Globalization and its discontents, a book review

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    Presented by

    Malaika Abbas

    Sarah Gilani

    Khaula MansoorQasim Javed

    Umair Cheema

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    About the author

    Joseph Stiglitz, an economist who

    has spent a lifetime serving in

    different financial institution



    World Bank

    Also a professor at Colombia


    criticized the two main

    international economic institutions

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    Relating theories to book

    Firstly in 1774 herder described development as of a germ whichevolves and shape itself in order to survive or grow

    This can be said for the structure of many MNCs now as they have

    transformed and molded themselves according to the needs oftime and conditions

    Since they belong to the developed countries their continuity andinterests are taken care of by International financial institutions

    Even if it means on the cost of the poor countries

    These MNCs have without a doubt has evolved from a germ to avirus

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    In this book stiglitz discusses Russia which is a case of the Neo classical

    theory As this theory favors Supply sides, Macroeconomic policies,

    Privatization of public corporations, Calls for free markets and Dismantling

    of public ownership in LDCs

    Globalization and introduction of a market economy didnt produce

    promising results in Russia

    According to the Neo classical theory: The market failure is experienced byexternalities ,state corruption, in efficiency and lack of economic incentives which

    were apparent in the case ofRussia

    This was seen in Russia when in 1998, East Asia crisis came forward

    As the role of the state in dependency theory, is adopting the technologies of

    MNCs, which creates few jobs in comparison to population growth as it was here

    in Russia

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    Criticizes IMF for Inadequate

    evaluation IMF implemented what they felt was right rather than what

    actually was

    IMF policies not only exacerbated the downturns but werepartially responsible for the onset collapse of Thai bhat on

    July 1997

    The single most important cause of the crisis was excessivelyrapid financial and capital market liberalization

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    The book named Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew:

    Citizen Singapore-how to build a nation

    Displayed his irritation with American diplomaticincompetence

    Yew strongly believed that the Us Secretary of State

    and Deputy Treasury Secretary devised wrong policies

    IMF and World Bank both are governed and dominatedby the wealthier nations and form policies to protect

    their interest

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    The self interest based policies

    Many of heads chosen to head these institutions arechosen secretly and their experience of working in

    less developed is not counted

    They are product of other financial institutions andafter their tenure they go back to those institutions

    That how can they know what is good for thedeveloping country until they dont see forthemselves how they are

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    Force their policies on LDCs

    When the fund entered East Asia it forced countries to raiseinterest rates to astronomical levels

    The high interest rates increased the number of firms in

    distress and thereby increased the number of banks facingnon performing loans

    The higher rates made the recession worse and actuallydrove capital out of the country

    The damage was done in East Asia because many firmswere highly leveraged many were forced into bankruptcy

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    In Indonesia an estimated 75 percent of allbusinesses were put into distress

    Thailand close to 50 percent of bank loansbecame nonperforming

    It is far easier to destroy a firm than to create a

    new one.

    The mistakes were costly and slow to reverse.

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    Unfair trade policies and hypocrisies

    US itself doesnt implement these techniques of economic stabilization ratherpreaches these to others which includes the trade liberalization and privatization

    US supported fair trade which appeared to be unfair for the developing countriescommitting themselves to a development round

    Agreement was made that the rich countries would simply open their barriers forthe poor countries without any restrictions

    Migration was liberalized as to facilitate the UN skilled labor that can travel wherethey are needed

    This would help in global economic efficiency than capital market liberalization

    In 1994, Aluminum prices fell

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    Do International economic institutions have a monopoly over

    RIGHT advice?

    Can't other nations or institutions come up with a sound policy

    The strategies of radical reform in Russia and other Europeans countriesfailed

    The government of the Czech Republic initially got high marks from theIMF but the GDP rate of the year 1990s was less as compare to 1989

    Poland and China employed alternative strategies Poland was the mostsuccessful of the European countries and China had experience a fastgrowth rate

    Poland started with shock therapy to bring down hyperinflation tomoderate level

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    The Poland deputy premier and finance ministerclaimed that his country gain this level of success dueto the rejection of the Washington consensus

    Similarly chinas success over the past decade stands inmarked contrast to Russias failure

    China grew at an average rate of over 10 % in the1990s

    Chinas transition has entailed the largest reduction inpoverty in contrast to Russias transition.

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    Is globalization all bad

    Globalization today is not working much for world's poor, environmentand stability of global economy

    Not all countries have been damaged by globalization china, Vietnam andfew Eastern European resisted successfully

    East Asia had gained benefits in terms of trade, access to markets, healthand technology

    The problem is not globalization, it lies with how it has been managed

    IMF, World Bank and WTO set the rules of game

    They served the interests of industrial countries and developed World

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review


    Reshaping the financial institutions:

    Interests and ideology

    The Need for International Public Institutions


    Reforming the IMF and the global financial system

    Reform Efforts

    What is needed?

  • 8/7/2019 Globalization and its discontents, a book review



    Stiglitz claims that privatization in Russia led to

    greater rent seeking.

    Stiglitz also refers to Trickle Down economics.

    Boris Yeltsin created a powerful class of oligarchs and


    we had a feeling that his opinion on the both IMF

    and world bank were biased.