Gisborne Primary School Parent Information Booklet

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Transcript of Gisborne Primary School Parent Information Booklet

Gisborne Primary School Parent Information Booklet

E-mail: Website:

TELEPHONE: (03) 5428 2022

FACSIMILE: (03) 5428 4280

35 Fisher Street




We welcome you and your children to Gisborne Primary School and hope that your family’s association with us will be happy and worthwhile. Throughout the years of schooling, parents continue to play a vital educational role, especially in the development of self-confidence, language acquisition and attitudes towards learning. Some of your child’s most important learning has already taken place before even beginning school and we aim to extend that learning in a caring and nurturing environment. We hope that the information set out in the following pages will help you to understand many matters concerning your child while at Gisborne Primary School, and familiarise you with much of the school’s organisation and operation.


Principal Mrs Julie Soutter Assistant Principal: Mrs Lisa Maxwell Administration: Ms Ilsa Dahlström Finance: Mrs Jenny Mousley

The school telephone numbers are: 5428 2022 or 5428 2691 The school facsimile number is: 5428 4280 The school postal address is: 35 Fisher Street,

Gisborne 3437 The school email address is:


Table of Contents


SCHOOL PROFILE- ..................................... 3

SCHOOL PAYMENTS .................................. 4

BELL TIMES................................................... 5

PUNCTUALITY ............................................. 5

SCHOOL UNIFORM ..................................... 5

ATTENDANCE .............................................. 6


SCHOOL HOURS ......................................... 6

BUSES ............................................................ 6

ASSEMBLY .................................................... 6

SCHOOL COUNCIL ...................................... 6

STUDENT BANKING ................................... 7

NEWSLETTER ............................................... 7


CANTEEN ...................................................... 7

THE SCHOOL HOUSE SYSTEM .................. 7

MONEY BROUGHT TO SCHOOL ............... 8

PARENT HELPERS ....................................... 8

PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ....................... 8


PARENT/TEACHER CONTACT ................... 9

PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION ................... 9

FIRST AID ..................................................... 9

EMERGENCY INFORMATION .................... 9



JUNIOR SCHOOL COUNCIL ....................... 9

STUDENT MANAGEMENT .......................10

MEDICINE AT SCHOOL ............................10

INFECTIOUS DISEASES ............................ 10

CYCLISTS .................................................... 11


EXTENSION ACTIVITIES .......................... 12

LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTRE ................. 12

BETTER BUDDIES PROGRAM ................. 12

THE ARTS PROGRAM .............................. 12

INTERSCHOOL SPORT ............................. 13

EXCURSIONS AND CAMPING ................ 13



PRE PREP PROGRAM ............................... 13

SCHOOL STARTING AGE......................... 13

1ST DAY AT SCHOOL ................................ 13

DISMISSAL TIMES .................................... 14


GRADE PLACEMENTS .............................. 14

SCHOOL LUNCHES................................... 14

CANTEEN ................................................... 15

REQUIREMENTS NEEDED ....................... 15

ART SMOCKS ............................................ 15


FRIENDS ASSOCIATION (PFA) ............... 17



SCHOOL PROFILE- Gisborne Primary School - Excellence in Education

Gisborne Primary School is situated in the picturesque country town of Gisborne, 53km from Melbourne. The school has a current enrolment of 481 pupils with 35 staff and applies an enrolment ceiling in line with the Department of Education and Training (DET) guidelines. The school's beautiful grounds and facilities provide a stimulating and safe learning environment for children, where they are supported in their pursuit of excellence and in the realisation of their maximum potential. School facilities include a library, gymnasium, canteen, visual arts and music rooms and diverse play spaces. Our specialist programs include Physical Education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Performing Arts and LOTE (Italian). A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) iPad program operates across years 5 and 6 and the school is committed to continually evolving the technology infrastructure and resourcing throughout the school. Information about this can be found on the GPS website. The school's philosophy is based on the belief that every student has the ability to learn and that this occurs

best in a safe, happy and positive environment. These values also tie in with our motto of ‘caring’. This is achieved by:

