^Go Fish and Chips - fortfcc.org · PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER (unison) Our Father, who...

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Transcript of ^Go Fish and Chips - fortfcc.org · PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER (unison) Our Father, who...

First Congregational Church United Church of Christ

Rev. Chris Buckingham-Taylor, Pastor 8:00am The “Breeze” Sunday Worship Service

10:00am Sunday Worship – Radio AM 940 – WFAW or Kool FM 106.5 on Packer noon game days

Hearing devices, large print hymns and bulletins are available from the ushers. Senior Choir Director: Marvin Olsen

Sunday School Director: Tammy Green Church Office: (920)563-4802; Fax: (920)563-9958 Email : officefortucc@gmail.com

Moderator (Carol Maasz) maaszc235@yahoo.com Website: www.fortfcc.org Like us on Facebook!

Sunday School Teachers Needed!!! Please prayerfully consider becoming one of our valued Sunday School teachers for the

2018-2019 Sunday School year. We will need (1) Co-Teacher for our Preschool—Kindergarten class, (1) Lead & (1) Co-Teacher for our 4th & 5th Grade Class, (1) Co-

Teacher for our 6th & 7th Grade Class. Please feel free to visit any of our classrooms or contact me with any questions.

Thank you for your consideration. Tammy Green—Church(563-4802), Cell 920-222-9326

“Go Fish” and Chips Join us in Plymouth Hall on Friday, May 11, from 6 – 9 pm, for fish fry and a family games night! All ages welcome; invite a friend if you wish! Boxed fish fry dinners ($10 each) will be prepared for us by Fat Boyz; orders must be placed and paid for by May 6 (see Tammy in the church office). Special dietary considerations? Feel free to carry in your own meal. We’ll provide lemonade and coffee, or you can BYOB (no alcohol). Bring your favorite game or card deck. “Go Fish” and Chips is sponsored by the Evangelism Ministry.

Thank you!

Announcements Sydney Wesemann

Ushers Peter & Clarice Fernelius, Bob & Sue Buell

Greeter Fred & Fran Idtse

Audio Operator Kurt Wesemann

Lay Reader Mike Rankin

Coffee Cleanup Mary Ellen Miller

Graduation Celebration….

Hey, parents, grandparents and families! We need to know if you have a child or family member who is graduating this year from high school, technical school, college or graduate school. We want to honor their accomplishments in our worship service on June 3rd. Would you please call the church office (563-4802) or email Tammy officefortucc@gmail.com) by May 14th to let us know? Thank you!

I am the real vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I In them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.


[Visitors: Please print your name, address and/or phone number.] PRELUDE *CALL TO WORSHIP

Pastor: Come to worship God whose love was revealed in Jesus. Let all the ends of the earth turn to our God.

People: We will worship the Almighty and sing praises. We will proclaim good news to others. Pastor: Beloved, we are called to love as God loves us. We are to love

one another as sisters and brothers. People: Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. We

seek to let God’s love be perfected in us. Pastor: Remember that you have been baptized. God claims you and has high expectations of you.

All: Christ is the vine; we are the branches. We will bear fruit when we abide in the vine.

*HYMN OF PRAISE “Joyful, Joyful” #271 *MORNING PRAYER (unison) (10:00 am only)

Open our senses to your direction, amazing God, so we may be alert to opportunities you give us. Fill us with good news to share with those who seek meaning for their lives. We are here because we need the good news

ourselves. There is much in life that we do not understand. We seek to know your Word and to be led by it. Recall us to the voes of our baptism,

reconfirming in us the covenant promises that link us to you and to one another. As we meet you here, our hearts are lifted up in praise. May our worship glorify your name and be pleasing to you. Amen.

*GLORIA PATRI (10:00 am only)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

CHILDREN’S MOMENTS(10:00 am only)

HYMN OF PREPARATION (10:00 am only) “Abide with Me” #642



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Amen.

GOSPEL LESSON—pg . 146-147 John 15:1-8

ANTHEM (10:00 am only) “Come Before Him With Song”


OFFERTORY (10:00 am only)

*DOXOLOGY (unison) (10:00 am only)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost. Amen



*POSTLUDE *Indicates people shall rise

Order of Worship Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018

Activity kits are available in the back of the Church for your children to use during Worship time. An Usher would be happy to get one or two for you at any time.

Weekly Prayer Discipline

Mary Wendlandt

Tim, Doreen, Evan & Morgan Wendlandt

Kurt, Sydney, Lyndsey & Ryan Wesemann

Bill Wild

Max & Susan Wilde

John, Jane & Lisa Wilmet

Jane Winiarski

Prayer Concerns of our Church Family of Faith

Tony Ehrike, Mark Miller, Sandy Spoerl, Izayah Wirth, Abigail Ehlers, Kyle Huyser Jack Beyerly, Emily Klatt, Marjorie Fenn

Bill Ratzburg, Mary Wendlandt, Clarice Fernelius, Jennifer Woods, Lucile Lasher , Leon Senfelds

Marsha Anderson, Shirley Jensen Jessica Wallace, Carmen Hendricks

Prayer Concerns of our Extended Family & Friends of Faith

Gwen Strassburger (Sarah Brietzke’s Sister-In-Law) Eric Jung (Harley & Pat Jung’s Son)

Dorothy Schademann (Ann Olsen’s Mother) Carolyn Taylor (Rev. Chris’s Mother)

Rhonda Walser Madsen (Donna Abel’s Cousin) Haley Bottiger (Russ & Char Patefield’s Cousin)

Those Serving in the Military and the families they have waiting at home.

