Going Direct to a Barrister - Public Access - Direct Access

Post on 19-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Going Direct to a Barrister - Public Access - Direct Access

Going direct to a Barrister in England & WalesWWW.CL ER K SR OO MDIR ECT.CO M

What can a Barrister do for me?

• Provide you with legal advice

• Represent you at a court hearing

• Prepare or advise on legal documents

• Conduct Litigation

Growth of public access instructions










2004 2008 2012 2016

Percentage of income generated by Public Access Instructions


• 73% conversion rate

• 45.1% of work in the South Eastof England

• 17.5% of instructions are family & children related

• 9.6% of claims are moneyclaims & debt

Barristers 6000

Conversion 73%

Partners 81

How simple is it to go direct to a Barrister?

• Describe case

• Confirm Hearing Date

Step 1 Title

• Area of law

• Which Court?

Step 2 Title• Your Details

• Get a Quote

Step 3 Title

Video: An overview of Clerksroom Direct

Click to view

Video: Our culture, a day in the life of Sam

Click to view

Screencast showing clients how the portal works and what to expect

Click to view

Video: Clerksroom Direct for Barristers – what to expect?

Click to view

Screencast: A walk through the system from the Barristers view

Click to view

Video: Published by the Bar Council demonstrating the

benefits of public access for small businesses.

Click to view

More information?

Telephone (Free): 0808 223 0163Email: sam.morgan@clerksroomdirect.comWebsite: www.clerksroomdirect.com

Links to further information about public access to the Bar of England & Wales

• The Bar Council – Public Access http://www.barcouncil.org.uk/using-a-barrister/public-access/• Wikipedia – Public Access Scheme https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Access_Scheme• The Bar Standards Board – Public Access rules C119-C131

https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/regulatory -requirements/for-barristers/public-access/• Lexis Nexis – Future of Law. Is the bar making the most of direct access?

http://blogs.lexisnexis.co.uk/futureoflaw/2016/06/direct -access-all-areas-is-the-bar-making-the-most-of-direct-access/

• Legal Futures – Direct access service winning work mostly from solicitors and other barristers http://blogs.lexisnexis.co.uk/futureoflaw/2016/06/direct -access-all-areas-is-the-bar-making-the-most-of-direct-access/

• Barristers predict more direct access work (BSB & LSB Report) -http://www.scottishlegal.com/2016/04/20/barristers -predict-more-direct-access-work/#