, Google has many other tools at your disposal designed to do all the hard work for you (provided you know how to use them properly) so

that you can focus on growing the returns for your business online.

Keywords Tool

The keywords tool is a free application that allows you to accomplish one of the most important tasks when validating your Online

marketing campaign —choosing the right keywords. To start off, you will be prompted to enter a keyword based on either a phrase,

website, or category.

We always recommend starting with what Google sees your website as being relevant for. For this you enter in the website address and

select search

Notice – we have selected:

A. [exact] match search volumes – this is exactly how many searches made for the exact variation of keyword.

B. Desktop & laptop search volumes – not including mobile traffic

C. Review your results

What to do with this information:

A. Review these search terms for relevance & potential traffic volumes. Prioritise SEO efforts based on existing rankings and level of competition.

B. Take note of the approximate Adwords Cost per click for each keyword If you want Google front page visibility today, this is a guide to how much you should be paying – as an average. Weigh up cost versus time. Ranking your website for some keywords will take many months of concerted effort and in some cases years, with no real guarantees. Every month that goes by, you could be missing on the chance to find your ideal customers

C. Research other potential keywords that Google does not find your website relevant for, using the same process.We have completed this search below for – small business marketing.

To give you an idea of how popular your chosen keyword is, AdWords keyword tool displays the number of searches it

receives on a monthly basis, and either globally or locally. If you aren’t satisfied with the initial suggestions, you can simply click

on “more like these” which then returns another batch of proposed keyword sets.

Options and Settings

To get the most accurate and effective keywords for your campaign, Google AdWords also allows you to select which terms to include and which ones to

exclude. To improve accuracy, it also lets you determine whether your matches should be broad, exact, or any part of a phrase. That way, you are in full control of

who views your ad and that it reaches the right people all the time.

If you are targeting consumers who know exactly what they want, then an “exact” match might be the best type for your ad campaign. These might include technical

searches or gadgets with model numbers. However, for more generic searches such as “small business marketing” in general, you’d be better off selecting a “broad”

match type as shown below. This will give you an indication as to the overall size of the market.

Allow Us To Help

Google AdWords is free to use. You only pay for how much you choose to advertise and are always in full control of your advertising budget. How

successful you are depends on how well you use it.

We are based in Melbourne and are specialists in Google AdWords, AdWords Management, SEO Services, content marketing, display

advertising, Facebook advertising, conversion rate optimisation, and paid search across other networks including Bing and Yahoo.

Our founder,Jayson Rodda, is an experienced AdWords veteran of 10 years and has a deep appreciation and understanding of the intricacies

behind it. Don’t waste any more time. Get to grips with Google AdWords by phoning us at 1300-76-00-84 and ask to speak directly to Jayson

Rodda, today.

Learn more about the Author: Jayson Rodda