God and Country Documented Presentation Ideal for Churches and Civic Groups Prepared by Doug Gamble...

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Transcript of God and Country Documented Presentation Ideal for Churches and Civic Groups Prepared by Doug Gamble...

God and God and CountryCountry Documented Presentation Documented Presentation Ideal for Churches and Civic Ideal for Churches and Civic GroupsGroups

Prepared by Doug GambleSilverdale, Washington

Psalm 71:18Psalm 71:18

Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

Truths Rarely Taught Truths Rarely Taught TodayTodayThe truths that you are about to

see are rarely taught today, except in some Churches and Christian Schools.

Thank God for those supporting and those participating in Godly Christian Schools!

The First Governing The First Governing DocumentDocument

Signing of the Mayflower Compact

Nov. 11, 1620

The Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower Compact

“Having undertaken for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith… do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God

and one another, Covenant and Combine ourselves into a civil body politic…”

Dated November 11, 1620

““No King But Jesus”No King But Jesus”

A Committee of Correspondence was established to keep Americans informed about the progress in gaining Independence from England.

The motto of the Committee was“No King But Jesus.”

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence 17761776

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their CREATOR, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Life, Liberty, Pursuit of HappinessHappinessLife – We are pro-life. No

abortion or killing of the elderly.Liberty – Minimal government.

We are opposed to communism and totalitarian governments.

Pursuit of happiness

Psalm 144:15Psalm 144:15

“Happy is that people,whose God is the Lord.”

The Pursuit of HappinessThe Pursuit of HappinessHappy is that people who’s God is

the Lord.Happy for forgiveness of sins,

salvation.Happy for a loving, heavenly father.Happy for the Christian life, Church.Happy for Christian Education.

The Constitutional The Constitutional Convention Convention When representatives of each of

the thirteen colonies met to try to form a ‘united states’ this was the first act passed:

The Constitutional The Constitutional Convention Convention “…that henceforth prayers

imploring the assistance of heaven, and the blessings of our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business…” June 28, 1787

James MadisonJames Madison

“Without the intervention of

God there never would have

been a Constitution.”

Commander In Chief Commander In Chief OrderOrderOne of General Washington’s very

first orders was a requirement for divine services every Sunday.

“I admonish all soldiers to fear God, to put away all wickedness and practice Christian virtues.”

The Bible, The Bible, Basis Of Our GovernmentBasis Of Our GovernmentHistorical documents written

regarding the Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States are available for study.

The Bible, The Bible, Basis Of Our Basis Of Our

GovernmentGovernment94% of all

quotes found in these documents come from the Bible.

22ndnd Most Quoted Source? Most Quoted Source?

Sir William Blackstone, greatest of all authorities on English Law.

Quoting Blackstone: “Christianity is the basis for all British common law.”

Patrick HenryPatrick Henry

…“This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but by the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Our Founders Feared God Our Founders Feared God

“I had the honor of being one among many who framed that Constitution. . . In order effectually to accomplish these great ends, it is incumbent upon us to begin wisely and to proceed in the fear of God;”

Our Founders Feared Our Founders Feared GodGod

“. . . and it is especially the duty of those who bear rule to promote and encourage piety [respect for God].”

Henry Laurens, President of Congress, Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

The Great Seal of U. S. of The Great Seal of U. S. of A.A.On the most important high level

documents, signed by our President, the official seal is placed on these documents. The seal reads:

Annuit Coeptis, Latin for:“God has favored our


Obverse (front) of U.S. Obverse (front) of U.S. SealSeal

Reverse Side of U.S. SealReverse Side of U.S. Seal

The Northwest The Northwest OrdinanceOrdinanceArticle III

“Religion, morality and education being essential to good government…”July 13, 1787

Christian ReligionChristian Religion Part of Our Government Part of Our Government

As part of The Bill of Rights, 1st Amendment was added to our Constitution in 1791.

RunkelRunkel v. v. WinemillerWinemiller 179917998 years after the First Amendment

to the U.S. Constitution, there was a famous court case, Runkel vs. Winemiller.

The case can be found at your local law library.   

The official court report says:

RunkelRunkel v. v. WinemillerWinemiller

"The Christian religion is the established religion by our form of government, and all denominations are placed on an equal footing and equally entitled to protection in their religious liberty."

Capitol Building A Capitol Building A ChurchChurchDecember 4, 1800, Congress

approved the use of the Capitol building as a church building.

For fifty years, from 1807 to 1857, church services were held in what is now Statuary Hall, U.S. Capitol

Capitol Building A Capitol Building A ChurchChurchDecember 13, 1857, the Rev. Dr.

George Cummins preached before a crowd of 2,000 worshipers in the U.S Capitol.

Capitol Building A Capitol Building A ChurchChurchThe rostrum of the Speaker of

the House was used as the preacher’s pulpit; and Congress purchased the hymnals used in the service.

House And Senate House And Senate ChaplainsChaplainsMay 1, 1789House and Senate voted to have

full time chaplains.

House And Senate House And Senate ChaplainsChaplainsFrom that day until today, the U.S.

House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate have Chaplains and Chapels.

During the past two hundred and seventeen years, all sessions of the Senate have been opened with prayer.

Swearing In The Swearing In The PresidentPresidentFrom George Washington on, all

those taking the office of President of the U.S. place there hand on the Bible and promise to uphold the Constitution of the U.S., concluding with the words: “so help me God.”

The Décor of the The Décor of the RotundaRotundaIn the Capitol Rotunda is a

chapel for prayer.

