Go is your friend - Reppucci

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Slide from Gianfranco Reppucci talk @Codemotion Rome 2014

Transcript of Go is your friend - Reppucci

ROME April 11-12th 2014

Go is your friend

Gianfranco Reppucci Lead Developer at Qurami


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

About me

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


As developers, we’ve changed a lot since a decade ago

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• Monolithic, 100% custom code • Super-complete, MVC frameworks

with tons of built-in features • Simple, bootstrapping frameworks

w/ dependency managers

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• There is a lot of different languages available to developers • Some of them are pretty easy, some

others have great performances • We can find frameworks and plugins for

each of them

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

The big dilemma

I’m starting a new project. Which technology do you think I should use?

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

There’s no right choice

As developers: • A great idea can be built with

(perhaps) any language • Pros and cons are everywhere • You’ll pay a certain price for whatever

advantages you could have

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

There’s no right choice

As entrepreneurs: • When choosing a specific technology,

you’ll probably need to justify the decision to yourself, your partners and investors

• Decisions would be based on company’s vision

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Start usingsomething modern

Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple,

reliable and efficient software.

quote from golang.org

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

What Go is:

• Open source BSD licensed project • Language specification • Runtime components

(garbage collector, scheduler, etc) • Two different compilers (gc or gccgo) • Standard libraries • Documentation

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• Developed at Google in 2007 as an experiment • Publicly announced in 2009 • Integrated in App Engine in 2011

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Who is using Go?

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Who is using Go?

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

A modern C

Go sits somewhere between C and Python. !

It has the static type checking and bit-twiddling powers of C, yet much of the speed of development and conciseness of Python.

quote from Graham King

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Absolutely genuine

• No class inheritance • No method or operator overloading • No circular dependencies among packages • No generic programming • No assertions • No pointer arithmetic

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Performance driven

Built-in concurrency primitives: • light-weight threads, called goroutines • channels • select statements

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

I mean, seriously

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

I mean, seriously

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

I mean, seriously

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Does God exist?

• If you have doubts or issues when styling your Go code, you can use gofmt • gofmt’s aim is to format Go files,

returning a valid and “beautified” version of the code

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

A little bit of code

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Object Oriented Go

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

A type declaration

! type Name struct {!! ! First string!! ! Middle string!! ! Last string!! }

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

A method declaration

! func (n Name) String() string {!

! ! return fmt.Sprintf(!

! ! ! “%s %c. %s”,!

! ! ! n.First,!

! ! ! n.Middle[0],!

! ! ! n.Last,!

! ! )!

! }

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Instancing a Name

! aName := Name{“John”, “Go”, “White”}!!! fmt.Println(aName.String())

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Given the yell function

func yell(word string, seconds int) {!

! time.Sleep(time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second)!

! fmt.Println(word)!


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Guess what’s the output

func main() {!! go yell(“2014”, 5)!! go yell(“Codemotion”, 1)!! go yell(“Roma”, 4)!! time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)! }

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• Implement parallelism and synchronization • Channels can be of any type of data

structure, even custom structs • Can be buffered or unbuffered

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

An example

c := make(chan int)!

! go func() {!

! list.Sort()!

! c <- 1!


! doSomethingForAWhile()!


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Select statement

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


The select statement is like a switch, but it selects over channel operations andchooses exactly one of them

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

An example ticker := time.NewTicker(250 * time.Millisecond)! boom := time.After(1 * time.Second)!! for {!! select {!! ! case <- ticker.C:!! ! ! fmt.Println(“tick”)!! ! case <- boom:!! ! ! fmt.Println(“BOOM!”)!! ! ! return!! }! }

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Start writing yourGo code now

Open your browser and point it to


for a quick tour, or


to test your own snippets online

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Why should I use Go?

• Syntax and environments are similar to dynamic languages • Simple language specification • Powerful and lightweight

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Why should I use Go?

• Full development environment (doc, dependencies, formatter, tests) • Static compilation

with NO dependencies binary output • Multi environment build

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

So, what’s Go about?

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• Go is Object Oriented, BUT not in the usual way! • Simple data models, simple interfaces

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• Easily readable concurrency primitives

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Join us tonight


18:40 - 19.40

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci

Thank you!

Gianfranco Reppucci


ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• The gopher images were created by Renee French and they are Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licensed

• What technology should my startup use? by Matt Aimonetti

• Go after four months by Graham King • Golang on Google’s App Engine

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• List of organizations that use Go • The gopher look, a photo by Ken Conley • How we went from 30 servers to 2 by Travis

Reeder • Go after 2 years in production by Travis

Reeder • Computer Language Benchmarks Game

ROME April 11-12th 2014 - Gianfranco Reppucci


• Go at Google • Docker and Go: why did we decide to write

docker in Go?