Gods, Stupas & Dancers - Arrangements Abroad · VIETNAM & BOROBUDUR Gods, Stupas & Dancers February...

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Transcript of Gods, Stupas & Dancers - Arrangements Abroad · VIETNAM & BOROBUDUR Gods, Stupas & Dancers February...

VIETNAM & BOROBUDURGods, Stupas & Dancers

With Olivier Bernier

February 1 to 14, 2013

Center for Khmer Studies

Dear Friends,

Asia is at the center of the world economy; it is also a place of ancient and beautiful sites.In February 2013, in my capacity as Vice President of the Center for Khmer Studies, I plan to take asmall group to explore both aspects of this fascinating area.

We will begin in Hanoi and experience one aspect of Vietnam—the link with its past, as wellas its importance as the capital of a rapidly expanding economy; then in Danang, we will look at theCham culture, so rich and powerful that, in the12th century, it challenged the mighty Khmer Empire.Finally, in Ho Chi Minh City we will discover the prosperous, bustling showplace of the new economy.

From there to Borobudur is a leap through the centuries. This largest, most ornate, mostfascinating of stupas will take us back to the richly intricate civilization of the 9th century, and itsBuddhist themes will be complemented by the contemporary Hindu themes of nearby Prambanan.

This is a highly appropriate trip for the Center for Khmer Studies. It is our mission toenhance education in Cambodia; and so we have a major, free public library; publication programsfor college students; student exchange programs; fellowships and scholarships; and, while wefunction in Cambodia, our area of expertise spreads to all southeast Asia. As Vice President for morethan ten years, I have been proud to watch our students learn and prosper.

I hope you will join me on this trip to the diverse worlds of Vietnam and Borobudur andconsider the postlude to Bali, that island of a thousand enchantments.


OIivier BernierVice Chairman of the Board

Center for Khmer Studies

VIETNAM & BOROBUDURGods, Stupas & Dancers

February 1 to 14, 2013

February 1 NEW YORK DEPARTUREFriday Depart this afternoon for Seoul, Korea.

February 2 HANOI, VIETNAMSaturday Arrive in Seoul mid-afternoon and connect with the flight to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam

and still a handsome French colonial city. Upon arrival in Hanoi in the late evening, transferto the renowned Sofitel Legend Metropole.

February 3 HANOISunday The morning is at leisure. In the afternoon, join Olivier Bernier on a visit to the History

Museum where both Viet and Cham cultures are seen at their best; the 3,000-year-old bronzedrums are one of its highlights. Continue to the 18th-century Temple of Literature with itsrow of steles recording the names of successful graduates, where Dr. Tran Doam Lam, a spe-cialist in cultural history, will share his knowledge with us. Conclude at the Hoa Lu prison— the famous “Hanoi Hilton.” This evening gather for our welcome dinner at the hotel.

February 4 HANOIMonday The day begins with visits to Ba Dinh Square, site of Ho Chi Minh’s tomb, Ho Chi Minh’s

house on stilts, and the One-Pillar Pagoda. Then continue to the majestic Ngoc Son Temple,built on an island in picturesque Sword Lake. After lunch, travel by “cyclo” to admire andshop for the silk, silver and embroidery sold along 36th Street in the Old French Quarter.Following a traditional water puppet show, the evening is at leisure.

February 5 HANOI I DANANG, VIETNAM Tuesday Board a short morning flight to Danang and transfer to the new InterContinental Danang

Sun Peninsula Resort, our home for two nights. After lunch visit the Cham Museum and itsnew sculpture gallery. The Chams were rivals of the Khmer and had their own flourishingculture; their greatest sculptures are collected at the museum. Dinner is at the hotel.

Center for Khmer Studies

Traditional water puppets (left) and the Temple of Literature (right), Hanoi.

