Gods View of the Value of Life Text by Lutherans For Life, Inc. Presentation prepared and...

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Gods View of the Value of Life Text by Lutherans For Life, Inc. Presentation prepared and...

God’s Viewof the

Value of Life

Text by Lutherans For Life, Inc.Presentation prepared and distributed by

Lutherans For Life, Inc.




• Our eyes do not always show usthings as they are.

Vincent van Gogh

“Starry Night”

Galileo Galilei


The Flood


Feeding 5,000

• People do not always see things as they are,but God always does.

See to it that no onetakes you captive through

hollow and deceptive philosophy,

which depends on human tradition and the basic

principles ofthis world

rather than on Christ.Colossians 2:8 NIV

• All life is precious andvaluable to God.