God’s Library What Is In the Bible?. The Bible Bible reading and study is a basic requirement of...

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Transcript of God’s Library What Is In the Bible?. The Bible Bible reading and study is a basic requirement of...

God’s Library

What Is In the Bible?

The Bible

• Bible reading and study is a basic requirement of all Christians.

• One common excuse for not reading the Bible is that we do not understand it.

• God wants us to read, understand and apply His Word in order to be saved (Jn. 8:32; 12:48; Rom. 1:16; 2;16; Eph. 3:4; 5:17; 2 Pet. 1:5; 3:18)

The Bible• Where do I begin? What is in the Bible?

• It is as easy as “one, two, three…”

ONE major theme (Jesus the Savior of All Mankind)

TWO major divisions (Old Testament and New Testament)

THREE major periods (Patriarchal, Mosaical,


God’s LibrarySixty-Six Books in One Theme

39 Old Testament Books“Jesus Is Coming”

Genesis (3:15)to

Malachi (3:1; 4;5)Note

Lk. 24:44; Jn. 5:39

27 New Testament Books“Jesus Is Come”

Matthew (1:23)to

John (20:30-31; 21:25)“Jesus is Coming Again”

Acts (1:9-11)to

Revelation (22:12,22)

“Jesus the Savior of All Mankind”The Unfolding of God’s Plan to Save


The Old Testament is the New Testament ConcealedThe New Testament is the Old Testament Revealed

The Bible• It is as easy as “one, two, three…”

ONE major theme (Jesus the Savior of All Mankind)

TWO major divisions (Old Testament and New Testament)

God’s LibrarySixty-Six Books in Two Major Divisions

39 Books of the

“Old Covenant”

Genesis to Malachi

(2 Cor. 3:14; Heb. 9:16)

27 Books of the

“New Covenant”

Matthew to Revelation

(Lk. 22:20; 2 Cor. 3:6)

Jeremiah 31:31Hebrews 8:7,13

New Covenant Promised

Old Covenant PassedEph. 2:14; Col. 2:14

Old Testament

( 39 Books )

1. Law …. 5 books

2. History …. 12 books

3. Poetry …. 5 books

4. Prophecy …. 17 books (5 Major and 12 Minor)

New Testament

( 27 Books )

1. Gospels …. 4 Books

2. History …. 1 Book

3. Epistles …. 21 books (13–Paul , 8–General)

4. Prophecy …. 1 Book

God’s LibrarySixty-Six Books in Two Major Divisions

Two Major Divisions, But Still One Theme:

“Jesus the Savior of All Mankind”

God’s LibraryFour Sub-Divisions of the Old Testament

1. Law 2. History 3. Poetry 4. Maj. Pro. 4. Min. Pro.

Genesis Joshua Job Isaiah Hosea

Exodus Judges Psalms Jeremiah Joel

Leviticus Ruth Proverbs Lamentations Amos

Numbers 1 Samuel Ecclesiastes Ezekiel Obadiah

Deuteronomy 2 Samuel Song of Sol. Daniel Jonah

1 Kings Micah

2 Kings Nahum

1 Chronicles Habakkuk

2 Chronicles Zephaniah

Ezra Haggai

Nehemiah Zechariah

Esther Malachi

God’s LibraryFour Sub-Divisions of the New Testament

1. Gospel 2. History 3. Paul’s Ep. 3.Gen. Ep. 4. Prophecy

Matthew Acts Romans Hebrews Revelation

Mark 1 Corinthians James

Luke 2 Corinthians 1 Peter

John Galatians 2 Peter

Ephesians 1 John

Philippians 2 John

Colossians 2 John

1 Thess. Jude

2. Thess.

1 Timothy

2 Timothy



God’s LibraryEight Minor Divisions of the Bible

Law (5) Foundation Salvation Needed Gen. 3:15

History (12) Preparation Savior Prepared 2 Sam. 7:12ff

Poetry (5) Aspiration Salvation Desired Eccl. 12:13-14

Prophecy (17) Expectation Savior Foretold Isa. 7:14; 9:6

Gospels (4) Manifestation Savior Revealed John 20:30-31

History (1) Propagation Salvation Spread Acts 1:8

Letters (21) Application Salvation Applied Rom. 13:14

Prophecy (1) Consummation Salvation Completed

Rev. 21-22

Redemption of Mankind

The Bible• It is as easy as “one, two, three…”

