God’s House. Your Home. - St. Paul's Evangelical ......Engineering, Math) environment for our...

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St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition

God’s House.

Your Home.

The Divine Call by Pastor Douglas

April 2016 edition

Sunday worship

at 8:00 & 10:30am


Charles Bonow Coming

to St. Paul’s on pg 2

St. Paul’s to Attend

Handbell Festival pg 2

School News on pg 3-5

Child Protection on pg 7

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without

someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Romans 10:14-15

The Apostle Paul lays out the case to the Christians in Rome for a robust

program of “sending” men out to proclaim the Gospel. Our synod does this

through the call process. Yes, I have another call so this has been on my

mind and in your questions. While holding a call pastors receive all kinds of

questions and comments not only about their own ministries and gifts but

also about the calling process our church body uses. “How many calls do

they give you before they stop trying to take you away?” “Can a pastor ask

not to get a call?” (Sometimes I think there is a subtle hint in that one.) “We

just got you trained and now you’re leaving?” “Don’t they know what’s

going on here?”

These kinds of questions scratch the surface of what people think and say

about calls. The answer to such questions come from an understanding of

what the call is (and is not.) To start with it is probably easier to talk about

what the call is not:

1. It is not job hunting on the part of the pastor or teacher.

2. It is not a demotion or promotion opportunity for the pastor or teacher.

3. It is not one congregation “head-hunting” (corporately speaking) for

another church’s pastor or teacher.

The call is a means by which God uses his people in churches to extend calls

to pastors and teachers to serve them with the Gospel. “How can they preach

unless they are sent?” Paul asks rhetorically. The answer is: they can’t. The

call is extended to a pastor or teacher for them to prayerfully consider their

gifts and talents and measure where they might best be used in God’s king-

dom. As one Seminary professor told us, “There are no wrong answers to a

call.” God has worked through the people in the place where that pastor or

teacher currently serves to call him/her to service just as He has worked

through the people in another congregation to call that same person to a

different opportunity for service in another place.

Continued on pg. 6

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


Counting Our Blessings

Our Risen Savior! Our God-given

talents and abilities New projectors

and screen for worship

Our missionaries throughout the world

Warm spring weather

Explore our God-Given Defense System! Join us at Footsteps as we explore our body’s God-given defense, the immune system!

Children will enjoy a Bible story, songs, self-guided experiments and group discovery as

we learn how our bodies fight germs. Discover the importance of washing hands, how we

can avoid germs and more. Children ages 2 through 2nd grade are invited to join us on

Wednesday, April 13th from 6 -7 pm. Sensory centers will be available for 15 minutes

before and after the program. We are excited to provide a STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, Math) environment for our children in the light of God’s Word. If you have

questions, please speak with Sarah Douglas (715) 697-4412. Please use this opportunity to

bring your own children or invite those you know to join us as we learn about the germ-

fighters God gives us!

Charles Bonow Coming to St. Paul’s Organist Charles Bonow will be at St. Paul’s on Sunday, April 24 for a worship service

concert at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. The theme is "Our Life In Christ", based upon the portion of

God's Word recorded for us in 1 Peter 2:9 - "You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who

called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."

Charles Bonow served as a WELS pastor for several years. Now his full-time ministry is

the presentation of his service concerts in our churches in all parts of the country. Charles

and his wife Sandra are "empty-nesters" and are members of St. John Ev. Lutheran Church

in Lewiston, MN. A free-will offering will be taken to support Charles Bonow’s ministry.

St. Paul’s Joyful Ringers Handbell Choir and our Junior Handbell Choir will participate in the WELS Regional Hand-

bell Festival on April 23-24 at Grace Lutheran Church in Oshkosh, WI. The festival brings together choirs from

throughout Central and Northeastern Wisconsin and allows the ringers and directors to experience a special bond

of Christian fellowship through working together with others. A concert for the public will be held on Sunday, April

24 at 2:00 p.m., and you are invited! This year’s theme is “Celebrate with Joy.” Works will include How Deep the

Father’s Love for Us, All Creatures of Our God and King, With Hearts and Hands and Voices, and many more. Grace

Lutheran Church is located at 913 Nebraska St in Oshkosh.

