Good English - The Language of Success

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Transcript of Good English - The Language of Success

“There are times when it is more important to have commandof language than command of an army”

General Lord Cornwallis, soldier, 1738 - 1805

How speaking and writing wellwill transform your life

Good EnglishThe Language

of Success

Bowden Hall CollegeMarple, Stockport Cheshire SK6 6NETelephone: 0161 427 3513 Facsimile: 0161 449

Members of the Tutorial BoardDr Rachel Campbell-Johnston, MA, PhDMichael Copp, BAFrances Donnelly, BAChris Harrison, BABen Huskisson, BAClaire Hutchinson, BScJames Knox, MARowley Leigh, MAAlan Pink, FCAJustin Power, BAWilliam Pryde, MADavid Ross, MAJonathan Self

Founding MembersCaroline Barr, MALeone M. Burfield, MAGeoffrey A Dudley, BAThelma A Farison, PhBRobert D Heap, BAAnn Arnold Sullivan, MA

Director of StudiesJohn S Green, MA

1929-2010 Celebrating over 80 yearsof educational excellence.

If you can spare 15 minutesa day for the next few weeksyou can transform yourEnglish and transformyour lifeHow would your life change if you could speak andwrite better English? How would it change if youcould speed-read and extended your vocabulary bythousands of new words?

I can tell you the answer. It would improvedramatically. In your work life all sorts of newopportunities would open up to you. In your homeand social life you would command new respect. Inyour ‘inner life’ you would enjoy new-foundconfidence and self-assurance.

This may seem like an extravagant claim, but Iassure you it is based on decades of experience. Inthe 80 years since Bowden Hall College wasfounded we have shown, literally, hundreds ofthousands of students how to develop theirlanguage skills and I guarantee we can do thesame for you. Indeed, in as little time as fifteenminutes a day The New Course in PracticalEnglish will show you how to:

� Become a skilled conversationalist. Speakeasily and convincingly one-to-one, with smallgroups and even in front of larger audiences.Never be at a loss for words or worried thatyour English is letting you down.

� Express yourself effectively on paper. Writeletters, reports, articles and speeches like aprofessional.


� Read faster. Absorb informationat a much, much higher speed.

� Remember and understandmany more words. A bigger andmore sophisticated vocabularywill help you to communicate togreater effect.

� Avoid mistakes. Poor grammar,spelling and punctuation neednever plague or embarrass youagain.

With The New Course in PracticalEnglish under your belt you will bemore successful in everything yousay and do. Because whether youare attending an interview,presenting a report, training a child,fighting for a cause, making a sale,writing an essay, asking for a payrise or anything else that isimportant to you… your successdepends on the words you use.

This booklet provides full details ofThe New Course in PracticalEnglish but if you have anyquestions please don’t hesitate tocontact me. I very much hope to bewelcoming you as one of ourstudents in the near future.

Justin Power, Director, Bowden Hall College

Justin PowerDirector

Four key benefits oftaking this course:

1. You will make more money. BetterEnglish is a passport to higherpaid employment or, if you work foryourself, increased profits. BowdenHall College actually guaranteesthat the course will pay for itself asyou will note from the enclosedliterature.

2. You will be able to control everysituation. Better English will giveyou the power to persuade. Youwill find it easy to get others to seeyour point of view (and to followyour instructions) because you willspeak and write directly, and withauthority.

3. You will be more popular and youwill make more friends. All sorts ofnew doors will open to you simplybecause you understand the art ofholding a proper conversation.

4. You will be more influential. Youwill know, from your ownobservations, that those who speakand write well have more influenceover others. Being able to do bothwill mean that you can make yourvoice heard wherever and wheneverit is important to you.

Five important things to remember about the course:1. It is easy to understand and enjoyable to do.

2. It is proven to work.

3. It offers exceptional value for money.

4. You can achieve amazing results in just 15 minutes a day.

5. The cost includes all the course materials plus two full years’ unlimited personal tuition.


Language - the everyday act ofspeaking and writing, of readingand thinking plays a much moreimportant part in our daily livesthan we usually realise. Indeed,it is a success ‘secret’ of mostoutstanding men and women. The New Course in PracticalEnglish is a unique and provenway to improve your English, toincrease your business and socialsuccess, to find new power ofthought and expression, and toget more out of life.

Command Respect Spend just 15 minutes a day on thiscourse and you will learn in detailhow to dominate and influence everysituation simply by using the rightwords at the right time. What's more,you can confidently look forward toending boredom and frustration andgaining the attention and respect thatwin friends and influence people.

