Glassfish 4 quick guide

Post on 05-Jun-2015

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Understand how glassfish is organised and quickly get how to start a domain, deploy an app through the command line or the administration interface, and stop the server. It is just a quick introduction.

Transcript of Glassfish 4 quick guide

GlassFish 4.0Quickguide: Start server, stop, deploy applications [HOW-TO]



Following slides describes paths and filenames usually used in books and tutorials about Glassfish Server.

as-install [Windows]

Represents the base installation directory for GlassFish Server.


Represents the parent of the base installation directory for GlassFish Server.


Represents the directory in which a domain is created by default.


Represents the directory in which a domain's configuration is stored.

Default AdministrationValues

Starting a domain[Only one domain present]

Need to add which domain in case of additional existing domain in the domain-root-dir

Stopping a domain

Check if the domain is running:

Deploy an app

Download the hello.war sample:

Deploy an app

Domain should be started first ( asadmin start-domain )

Or through the adminsitration Interface

Check deployedapps

Undeployan app

Notice hello without the .war extension!


Copy the war file into domain-dir/auto-deploy , Done!


Through the command line: del hello.war , Done!