Goal 7 Progressive Era 1890-1917 (Gilded Age – U.S. entry into WWI)

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Transcript of Goal 7 Progressive Era 1890-1917 (Gilded Age – U.S. entry into WWI)

Goal 7

Progressive Era1890-1917(Gilded Age – U.S. entry into WWI)

Progressive Movement

Reasons why we need change….

(1) unsafe conditions at factories

(2) questioned the dominant role of corporations (monopolies/trusts)

(3) Corrupt political practices (political machines)

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Muckrakers Frank Norris – The Octopus - Railroads Lincoln Steffens – The Shame of the Cities –

corrupt election practices Ida M. Tarbell – History of the Standard Oil

Company -outrageous business practices of Rockefeller’s Oil company

Upton Sinclair – The Jungle - harsh conditions in a meat packing industry in Chicago years later to pass the Meat Inspection Act


Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives -tenement

Jane Addams – Hull House – help to immigrants


Prohibition- Banning the production, sale, and transportationof alcohol!

• 18th Amendment *• Ratified in 1919 and Repealed in 1933 by the21st Amendment (alcoholIs legal; taxed!)

WCTU –Women’s Christian Temperance Union (Prohibition crusaders)

* Cary Nation * Bible and Hatchet

Teddy Roosevelt Anthracite Coal Mine Strike

150,000 miners walked off their jobs Wanted higher pay Shorter work hours Unions Roosevelt called both sides to White

House and threatened to send in troops

Roosevelt = hero (people had coal and he didn’t side with business)

Teddy Roosevelt Wanted to regulate big business United States v. EC Knight Co. - stated

that certain monopolies could not be broken up

Felt that monopolies were harmful Brought suit against the Northern

Securities Company and its railroad monopoly in Pacific Northwest saying that it violated the Sherman Antitrust Act

Northern Securities v. US (1904)- broken up monopoly

Roosevelt = “Trust-Buster”

1908 Presidential Election William Howard Taft – Roosevelt’s

Secretary of War– Taft wins the 1908 election! (Roosevelt decides NOT to run)

Taft as President BIG PROBLEM - Taft DID NOT expand Roosevelt’s Progressive agenda

William Howard Taft Mann-Elkins Act (1910) - This

act expanded the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission in regulating railroads to regulating telephone and telegraph rates.

American Tobacco v. US - Dukes Tobacco established an illegal monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act and ordered that the company be broken up.

Split of the Republican Party Payne-Aldrich

Tariff Act Initially intended to

lower tariffs and help consumers

Modified by Congress that it actually raised tariffs

Outraged Progressives, including Teddy Roosevelt.

Republican Party split in 1912

Republican Bull Moose




Teddy Roosevelt

Wanted improved working conditions, more government regulation of business, women's suffrage, and an end to child labor. In addition, the Progressives also wanted the direct election of public officials by the people.

1912 Presidential Election

Taft (incumbent) (Republican /Conservatism)Vs.

Roosevelt (Bull-Moose/Progressive) Vs.

Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) Vs.

Woodrow Wilson (Democrat / New Freedom) Winner – because the Republican Party Split


Wilson WINS the 1912 election & established his************NEW FREEDOM************** Fighting for more regulation and more federal

government in economic affairs…

WILSON AS PRESIDENT:1. Clayton Anti-Trust Act

2. Federal Reserve System

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)

Purpose: to strengthen the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

(1) Trusts cannot exist – eliminates competition

(2) Strikes, peaceful boycotts and unions are LEGAL!

(3) Injunction was ILLEGAL (unless the strikes caused harm or damage)

Federal Reserve Commission / Act (1913)

Federal Reserve System – divided the nation into 12 zones, central bank in each Banker’s Bank Could create emergency $ (loans / bonds) /

transfer $ to banks in trouble! (saving the banks from foreclosure)

Amendments 16th Amendment (1913)- Congress could

collect taxes 17th Amendment (1913)- US senators

would be elected directly by the people of a state, rather than by state legislatures

18th Amendment (1919)- Prohibition of alcohol (21st amendment repealed this)

19th Amendment (1920)- Women can vote

Women’s Fight for Suffrage (voting)