Yes, a command of good English isthe most important single aid youcould have in your search forsuccess. There is a direct relation

between your word power and yourearning power, between your skill inself-expression and your status atwork and in your social life. Whateverthe rewards you seek, they willcertainly be brought nearer by yourefforts to improve your speaking,conversation and writing skills

What does a command of good English mean to you?A command of good English meansyou are able to express yourselfclearly and fully on every occasion.You form new habits in speaking andwriting. You acquire a large anduseful vocabulary – words you willuse to express yourself to betteradvantage.

A command of good English meansyou are able to talk easily andconfidently – to get up and give ashort speech if you are asked. Toengage in business and socialdiscussions with full confidence inyourself. You know how to start,guide, control and end conversationsso that they are both enjoyable andrewarding.

How a command of good Englishwill bring you new recognition

and success


A command of good English meansyour writing ability is dramaticallyimproved. You know how to writegood letters, to prepare reports,articles, minutes of meetings orspeeches for business or social use.

Far-reaching rewardsAs your command of good Englishgrows, so also do you grow andchange as an individual.

You win freedom from anyembarrassment or hesitancy youmay now have. You gain poise andself-confidence. You lose all fear ofsaying the wrong thing or creating apoor impression. You feel at easewith people. These importantpersonal advantages have a directinfluence on your social life and – ifyou are employed – on your businessadvancement as well.

A command of good English is essentialIn every job there are certainrequirements, technical skills orabilities. Depending on our job, wemust know how to type, or sell, orsolve engineering problems, orassemble equipment, or work outwage rates or do whatever the jobdemands. But in addition to ourwork skills, it is absolutely essentialto have a command of good English –to impress others and influence themfavourably. If we don’t have morethan just average ability to speakand write, sooner or later we shall bepassed by. Someone else will get theopportunities in life that arise.

Does your English hold you back?The accountant or engineer whocannot talk easily with managementor customers or write clear reportswill remain on routine technical work.

The secretary who can type but whocannot compose letters or punctuateor spell correctly will stay right wherehe or she is.

The shop assistant who cannotsupervise other people will miss thechance to be a department head orbuyer.

The skilled factory worker whocannot talk with management willfumble his chance to be foreman ormanager, or to hold office in hisunion.

The businessman who must have hisletters corrected by his secretary orcannot get up and give a good shorttalk will miss big opportunities tomove up in his company or to holdoffice in important trade orprofessionalassociations.

These are hardfacts, but alsothe challengeof ourbusiness andindustrialworld. As weface thischallenge, we discover for ourselvesthat a command of good English isan important key to success, a key torapid advancement, a key to the fullrealisation of our ambitions.

You are judged by the way you speak and writeJust as you judge other people bythe way they speak and write, sothey in turn judge you. You arecontinuously judged by youremployer, your supervisor, yourfriends, customers – everyone. If youknow your work and do it well, if youhave good ideas and can talk themover easily with others, if others are

The words flow. Writingwell has become second

nature to me.


impressed by your knowledge andability – then your future is assured.Promotions and higher earnings aresure to come.

But if you make mistakes inEnglish… if you cannot carry on agood conversation or businessdiscussion… if your writing ability isonly average – then sooner or lateryou will be passed by.

Increase your thinking power!Yes, you actually improve your abilityto think when you increase yourcommand of English. Manyauthorities have explained why thisis true. Lindesmith and Strauss,University psychologists, say“Language and thought are so closelyinterconnected that the latter cannotexist without the former”. AlbertGuerhard, the French-born teacher,wrote: “The art of thinking and theproper command of language areinseparable”. Sir Humphry Davy,English scientist, wrote “Language isnot only the vehicle of thought; it isthe great and efficient instrument inthinking ”.

Scientists have shown that all butthe most primitive thinking is doneby means of words combined to formthoughts. The more words you knowthe more skilful will you be inorganising your words into thoughtsand the greater will be your power todevelop new ideas and greater abilityto express them give you more powerto attract, direct and influence otherpeople.

Release your personality, your qualities of leadership – with acommand of good EnglishThe minute you meet a person, youform an impression. Your impression

may be good, bad or indifferent. Ifthe person is confident, friendly, andconverses easily – your impression isgood. If the person seems unfriendly,fumbles with words or makesobvious mistakes in English – yourimpression is unfavourable.

As you talk with others, they alsoform their impression of you. Theyjudge you by what you say and howyou say it. When you know that yourfriends, neighbours or businesscolleagues respect and approve ofyou, when you know they like to talkwith you and be with you, then youhave poise and confidence. Suchconfidence is the first key to a strongpersonality.