Sunday, April 29th

8 am Breeze Early Worship

8:30 am Sunday School

8:45 am Adult Studies

10 am Worship Service

11 am Fellowship Hour 11:15 am Confirmation Class 1 pm—5 pm F.A.C.T. Auditions Monday, April 30th 9 am Broadcaster Article Deadline

6:30 pm Bridge Club Tuesday, May 1st 9:30 am Preschool singing W/Pastor Wednesday, May 2nd

10 am Mail Broadcaster 7 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Thursday, May 3rd

9 am Bulletin Article Deadline

9:15 am Circle of Faith Meeting

10:30 am Dycora Ministry

6 pm Chapel Bells Friday, May 4th

6 pm Confirmation Banquet Sunday, May 6th

Confirmation Sunday

8 am Breeze Early Worship

8:30 am Sunday School

8:45 am Adult Studies

10 am Worship Service

11 am Confirmation Reception

Schedule of Events

Monday, May 7th 5:15 pm Facilities Meeting

6:30 pm Bridge Club Tuesday, May 8th 9:30 am Preschool singing W/Pastor

11 am Worship Ministry Mtg.

6 pm Evangelism Ministry Mtg.

6 pm Nurture Ministry Mtg. Wednesday, May 9th

1:30 pm Moderator Meeting 7 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Thursday, May 10th

9 am Bulletin Article Deadline

1:30 pm Lend-a-Hand Meeting

6 pm Chapel Bells Friday, May 11th

6-9 pm “Go Fish” & Chips Game Night

7 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

A joyous greeting to all who have come to worship. It is our hope that each of you may find encouragement, inspiration and direction

for living. Above all, we pray that you may sense the loving presence of God.

Scripture Readings:

April 29—Acts 8:26-40; Ps 22:25-31; 1 Jn 4:7-21; Jn 15:1-8 May 6—Acts 10:44-48; Ps 98; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 15:9-17 May 13—Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Ps 1; 1 Jn 5:9-13; Jn 17:6-19

“Signs & Wonders” live tour by

Watoto Children’s Choir Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Time: 7pm

We need 2 more host homes that would be willing to

allow 2 kids (ages are 6-12) and 1 adult to stay overnight in their home following the concert and then be able to bring them back to the church the next morning.

If you would like more information on opening your home to these kids, please contact the church office (563-4802).

Thank you Joe & Eunice Ann Slaney, Jane Winiarski, Paul & Sandi Hankowitz, Terry Teipner, Roy & Karen Hetts, Cynthia & David Hershman and Rick & Sarah Brietzke

for offering to host!

Please consider being a part of bringing this wonderful group of kids to our church for an event you and our community may never forget!

Please check out our “Welcome Table” in the Narthex!

You will find name tags for all, Welcome packets for visitors and some general information about current happenings at our church. Please help us by wearing your name tag and direct visitors to take a Welcome packet.

We welcome you all, may you may feel the Love of Christ in your life today.


The Facilities Committee has set Saturday, May 19th as the date for the annual church Spring “clean up”. We are asking those who are able, to bring their rakes, shovels and gloves to assist in this endeavor for two hours, starting at 8:00 a.m. Many hands make light work! There will be treats and coffee. Many helpers are required for this task, no previous experience is needed!

Thank You, The Facilities Committee

Adult Christian Education April 8th—May 13th 8:45 am - 9:30 am

DAVID—King of Israel Join us as we discuss King David’s rise to kingship and his reign. An important figure in Judaism and Christianity. Simple shepherd chosen by God. Poet, musician, warrior. Friendships Triumphs Jealousy Tragedies Struggles Outlaw What can we learn and apply in our lives today from the King of a reunited Kingdom of Israel.

Please join us on Sunday, May 13th for our special Teacher Appreciation Sunday! We will be honoring our Sunday School Teachers, Adult Education Facilitators, Preschool Teachers and our Choir, Chapel Bells and Band Members during our 10 am Worship Service. A reception provided by the Nurture Ministry Team will be held after the service in the Burr Oak Room. Join us for this special Sunday to give thanks to those that have shared the Love of God with us throughout the year. We are very fortunate to have so many dedicated and talented volunteers and Preschool employees!

Our Church Ministries (with examples of activities):

Evangelism (greet new worshippers, new member classes) Facilities (building upkeep, clean-up, landscaping) Nurture (Fellowship, Prayer Quilts, Youth Activities) Outreach (5 for 5, Food Pantry, Meals on Wheels, Shoes that Fit) Worship (Communion, decorations, music, nursery, ushers)

If you need assistance or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the church office (563-4802).

Sunday, May 6, 2018 is Confirmation Sunday!

Please join us for this special Confirmation Sunday! Following the 10 am Worship service our Nurture Ministry will host a reception in the Burr Oak Room. Help us congratulate our 2018 Confirmation Class!

You Are Invited! The family of John Hershman would like to invite you to join them today, April 29th in wishing John a Happy Birthday following the Worship ser-vice with some cake and lemonade.