The Décor of the The Décor of the RotundaRotundaUnder a picture of George

Washington on his knees praying is this quote: “Preserve me, oh God, for in thee do I put my trust.” Psalm 16:1

Inside the rotunda is the figure of a crucified Christ.

Décor of the U.S. SenateDécor of the U.S. Senate

Above the President of the Senate is this quote: “In God We Trust”, the official motto of the United States of America.

First President of the First President of the U.S.U.S.“It is impossible to rightly govern

the world without God and

the Bible.”George Washington,


The U.S. Supreme CourtThe U.S. Supreme Court

Engraved in stone above the seat of the Chief Justice are the Ten Commandments.

The U.S. Supreme CourtThe U.S. Supreme Court

At the beginning of each session this quote is given:

“God save the United States and this honorable court.”

Moses on Supreme CourtMoses on Supreme Court

11stst Supreme Court Chief Supreme Court Chief JusticeJustice John Jay

1745-1829Appointed by

President George Washington

11stst Supreme Court Chief Supreme Court Chief JusticeJustice“It is the duty of our Christian

nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” Oct. 12, 1820

John Jay was also President of the American Bible Society 1821

John Adams, 2John Adams, 2ndnd PresidentPresident“Suppose a nation

in some distant region would take the Bible as the

only set of laws… what a utopia, what

a paradise this would be.”

February 22, 1756

John AdamsJohn Adams

“Religion and virtue are the

only foundations …of all free

government.”August 28, 1811

44thth President of the President of the U.S.U.S.

“Religion is the basis and

foundation of government.”

James Madison June 20, 1785

66thth President of the U.S. President of the U.S.

“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.”John Quincy Adams, July 4th, 1821

The Pledge of AllegianceThe Pledge of Allegiance

Written in 1892 by

Francis Bellamy,

Baptist Pastor

The Pledge of AllegianceThe Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to The Republic for which it stands, one Nation under GOD,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

2626thth President of the U.S. President of the U.S.

“A thorough knowledge of the

Bible is worth more than a college education.”

Theodore Roosevelt

(Thank God for Christian


Our Supreme Court on Our Supreme Court on ChristChrist“Our laws and our institutions

must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind…our institutions are emphatically Christian.”U.S. Supreme Court, Feb. 28, 1892

2828thth President, Woodrow President, Woodrow WilsonWilson

“There are a good number of problems before the American people today, and

before me as President, but I

expect to find the solution …in the study

of the Scriptures.”

Calvin Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge, 3030thth PresidentPresident“The foundations of our society and

our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in this country.”

Encyclopedia Britannica 1968

U.S. vs. McIntosh, 1931U.S. vs. McIntosh, 1931

“We are a Christian people… according to one another the equal right of religious freedom, and acknowledge with reference the duty of the obedience of the will of God.” Ref: Supreme Court Case U.S. vs. McIntosh, 1931

U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Supreme Court RulingRulingZorach vs. Clausen, 1953“We are a religious people and

our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.”

Chief Justice Earl Warren

Gerald Ford, 38Gerald Ford, 38thth PresidentPresident

“Without God, there could be no American form of government, nor an American way

of life.” President Ford

December 5, 1974

U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court, 19851985“The Constitution does not

require a complete separation of church and state… it merely…forbids hostility toward any one denomination.”

Library of CongressLibrary of Congress

Quote on the library wall:"The heavens declare the glory of God."

In the main lobby, 2 Bibles are on display.

Jefferson MemorialJefferson Memorial

'God who gave us life, gave us liberty."

The Washington The Washington MonumentMonumentOn the stairway

ascending, reads: “Search the scriptures.”

The cap reads: “Praise be to God.”

We Started As A Godly We Started As A Godly NationNationMost are being mis-taught today. “Separation of church” has been

taken out of context and badly misapplied.

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Evolution in GovernmentEvolution in Government

Original intent – Government based upon Christianity, but no one denomination rules.

Where we are -Separation of Church and State; God, but no Christianity

The trend -Separation of God and government.

Life and LibertyLife and Liberty


Life and LibertyLife and Liberty

Life and LibertyLife and Liberty


Life and Liberty

Thank YouThank You

For protecting our life,

liberty and pursuit of happiness.

It is not by wealth or It is not by wealth or militarymilitaryDavid told Goliath:Thou comest to me with a sword

and a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord…

This day will the Lord deliver thee into my hands….

Life and LibertyLife and Liberty

As important as our military is to life and liberty, far more important are the pastors, churches, Christian schools and those who are promoting Christian education. To all of them we say:

“Thank you, In Jesus Name”

The Pursuit of HappinessThe Pursuit of Happiness

Psalm 144:15“Happy is that people, whose

God is the LORD.”

National Center for National Center for EducationEducation 1.5 million crimes in public schools each year 19% of students admitted to carrying weapons 36% said they were in a fight at or near school 25% of students offered, given or sold drugs at

school 20% said they use marijuana regularly 43% drink alcohol regularly (4% on school

property) Peers push Immorality. Schools promote “safe


Benefits of Christian Benefits of Christian SchoolSchoolLearn the Bible, Christian way of lifeStricter Academics15 Higher average score on standard

tests 90% go on to higher educationStricter standards of behavior, saferMoral purity promoted and


We Need Christian We Need Christian EducationEducationAmerica started as a Christian

nation and was blessed. Our children and grandchildren need this teaching.

Support and participate in a church and Christian School that still teaches that: “happy is that people who’s God is the Lord.”