Placing emphasis on the child as an individual

Positive partnerships between teachers, parents, students and the community

Empowering students to achieve their full potential

Approachable, committed teachers providing the best learning opportunities for students

Effective teaching and learning aimed at providing successful outcomes in all Victorian Curriculum areas

The staff's commitment to developing best practices through team planning and a strong performance and development culture

Catering for children's individual needs

The teaching approach in our school focuses on the individuals, their abilities, responsibilities and providing our children with a happy, safe and secure learning environment. Teachers at Gisborne Primary School work collaboratively by planning together in teams, using data to inform the direction of teaching and contributing to both 'in school' and 'out of school' activities. Our teachers differentiate the curriculum to suit the learning needs of students and incorporate mindfulness techniques into everyday teaching. Quality planning and assessment practices


are considered high priority at our school. The focus of Professional Development for our staff is provided on best current teaching practices. All staff are expected to participate in professional learning. A large component of the professional development is the Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) which focus on refinements in teaching, goal setting and collegiate support. The Leadership Team visits classrooms regularly and staff are offered the opportunity to participate in collegiate visits and Learning Walks also.

Students at Gisborne Primary School are encouraged to share their ‘voice’ through the many leadership

opportunities offered. Our School Captains lead school events, assemblies and school tours and represent the school at community events such as Anzac Day. Other leadership initiatives include: Junior School Council, House Captains and each classroom is led by two Class Captains. Our School Council sets high expectations for student learning and teaching practices. Our parents are shared partners in student learning; we value their input and encourage them to contribute through both formal and informal avenues. The school's motto is 'Caring' and this is featured as a logo on the school's uniform. The school's philosophy is based on the belief that every student has the ability to learn and that this occurs best in a safe, happy and positive environment. School Payments 2018 (per annum)

Subject Contributions

$135.00 per student

Class Materials $85.00 per student

Total $220.00

Voluntary Financial Contribution

$20 - $100

Family Statements are sent home at the beginning of each school year. Our preferred method of payment is via Qkr.

Term 1: 29 January (school teachers start) to 29 March * Term 2: 16 April (Tuesday) to 29 June Term 3: 16 July to 21 September

Term 4: 8 October to 21 December


2018 Curriculum Days -

(Student Pupil Free Days) 29th January is a Student Free Day. The 30th January is a School Curriculum Day. Students in Grade 1 – 6 commence Wednesday 31st January. Prep students commence Monday 5th February. See page 13 for further information

Other curriculum days throughout the year will be advised

BELL TIMES Instruction commences at 8:55am and finishes at 3:25pm. This allows children to catch the after school buses. At the end of morning recess and lunchtime, children are expected to be at their respective assembly points when the bell rings. 8:50am Warning Bell & Music 8:55am Class Bell 10:55am-11:25am Recess 1:25pm -1:40pm Eat lunch inside 1:40-2:25pm Lunch 3:25pm Dismissal

PUNCTUALITY It is important that children arrive on time to begin the school day. Late arrivals upset class routines and learning time is lost. Children should arrive around 8:45am. If arriving after 9:00am children must be signed in at the office or provide a late pass. The school grounds are supervised before school from 8:30am and after school until 3:45pm and students

should not be left in the school grounds before or after this time. SCHOOL UNIFORM School uniform can be purchased through: Beleza – Gisborne 42C Aitken Street Gisborne VIC 3437 Phone: (03) 5428 1285 Tuesday - Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm It is School Council policy that school uniform is compulsory and is to be worn by all students. Summer Uniform School hat Blue/white/teal checked dress. Blue trousers (no denim)or shorts (not below the knee) Blue school polo shirts Skort Winter Uniform Long-sleeved polo shirt. Jacket, vest or jumper. Blue trousers, pinafore or track pants. (No denim) Blue tights or socks. Bomber jacket School Council has also adopted a SunSmart policy, which requires children to wear an approved school hat for Terms 1 and 4. Hats can also be purchased from Beleza. Online Store:


ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is important for continuity of children’s learning, their social adjustment, development of positive attitudes and is a government requirement. Parents are required to inform the school, of reasons for a child’s absence. Teachers will provide appropriate work upon request for children who are absent from school for extended periods. Please log into the Parent Portal to report a Future Absence or approve an unexplained absence!/login COLLECTING CHILDREN DURING SCHOOL HOURS When collecting your child from school between 8:55am and 3:25pm, including lunch and recess breaks, please go to the office and sign the early leavers book. Alternatively, you can notify the school office via email. This procedure must be strictly adhered to, and is there for your child’s safety. BUSES Bus travel is available for our students from Bullengarook and Gisborne South. Staff at Gisborne Secondary College (5428 3691) co-ordinate all bus travel. The bus driver or the school has the right to exclude any child from travelling on the bus if his/her behaviour is unacceptable. The school must be advised if a change to normal routine occurs. Staff

supervise children onto the buses each afternoon. ASSEMBLY Please join us for a whole school assembly each Friday afternoon in the school gymnasium, when we inform students and parents of upcoming events, school news and celebrate students’ successes. Parents whose children receive special awards, will be notified prior to their presentation. SCHOOL COUNCIL The school council consists of parents, teachers and community members who work together to determine school policy, make financial decisions, improve the school and its facilities and endorse curriculum initiatives. The council welcomes new parents’ involvement and input. If you wish to become involved, please speak to the principal or members of the current council. School council elections are conducted at the beginning of each year. Members are elected for a two year term. School Council meetings are conducted on the third Wednesday of each month. Current Members of School Council: President: Jo Markham Vice President: Rob Duoba Secretary: Lisa Maxwell Parent Representatives: Sally Emerson, Dean Elliott, Jill Doyle, Justin Greed, Bryce Tolhurst P.F.A. Representative: Kellie Conroy Staff Representative: Julie Soutter, Lisa Maxwell School Council Policies are available from the school office.


STUDENT BANKING A parent volunteer processes the children’s banking transactions with the Commonwealth Bank on a weekly basis. Notification of bank day will be published in the school newsletter at the start of the year. NEWSLETTER Our main source of information to parents is the weekly newsletter. This is distributed each Thursday and is emailed to all families. Newsletters are also available on the school website. PARENTS’& FRIENDS ASSOC. (PFA) The PFA is a group of parents and friends who are interested in having closer contact with the school. You may like to join PFA to assist in organising special events and fundraising, or just to attend meetings to be better informed and participate in decisions that affect the school. The PFA usually meets on the third Monday of the month. PARENT PORTAL Across the school we have introduced a student management tool called 'Sentral'. This system allows us to streamline school data and communication. It also enables us to utilise a 'Parent Portal' which when fully functional, will provide both parents and students information about their child's progress in our school, provide curriculum resources, events notification, absence management, newsletters, bulletins, notices, teacher/parent

communication and much more.!/login CANTEEN The main aim of the canteen is to provide nutritious lunches at a reasonable price. It is currently open Wednesday and Friday at morning recess and lunchtime for the sale of snacks. Lunches are delivered to classrooms on these days. Ordering Procedure: Orders must be placed through the Qkr App or via the website . Special lunch order bags are available from the school office. A canteen price list is available online. Canteen helpers are always needed. Our canteen manager, Mrs Dee Spiteri has a roster of wonderful helpers but more are always needed. If you would like to help in canteen please contact the school office. THE SCHOOL HOUSE SYSTEM The school has a 'House' system which involves all children being placed in a 'House' or team. These Houses are named after the four streets surrounding the school and each House is represented by a different colour: Brantome Yellow Fisher Red Howey Blue Prince Green House Captains and Vice Captains are appointed from Grade 5 & 6 and are allocated specific responsibilities within the school. The purpose of this is to encourage team spirit and friendly competition. House points may be awarded to individuals or groups according to academic or