But you cannot have confidence inyourself if you cannot talk to otherpeople freely and easily. You cannotbe poised or impress othersfavourably if you make embarrassingmistakes or if you grope for words.The person who has not had thesatisfying experience of acquiring acommand of good English cannoteasily imagine the amazing changethat takes place. You actuallyunleash hidden qualities ofleadership and personality.

“But how can I acquire these skills?”you may ask. Simply by reading andpractising the principles contained inthis exciting course and applyingthem to your everyday speaking,writing and conversation.

I have learned to speedread.


You soon feel the power that iswithin you as you express your ideasclearly – as you influence otherpeople and command new interestand respect.

You no longer hesitate to enter aconversation or hesitate to offer yourideas in a business discussion. Youcan get up and give a short talkwhen you are asked. You no longersit back and wait for others. Youhave good thoughts and you knowhow to express them well.

You will be what you want to beMost of us, if asked, would say “Yes, Ido want to develop my personalityand my qualities of leadership. I dowant a better education and theconfidence that automatically comeswith a command of good English”.All of us have the power withinourselves to decide what we will be.We can make the decision to changeand expand our lives at any time wechoose – and no matter how far wewent at school. In fact, manyuniversity graduates who failed togain a command of good Englishduring their studies find it necessaryto develop their command in later life.

Whatever your age or occupation –whether you are a businessman orwoman, an industrial worker orhousewife – you now have theopportunity to become an impressivespeaker, a fluent conversationalist,and effective writer with a commandof good English. The entire BowdenHall College teaching faculty are hereto serve you as you increase yourknowledge and fully develop thetalents and abilities you alreadypossess.

The New Course in PracticalEnglish enables you to develop yourspeaking and writing abilities quicklyand easily in your spare time athome. As you progress through thecourse, you’ll feel an increasing senseof achievement and excitement inyour own success. In just a shorttime, you’ll find yourself speaking andwriting with a new authority, likethose you admire. How this uniquecourse can achieve this is told in thefollowing pages. Read the full story; itmay well be the answer to quick andsure fulfilment of your ambitions.

What is your answer tothese importantquestions?

� Do you want to stop makingmistakes in English?

� Do you want to conversewith greater fluency andpoise?

� Do you want to speak withmore force and expression?

� Do you want to developgreater mental power to solveproblems, to originate ideas,and to evaluate the plansand proposals of others?

� Do you want to write betterletters, reports, speeches – touse the techniques of thebest writers of our time?

� Do you want to read fasterand with greaterunderstanding?

� Do you want to make themost of your abilities andmake a success of your life?


You have seen how important acommand of English is to yourbusiness, social and personalsuccess.

You have seen how the ability tospeak and write clearly andeffectively can increase your income,widen your circle of friends, increaseyour self-confidence, and releaseyour powers of leadership.

Do you want these importantbenefits for yourself? You can havethem through The New Course inPractical English. Yes, through thisnew self-improvement method, youcan quickly become an abler andmore convincing speaker, a moreskilled writer, a more fluentconversationalist, all in your sparetime at home.

Complete training in correct, forceful EnglishThe training itself is remarkable. Theresults obtained by those who enrolare actually astonishing. That is theverdict of thousands who have testedthis unique way to gain a command

of good English. They have provedthat if a few minutes each day aredevoted to this new and easy methodof training, results are quick andcertain – the ability to speak andwrite effectively follows so suddenlyand so easily that many have beensurprised at their rapid progress.

Many more have told us that onlywhen they have sensed an attitude ofrespect from their colleagues, andgreater popularity among theiracquaintances, have they begun torealise what this training wasactually doing for them.

A solid foundation of good EnglishTo enable you to become a skilledspeaker and writer, the course givesyou a clear understanding of theproper use of good English. Youquickly learn the accepted meaningsand uses of words, and the ways inwhich words are combined so thatthey express your thoughts andideas correctly and forcefully.

This knowledge of correct and

How you can gain a command ofgood English in your spare time

at home


effective English gives you a solidfoundation on which you begin tobuild from the very first lessons. Youuse it in your work, at home,everywhere you go. You use it tospeak easily and with greaterassurance. You use it to form andexpress your ideas quickly andprecisely. You use this newknowledge to write with greater easeand ability. In short, you begin atonce to enjoy the language skills thatmake life easier and more rewarding.

Practical subjects develop your command of EnglishIn addition to training in theprinciples of good English, the courseincludes many special subjects toperfect your command of thelanguage. Some lessons show youhow to build a large, usefulvocabulary. Other lessons teach youto pronounce and spell wordscorrectly. Your confidence growsrapidly as you lose all fear of writingor saying the wrong thing.

You are shown how to speed up yourreading – and yet retain much moreof what you read. Two lessons dealwith the art of conversation and giveyou five basic principles and many‘little tricks’ of everyday talk that youcan use immediately. Many men andwomen have said that what theylearned from these lessons repaidthem many times the cost of thewhole course.

