God Created People - stonebridgemarietta.org

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Transcript of God Created People - stonebridgemarietta.org

Key Passage: Colossians 1:16b

Babies & Toddlers Christ Connection: God made people to know and love Him through Jesus.

Preschool Christ Connection: God created people in His own image. He loves us and gives us everything we need. People are special because God made us to know and love Him. Through Jesus, we can know and love God just as He planned.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King.

Story Point for Babies & Toddlers:God made everything.

Story Point for Preschoolers: God created people in His own image, and He loves us.

Gospel Gems: • God made people in His likeness.• God loves and cares for the people He made.• God made people to love Him and others.

February 14 Family Take Home Card

God Created People Genesis 1-2

Paraphrased Story : God made the world in six days. On the sixth day, God said, “Let us make man in our likeness.” God made a man out of dirt. He breathed and made the man come to life. The man’s name was Adam. God gave Adam a garden where he could live, work, and care for the animals. But Adam was alone. God did not think this was good. God made Adam fall asleep. God took one of Adam’s ribs and made a woman. Adam was so happy! The woman became Adam’s wife. Adam named his wife Eve. God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to have lots of children to fill the earth. Everything God made was very good! God rested on the seventh day.

Teaching Review for Preschool:Music and Video Teaching: Open the 'Toddler' teaching link video for your preschooler to review the teaching Ms. Ginny shared in the 'Preschool' teaching link.


God Created People (Genesis 1–2) • Unit 1, Session 2 • © 2018 LifeWay OK to Print

Suggested Preschool Activities- Use throughout the week as desired.

Transition activity: Sing and dancePlay favorite songs for toddlers to dance and move to the music. You may also show toddlers how to tap a beat on the floor or table.SAY: GOD MADE EVERYTHING. God made people to love Him and others. One way we show we love God is by singing to Him.

A. Coloring Sheet Activity:DO: Pass out 'people' coloring sheet and crayons.SAY: GOD MADE EVERYTHING. God is in charge of everything He made. AsGod the Son, Jesus is Lord over everything.

B. Practice signing the key passageUse simple hand motions to teach kids the key passage. See suggested motions:“Everything [spread arms open wide] was created [striking fists together] by him and through him [pointing to the sky].” Repeat several times.SAY: Our Bible verse tells us that GOD MADE EVERYTHING.

C. Review StoryDO: Re-tell story. *Utilize Preschool Activity Pages Unit 2• Session 2 God Created People-found on column attached to the 'What Does Not Belong?' activity sheet.ASK: Who made everything?ANSWER: God made everything! (Lead your child to answer by just saying, 'God' if the simple phrase is too long for them.

D. Play with creative toysProvide a potato-shaped figures and accessories for toddlers. Let toddlers build creatively.SAY: GOD MADE EVERYTHING. God made people in His likeness, but we are different in many ways. God made people to know and love Him through Jesus.

God Created Everything


What Does Not Belong?INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the 10 things that do not belong in the Bible story picture.

Preschool Activity Pages

Unit 1 • Session 2 God Created People


• God made people on Day 6 ofcreation.

• God created a man—Adam—anda woman—Eve.

• God put Adam and Eve in chargeof the animals and gave themeverything they needed.

• God created people in His ownimage, and He loves us.

KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b


• Who is God? God is our Creatorand King.


• How do we know each and everyperson is important to God?

• How did God make us like Him?How are we different from God?

• How does God show His love forus?


• As you are out and about this week,make a game of people watching.Each time you see a person say,“That person is important to God.”

• Make God Loves You! cards. Placethe cards under the windshieldwipers of cars at a public park.