ONE major theme (Jesus the Savior of All Mankind)

TWO major divisions (Old Testament and New Testament)

THREE major periods (Patriarchal, Mosaical,


God’s LibrarySixty-Six Books in Three Major Periods

Patriarchal Age“Star Light”

Mosaical Age“Moon Light”

Christian Age“Sun Light”

Acts 7:8-9; Heb. 7:4 Luke 22:44 1 Cor. 9:21; Gal. 6:2

Creation to Mt. Sinai (Genesis, Job)

Mt. Sinai to Cross

(Exodus – Malachi)

Cross to Present

(Matthew – Rev.)

God speaks to all mankind (Gentiles)

God speaks to Israel alone (Jews)

God speaks to all mankind (J. and G.)

God’s law revealed orally

God’s law revealed in the OT writings

God’s law revealed in the NT writings

Family worship Tabernacle and Temple worship

Christian church worship

Beginning of time to 1445 B.C.

1445 B.C. to 33 A.D.

33 A.D. to Present

Old Testament New Testament

God’s LibrarySixty-Six Books in Three Major Periods

Patriarchal Age“Star Light”

Mosaical Age“Moon Light”

Christian Age“Sun Light”

Genesis 3:15

Genesis 49:10

Isaiah 53

Micah 5:2

John 1:29

Acts 2:36

The Savior is Introduced

The Savior is Foretold

The Savior is Identified as Jesus

Old Testament New Testament

Three Major Periods, But Still One Theme:

“Jesus the Savior of All Mankind”

God’s LibrarySixty-Six Books in Three Major Periods

Patriarchal Age“Star Light”

Mosaical Age“Moon Light”

Christian Age“Sun Light”

Genesis Exodus - Malachi Matthew – Rev.

The Messianic Line in Infancy

The Messianic Line in Development

The Messianic Line in Completion

Needed (1-3)

Promised (3:15)

Traced (4-5)

Preserved (6-9)

Blessed (12-50)

A Nation

A Law

A Land

A Kingdom of God and Man

Kingdom At Hand(Matt. – John)

Kingdom Established(Acts)

Kingdom Citizens(Rom. – Jude)

Kingdom (Revelation)

Old Testament New Testament

Fifteen Minor Periods of Biblical HistoryAntediluvian - - 2556 B.C. Gen. 1-8 Gen. 3:1ff; 6:1ff

Post-diluvian 2556 - 2166 B.C. Gen. 9-11 Gen. 9:1,7

Patriarchs 2166 - 1805 B.C. Gen. 12-50 Gen. 12:3; 17:7

Bond. - Exodus 1845 - 1445 B.C. Ex.1 – Num.14 Ex. 12-15

Wandering 1445 - 1405 B.C. Num. 14 – Josh. 2 Deut. 8:1-3

Conquest 1405 - 1385 B.C. Joshua 3 - 24 Josh. 21:43-45

Judges 1385 - 1050 B.C. Judg. 1 – 1 Sam.9 Ruth 4:18-22

Un. Kingdom 1050 - 931 B.C. 1 Sam.10 – 1 K.11 2 Sam. 7:12ff

Div. Kingdom 931 – 722 B.C. 1 K. 12 – 2 K.17 Joel 2:28-32

Judah Alone 722 – 586 B.C. 2 Kings 18-25 Jer. 31:31

Captivity 605 – 536 B.C. Ezek. – Dan.6 Daniel 2:44

Return/Restore 536 – 445 B.C. Ezra - Esther Mal. 3:1ff; 4:5

Intertestamental 445 – 4 B.C. Dan. 7-12 Dan. 11:32

Life of Christ 4 B.C. - 33 A.D. Matt. 1 – Acts 1 Mt. 16:18

Church 33 – End of time Acts 2 – Rev. 22 Rom. 16:16

• Read regularly (Acts 17:11)

• Read systematically (Luke 24:27,44)

• Read schematically (Gen. 2 to Rev. 22) = God and Man in Paradise Together; Paradise Lost and Regained

Reading God’s Library