As you progress, you learn how toprepare good speeches and talks foruse in your club, church business,union, and other activities. Lessonson creative writing are followed by asection which shows you how towrite good business and personalletters.

You ‘learn by doing’With The New Course in PracticalEnglish you ‘learn by doing’.Interesting, self-grading exercisesgive you plenty of practice incorrecting mistakes and developingyour skills. You learn to use therules of good, forceful English –without tedious memorising.

The author of each section of thecourse is an expert in his or hersubject. Experienced tutors are hereat Bowden Hall College to help youpromptly whenever you have anyquestions or problems. In addition tothis personal help, you receive ‘YourGuide to Practical English’, whichgives answers to questions you maybe asking, plus many valuable hintsand suggestions.

Every man or woman who enrols forThe New Course in PracticalEnglish has special reasons fordoing so. A business or professionalman wants to prepare better

Rather like the OxfordEnglish Dictionary or theEncyclopaedia Britannica,The New Course inPractical English issomething of a literary‘classic’ - having been inprint continuously for over60 years. Every other year(most recently 2006, 2008and 2010) our TutorialBoard overhaul The NewCourse in PracticalEnglish in its entirety tomake sure that it totallyrelevant and completely upto date.


speeches and reports; a housewifewants to avoid embarrassingmistakes and improve herconversational ability, a clerk wantsto become a manager. Theseexamples are just a few of thecountless situations in which menand women find an immediate needof a command of good English.

The New Course in PracticalEnglish is not the work of itsauthors alone. It is based onpractical results achieved bythousands of men and women. Theself-correcting exercises have beentested and retested by bothclassroom and home students.

From this rich background ofexperience came the amazing NewCourse in Practical English with itsunique combination of subjectmaterials and self-correctingexercises. Home students from allover the country tell us that here atlast they have found the way to maketheir learning of better English athrilling experience. You, too, wouldenjoy the same experience from theday you start.

Here, in a single course, iseverything you need to learn how toconverse fluently and interestingly, tospeak effectively and always be wellreceived, to write expertly andcolourfully, to master correct Englishand stop making embarrassingmistakes. Each lesson is presentedin a way that makes it easy andenjoyable to learn at home in yourspare time.

15 minutes a dayThere are no heavy textbooks towade through. Indeed, you will findthat acquiring these enviable talentsis a pleasant, rewarding experience…

a real adventure in self-improvement.The course is designed for the busyadult who has no time to waste.

Yet nothing has been left out that youneed to know. The lessons are dividedinto short explanations and practiceexercises. In as little as 15 minutes,you can make rapid progress bycompleting just one short explanationand one exercise a day.

The exercises are self-grading andthis self-correcting feature is likehaving an expert right at your elbow,

pointing out your errors and showingyou how to put the principles you arelearning into practice.

After you enrol, you become eligibleto use our highly efficient tutorialservice. If there is anything you don’tunderstand or that isn’t absolutelyclear – or if you require comments onany written work submitted – simplyask your Tutor, who will helpsympathetically and with greatexpertise.

Free personal tuitionTo give you special help with anyindividual problems you may have,personal tuition is included at noextra cost. Highly-qualified tutorswill answer by email, mail orfacsimile any questions on effectiveEnglish you may wish to ask duringthe time you are enrolled in the

My increased vocabularymeans I am never lost for



course, up to a maximum of 24months. (A telephone service mayalso be arranged by special request).

Immediately on application, you willreceive the complete New Course inPractical English; it contains the fullcourse material - all the learning aidsyou need to ensure that everythingyou say and write is crisp, clear,correct.

You stop making mistakes and learn good, correct EnglishThe New Course in PracticalEnglish is an amazing departurefrom old-fashioned principles. Hereyou learn and apply the principles ofgood English in a series offascinating game-like exercises. You‘learn-by-doing’, one step at a time.

Correct answers are given at the endof each lesson.

The course does far more than teachyou what is wrong and what is right.It shows you how to express yourselfin clear, interesting and compellingwords.

Good English provides the firmfoundation on which you will buildthroughout the lessons of the course...lessons on Vocabulary Building,Effective Composition, FluentConversation, Speech Preparation,Letter Writing, Rapid Reading andCorrect Spelling. Better EnglishReports consolidate the rapid progressyou will make and give useful hints onimproving your grammar andpunctuation. In addition, Your Guideto Practical English is full ofinvaluable advice to help you to learnquickly, easily, surely.

To be at ease in conversation is apriceless asset. In the struggle forsuccess, the really good

conversationalist has a definiteadvantage over one of just averageability. In business and social life,the man or woman who conversesfluently is a person who attracts andinfluences others.