Handbell Festival

in Oshkosh

April 23-24

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


St. Paul’s School News Preschool News – by Mrs. Hannah Mueller

Well, the last few weeks have been a whirlwind and full of blessings.

If you have not heard what happened, I had an emergency surgery

due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I nearly lost my life but the Lord

decided it wasn’t my time yet. Recovery has been rough and emotion-

al but I am slowly getting better every day. I give thanks to God for

keeping me on this earth awhile longer to continue to share God’s

Word with your children and to serve you here at St. Paul’s. I would

like to take this time to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Engel-

brecht for stepping in to oversee everything during my absence, my

wonderful Preschool aides who took over the classroom for me, my

amazing staff for helping with my children and their support, and to

everyone for the outpouring of love my husband, Joey, and I have

received over the last few weeks. Thank you for your continued

thoughts and prayers during this time. They are truly appreciated!

In other news, we still have a few spots open for Preschool for the 2016

-2017 school year! If you have not turned in your registration form,

please do so quickly! Spring Break is coming up March 21st-25th.

Remember, Little Lambs is closed Friday, March 25th in observance of

Good Friday.

Kindergarten News – by Mrs. Trisha Engelbrecht

What an exciting month! We performed, "Cows in the Kitchen", our

class play, during St. Paul's Got Talent. One of our classmates said it

perfectly when she commented, "That was fun!" The rest of us had to

agree with her. We also had the opportunity to ride a bus to Riverview

Hospital for a program named, "Pooh Visits Riverview". The program

is designed to help young children feel more comfortable at the

hospital if they ever find it necessary to go. Pooh and

his friends came along to help us on the way.

There are exciting dates in March too. We learned

about St. Patrick's Day and how St. Patrick taught

about the Trinity using the shamrock. We were able

to celebrate the arrival of spring and enjoy some out-

door recesses without having to wear all our snow

gear. Finally, we are able to celebrate Easter! We

learned about the first Easter and found out why we

have the Easter symbols that we have. Then we

made some of our own decorations. What a month.

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


3rd - 4th Grade News – by Mr. Jon Engelbrecht

It has been a fun month, especially if you are the teacher and not the stu-

dent! We have finished adding all our parts of long division, and now we

are working on two digit multiplication, improper fractions, and mixed

numbers in the 4th grade. The 3rd grade keeps plugging along with the rest

of the multiplication tables, telling time to the quarter hour and measuring

to the nearest quarter inch.

The real fun of being a 3rd or 4th grader was the wax museum on the night

of the talent show. Each of the students picked a different famous Ameri-

can, wrote a short speech, and figured out a costume for the person. On

the night of the talent show all the students were spread out around the

Welcome Center as “wax figures”, and people attending the talents show

could go up to each figure, press a button, and learn more about the fa-

mous person while listening to a speech. It was a lot of fun, and the stu-

dents and parents did a wonderful job on the costumes.

1st-2nd Grade News – by Mrs. Lexie Tangen

What a talented group of students we have here at St. Paul’s. The talent

show was a great success. Our class loved getting ready for our perfor-

mances. The girls danced to “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast.

The boys acted out a Mario video game.

With the coming of spring, there are many exciting happenings in our

classroom. We welcome Spencer Schmidt back to our classroom as he has

moved back to town. We are all excited to have him back! We have had

another addition to our classroom for the week. Miss Morgan Schnose is

an MLC Sophomore. She is completing her Early Field Experience (EFE)

in our classroom this week. She is training to be a teacher at MLC and for

her EFE she is observing and helping out in our room to get a taste of what

it is to be a teacher. Another exciting event coming up for the students is

spring break. The kids are looking forward to a week off to recharge and

come back refreshed and ready to power through to the end of the school


Another update for our tooth tally chart: the current tooth loss count is at

28. We’re losing teeth like crazy in here!!

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


5th-6th Grade News – by Mr. John Quint

As the end of the 3rd quarter approaches, we look forward to a busy remainder of the school year. On

Friday, March 18th, we’ll be traveling to Northland Lutheran High School for the annual Academic

Challenge. Each student participates in three of the following events: science, math, geography,

spelling, and musical performance (piano, instrumental, or vocal). Each student also submits one or

more art projects to be judged. All students also participate in a Bible knowledge event called Bible