sporting achievement, or positive attitudes in the classroom or playground etc. MONEY BROUGHT TO SCHOOL Any payments brought to school should be enclosed in a sealed envelope, (these are available from the school office). Your child’s name, grade, teacher, amount enclosed and purpose (eg farm excursion) should be clearly indicated on the envelope. Pupils should hand money to their teacher when they arrive at school or deposit it in the payment slot located at the school office. Parents are requested to send exact money where possible, as it is often difficult to arrange change. PARENT HELPERS We encourage and value your support in all program areas. Teachers welcome your assistance and parent training programs are held to educate parents on how best to assist children at school or home. The GPS School Council requires that volunteers hold a Working with Children Check. Application forms are available at PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT The school is an integral part of the local community and we feel that there are many people who have something to contribute, either in a classroom, or another aspect of the school’s operation. If you would like to become involved in your child’s classroom, speak to the class teacher. If you have an idea or suggestion which could benefit the children, the

principal would be only too happy to discuss it with you. Sometimes new parents find it difficult to become involved. Here are some examples of activities in which you may be able to take an active role: 1. Various classroom programs 2. Share a skill, hobby or interest with

the class 3. Excursions and camps 4. Assistance with book making or

book repairs 5. Assistance with I.C.T activities in

the classroom 6. Join a School Council sub-

committee 7. Offer to be included on the canteen

roster 8. Become involved in Grounds

Maintenance 9. Offer to help with training for

sports Your child will take great pleasure in seeing you at school and actively involved in his/her education. BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE After School Care provided by Schools OUT onsite at Gisborne Primary School. Please contact: Phone: 0448 667 747


Facebook: SchoolsoutGPS

The Learning Sanctuary - Gisborne Address: 93 Sheedy Road, Gisborne 3437 Ph. 03 5428 445503 5428 4455 Director : Leanne Lawrence Email:



PARENT/TEACHER CONTACT As parents and teachers are partners in your child’s education, it is most desirable that a friendly, co-operative and open approach prevails. During the year a formalised process of ‘Reporting to Parents’ is arranged. Parent/Teacher interviews are held: 1. End of Term 1 2. End of Term 3 Ideally, however, if any facet of your child’s education is causing concern, you should feel free to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. Conversely, if the class teacher has a concern, he/she will arrange a mutually agreeable time to discuss the matter. If you wish to speak with the teacher, please do not go to the classroom during class times, as this could be disruptive for the teacher and all children in the grade. If the teacher is not available please contact the year level co-ordinators. You can email teachers either through the Parent Portal or links found on our school website. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION At recess and lunchtimes there are three staff members on duty in the grounds. Any child who has a problem, or needs attention for injury or illness, should contact one of these teachers. FIRST AID In the case of minor accidents, first aid will be administered at school. In the case of injuries of a more serious nature, every effort will be made to contact a parent or the

nominated emergency. Medical aid may be sought if contact cannot be made, and such aid is deemed necessary. The school strongly advises parents to subscribe to the Ambulance Service. EMERGENCY INFORMATION It is essential that the ‘Confidential Student Information Form’ be completed accurately when each child enrols and is updated when necessary. This provides the school with home details, medical information, custodial restrictions and emergency contact numbers. The school must be notified immediately of any change to this information for the safety of your child. INTEGRATION OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY AND IMPAIRMENT The school provides for the welfare of all its pupils. Where funding is available, Integration aides are provided to assist students with a disability. These personnel work with the class teacher to provide a supportive environment for all children and the most appropriate learning program.

JUNIOR SCHOOL COUNCIL This group of students meets to assist the staff in running school programs


and activities. It also acts as a forum for students to raise matters or suggest new ideas for supporting our community. Each class from Grade 3 – 6 elects representatives to the Junior School Council (JSC) and, in this way, students are involved in democratic decision making about real issues that affect them. The JSC also provides students with opportunities to become familiar with committee meeting procedures. STUDENT ENGAGEMENT POLICY Gisborne Primary School has a strong commitment to creating a safe, happy and supportive environment. We aim to foster self-esteem, independence and self-discipline. Our policies and practices, are based on recognising our own and others rights and responsibilities. STUDENT MANAGEMENT Our behaviour management plan guides students to develop responsible behaviour and in doing so, raise their self-esteem and increase their academic success. Using guidelines formulated as part of this policy, classroom teachers, in consultation with students, draw up a set of expectations, positive recognition rewards and consequences. The consequences apply consistently across the school. MEDICINE AT SCHOOL Medicine sent to school will only be given if absolutely necessary. All medicines are stored and administered at the office. A note must accompany the medicine outlining time and dosage to be given (Medication at School Form can be obtained from the school website).