You become a fluent conversationalistThe Conversation lessons in TheNew Course in Practical Englishare based upon many years ofexperience in teaching conversationas a formal subject in personalclasses. The lessons give five basicprinciples and many practical devicesyou can put to use at once.

You are taught how to collect ideasto talk about, what to do in the fourtypical conversation situations youmost frequently encounter, how torecognise and enjoy every type ofconversation. You learn how to starta conversation, how to lead it intopleasant channels, how to usequestions and how to endconversations smoothly.

The ability to converse fluently andexpertly will help you to win newfriends and strengthen your familyrelationships. It may well open newdoors to business, professional andsocial opportunities.

You acquire a large,colourful vocabulary When you stop to think about thepersonal requirements you need forsocial and business success, do notoverlook the importance of a goodvocabulary. Unless you know andcan use many words, you cannotmake full use of your other abilities.

The Vocabulary Building Lessons inThe New Course in PracticalEnglish begin by explaining thecharacteristics of a good vocabulary.


You will then determine the size ofyour present vocabulary by usinginteresting word tests. After takingthis inventory, you learn how toincrease the total number of wordsyou know by a vocabulary buildingprogramme you can use for the restof your life.

Each lesson includes a variety ofinteresting, game-like exercises. Youlearn how to analyse and buildwords through the use of word roots,prefixes and suffixes, how to learnwords in groups instead of one byone, how to be sure of yourpronunciation and how to make themost effective use of words. As you progress through the lessons,you will find many words yourecognise but do not know how touse in daily speaking and writing.One of the important aims of theseVocabulary Building Lessons is toshow you how to convert these‘recognition’ words into words youcan use every day.

The immediate, practical effect ofenlarging your vocabulary can beamazing! New words lead to newthoughts, and new thoughts lead tonew knowledge - new mental poweryou can use to enrich all yourbusiness and social relationships.

Lord Chesterfield said “Letters, likepeople, have personalities whichattract or repel”. Whatever youroccupation, whether you are asecretary, salesman, executive,correspondent or lawyer, the abilityto write clear, friendly, persuasiveletters can be one of your mostvaluable assets.

You put punch into your business and social lettersIn the Business and Social Letters

section of The New Course inPractical English, you study ‘beforeand after’ examples of typicalbusiness and social letters. Step-by-step corrections and changes aremade in poor letters so that you cansee how principles learned in earliersections of the course apply to letterwriting. You, yourself, correct andrewrite several types of letters.

By mastering the principles of thissection, you will write letters that getresults - lettersthat sell, lettersthat generategoodwill, letters ofcredit andcollection. You willfeel confident ofthe good taste andcorrectness ofyour social and personal letters -letters of congratulation, invitation,acceptance, condolence, appreciationand introduction.

Your letters will be warm and full of‘punch’ - they will be friendly, tactful,sincere and direct. You will learnhow to project your personality intoyour letters and create a favourableimpression on your reader.

You prepare effectivespeechesFew situations offer you greateropportunity for personal progressand recognition than making aspeech. When speaking, you have theopportunity to inform, impress andconvince others if you present yourideas clearly and project a pleasingpersonality.

The real secret of every good speechis found in the skill with which it isprepared. Speeches require specialorganisation, special sentence

I no longer makeembarrassing mistakes.


structure, special attention to wordchoice and grammatical form. Goodwritten compositions seldom makegood oral compositions. The SpeechPreparation Lesson of The NewCourse in Practical English clearlyexplains the important differencesbetween effective written andeffective spoken language.

You are shown how to organise aspeech for maximum force andclarity, how to employ the ‘you’approach, how to project yourpersonality and how to handleopenings and closings. Variousdevices that aid speech are discussed- the use of gestures, facialexpressions, bodily actions and vocalinflections.

In addition to presenting thetechniques of effective speaking thislesson shows you how to preparespecific types of speeches -inspirational speeches, humoroustalks, factual speeches, sales talks,good-will speeches and others.Perhaps most valuable of all, fromthis study you will quickly gain thepoise and confidence that come whenyou know your speeches are well-prepared.

You write like the expertsMany people are poor writers, notbecause they lack ideas, but becausethey lack a knowledge of theprinciples of effective writing andneed practice in applying thoseprinciples.

In the Composition Lessons of TheNew Course in Practical Englishyou are shown how you can developan effective, interesting, forceful styleby the choice and arrangement ofwords, the length and rhythm ofsentences and the application of

other basic writing principles. As youdevelop your writing skill, you put topractical use the knowledge acquiredin earlier lessons of the course.

