Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #6. Which statement best expresses a major idea of...

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Global History & GeographyVocabulary List #6

Which statement best expresses a major idea of Pan-Africanism?

A. African nations should work together to solve their problems.

B. African doctors should be trained in Western schools.

C. European nations should reestablish economic relationships with their former African colonies.

D. African nations should send peacekeeping forces to settle disputed in other areas of the world


• The unity of the African people and culture around the world

Which factor has contributed most to the social and cultural identity of the Middle East?

A. Political stability of the region

B. Strong influence of Islam on the region

C. Ability of the region to export oil

D. Lack of foreign involvement in the region


• The unity of the Arab people and culture around the world

Which event brought about the breakup of the Ottoman Empire?

A. Sino-Japanese War

B. Six-Day War

C. World War I

D. World War II


• The unity of the Slavic people and culture around the world

Which of these ancient civilizations had the most influence on the Western concepts of civil and natural law?

A. Mesopotamia

B. Aztec

C. China

D. Rome


• Member of the landholding aristocratic class in ancient Rome

An example of representative government in ancient times was found in

A. Carthage

B. Persia

C. Rome

D. Egypt


• Member of the farming, merchant and artisan class in ancient Rome

Which was an economic development in Caribbean countries during early European colonial rule?

A. Employment was limited to Spanish-speaking citizens

B. Plantations were owned in common by two or three villages

C. Machine production generally replace manual labor

D. Scarcity of labor led to the importation of African slaves


• Large estate run by an owner or overseer

During the 1980’s, Mikhail Gorbachev introduced perestroika in the former Soviet Union to

A. Improve the economy and decentralize decision-making

B. Abandon arms treaties with the United States and Western Europe

C. Tighten government controls over the communication media

D. Suppress the growing nationalist movements in Eastern Europe


• “restructuring” of the Soviet economy under Gorbachev to introduce free market practices

One effect of rugged, mountainous geography on the civilization of ancient Greece was the development of

A. Extensive trade with the Persians

B. Absolute monarchies

C. Separate, independent city-states

D. Belief in one God


• City-state in ancient Greece

Fascism in Europe during the 1920’s and 193’s is best described as a

A. Form of totalitarianism that glorified the state above the individual

B. Demonstration of laissez-faire capitalism that promoted free enterprise

C. Type of economic system that stressed a classless society

D. Set of humanist ideas that emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual


• The spreading of ideas to promote certain causes or to damage an opposing cause

The Renaissance, the French Revolution, and the European Industrial Revolution have all contributed to the development of

A. Utopian societies

B. a growing and influential middle class

C. A powerful Roman Catholic Church

D. Divine right monarchies


• “rebirth” – period of great cultural and artistic creativity and learning in Europe from 1300-1600

Which characteristic is shared by the ancient Roman Republic and the United States?

A. Both societies were able to avoid periods of civil strife

B. Desire for religious freedom was a major factor in uniting the people into a single nation

C. Economic prosperity continued only as long as each society continued to expand its boundaries

D. Both societies established a form of representative government


• Democratic system where people elect representatives

Eighteenth-century Russia and nineteenth-century Japan were similar in that both countries

A. Refused to accept Western technological ideasB. Began the process of modernization after a

long period of isolationC. Adopted socialist economic systems after

capitalism had failedD. Developed democratic governments after

years under absolute monarchies


• Attempt by Russian rulers to make all groups under Russian rule think, act and believe as Russians

After World War II, the former Soviet Union established satellites in Eastern Europe primarily to

A. Persuade Western Europe to abandon military alliances

B. Prevent the rise of new socialist regimes

C. Promote constitutional democracy

D. Expand its own political power


• A smaller country that is economically or politically dependent on a more powerful country

How did ancient Greece and Rome differ from the earlier civilizations of Asia and Egypt?

A. The Greeks and Romans were monotheistic

B. The kings of Greece and Rome had more power

C. The citizens of Greece and Rome had more power

D. Religion played a larger role in daily life


• The most powerful governing body of ancient Rome

The Sepoy Rebellion, the Boxer Rebellion, and the Mau Mau uprising were reactions to

A. European imperialism

B. Rapid industrialization

C. Mongol domination

D. World War I


• Indian soldier serving in the army set up by the British East India company

During the 20th century, a major cause of political problems in Latin America was

A. Increasing social mobility

B. The declining importance of international trade

C. A decrease in population

D. Widespread poverty


• Area of shacks that grows up around a city that is experiencing rapid growth

In which Middle Eastern nation is Islamic fundamentalism the major guiding force?

A. Jordan

B. Israel

C. Iran

D. Turkey


• System of Islamic law

India has developed a mixed economy that

A. Blends free enterprise with socialism

B. Guarantees government control over the economy

C. Provides open competition without government interference

D. Relies on the traditional barter system


• Economic system in which government owns and controls businesses in the name of the people (think communism)

A similarity between the Polish group Solidarity in 1980 and the Chinese protestors in Tiananmen Square in 1989 is that both groups

A. Succeeded in ending communism

B. Encouraged military occupation by the Soviet Union

C. Supported movements towards democracy

D. Favored increases in military spending


• Independent trade union formed in Poland in 1980 led by Lech Walesa

Which belief is common to both 17th-century absolutism and 20th-century totalitarianism?

A. Dissenters are dangerous and should be punished

B. A two-party political system is essential for a stable society

C. Separation of church and state should be encouraged

D. The state should establish a strong public school system


• Political system in which a dictatorial government controls all aspects of life and disregards the rights of individuals