Go Online With Your Reading List!

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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The Dalhousie Libraries are offering faculty a new service: an option to have links to licensed e-content added to your reading lists and uploaded to New OWL by Libraries’ Circulation staff, with copyright clearance obtained if necessary. These slides give detailed instructions!

Transcript of Go Online With Your Reading List!

Dalhousie Libraries eReserves Service

Library Readings in New OWL


Course Reserves

Faculty now have 3 choices for Reserve materials:

NEW OptionUpload a course reading list using an online Reserve form, and Library staff will:

• add persistent URLs to electronic items subscribed to by the Dal Libraries

• obtain copyright clearance for the scanning and posting of paper copies

• add Reserve desk location notes to items available only in print

• post the annotated reading list to your New OWL course space

Traditional OptionsComplete the online or print form to have Library staff place materials on traditional Library Reserve in one of the four Dalhousie Libraries


How to Submit Course Reserve Requests1. Go to the Course Reserves for Faculty webpage http://libraries.dal.ca/locations_services/services/reserve_faculty.html

Click on the appropriate Reserve Materials Submission Form

2. Drop off completed paper forms or lists at your preferred Library Circulation Desk. Paper lists will be treated as traditional Library Reserves and will NOT be uploaded to New OWL

Library-specific Reserve materials submission forms


Log in with your Net ID (email username) and Password


Then you’ll see…

• Click “Continue”5

Read the Library Reserves Guidelines


Check/Edit your Personal Information

Options for Course Reserves• Select a Course or Create a New Course

• Fill in the Course Name & Number for a New Course

• Add the number of students and select the academic reserve term

• Select how you want to submit your reading list

Submit your reading list OR Fill in the form for traditional

for uploading to New OWL in-Library Reserves


Traditional In-Library Reserves Option• Fill in the required fields for an item on your reading list, click Add Item, repeat process for each


• Click the Copyright statement box when finished adding items

• Click Submit List

• Logout


NEW OPTION: Upload Reading List for New OWL


• Click on the copyright agreement

• Upload your reading list, click Submit, receive confirmation

Library Processing of Uploaded Reading Lists Circulation staff will ‘mark up’ your list, creating persistent links to electronic books and

articles when possible

Material available in print will be scanned and PDFs placed in New OWL while copyright permission is sought

Books will be highlighted in blue with a note that they have been placed on in-Library Reserve

Item sent to Intellectual Property Assistant for copyright clearance

Link to licensed Dalhousie Libraries electronic article

Link to licensed Dal e-book


Book placed on in-Library Reserve

Reading Lists Uploaded to New OWL

When reading lists and scanned PDFs are uploaded to New OWL, they will be put in a staff-created READINGS section of the course space:

…and will look like this:


Dalhousie Libraries can Provide URLs to these Types of Electronic Material:

Licensed Materials: Electronic books and articles available in databases purchased by the Dalhousie Libraries, for use by Dalhousie students, faculty, and staff. Persistent, proxied URLs will be provided to this licensed material.

Open/Free Web Links: Links to material available for free on the open Web.

Electronic material for which copyright clearance has been requested and/or obtained.


We Work with Paper as Well!

→ Our Intellectual Property Assistant will seek copyright clearance for print material (articles, book chapters). These materials will be scanned and PDFs uploaded to New OWL.

→ If copyright clearance cannot be obtained, the print material will be placed on Reserve at the appropriate Library, and instructors will be notified of the change.

→ To allow for timely processing, please submit your reading lists at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of classes.


Contacts for More Information

Killam Memorial


Kellogg Health

Sciences Library

Sexton Design &



Sandra Dwyer Mary MacDonald Amanda Sparks







Jason MacDonald Dalhousie Libraries Intellectual Property Assistant