You are shown how to write clear,logical sentences and how toorganise those sentences intoeffective paragraphs. You are taughthow to plan your writing, how to usestrong openings and closings, how toselect the best approach to yoursubject, how to avoid wordiness andhow to create vivid word pictures.

You learn how to use the principlesof effective composition to make yourwriting accurate, forceful, vivid andeasy to understand - the kind ofwriting everybody likes to read!

You read faster and betterWhat would it mean to you, in termsof social rewards and businessprogress, to double your presentspeed of reading? Such improvementis definitely possible - thanks to theRapid Reading and Comprehensionsection of The New Course inPractical English. Whether you arenow an excellent, average or poorreader, you can learn to readconsiderably faster and at the sametime increase your understanding ofwhat you read.

This fascinating lesson gives you aquick and simple method of testingyour present ability and thenoutlines a one-month programme toimprove your skill, regardless of yourpresent reading score. You are shownhow to develop good reading habits.You are given practice drills toincrease the number of words youcan see in one glance. By readingselected articles, you learn how tofind an author’s main ideas quickly.Twelve practical suggestions for


reading improvement are given.Reading tests in the lesson measurethe increase in your speed andcomprehension as you follow theprogramme. Reading rate charts areincluded so you can record yourprogress day by day, week by week.With The New Course in PracticalEnglish method, improving yourreading skill becomes a fascinatingand rewarding experience.

You eliminate spelling errorsHave you ever noticed how amisspelled word stands out on aprinted or typewritten page? Haveyou ever found yourself forming anegative opinion about a writerwhose letters contain misspelledwords?

Few things can ruin the effectivenessof a business or social letter socompletely as misspellings. Businessexecutives, for instance, hesitate toemploy a man or woman who makesspelling mistakes in a letter ofapplication even though theapplicant’s other qualifications arehigh.

Whether you are a good, average orpoor speller, the Spelling Lesson ofThe New Course in PracticalEnglish provides you with anexcellent review. It explains clearlysuch terms as roots, suffixes,prefixes, consonants, vowels, andsyllables. Included are six basicspelling rules, as well as the correctmethods of forming plurals,possessives, and contractions.

Exercises to test your progress arefollowed by a list of one hundred‘spelling demons’. Bad spelling canoften let you down and give a poorimpression to others of your realintelligence and capabilities. Once

you have mastered the SpellingLesson in our Course, you’ll feelmuch more confident whenever youwrite an important letter, report... orany document. In fact, you’ll feel farmore at ease and in commandwhenever you put pen to paper. Inaddition, you are given a practicalway of remembering the spelling ofwords you may now habituallymisspell.

What this course willdo for you...

� How to stop makingembarrassing mistakesin your speaking andwriting!

� How to become a fluentconversationalist andeffective public speaker!

� How to put punch intoyour writing!

� How to increase yourword power!

� How to read faster andunderstand more!

� How to develop self-confidence!

� How to increase yourthinking power!

� How to win popularity,friends, success!

It has boosted myconfidence.


The New Course in PracticalEnglish is updated on a regularbasis by its tutorial board. A full listof board members is to be found inthe front of this booklet. Many of thenames may be familiar to you.Rachel Campbell-Johnston, forinstance, is the Times newspaper’spoetry correspondent and holds adoctorate in poetry from EdinburghUniversity; Frances Donnelly, anauthor, was, for a decade, the mainpresenter of Radio 4’s ‘Woman’sHour’; James Knox is a biographerand was formerly publisher of theSpectator magazine; Rowley Leigh isa television chef and author; andJonathan Self (though not as wellknown as his brother, Will) is aTimes journalist, author and radiopresenter. This, then, is the calibre ofboard members.

Additionally, Bowden Hall Collegeemploys over 20 specialisteducationalists and teachers to actas personal tutors to our students.Their names are not well-known, buttheir careers speak for themselves.Between them they have taught atmany famous educational institutesincluding Imperial College,International House, LondonUniversity, Manchester GrammarSchool, Sussex University, and

Westminster School.

You would be hard pressed to find asdedicated or expert a faculty.Remember, too, they are here toserve you at no extra charge for a fulltwo years after you have enrolled onThe New Course in PracticalEnglish. If you had to pay for thisfeature alone it would cost youmany, many times more than thecourse.

Meet your tutors

Your tutors work on apro bono basis…

You may be interested to know that many of theBowden Hall College tutorswork on a pro bono basis.In other words, theyvolunteer their services “forthe public good withoutany payment orcompensation”. Why?Because they believe it isvitally important topromote higher standardsof English.