Bowl. Teams compete directly with teams from other schools in a Jeopardy!-style game. * * * When we

return from Spring Break, we’ll be participating in the Northland Grade School Track Meet, we’ll be

going to the Dells for our annual Safety Patrol Field Trip, and we’ll squeeze in a classroom field trip to

the House on the Rock in Spring Green as well. * * * In the classroom, in Regional Studies, we continue

our study of the states (only 8 left plus the territories!) and are also doing a brief overview of American

History. We’re studying the properties of sound and light in science. * * * On behalf of the entire 5th

and 6th grades, I wish you all a blessed Holy Week and a joyous Easter celebration!

7th-8th Grade News – by Mr. Randy Pahl

Ah, spring – just a few short days away now on the ol’ calendar, but certainly

already feeling like it has arrived with temperatures soaring into the high

60s back on Monday the 7th! As we “march” through the month there were

definitely plenty of activities that took place and many which are still in the

offing as we sit down to share this update.

First, there was another successful St. Paul’s Got Talent night, as we mar-

veled at the many gifts and abilities with which the Lord has blessed our

students. Still ahead is the 5th-8th grade spelling bee, the annual academic

challenge to be held at Northland Lutheran High School on the 18th, followed

closely by our spring break. Be certain to look for results to the above items

in next month’s epistle!

Classroom activities have seen us begin our next and final Christ Light book-

let that deals with relationships. It is a series of lessons designed to aid us in

the life-long processes of letting our lights shine in this sin-darkened world

so that our awesome God might receive the glory. In science class we’ve

been studying genetics and reproduction – mitosis vs meiosis. Algebra has

found us working with binomial and trinomial fractions in both the numerator

and denominator which has not had a “negative” effect on the seventh grade

students and their ability to deal with integers. And, finally, in history we

have continued to look back at the past by studying each of our 44 (43?) US

Presidents and the events that occurred during their time in office.

In addition to all of the above we will soon reach the conclusion of the third

quarter of our school year. It is hard to fathom that we are just two months

shy of our 8th grade students leaving our school family. It is even more

difficult to fathom that our Savior would shed His precious blood to save

sinners like us! As we journey toward Holy Week, may His great sacrifice

always be in our hearts and minds. And, finally, may the joy of the EMPTY

TOMB remind us that because Jesus lives we, too, will one day live eternally

with Him in heaven!

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


The Divine Call continued from pg. 1

Knowing this, the answer to some of the questions above becomes a little clearer.

First and foremost, the LORD is the One who calls an individual to serve in one

location or another. This happens mediately (called through people) and not

immediately (called by the voice of the LORD himself). The Apostle Paul was

called immediately. Our pastors and teachers are called mediately. This comforts

both called worker and the calling body. The LORD of the Church certainly knows

the situation of both congregations. He knows more than you or I know about our

own congregation. For the pastor or teacher who only receives one call for their

entire ministry they can be confident that the LORD wants them to serve in that

place with a glad heart for as long as they are there. For the congregation who

goes through graduate after graduate they too can be confident that the LORD of

the Church has a plan for them with each worker He provides throughout the

history of their church.

Another blessing the LORD provides through this process is the blessing of

evaluation. This evaluation takes place in regards to the gifts and talents of the

pastor or teacher and also in regards to the ministry of the congregation itself.

Ministry needs of congregations do change. Don’t believe me? Just survey the

WELS congregations in Milwaukee or Detroit and compare their ministries from

when you were a child to where they are today. Demographics change. Man-

power needs change. Ministry focus changes. It is good for congregations to

consider such things, whether the called worker returns or accepts a call.

The call process is not without its faults. Name one good blessing that sinful man

hasn’t fouled up from the hand of our gracious God. The call process can be

abused when called workers or congregations use calls like job applications.

Good order isn’t observed in the calling process when you hear “My wife heard

this guy preach. Let’s call him.” Or “My nephews and nieces attend this or that

school and the principal/teacher is great. Let’s call him/her.” This is nothing but a

silly attempt at a job interview and a reckless one at that. Or, if a pastor or teacher

seeks a specific call this also is not in good order. Many a pastor and teacher have

quickly discovered that their “dream” calling turned into a hellish nightmare.