The medication should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. If your child suffers asthma, a Ventolin puffer should be provided and kept at the school office. This must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, year level and dosage. Care plans must be updated yearly. No medication should be kept by your child in their bag. INFECTIOUS DISEASES Below is a list of the most common diseases or conditions, which require children to be excluded from school. A doctor’s certificate is to be produced on return to school. Condition Exclusion of cases

Chickenpox Exclude until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least 5 days after the rash appears in unimmunised children, but may be less in previously immunised children

Conjunctivitis Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased

Diarrhoea Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Exclude until all blisters have dried

Hepatitis A Exclude until a medical certificate of recovery is received, but not before 7 days after the onset of jaundice or illness

Herpes (cold sores)

Young children unable to comply with good hygiene practices should be excluded while the lesion is weeping. Lesions to be covered by a dressing, where possible

Impetigo (school sores)

Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces


must be covered with a watertight dressing

Influenza and influenza-like illnesses

Exclude until well

Measles* Exclude for at least 4 days after onset of rash

Meningitis (bacteria, other than meningococcal meningitis)

Exclude until well

Meningococcal infection*

Exclude until adequate carrier eradication therapy has been completed

Mumps* Exclude for 9 days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner)

Pertussis (whooping cough)*

Exclude for 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment

Ringworm, scabies,

Exclude until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced

Pediculosis (head lice)

Exclude until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced. Thorough, regular checking is essential to aid in controlling this pest. Please notify the school of any infection so that preventative measures can be taken. The child must be kept at home until the day after appropriate treatment has been undertaken.

The school has a head lice policy and it is a requirement that children with long hair will attend school with hair tied back.

Rubella* (German measles)

Exclude until fully recovered or for at least 4 days after the onset of rash

Salmonella or Shigella infection

Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours

Severe acute respiratory syndrome

Exclude until a medical certificate of recovery is produced

Streptococcal infection (including scarlet fever)

Exclude until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and feels well

Tuberculosis Exclude until a medical certificate is received from the treating physician stating that the child is not considered to be infectious

Worms (intestinal)

Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours

CYCLISTS We ask parents to support us in ensuring roadworthy bicycles are maintained, helmets are always worn and good road sense is reinforced. Bicycles must be walked through the school grounds. We recommend children under the age of 10 years are supervised if riding to school.


The Victorian Curriculum is used as the basis for school policies and programs throughout the school. Comprehensive and sequential learning programs are developed across all seven year levels in the following Learning Areas: English Mathematics The Arts Health & Physical Education The Humanities Languages Science Technologies


EXTENSION ACTIVITIES Gisborne Primary School has a number of learning programs for students who require extension. These include: 1. Teachers modify the curriculum to

meet children’s individual learning needs. Within the grades many activities are based on the multi-intelligence model enabling each child to develop his/her strengths.

2. Children in the middle and upper school are encouraged to enter various Australia wide competitions e.g. The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS).

3. All children are encouraged to enter sporting competitions at district, division and state levels.

4. Visiting instrumental teachers provide music tuition on a user pay basis for interested students in violin, flute & clarinet and keyboard and piano.

