Going Live on Social Media: Ethical Considerations for Journalists

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Going Live on Social Media: Ethical Considerations for Journalists

Anthony Adornato@AnthonyAdornato

BEA 2017

Going LIVE on Social Media: Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations



Breaking News

Breaking News

Breaking News

Apply Traditional Journalistic Standards

Minimize harm, seek truth and report it, act independently, and be accountable and transparent

Why do your followers need to know about this story now?

How do you balance getting info out ASAP with verification process?

Are you prepared to show the worst possible scenario? What information do you need to make that decision?

Will the live streaming put witnesses or law enforcement in harm?

How will you justify your decision?

What’s the Strategy? Don’t Overhype

“It’s been just over four months since The New York Times started producing live video for Facebook, but already the scoreboard is flashing. A few earned gold medals. Several others finished strong. And a lot should never have made the team.”-Liz Spayd, Public Editor

Sensitive Video

Think before sharinguser-generated content


Include a slidethat warns viewers

Edit video?

In the Classroom

Social media analysis of one outlet

FB Live is part of social media to-do list while reporting

ONA Build Your Own Ethics Code

Apply ethics codes to case studies and scenarios

A fire at an apartment building in a downtown section of your city has forced 50 people out of their homes. The city fire department sends 25 fire fighters to put out the fire. Shortly after arriving on the scene, you learn that the tenants will not be able to go back in the building for at least 24 hours. The fire chief tells you, at this point, the extent of damage to the apartments is not known. The Red Cross arrives on the scene to assist the displaced tenants with temporary housing.

In the Classroom

Anthony Adornato@AnthonyAdornato

BEA 2017

Going LIVE on Social Media: Ethical Considerations