What is Bowden Hall College?Bowden Hall College, founded in1929, is a private adult educationestablishment with over 80 years ofunrivalled experience of hometraining methods. Because of manyrequests from people who do notwish to go to personal classes orseminars, and because the subjectlends itself ideally to individual studyat home, The New Course inPractical English is now offered bypost to anyone who wishes tobecome a more effective speaker,conversationalist, and writer.

My education was limited. Is the course too difficult for me?Certainly not! You will find The NewCourse in Practical English easy tounderstand because of its new,practical methods. It begins at thebeginning - nothing is taken forgranted. Each topic is developedstep-by-step. The number of self-correcting exercises is sufficient toenable you to master thefundamentals of good Englishwithout tedious memorising of rules.You ‘learn by doing’. The course isdesigned so that busy people cangain a command of good Englishquickly and enjoyably.

I am over 60 years old. Will the course still help me?Very definitely the course will helpyou. Many tests have shown thatolder people can learn as much as oreven more than younger persons.When you are older learning issometimes just a little slower, butyou learn just as much andremember it longer. Hundreds of menand women, some more than 75years of age, have greatly benefited

by The New Course in PracticalEnglish. You can, too!

Is there any time limit?No! On enrolment, the course isyours to keep, and can be consultedwhenever you like. You can set yourown pace, study when you wish. Inas little time as 15 minutes a dayyou can get quick results and makesteady progress. Some men andwomen complete the course in a fewweeks. Others require from a fewmonths to a year of spare-timestudy. As there are no classes, youare neither rushed nor held back byother students. And remember, youdon’t wait until the end of the courseto enjoy its rewards. The study ofgood English pays off from the veryfirst day!

Is there any written work?Only if you wish. You are rec-ommended, but not obliged, tocomplete the self-test questions foreach lesson. You are also free to submityour personal speaking or writingproblems for sympathetic analysis byyour personal tutor. But there are noexaminations to worry you.

How can your personal tutorial service help me?You are entitled for 24 months tofull, frank, and confidentialcorrespondence with expert graduatetutors, who are ever ready to adviseon specific, personal applications ofthe course and to solve any problemsthat may arise in connection withyour studies. This correspondence ispatient, painstaking and thorough.And it can be continued until bothtutor and pupil are fully satisfiedthat all outstanding points have beenproperly resolved.

Your questions answered


English is not my first language. Will the course helpme?The course will definitely enable you to speak and write better English –provided you now read Englishreasonably well. You do not need toread rapidly or to read difficultmaterial; if you can read and enjoythis booklet or your daily Englishnewspaper, you should be able toread, understand and benefit by thiscourse. A great many students whohave English as a second languagehave greatly improved their speakingand writing skills through ourmethod. And you can do the same!

Shall I incur any further expense?No. The course is complete in itself and will give you a thoroughgrounding in good English. Extrapersonal help and advice are offeredthrough our written Tutorial Service,which is included in the course fees.We recommend that you refer to anEnglish dictionary during yourstudies.

I am a student. Will the course help with my studies?It certainly will! Mastery of goodEnglish is a great benefit to youwhatever you are studying. Thecourse will help you to expressyourself clearly, concisely andcorrectly. You will avoid makingembarrassing mistakes. You will bemore successful in yourexaminations. Many students haveused this course to upgrade theirspeaking and writing – rapidly and togreat benefit.

What studentssay about TheNew Course in

Practical EnglishThe extracts shown here aretypical of actual letters we receivedaily from delighted students.Their recommendation is one ofthe most direct ways ofconvincing yourself of the course’spotential value to you. Theoriginals may be inspected at ouroffices by appointment.

Confidence and self-control“The course has not only taught meto speak clearly, concisely andcorrectly, but the lessons have alsoenabled me to adopt definite ideas,material and manner. It has injectedme with confidence and courage andinstructed me to develop the art ofself-control.”Miss B Saha, Manchester

Stimulating and useful“…Very attractive, stimulating, anduseful… and not only from thelinguistic point of view. Its purposeis much broader; it helps to create areal human being, a highly civilisedperson.”Dr HD Koctuch, Professor ofEconomics, London


Good value for money“The lessons are easily followed andextremely interesting . . .undoubtedly good value for money.”BD Prescott, Training Officer,Tredegar, Gwent

Passed examinations“Since studying your course, I havepassed my examination in EnglishLanguage and have had poems and ashort story published.”B Merrick, Salop

First class!“…Just what I have been looking for.I congratulate you on your well-planned lessons. As you say, theyare first class. I am highly satisfied.”Mrs E Gilks, Otley, W. Yorkshire

Course is VITAL“My impression of the course can besummed up in a word - ‘excellent’.For my three school-age sonsneeding daily direction, the course isVITAL.”Mr J Carson, Belfast