Susan B. Anthony: Fought for a constitutional amendment for “WOMEN”S SUFFRAGE”

Carrie Chapman Catt Leader of the National Women’s Suffrage Association 1917 – wins women’s suffrage 1918 – introduced to Congress 1920 – ratification of the 19th Amendment

19th Amendment – Women’s suffrage *(voting)

Susan B. Anthony & Carrie Chapman Catt Women that fought for Women’s Suffrage

Iron Jawed Angels

Reform at the State Level Robert M. La Follette “FIGHTING BOB”

• Wisconsin Governor = “The Wisconsin Idea”• direct primary – people would vote for

candidates (no more being hand picked by party bosses)

• merit system for state civil service• instituted state regulations and taxes on railroads.

Ways to grant “PEOPLE” more control in politics at the “STATE

Level”1. Initiative – a bill by the people

2. Referendum – a vote on the bill by the people

3. Recall – take out leaders in office (aimed at corruption)

4. 17th Amendment: Direct election of Senators

(***** DIRECT PRIMARY*****)

5. Secret (Australian) ballot – vote secretly

Reforms in City Government

City commission - Cities hired experts in different fields to run a single aspect of city government. sanitation commissioner = in charge of garbage

and sewage removal City manager - hired rather than elected,

and was answerable to a commission, or city council, elected by the people

Disenfranchisement of African Americans

15th amendment: Male suffrage (African Americans can vote)

Tactics of disenfranchisement





Voting Restrictions

(1) Poll Tax – pay an annual tax to vote

(2) Literacy Test – a person had to prove they could read before they could vote

Voting Restrictions

3. Grandfather Clause – if your father or grandfather could vote before Jan. 1, 1867, YOU can vote! • Beneficial if you can’t pay the poll tax or pass the

literacy test• Discrimination = Freed African Americans

COULD NOT vote before Jan. 1, 186 (note: 15th amend. Ratification = 1870)

Violence and Intimidation

Jim Crow Laws

De Facto vs. De Jure Segregation

De Facto (in fact) – segregation that exists through “custom” and “practice” / what YOU feel and believe in / anger toward African American advancement! *Much harder to fight than de jure segregation!!

De Jure (in law) PLESSY V. FERGUSON, 1896


De Jure Segregation (by law)Plessey V. Ferguson (1896)


1000s of African Americans would physically move from the South to the North to do two things(1) Escape racial discrimination / Jim Crow South(2) Look for employment

Problem: Job scarcity and the SAME racial discrimination is in the NORTH too

Expanding Higher Education for African Americans

Booker T. Washington Saw no problem with racisim Founder and leader of the Tuskegee

Institute Economic freedom = political freedom Teaching, blue collar jobs, and agriculture

Famous Speech “Atlanta Compromise Speech” "In all things that are purely social we

(whites and blacks) can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress."

Expanding Higher Education for African Americans

W.E. B. Dubois 1st black Ph.D. graduate from Harvard University Disagreed with Booker T. Washington – thought that

Washington sold out trying to please white community Wanted blacks to pursue careers in white collar

positions “NIAGRA MOVEMENT”- wanted African American

progress “NAACP” (National Association for the Advancement

of Colored People)

Ida Wells-Barnett

Advocate of civil rights Campaign against segregation on railway

cars prior to the Plessy decision Fought against lynchings in the South Unwilling to stand at the back of women's

suffrage parades simply because she was African-American

She also helped W.E.B. Du Bois form both the Niagara Movement and the NAACP


“Back to Africa Movement”

Created the United NegroImprovement Association

(UNIA) – same goals as


Marcus Garvey

African American PRIDE!!!!!


Electricity Electric Sewing Machine Refrigerator Trolley


Henry Ford’s Assembly Line (MODEL T)

Model T


Wright Brothers First successful flight, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina,

December 17, 1903 (120 feet, and 12 seconds)

Mass Culture

George Eastman

(Kodak Camera)

Movie Camera The Great

Train Robbery

Mass Culture Shopping centers Department stores

Field’s Department Store Chain stores Mail order catalogs

“Give the lady what she wants.”


“We are the servants of the


- Marshall Fields -

Mass Culture