Goldsmiths social media class ICCE - 1st of July 2015

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Transcript of Goldsmiths social media class ICCE - 1st of July 2015

The Art & Joy of over sharing


10-1pm – 1st of July 2015

Aims of this session are.

1.       To understand your own relationship with social media. 2.       To decide you want to do with social media. 3.      For those that have never tweeted, the chance to Tweet and gain confidence. 4.       We are going to use some of the data analytic tools to analyse competitors in the UK. 5.       To see if social media can be business at the front and party at the back.

Business at the front, party at back.

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In the last 24 months this has happened.

•  Smartphone penetration is now at 75%.

•  Mobile and Tablet is the preferred way for new customers to find out about new brands.

•  People can begin a journey with you from anywhere.

•  They are an accessible way to distribution tools for your ideas and content.

•  Smarthpones are Newspapers where people curate their own news.

‘The emptiest vessel makes the loudest noise when

banged.’African Proverb.

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Social Media is only really 5 years old is it any wonder….

This is #Megastar

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Early Online Identity

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Did celebrities teach us how to use Social Media?

�  Your connections can help balance the

precariousness of being an entrepreneur.

�  It is fun. Could it be a fluid experiment in online identity.

�  Helps you up the ‘Trust Curve’. No Barriers. between you and people who can help you.

�  Direct access to customers.

�  It gets you things that money can’t buy.

Why Social Media?

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�  Google is good for questions like: What are the

prices for flights to NYC?

�  Social Search: What Camera should I get?

�  Brands are trying to react to this change in search activity.

Social Search vs Natural Search

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@PC DavidRathband

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Raoul Moat & Gazza

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Privacy & Online Identity

�  DAVID: @davidRathband. 3016 Tweets. 319 Following. 11042 Followers. Sad to announce Mrs R has called time on our marriage. Separation permanent.

�  KATH: @KathRathband. 2754 Tweets. 605 Following. 1228 followers. Slight inaccuracy in the tweet by @pcdavidrathband – He left us and refuses to come home. #TheTruthWillOut


�  You lose your rights to the content that you post. There is no choice, or nothing could be shared.

�  Twitter is not liable for anything that is shared.

�  Social Media also use Cookie Data. To try and make advertising effective. Twitter scan conversations for key-words, as does FB.

�  Use of data in marketing is quite benign.

�  To find which creative is working.

�  To find which sites worked.

�  To find which times worked best. �  Optimise campaigns in real time.

�  To stop wasted money.

�  The internet is an ever expanding canvass – there is little choice.

Ways in which data is used.

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An example of how data is used.

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The chance of an Web user clicking on an ad and going straight to the purchase page is about as likely as a pedestrian hailing a taxi and asking the driver to take him or her directly to the place advertised on the side of the cab – VERY SMALL.

It is more likely the user will make a note and visit later. Online, you can measure exactly this: the branding effect.

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User Sees a banner, remembers it, but DOES NOT CLICK

Adserver sets a cookie set in internet browser

Goes to site within 90 days and buys something

User Gets another cookie set in browser

Cookie sent back To adserver / agency

Events Correlated

Post View Branding Effect.

Ways that your data is used in marketing.

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� Owned Media, Bought Media, and Earned


�  Think of Smartphones as your BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV – a device that you can distribute content on.

�  There is great value in what is shared.

Smartphones & Sharing

Above all be human.

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�  The class hashtag is #ICCE

�  Send out a Tweet to that wall during the class on anything you find interesting

�  When a Tweet starts with a @username, the only users who will see it in their timeline (other than the sender and the recipient) are those who follow both the sender and the recipient.

�  @mentions in the middle are more public.

�  Remember that you can delete content too.

The Tweet Wall

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@PC DavidRathband

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Small Experiment

�  Go to

�  Click on ‘Tweets’

�  Search @PCdavidRathband

�  Where do you stand online privacy?

�  Hashtags make your posts searchable in Twitter.

�  Hashtags are after-thoughts, theatrical asides.

�  Hashtags prove your are human.

�  Hashtags improve your search engine rankings.

An exercise in Hashtags

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�  Let the weekend begin!

� Wearing socks with Crocs is so stylish

�  Just dropped my second ice cream cone.

� Daily Memes - #FollowFriday

Let’s make some.

Get involved in conversations. �  Find your industry’s hashtags.

�  Listen to the conversations. (Lurk Moar)

�  Find people you like who are building up social capital. Follow them.

�  Retweet what you agree with. But always make a comment,

�  They will then follow you.

�  #SocEnt (social entrepreneur/entrepreneurship)

�  #SocEntChat (monthly social entrepreneur chat by Ashoka)

�  #socialentrepreneur (for those who don’t know about #SocEnt)

�  #Prize4SC (prize for social change)

�  #4change (that’s right, “for change”)

�  #BoP (base/bottom of the pyramid)

�  #nonprofit (self-explanatory)

�  #nptech (nonprofit technology)

�  #SSIR (Stanford Social Innovation Review)

�  #i4c (internet for change)

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Research your industry’s Hashtags

Rule 65: Every cat leads to another cat. Hemingway and Anonymous.

Conversatiosn that failed. #fails – SusanBoyle

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Conversations that failed. - Starbucks #Fail

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� #RaceTogether failed because of �  (1) poor brand alignment, �  (2) authenticity deficit �  (3) poor reaction.

Starbucks #Fail

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Side Effects of Social

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�  Less able to remember information as we crowd source answers from friends and google.

� We are less able to concentrate if we know we have a message on our phones.

� Often what we think of as multi-tasking is in fact just task switching.

� Downtime and responsibility.

Some side effects

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Social and Google Listings

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Google and Hashtags

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Google and Links

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�  Post regularly.

�  Be human.

�  Bring people into your process.

�  Offer exclusivity.

�  Speak to the right people.

�  Humour

How to create a buzz

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Let’s do a study

�  Find your competitor on Twitter. � Analyse the last 30 days of tweets. �  See what categories they fall into in the

Asset Inventory? � How human are they? � How much marketing? � What are their biggest announcements? � Do you get a sense of Buzz – unstopable


How much Media Content should I create.

Don’t be afraid of over-sharing. People are on social media when they have time to be on social media.

He/she that does not have a donkey is a donkey. African Proverb.

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� Create a content Calendar

� Create an event Calendar

� Use a scheduler to save time. E.g –Hootsuite.

�  Schedule Spikes in Activity.

Create Calendars

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Content Strategies + Event Timetables are key to success

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�   Festival “mentality” – Create a sense of celebration of what you do

�  “Leadership Idea”

�  World event

�  Anniversaries

What are Institutional Events

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� Go to followerwonk �  Type in an artist you love in your industry. � Who else loves them. – Find 10 you want

to be friends with �  Analyse the followers of an institution � Compare the followers of two institutions. �  Find the 25 people who you are going to

treat specially.


“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.”

Your personal CEO Brand

�  Email:

�  Twitter: @goldenanorak

�  Instagram: @goldenanorak

� Message Me.

Christopher Hogg

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