Gliese 581g

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Gliese 581g

Coordinates: 15h 19m 27s, −07° 43′ 19″

It is in the constellation of Libra

Gliese 581g is aunconfirmed extrasolar

planet claimed to orbit the red dwarf star

Gliese 581, about 20 light-years from Earth.

It has a hard cover and. It is too far from the

earth about 20 light years away but

astronauts in NASA think that human will

foot on the Gliese 581g in 2463 year.

People get 445 day signal. After this they start to find. The authors stated that while the 37 day signal is “clearly visible in the HIRES data set alone” and they began to find them as hard as they could

But after hard work it was found in 2010 by Steven S. Vogt after 11 years later from start. Vgot called it “Zarmina'sWorld" after his wife.

Life on Gliese 581g

People think that there is life on the Gliese581 g because it is near the middle of the habitable zone of its parent star. There may be a liquid water

It is a rocky planet so there should be atmosphere it is older than Earth but there is earthquakes. It has better gravity than Earth

Discovery date September 29;2010

Distance 20 light years

Mass 0.31 solar mass 6.16621 × 1029 kilograms

Radius 2.02855x100000000 meters

Temperature -950562C

Age 7 – 11 Gyr

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Interesting factThere are:

gliese 581d; gliese 581c;

gliese 667 & gliese 667Cc