Going To Hospital: Your Baby Bag Checklist

Post on 15-May-2015

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Going to hospital and looking for the baby bag checklist. Here you can find all the essentials you need to pack before heading to the hospital By Windshield Alert (http://windshieldalert.com/).

Transcript of Going To Hospital: Your Baby Bag Checklist

Pregnant & in LaborYou can't be Late!

The most important baby shower gift for the"Maternity HOSPITAL BAG"!

Static-cling EMERGENCY signWindshield Alert

Going To Hospital: Your Baby Bag Checklist



Need some ideas for things to pack in your hospital baby bag for bringing home baby? This is the right place you have come to. Following are the essentials to be kept in mind while packing the bag for the hospital, keeping in mind your needs and the newborns requirements.

Packing the hospital bag in advance is the right choice before your due date of delivery. As, when it comes to last minute packing, some of the things are always forgotten.

Windshield Alert™


Windshield Alert™

Baby bag essentials


Windshield Alert™ - It is one of the best and unique baby shower gift. Alert other motorists to move over using Windshield Alert™ Emergency banner. Windshield Alert™ Static-cling EMERGENCY banner is a well designed, high quality emergency accessory that can be easily applied on the inside of the windshield using glass cleaner, while planning a hospital trip. It is a practical additional baby shower gift.

Windshield Alert™


Baby bag essentials

• The birth plan and maternity notes, along with your mobile phone and important phone numbers written on paper - just in case your mobile battery is low. • One of your old nightie or t-shirt - giving birth is messy, so be prepared to throw it away afterwards.


Baby bag essentials

• Slipper, along with a lightweight dark colored dressing gown.

• Hairbands or grips - Just to keep your hair tied back off your face during labor, in case your have long hair.

• Snacks and drinks - Pack some snacks and drinks for you while you are in labor. Isotonic sports drinks are good, or take some glucose tablets to keep you going.


Baby bag essentials

• Water spray or a hand-held fan, just to cool you down while you're in labor.

• Lip balm - To keep your lips moist as they can dry out quickly on a warm labor ward.

• Things that can help you relax, like music, books and magazines. These can keep you engaged as well.


Baby bag essentials

• Nursing bras and Maternity Pads. Toiletries, such as shampoo, conditioner, and flushable fragrance-free moist toilet wipes, non soap shower wash, deodorant, basic make up, hair bobbins etc.

• Cotton wool balls, for changing the baby's nappy.

• Going Home Clothes - Bring something roomy and easy to get into and a pair of slippers, comfortable shoes.


Baby bag essentials

• Essentials for the Newborns - Nappies, Scratch mittens, Cardigans for baby, Socks or booties, Baby vests, Baby hat, Baby blanket.

• Baby car seat - If you are driving your baby home in a car for the first time. Make sure, you have installed the baby car seat keeping in mind your newborns safety.


Once you've got your hospital bag organized, there's nothing else you have to think of. Above is list of all the essentials you should have in your baby bag, while going to the hospital.

Windshield Alert™