Invaluable“This is an excellent refreshercourse. One easily gets into badhabits and I am sure the course willbe invaluable to me when presentingfacts whether in report form orverbally.”Mr PD Quick, Estate Agent,Upminster, Essex

Brilliantly organised“I should like to send my congrat-ulations to you and your staff for abrilliantly organised course which hasbeen of great value to me. Throughoutthe months which it has occupied,not one minute do I regret, nor themoney which I invested. In fact, Iwould be surprised if anyone couldreceive so much profit for so little.”Mr ME Hayward, Sheffield

Easy to follow“I could not have wished for a bettercourse. It is attractive, easy to followand efficient.”Mr DF Bence, Liverpool

Interesting and instructive“I am more than delighted with it.Being unable to get out in theevenings, I find it is just what Iwanted – a hobby which is bothinteresting and instructive.”Mrs M Hill, Glossop, Derbyshire

Very impressed“I am very impressed with thecourse. I am convinced it will helpme in my work and social life. It ismoney well-spent.”Mr Hugh M Fraser, Inverness

Covers every aspect“Yours is a simple but completecourse in that it is well laid out andcovers every aspect with abundantexamples.”Mr B Alvey, London

Simple but thorough“I have been pleasantly surprised bythe simple but thorough method ofpresentation.”Mr C Powell, London

Most appropriate“Your practical English Programmeis a most appropriate course of studyfor students of any field.”Miss R Johnson, London

Just what I have been looking for“A complete course at a reasonableprice, covering every aspect of theEnglish language.”Mr NF French, Northampton


You can become an impressivespeaker, fluent conversationalist andexpert writer in as little as 15minutes a day. We have proved thisby successfully teaching this methodto thousands of men and women ofall ages. Many did not have thebenefit of higher education. Manyothers attended university orcolleges. Some lived in rural areas;others in towns and cities. But allare ambitious men and women whoknow that their personal successdepends upon their ability to speakeffectively, write expertly andconverse easily. Below is a short listof occupational groups which includemost - but not all - of our students:

� Businessmen and women – who wantto increase their skills in talking withpeople, handling correspondence,writing reports, preparing speechesand conducting meetings.

� Typists, Administrators and OfficeClerks – who aspire to secretarialjobs or other higher positions.

� Teachers – who want to perfect theirtraining methods and at the sametime ensure that everything they sayand write is crisp, clear, correct.

� Advertising, Telemarketing and SalesPersonnel – who want to increasetheir speaking, conversation andwriting skills.

� Ministers and Other Public Speakers– who want to make sure that theirspeaking and writing are forceful andfree from error.

� Industrial Employees – who want tobecome foremen, managers,supervisers, trade union officials orto move into office or sales work.

� Members and Officers of Clubs orOrganisations – who must conduct orparticipate in meetings and otheractivities.

� Government Employees, Officials,Servicemen and women – who facespecial problems of communication inthe performance of their duties andwho are preparing for promotion.

� Homemakers – who need a bettercommand of speaking and writingskills to keep up with their partner’sprogress and to meet their socialobligations in church, home, school,and club.

� Accountants, Engineers, Doctors,Nurses – and members of otherprofessions who want to raise thelevel of their speaking and writingskills to the level of their professionalabilities.

� Students and University graduates –who want to make up a ‘deficiency’ intheir speaking and writing skills.

� Anyone whose first language is notEnglish – who needs a thorough butpractical course in speaking andwriting good English.

� Retired Men and Women – who wantto write, who want to make up forlost educational opportunities or whowant to use their new-found leisurefor the study of effective speakingand writing as a fascinating hobby.

� Writers – who have ideas andmaterial which deserve publication,but who lack the writing skill to winacceptance from editors.

� Parents – who want either to keep upwith their children’s educational levelor to provide instruction in speakingand writing skills for their children.

The New Course in PracticalEnglish is for you!


Spend 15 minutes a day on this courseand we promise…

You will become a fluent speaker. Whoever you are talking to,under whatever circumstances, conversing will become a pleasure.

Writing will never be a problem again. You will find it easy andenjoyable to write anything and everything from letters to speechesand from business reports to articles.

You will read at least twice as fast. You will not only double thespeed at which you are able to read but, crucially, you willcomprehend and remember much more of what you read.

You will add thousands of new words to your vocabulary. You willnever be searching for a word again plus you will never havetrouble expressing yourself.

You won’t make mistakes. You won’t make spelling or grammaticalmistakes. You won’t ever feel shy or embarrassed about the qualityof your English.

Bowden Hall CollegeMarple, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 6NE

Telephone 0161 427 3513 – Facsimile 0161 449 7717


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