February 6 DANANGWednesday The focus today is My Son to see the extraordinary ruins of the 8th- to 11th-century Cham

temples. Stop for lunch at a charming riverside restaurant in the ancient of Hoi An. Returnto the hotel to enjoy the splendid white sand beach and the warm waters of the China Sea.Dinner is at the hotel.

February 7 DANANG I HO CHI MINH CITY (SAIGON), VIETNAMThursday This morning a seventy-minute flight brings us to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) for two nights at

the Sheraton Hotel, situated on one of the city’s best shopping streets. After lunch, we will studya thousand years of Vietnamese and Khmer culture at the Museum of Vietnamese History.There will be time at leisure for shopping before dinner at a restaurant where the excellence ofVietnamese cuisine will be on display.

February 8 HO CHI MINH CITY Friday Today a visit to Reunification Hall, the former Presidential Palace, will give us a vivid view of

the Vietnam that was and why the South lost it. We will then look at some of the first-ratecolonial architecture of the city at the Post Office (designed by Eiffel), Notre DameCathedral, and the City Hall. An optional visit is offered to the first museum of traditionalVietnamese medicine.

February 9 HO CHI MINH CITY I BOROBUDUR, INDONESIASaturday Depart on a flight to Singapore and connect with the flights to Jakarta and onward to

Yogyakarta. Upon arrival in Yogyakarta in the evening transfer to the deluxe AmanjiwoResort, where we will stay four nights. The resort consists of carefully-placed pavilionssurrounded by a lush garden. Each room has a terrace facing the ancient site of Borobudur.

February 10 BOROBUDURSunday Spend the morning visiting the 8th-century great stupa of Borobudur. Unique in size and

quality, this huge stone pyramid, topped with many smaller stupas, is carved at every levelwith scenes of the life of the Buddha. Return to the hotel for an afternoon at leisure, and timeto enjoy the superb facilities of our resort. Dinner is in the glamorous open-air dining roomof the hotel.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Ho Chi Minh City (left) and the stupas of Borobudur (right).

February 11 BOROBUDURMonday Focus today on the Prambanan Hindu temples, an 8th-century complex of tall, towered

shrines whose shapes evoke the temples of India with interesting local variations. We willalso visit a small group of early Buddhist temples nearby. Continue to Yogyakarta for lunchand an orientation tour, including time to visit the silversmiths, whose craft has long been alocal tradition. Return to the hotel for dinner.

February 12 BOROBUDURTuesday This morning at Borobudur, we will continue our exploration of this amazing monument.

Then depart with picnic lunches for the nearby nature area, site of an important 12th-centurytemple. Our farewell dinner at the hotel will be followed by a music or dance performance.

February 13 BOROBUDURWednesday Depart on a mid-afternoon flight to Jakarta. Connect with the flights to New York’s JFK

airport, arriving in the morning of February 14.


BALIFebruary 13 to 17

February 13 BOROBUDUR / BALI, INDONESIAWednesday Following a morning at leisure, depart for the airport and the mid-afternoon flight to Bali.

Upon arrival, transfer to the Four Seasons Resort at Jimbaran Bay. Dinner is at the resort.

February 14 BALIThursday Today we begin exploring Bali’s fascinating landscape. Dramatically terraced paddies rise

along the hills and picturesque trees abound. See the palace of the former kings, the HinduTemple (next to a cave where bats spend their daytime hours). Also see the world’s largestBanyan Tree and visit a textile workshop. Following an afternoon at leisure, watch a Balinesedance performance — a graceful and lush display. Gather for dinner at the hotel.

February 15 BALI Friday This morning we continue our exploration of Bali’s spectacular landscapes. Return to the hotel

to enjoy the superb amenities, including a spa, a cooking school, yoga classes and a Sketch bythe Sea Pavilion where you can create your own drawing or painting of this beautiful destination.Dinner is at the hotel prior to the late-night transfer to the airport for the flights home.

February 16 BALI / SEOUL / NEW YORKSaturday Depart on an early morning flight to Seoul and connect with the flight to New York,

arriving at JFK Airport in the late morning.


