Google adwords-enhanced-campaigns-explained

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Google Adwords have made their most significant change in years. The new platform called enhanced campaigns will be default settings in June. There is a lot for businesses to consider to make sure they are ready for the changes. We are already seeing the benefits to Adwords for the accounts we have moved over. This presentation should help to understand what the change means.

Transcript of Google adwords-enhanced-campaigns-explained

• Who are Push and what do we do?

• The EXPLOSION of mobile.

• Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Strategies for maximising success.

• The importance of Responsive Design.

• Who are Push and what do we do?

• The EXPLOSION of mobile.

• Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Strategies for maximising success.

• The importance of Responsive Design.

Push have been at the forefront of online marketing since 2005.

• We have taken start-ups to over £1m turnover in less than 12 months.

• A Google Adwords specialist since 2005 and an accredited Google certified partner.

• Delivered successful social media campaigns on Facebook since 2009.

• Designed & launched over 250 websites

• Greater London based design and marketing team. Our offices are 5 minutes from M25/M40 junction.

See what our clients have to say......

We hold key Google & Bing accreditations.

Internet Advertising Spend is Dominated by Search

Search is dominated by Google

• Who are Push and what do we do?

• The EXPLOSION of mobile.

• Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Strategies for maximising success.

• The importance of Responsive Design.


Why would business want to make it difficult

for 1 In 4 of their website visitors to come to

their website?

Many businesses are currently getting as

much as 25% of their visitors viewing their

sites on mobile devices such as Iphones and

other smart phones.

Mobile Explosion…

• Companies realised they needed websites circa 1996.

• History is now repeating itself – This year (2013) mobile internet will be more widely used then PC’s.

• Mobile payment, commerce and banking are making it easier to electronically transact via mobile.

• 40% of users have turned to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience.

• Google - Large advertisers early in 2012 found only 21% have launched a mobile site.

Marketing to mobile devices.

• Think about your own behaviour.

• Marketers have a broad mix of mobile tactics planned in 2013: – 52% plan to create a mobile- or tablet-optimized website

– 48% plan to increase engagement in mobile advertising

– 41% hope to develop a mobile app

– 39% are planning to market a mobile app

Mobile is taking off.

Think about your own behaviour.....

Big ‘game changer’ in retail

Mobile is transforming everyday buying decisions

Mobile is local.

Surveys show that UK businesses are slow in designing for mobile.

Have you designed your website specifically for either of the following?

The opportunity gap

• 44% of retailers expect mobile revenues to overtake online (AIM/IAB/IMRG)

• 64% of UK retailers don't have a mobile site (mBlox) !!!!

...& it will just keep growing

• By 2015 there will be more searches on mobile devices than PCs & laptops.

• M-commerce set to account for almost 25% of online purchases by 2017 (Verdict)

• Who are Push and what do we do?

• The EXPLOSION of mobile.

• Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Strategies for maximising success.

• The importance of Responsive Design.

Google have introduced Enhanced Campaigns for Adwords.

Google’s objective is to make it easier for

advertisers to promote marketing messages

based on people’s context such as

• .... their location

• .... the device they are using (PC/Tablet/Mobile)

• .... the time of day

all within a single campaign.

Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Up till now, it was considered best practice to create separate campaigns for mobile and desktop targeting.

• This effectively doubled the advertiser’s workload as well as the complexity associated with managing the campaigns.

Enhanced campaigns

• PAST - One of the reasons for separating mobile and desktop campaigns was the ability to specify different keywords.

• NOW – With EC, it’s not possible to target device- or tablet-only campaigns.

i.e. You cannot stop an increasing number of visitors looking at your site on a mobile device!!!

• Who are Push and what do we do?

• The EXPLOSION of mobile.

• Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Strategies for maximising success.

• The importance of Responsive Design.

Three strategies to respond to Enhanced Campaigns.

1. Do nothing.

2. Build a mobile site.

3. Change your main website design to a responsive design.

1. Do nothing.

• In this instance you risk an ever increasing proportion of your current site visitors viewing your website on a mobile device.

• If your current site is not optimised for mobile they will have a less than ideal experience.

• Mobile visitors are likely to just ‘click away’ (and potentially take a look at a competitor).

2. Build a Mobile site.

• Dedicated mobile site.

• Mobile friendly experience regardless of a user visiting from an iPhone, Android phone, Blackberry etc.

1. User visits via PC/Mac they see your main website.

2. User visits via a tablet they see your main website.

3. User visits via a smart phone they see your mobile site.

2. Build a Mobile site.

• Who are Push and what do we do?

• The EXPLOSION of mobile.

• Enhanced Campaigns Explained.

• Strategies for maximising success.

• The importance of Responsive Design.

Responsive Design

• Rather than having your own main site (for PCs) and a separate dedicated mobile site make just ONE website.

• A single RESPONSIVE site will adapt to the device regardless of whether it’s a PC, Mac, Ipad, Nexus, Ipad mini, Android phone, Blackberry etc.

• If you are thinking about moving to a new platform, having a major design update or just changing your site now is the time to implement Responsive Design.

Example of Responsive Design.

Contact Push to find out more.


• 0203 005 9877
