God Spoke, Men Wrote, We Read No longer a mystery (Ep.3:4) Jn.2:5 Jn.7:17 God (revealed) Paul...

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Transcript of God Spoke, Men Wrote, We Read No longer a mystery (Ep.3:4) Jn.2:5 Jn.7:17 God (revealed) Paul...

God Spoke,Men Wrote,We Read

No longer a mystery (Ep.3:4)


God (revealed)

Paul (wrote)

Reader (hearer)2 Pt.3:16 Ac.2:37

I. Attitude:How to regard what God says

Lv.10:1-3, God will be glorified

No partiality (Ro.15:4) By fire they sin; by fire they die God governs worship (Mt.15:9; Jn.4:24) “A little sin”? “ProfaneProfane” fire = “which He had not which He had not

commanded themcommanded them” (w/o His authority)

Dt.4:2, respect. Handle with care

“You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you”

Mt.28:18-20, four “alls”18And Jesus came and spoke to them,

saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age





Gal.1:6-9, there are consequences

8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed 9As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

Col.3:17, in the Name

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

‘“In the name’ means, accordingly, ‘in vital relation with him,’ that is, in harmony with his revealed will,

in subjection to his authority, in dependence on his power”

‘“In the name’ means, accordingly, ‘in vital relation with him,’ that is, in harmony with his revealed will,

in subjection to his authority, in dependence on his power”

2 Jn.9, out of bounds

Anyone who “progresses” beyond teaching of Christ walks w/o God

Doctrineof Christ


I. Attitude:How to regard what God says

II. Bible:How does it teach us?

The Bible teaches the same way any document teaches

A recipe does not have to list ingredients that should not be used

“Thus it is argued that the ancient maxim to be applied is that the expression of one thing is the

exclusion of another” – Contracts: Transactions And Litigation

Silence does not give consent“It is impossible to construe the deed of 1899 from the Pocono Spring Water Ice Co. to Frank C. Miller as conveying…any privi-lege of bathing. It is clear and unambig-uous. It gives Frank C. Miller the exclusive right to fish and boat; the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another. No bathing rights are mentioned. This omission may have been the result of oversight, or it may have been deliberate, but in either event, the result is the same” – Property, Dukemanier et al., p. 711

A note from mom

To the manager of the grocery store: I have sent my son to purchase your smallest box of Tide detergent. Please see that he leaves the store with the correct change – Mrs. Smith May manager add cool-aid? Does design on box change it?


1. CommandCommand / statementstatement: 1 Co.11:24

2. Approved exampleApproved example: Ac.20:7

3. Forced conclusionForced conclusion: Ac.20:7 (Ex.20:8)

“What about 1 Co.2:14?”

“W/o direct influence of HS (enlightenment), we cannot grasp message of gospel”

“FoolishnessFoolishness to him”

Problem not mental grasp, but foolishnessfoolishnessIf he cannot understand, why try to teach?

1 Co.3:19God cannot grasp world’s wisdom??

1 Co.3:19God cannot grasp world’s wisdom??

1 Co.1:20Significance of world’s wisdom

1 Co.1:20Significance of world’s wisdom

I. Attitude:How to regard what God says

III. Conduct:What does God want us to do?

II. Bible: How does it teach us?

The principle illustrated


Lv.14:26-27 (Dt.24:8, be careful) NT: not ‘pour,’ ‘sprinkle,’ or ‘pick one’

PourPour DipDip SprinkleSprinkle

1 Chr.13

Num.4:15●● CommandCommand / / ProhibitionProhibition

● ● ExampleExample = = entire Pentateuch! ●● Necessary implicationNecessary implication (7:7-9)Did not mention David’s name 1000+ years before Aristotle

Num.4-7 do not say:

1. “Sons of Kohath onlyonly”

►►Kohath excludes everyone else

2. “Shoulder carrying onlyonly” . . . or

3. “Shoulder excludes other ways”

►1 Chr.15:2, David’s conclusion

►1 Chr.15:5, sons of Kohath

1 Chr.15:13

because you did not do it the first time (NKJV)

because you did not carry it the first time (ESV)

[Wrong people][Wrong people]

…we did not con-sult Him about the proper order (NKJV)

…according to the ordinance (NASB);

…to the rule (ESV)

[Wrong practice][Wrong practice]

Acts 10

Ac.10:19, “thought about” . . . 28, “shown” . . . 34, “perceive”

Ac.10:47-48, Peter already knew about baptism for forgiveness (2:38)

Now...forgiveness of Gentiles (2:39)

He correctly inferred what God implied, then bound it on others (48)

Phil.4:9, a command to follow examples

“These do”(command)

“saw in me”(example)

A commandcommand to practice examplesexamplesA commandcommand to practice examplesexamples