◆ Eleven nights hotel accommodations, as per itinerary

◆ Breakfast daily, six lunches and seven dinners with localbeer/wine. Bottled water and coffee/tea with all meals.

◆ Economy Class airfare: Hanoi / Danang / Ho Chi Minh City / Yogyakarta

◆ Airport / hotel group transfers

◆�Entrance fees for all included visits

◆�Sightseeing as per itinerary, including the servicesof bilingual national guides

◆ Gratuities to local guides and drivers

◆�Taxes, service and porterage fees for one suitcaseper person

NOT INCLUDED IN RATE International airfare; passport and visa fees; meals not specified; alcoholic beverages other than localbeer/wine at included dinners; personal items and expenses; trip insurance; excess baggage charges; transfers for those not on suggestedgroup flights; any other items not specifically mentioned as included.


To reserve a place, please return this form along with your deposit of $2,000per person (of which $350 is non-refundable for administrative fees)payable to Academic Arrangements Abroad, 1040 Avenue of the Americas,23rd Floor, New York, New York 10018-3721.

__________________________________________________________________________________Name(s) in Full as on Passport(s). Please Print.


__________________________________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________________________City State Zip

__________________________________________________________________________________Telephone (Home) (Business)

__________________________________________________________________________________Fax E-mail

ACCOMMODATIONSI wish to share a room with ________________________________________________________

❐ Double ❐ Twin ❐ Single (with a supplement of $3,325)

OPTIONAL BALI POSTLUDE❐ I/We wish to join the optional postlude in Bali ($3,825 per person,

$925 single supplement)

FORM OF PAYMENT ❐ Enclosed is my check (payable to Academic Arrangements Abroad)

❐ Credit card (may be used for deposit only)

__________________________________________________________________________________Name on Credit Card

__________________________________________________________________________________Credit Card Number

__________________________________________________________________________________3- or 4-Digit Security Code Expiration Date

Each participant must sign below. I/We confirm that I/we have carefully read and agree tothe Terms & Conditions of this Program. I/We agree to full payment by check 120 days priorto departure.

__________________________________________________________________________________Signature (Required) Date

__________________________________________________________________________________Signature (Required) Date

Center for Khmer Studies



For additional information, please contact Academic Arrangements Abroad

Telephone: 212-514-8921 or 800-221-1944 ◆ Fax: 212-344-7493 ◆ Email: trips@arrangementsabroad.com

Post Office designed by Gustave Eiffel (left) and City Hall (right), Ho Chi Minh City.

OPTIONAL BALI POSTLUDE $3,825 per person. $925 single supplement. Includes three nights accommodations at the FourSeasons Jimbaran Resort; breakfast daily and two dinners; touring as per itinerary; Economy Class airfare Yogyakarta / Denpasar (Bali).

