Good vs. Bad Customers

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Good vs. Bad Customers

A story about good vs. bad customers

Chapter 1: What you do

You make stuff or provide services

You make stuff or provide services, like shoes, cars, jewelry, software, computers, consulting. . . . you get the picture.

You make stuff or provide services, and sell it.

You make stuff or provide services, and sell it to people, to make them happy.

You make stuff or provide services, and sell it to people, to make them happy, andthey tell other people to buy it.

You make stuff or provide services, and sell it to people, to make them happy, andthey tell other people to buy it, and so and so on …..

Easy, right?

Chapter 2: Where you do it

You make stuff or provide services through direct or indirect channels.

You make stuff or provide services through direct or indirect channels.

Channel is here. Customer is here.You are here.

You make stuff or provide services through direct or indirect channels.

And the farther you are away from the ultimate buyer, the less likely you know your customer.

You make stuff or provide services through direct or indirect channels.

Sometimes you think your ultimate customer is the channel.

Funny how the ultimate user who buys your stuff, doesn’t.

Chapter 3: Why do it

You make stuff or provide services to make money.

You make stuff or provide services to make money. And hopefully you make lots and lots of money.

You make stuff or provide services to make money. And hopefully you make lots and lots of money.

Oops. Let’s not forget profit, too.

Profit is here.

Revenue is here.

But not all customers give you lots and lots of money, and not all customers are profitable.

Chapter 4: Customers that help you do it

You make stuff or provide services to make money and profits from your customers.

These are your customers.

You make stuff or provide services to make money and profits from your customers.

These are your customers.

This are the profits.

Most remember that 20% of your top customers gives you 80% of your profits.

You make stuff or provide services to make money and profits from your customers.

You make stuff or provide services to make money and profits from your customers.

Most remember that 20% of your top customers gives you 80% of your profits.

These are your most valuable customers.

Most forget that 80% of your losses come from your bottom 20%.

You make stuff or provide services to make money and profits from your customers.

These are, err, your not so valuable customers.

Chapter 5: How you do it

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

Boy, is he trying to sell!

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

Some CFOs think selling and marketing costs money.

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

Some CFOs think selling and marketing costs money. You know. Red ink.

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

Some CFOs think selling and marketing makes money.

Some CFOs think selling and marketing makes money. You know. Black Ink.

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

Some smart CFOs think selling and marketing to your best customers is smart.

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

You too know selling and marketing to your best customers is smart.

You make stuff or provide services by selling and marketing to customers.

But do you know who your best customer is?

Chapter 6: What you can do

Be smart. Sell and market to your best customers.

Lose less of this.

Lose less of this.

Get more of this.

Simple, right?

Chapter 6: How we do it

We can help you identify your best customer.

And of course. Your not so best customer.

We can help you know what your best customer does. . .

We can help you know what your best customer does. . .

. . .at work, home and play.

We can help you find more like them…

. . .at work, home and play.

We can help them find you.

And tell others like them about you.

So you can grow your business. Profitably.

Get much more of this.

Lose less of this.

The End


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