Global Warming and the Ocean - San Diego Miramar...

Post on 02-May-2018

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The ongoing problem of Global Warming has continually gained more attention throughout the past decade. As more and more information is gained, the threat that it poses becomes more prevalent. Although much information has been gathered about Global Warming here on land, how much do we as a community know about the effects it may have on the ocean and marine environment? The rising concentration of Carbon Dioxide may be causing sea levels to rise, ocean temperature to warm, and ocean waters to acidify. These reoccurring instances are now posing at threats for the entire marine population. Fortunately, cutting edge technology and countless hours of research are being used to help counter the effects of Global Warming.


Background History

By definition, Global Warming is: “an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution” (, 11/12/12). In simpler terms, Global Warming is the rise of Earth’s temperature, caused by greenhouse gases that are essentially trapped inside Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are produced primarily from humans, such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and waste breakdown. These actions produce Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which in turn create a thick blanket in the Earth’s atmosphere. This layer effectively holds in the Earth’s heat, causing temperatures to rise.

What is Global Warming? The Ocean?

How Does it Affect How Do We Prevent It? A variety of different methods and ideas have been compiled to prevent the effects of Global Warming. Some smart ideas to reduce carbon emissions are driving more fuel-efficient cars, buying energy-efficient appliances, utilizing renewable energy, and many other steps. Scientists continue to urge “big businesses” to cut down on CO2 emissions and deforestations. Although the numbers are still rising, these steps can help prevent the harmful causes of Global Warming, and help to save the communities of marine life.


Global Warming has an extreme influence on the ocean and it’s marine environment. One of the effects of Global Warming is the rising level of sea water. There are two separate factors that effect sea levels. The first is continuous melting of glaciers and icecaps. As the temperature on Earth rises, glaciers begin to melt and turn into sea water. This causes an excess of water to occur in the ocean. The other factor is that when the water temperature begins to warm, the ocean water becomes less dense and begins to spread apart. The higher the temperature of water, the more the sea will rise. Another effect that Global Warming has on the ocean is ocean acidification. As Carbon Dioxide is burned into the atmosphere from humans like us, the ocean begins to absorb these gases. The CO2 eventually joins with water to make carbonic acid, which in turn lowers the pH level and makes the ocean more acidic. This acid lowers the level of carbonate produced, which is vital for many marine organisms to thrive. Thus, acidification of the water caused by CO2 particles are hindering our marine life. Coral is one of the most affected by carbonic acid in the water.

New Research? Being such an important topic, Global Warming research is always an ongoing process. New studies show that over the last 50 years, global surface temperatures have risen by 1°F, sea levels have risen about 70 mm, and Carbon Dioxide levels have spiked a shocking 80 parts per million (, 11/27/12). Scientists are constantly looking for any information that can point them towards a breakthrough on this topic.

The discovery of Global Warming is attributed to many hard working scientists over the years. Many scientists had pieced together clues starting from the 17th century. But Global Warming wasn’t officially recognized until 1896 when Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist, discovered that the burning of fossil fuels may actually result in the warming of the Earth. This sparked ideas for countless scientists across the world. Even President Lyndon B. Johnson announced that he believed that “"This generation has altered the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale…” in 1965. Since then, the evidence for a globally warming environment has only risen, creating a controversial topic for all of the world to debate. 10/14/12 11/16/12 11/13/12 11/19/12 11/27/12 11/16/12 11/12/12 11/27/12 10/14/12 10/27/12 11/19/12 11/19/12 11/19/12

By CJ Vafiadis

Global Warming and the Ocean

The ocean acidification process is shown above, describing how many of the marine organisms

are damaged by Global Warming. (, accessed 11/18/12)

A description of how greenhouse gases trap in solar radiation and warm the Earth

(, accessed 10/14/12)

A photograph of Svante Arrhenius, a crucial scientist involved in Global Warming research

(, accessed 11/16/12)

(, accessed 10/27/12)

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(, accessed 11/27/12)