5. Interest based clubs e.g. Running Club, Choir etc. are offered to children during lunchtimes.

LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTRE Each week children will be given the opportunity to browse and borrow from a large selection of library books. GRADE 5 and GRADE 6 BYOD IPAD PROGRAM Classrooms in years 5 and 6 operate a BYOD iPad Program. We are excited about the implementation of this program and see technology as far more than a tool for word processing and gathering information. Whilst computer skills and competencies are important and included in our curriculum, it is essential that we provide our students with 21st

Century skills that enable them to communicate, share and use information to solve complex problems. We must create innovative learners who are able to adapt their ways of thinking and expand their methods for productivity. The iPad provides access to a range of applications that will support students in processing information and building understandings of content and concepts. It additionally offers the students the ability to design, create, share and solve problems. BETTER BUDDIES PROGRAM The essential characteristic of a buddy system is that it supports students’ transition during their first year of school. It also involves older students participating in positive, supportive, structured and facilitated one on one relationships with younger students. The buddy system enables younger

students to feel safe and cared for, while the older students feel valued and respected. THE ARTS PROGRAM A specialist visual arts teacher conducts lessons for all classes. Children participate in activities including: Printing, Modelling,


Textiles, Painting, Drawing, & Construction. Children also develop skills including: singing, dancing, instrument playing, listening and responding to music. They have the opportunity to further extend their musical skills by participating in a music extension program.

INTERSCHOOL SPORT Our school encourages interschool sport in a range of activities. These include:

Athletics Tennis Swimming Cricket Football Netball

Cross Country Soccer EXCURSIONS AND CAMPING Many opportunities are offered within the curriculum for educational visits to places of interest with relevance to topics covered. Teachers plan excursions to support and extend classroom learning experiences.

School camps are conducted every year for grades 2, 4 & 6.


PRE PREP PROGRAM Our school operates a comprehensive transition program between the local kindergartens and the school. The kindergarten children are given the opportunity to attend our school on several occasions in term 4 to meet the classroom teachers and to familiarise themselves with the classroom routine and programs. SCHOOL STARTING AGE To start primary school your child will need to turn five years of age by 30 April of the year that they start school. Your child must be at school in the year that they turn six years of age - this is the compulsory school starting age. If you are concerned about whether your child is ready for school, please discuss the matter with your child’s pre-school teacher or the school.

1ST DAY AT SCHOOL PROCEDURE FOR BEGINNING SCHOOL The start date for Preps in 2018 will be Monday 5th February - Preps commence 8:55am —1:00pm (morning snack required)


Tuesday 6th February 8:55am —1:00pm (morning snack required) Wednesday 7th February - No school for Preps Thursday 8th February - 8:55am — 3:25pm (morning snack & lunch required) Friday 9th February - 8:55am — 3:25pm (morning snack & lunch required) Prep students will also NOT be required at school on the following days. Wednesday 7th February Wednesday 14th February Wednesday 21st February From Monday 26th February, Prep students are required to attend school from 8:55am — 3:25pm Monday to Friday. As part of Gisborne Primary School’s commitment to quality and purposeful education we ask that you bring your child to school for an hour play based assessment so that we can plan a program that will foster your child's interest and enhance their learning from day one at school. The assessment has a strong emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy and is a great chance for your child and their teacher to get to know each other. These assessments can be booked through the Parent Portal - Details will be emailed to parents at the beginning of each year.

DISMISSAL TIMES Make sure your child is aware of the finish time for each school day and where you expect to meet.

ENROLMENT AND IMMUNISATION A school entry immunisation status certificate is required to enrol your child into primary school. This certificate can be issued by the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR), the local council, or a GP if he or she has sighted evidence of immunisation.

You can obtain a copy of your child's immunisation details at any time:

through your Medicare online accounts or Medicare Express App

by requesting a statement to be sent in the mail

at your local service centre by calling the Immunisation

Register on 1800 653 809 or provide a Conscientious

Objection form if unimmunised

GRADE PLACEMENTS Your child’s pre-school teacher will group students and advise Gisborne Primary School staff of their recommendations for student placement. Gisborne Primary School staff will prepare grades in consultation with pre-school staff. Friendships will be looked at with your child’s best interests at heart but we will also take into consideration an optimal learning environment for all. SCHOOL LUNCHES SMALL CHILDREN DO NOT NEED A LARGE LUNCH.