The bottom line is this: the LORD of the Church knows his church best. He knows

its needs. He certainly knows its wants. But, ultimately he knows what is eternally

best for it. Not me, not you but him. He uses us to call pastors, teachers, staff

ministers and others to serve us with the Gospel in Word and Sacrament. Those

calls are extended with trust placed in Him and in the one whom he provides to

serve us with His grace.

A quick disclaimer: if you are scanning this article for a subtle hint at my inten-

tions… don’t. There isn’t one. I’m 10 days into my deliberations and I will confess

that I, like any other pastor or teacher, need your prayers and thoughts as I delib-

erate. I will make the bold statement that Mrs. Obsuszt needs them too. Pray and

speak with me/us knowing that the LORD of the church knows all of us and what we

need better than we know ourselves or our churches.

Learn about

WELS Multi-language


LWMS Mission Rally

Saturday, April 9

at St. John’s in Neillsville


Friday, April 8

7:00 p.m.

At Immanuel Lutheran

in Medford

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


"Child Protection"

child noun A gift from God : beloved, innocent, cherished

protection noun To keep safe from danger, attack or harm : guard, preserve, safe-

guard, shield

In today's society protecting a child from being harmed (abused) is increasingly

difficult. There are many different dangers that can harm a child - from the obvious,

to the hidden, unthinkable, behind closed doors danger. They can be in danger

from strangers, acquaintances, and even their loved ones.

Here at St. Paul's, dealing with children is a daily activity. It is important that we be

proactive in protecting them, and if needed, minister to the child and their families.

A committee has been formed to develop a "Child Protection Plan".

This plan will address what is to be done to minimize any harm to the children in our

care, and what to do if we suspect or know that a child has been harmed. There will

also be an educational part to the plan to insure everyone is aware of their responsi-

bility in protecting children from harm.

Pray for the members of this committee as they work to complete their task.

Line of Credit Loan

In memory of Gene Ferkey, the brother of Todd

Ferkey, given by Barb Manz

New Bibles Fund

In memory of Bill Churchill given by Family &


Pastor Teacher Assistance

In memory of Bruce Lawrence; Dennis Hetzel, the

brother of Kelly Maciejewski & Willy Bay; and

Dorothy Stensberg; given by Tom & Barb Reitz

In memory of Gene Ferkey, the brother of Todd

Ferkey, given by Tom & Barb Reitz; Edna Haferman

In memory of Reuben Ohm given by Edna Haferman

Stephen Ministry

In memory of Bill Churchill given by Bob & Katie

Schalow, Mike & Marilyn Foley, Linda Pollnow, and

Family & Friends

Current Expenses

In memory of Charlotte Houston, a former St. Paul’s

teacher, given by Sue Bobrowski, Hazel Pagel

In memory of Gene Ferkey, the brother of Todd

Ferkey, given by Sue Bobrowski

In memory of Dorothy Stensberg given by Dorothy

Beyer, Randall & Debra Henke

Student Assistance Fund

In memory of Charlotte Houston, a former St. Paul’s

teacher, given by Jim & Jeanne Jackson


In memory of Reuben Ohm given by Ron & Georgene


Cheerful Givers

In memory of Bruce Lawrence and Dorothy Stensberg

given by Jack & Pat Fluno

In memory of Bill Churchill given by Ruth Taggatz

Special Gifts and Memorials Through March 13, 2016

Holy Week

Worship Times

Psalm Sunday

8:00 & 10:30 a.m.

Maundy Thursday

3:30 & 6:30 p.m.

Good Friday

12:10 & 6:30 p.m.

Easter Sunday

7:00 & 9:30 a.m.

St. Paul’s Epistle April 2016 edition


Upcoming Events

MLC Choir Concert in Medford

Friday, April 8 at 7:00p.m.

LWMS Mission Rally inNeillsville

Saturday, April 9

Handbell Festival in Oshkosh

April 23-24

St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church 311 14th Ave S Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-2402 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

Phone: 715-421-3634 E-mail: churchoffice@stpaulswr.org April 2016 edition


Organization US Postage

Paid Permit No. 46

Charles Bonow in Worship

Sunday, April 24

8:00 & 10:30 a.m.