AIRFARE Academic Arrangements Abroad (AAA) will be pleased toassist with air travel arrangements for this program, including speciallynegotiated group airfare when available, suggested group flights, oryour own individual requests, for a handling fee of $40 per person.Complete details will be provided in your Confirmation Mailing. PAYMENT SCHEDULE A deposit of $2,000 per person, payable toAcademic Arrangements Abroad, of which $350 is non-refundable foradministrative fees, is required with the reservation application. Finalpayment, by check only, must be received 120 days prior to departure.HEALTH All participants must be in good health. This programinvolves considerable walking over uneven surfaces and climbing stairsat monuments and other locations not handicapped accessible. Anycondition that may require assistance or special medical attention mustbe reported at the time of your reservation. INSURANCE TRIP CANCELLATION / EMERGENCY MEDICALEVACUATION / BAGGAGE / ACCIDENT AND SICKNESSINSURANCE PROTECTION IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.CANCELLATION PENALTIES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED.AAA will send an insurance application upon receipt of deposit,although you may select an alternative insurer of your choice. CHANGES IN ITINERARY & COSTS The itinerary is subject tochange at the discretion of Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) and AAA.All prices quoted are based on prevailing fuel prices, airfares andcurrency exchange rates in effect at the time of brochure printing andare subject to change without notice. Deviations from the scheduleditinerary are at the expense of the individual. RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE The participation of CKS is limited toeducational sponsorship of the program described in this brochure(The Program). AAA acts only as an agent for the participant withrespect to transportation, accommodations and all other services, relatingto The Program. AAA, CKS and/or their agents assume no responsi-bility or liability for any act, error or omission, or for any injury, loss,accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned by reason ofany defect in any aircraft, ship, train, bus or other carrier, or throughneglect or default of any subcontractor or other third party, which maybe used wholly or in part in the performance of their duty to theparticipants of The Program. The passage ticket issued by the carrier isthe sole contract between the participant and the carrier. Nor will AAAor CKS and/or their agents be responsible for loss, injury, damages orexpenses to persons or property, due to illness, weather, strikes, locallaws, hostilities, wars, terrorist acts, acts of nature or other such causesin connection with The Program or anything beyond their reasonablecontrol. AAA is not responsible for transportation or other programdelays and changes, nor additional expenses or loss of time that may beincurred. In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for the comfortor well-being of the participants, or for any reason whatsoever, to alterthe itinerary at any time, without notice to the participants, suchalterations will be made without penalty to AAA or CKS. Additionalexpenses, if any, shall be borne by the participants. Baggage and personaleffects are the sole responsibility of the participant at all times. AAA andCKS reserve the right to accept or decline any person as a participant at

any time, or to require any participant to withdraw from The Programat their own expense when such an action is determined by AAA orCKS to be in the best interest of the participant’s health and safety, orthe general welfare of the other participants. CANCELLATION POLICY AAA must strictly adhere to itscancellation policy to offset costs incurred prior to the commencementof The Program, which may include but are not limited to: advancepayments to land operators; ship charters; communication expensesdevelopment/ promotional expenses and the loss of time that mighthave permitted resale of reserved space. All cancellations must be madein writing to the offices of AAA and are subject to a $350 non-refundableadministrative fee. All refunds are limited to amounts actually receivedby AAA and are the sole responsibility of AAA; CKS shall have noliability for refunds. At the time AAA receives written notification ofcancellation, the following cancellation charges will apply: cancellationsreceived between 120 and 91 days prior to departure, 20 percent of theprogram cost per person; those received between 90 and 61 days beforedeparture, 50 percent of the program cost per person; no refunds willbe given for cancellations received within 60 days of departure. Norefunds are given for cancellation on or after the day of departure, orfor unused portions of the tour, for any reason. Air cancellation charges,if any, will be assessed in accordance with airline regulations. All groupfare tickets must be issued no less than 30 days prior to departure.NOTE: Neither AAA nor CKS shall be liable for any airline cancella-tion penalties incurred by the purchase of a non-refundable ticket. Inthe case of a cancellation due to shortage of participants, AAA willattempt to notify all participants at least 45 days prior to departure.However, AAA reserves the right to cancel The Program prior todeparture for any reason and, in such case, reimbursement of refund-able costs of the trip by AAA shall constitute full settlement with theparticipant. In the unlikely event that a dispute arises between aparticipant and AAA or CKS, the following conditions will apply: (a)the dispute will be settled by binding arbitration administered by theAmerican Arbitration Association in New York, NY; (b) the dispute willbe governed by New York Law; (c) the maximum amount of recover towhich a participant shall be entitled under any and all circumstanceswill be the sum of all monies actually received from the participant byAAA. The participant agrees that this is a fair and reasonable limitationon the damages, of any sort whatsoever, that a participant may suffer.Upon payment of the deposit to AAA, the participant agrees to bebound by the above terms and conditions.

Copyright © 2012

Arrangements Abroad, Inc.

CST #2059789-40


On the cover: Temple stupas, Borobudur.