Children will require play lunch and a small lunch wrapped separately. These will be eaten in the classroom in the 15 minutes prior to recess and lunch breaks. Children are encouraged to drink water from their drink bottle throughout the day and snack on ‘brain food’ (cut fruit or vegetables). Lunch boxes should be easy to open and close. Please label lunch box and drink bottle. CANTEEN Our excellent school canteen currently operates two days a week – Wednesday and Friday and provides the children with a variety of menu items. Hot and cold foods are available as well as snacks and ice creams. (See page 8 for how to order.)

Parent helpers are welcome and always needed. Orders can be placed on QKR REQUIREMENTS NEEDED Please ensure that all possessions are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Each child is required to provide:

Lunch box, plastic drink container.

Art smock. 2 large boxes of facial tissues

(these are for a class supply). Water bottle for classroom use.

ART SMOCKS It is necessary for children in primary school to have a smock for artwork. A suggested style for infants is to make it big enough to fit comfortably over all clothing .

Long sleeves are essential – plastic sleeveless smocks are not suitable.

Elastic at neck and sleeves makes an easy garment for preps to put on.

Art smocks can be ordered from Smart Stuff & Mini Whisk Please contact the office for an order form.

As the time approaches for your child to start school, there are a number of things that parents can do to help your child settle in easily. Here are some ideas: If practicable, walk your child to

school so that the child knows the way. Even if you plan to drive most days, it is a good idea for a child to know their way around the local school environment.

Point out the different school buildings and playground areas.

Once school starts, make sure your

child knows where to meet you at the end of the day.

If children are to feel secure, it is

important that they are met on time.

Label all clothes (especially clothes

that may be taken off) together with things like lunch boxes and school bags. Make sure children are familiar with their own


belongings so they can claim their own items.

Make sure your child can easily open the lunch box and drink container.

Sandwiches that are individually

wrapped are easier to handle.

During the first month, children will be taken to the toilet by the teacher at times other than regular recess periods. If you have any problems concerning your child, please do not hesitate to come and discuss it with the teacher concerned.


A PROFILE OF THE PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION (PFA) The PFA is a group of parents and friends of Gisborne Primary School who are interested in having closer involvement with the school, whether that be to assist in organising special events and fundraising or to attend meetings to be better informed of, and have a say in, decisions that affect the school community and our children. The PFA has formal meetings once a month. The PFA fundraise with one major activity per term, and it is most satisfying as a member to get a say in what those funds are spent on. This is just one aspect of our role. We also organise special events such as Mothers'/Fathers' Day stalls where the children choose from a huge variety of gifts. We help out on sports days or at school functions and sometimes organise events such as disco’s, trivia nights etc. We organise non-fundraising social events for our members where partners are welcome too. One of the most important aspects of being in the PFA is that at our meetings we are informed, usually by the Principal, of important factors, events or decisions that affect our school and our children. We have a PFA representative on the school council, to promote our opinions and suggestions regarding the policy and procedures of our school. You can also find current information about the PFA's activities on the Gisborne Primary School's website if you follow the link If you would like to be informed of, and involved in, decisions concerning the education of our children, then coming to the PFA meetings is a good place to start. If you are concerned about being enticed into too many jobs, don't let that stop you from coming, as involvement in tasks is purely on a voluntary basis. The PFA is also a great way to meet other parents and develop friendships. Pre-schoolers are also most welcome at our meetings as we have a large box of toys. So, remember whether you want to use the PFA only as an information source or you would like to become more involved, come along to our meetings. They are advertised in the weekly school newsletter, “Chalk Talk”.



Enrolment Checklist

To enrol at Gisborne Primary School, you will need to bring these documents with you:

your child's birth certificate or passport

proof of your child's address - originals of different documents such as your council rates notice or

residential lease and electricity bill

immunisation history statement based on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR)

family law or other relevant court orders (if applicable).

Any medical plans (asthma, anaphylaxis)

If your child is not a permanent Australian resident you will also need to provide:

passport or travel documents

Current visa and previous visas (if applicable).







