Global Nationalism

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Global Nationalism

Global Nationalism

Unification of Italy

Mazzini forms the Young Italy

movement in 1831 - exiled, but inspires

nationalists (wants a republic)

Count Camillo di Cavour unites N.

Italy as prime minister of Sardinia

Guiseppe Garibaldi unites the South

through war

Italian Nationalism

Even though it was united, Italy

faced conflict Unified in 1861, Rome not added

until 1870. Papacy (pope)

resisted new govt.

“Right Leg in the Boot at Last”

#1 - Italy is a boot (shape)

#2 - Garibaldi kneels, helping king

(he helped unite kingdoms for King Victor Emmanuel)

#3 - Likes that Italy is united under one

king - “at last”

Pre-Napoleon Germany Lived in small

states that people felt loyalty to Napoleon

conquers them, everyone united

by wanting to get rid of French

After Napoleon, unite all

Otto von Bismarck

Prussian chancellor, loyal to Prussian king

No faith in speeches, or

representative govt.

Used realpolitik - politics of reality,

go with what works; use war to unite (militarism)

Unification of Germany Otto von Bismarck had a policy of “blood and iron” to unify Germany -

militarism Danish War 1864, Austro-Prussian War

1866, Franco-Prussian War 1870 Germany gained territory (Alsace-

Lorraine from France)

Germany UnitesBismarck does the

dirty work and his Prussian king reaps

the rewards.Prussian king

William I becomes ruler of Germany, calls himself Kaiser Wilhelm I, derived

from caesar


Prejudice against Jews

Pogroms were murderous raids on Jewish communities

in Russia (Russification)

As people get more nationalistic, they are

more intolerant of outsiders (Jews)


devoted to Jewish homeland

Zionists wanted a Jewish

independent state in Palestine

(Theodor Herzl)The return to

Zion, the promised land!

Theodor Herzl Austro-Hungarian

born Jewish journalist

Advocated the Jewish return to their “promised

land” in Palestine Problem – people living there already

(Palestinians) Israel, 1948

3 Sides of Nationalism

Nationalism can be used for unification, separation, and



British in control of India, where natives

are second class citizens

Wanted self-ruleSome Indians

educated in West want independence


1885 - form Indian National Congress (INC), called for

representation like British Parliament,

western-style modernization

Was mostly Hindu Mohandas Gandhi led

nonviolent protest of British rule


Muslim population grew to distrust mostly

Hindu INC 1906 - formed Muslim

League to protect Muslim rights

Hindu-Muslim conflict lead to creation of

Pakistan & Bangladesh, post WWII)

Turkey 1890s, liberals establish

Young Turks - strengthen Ottoman

Empire and end Western Imperialism Pushed for liberal constitution, reforms,

improved women’s rights

Also ruled like dictators

Armenian Massacre Young Turks supported

Turkish nationalism - became intolerant of

outsiders They turned against Christian Armenians in the Ottoman Empire

(thought they were threat to leave for Russian

empire), slaughtered over 1 million over 25 year

period Due to religious

differences Example of GENOCIDE

Ottoman Empire “The Sick Man of

Europe” Was weak militarily,

many nationalist movements (ethnic

diversity) Other countries hoped

to gain land from Ottomans

Pan-Slavism - Russian idea that all Slavic peoples shared a

common nationality - want Slavs from

Ottomans in their empire

Balkans – “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish

thing in the Balkans.” -OvB

Called the “Powder Keg” because of Nationalism

before WWI (ethnic tensions)

Ethnic diversity leads to disagreement over

territory People want self-

determination! Would lead to WWI

Ethnic Diversity Ottoman Empire had

Romanians, Serbs, Albanians, Bulgars,

Greeks, & Turks Austria-Hungary had

Germans, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks,

Ruthenians, Slovenes, Italians, Croats,

Romanians, & Magyars Nationalism = their

days are numbered!