Girl and phone essay

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Girl and phone essay

When looking at the first screen shot from our video “First Ice” we can see numerous codes, conventions and connotations. In this screen shot we can see that Rio is positioned outside of the screen as if she is isolated, secluded and disconnected; this could link to the poem as it says, “She’ll have to walk home alone” which links to the idea of isolation. From this shot we can also see that Rio is turned away from the plant and nature behind her. Numerous codes can be suggested from the flowers; such as the flowers being red which could symbolize love, passion and romance, which due to the fact she is turned away from tem shows she longer has the security of a lover What is also suggested from the red flowers is that flowers are seen as sex symbols due to them being sexual, reproductive organs and this could therefore imply that the character within the video may be rejecting the idea of this now. The conflict between nature and industrial surroundings could suggest a conflict within the characters mind about her situation and the emotion that she is feeling due to the news she has been given on the phone.

When looking at the next shot we can see that it is close up of the phone which Rio’s holding, which could be seen as unusual as Rios face is more in the background of the shot. Due to the phone being more in focus this implies that the person that she is talking to on the phone is the main focus of the story being told in the video. The expression on Rio’s face, which is blank, surprised and disconnected, could suggest that the person on the other end of the line is giving her bad news. In the shot Rio is wearing a large ornate ring, which seems like the type of jewelry a woman would buy for herself; this could suggest independence. The nail varnish that Rio is wearing is blue, which could links to sadness but could also link to nature (sea/ sky), which are seen as positives, this creates opposition in colour meaning.

Another point about the ring is that there are two in the third shot seen; one being the large ornate ring which could symbolize independence and her current situation, this can also be suggested because the ornate ring is being lit by sunlight. The other ring in shot is a smaller more delicate ring, this cold suggest this ring has been for her by her boyfriend who she may be talking to on the phone. Due to the fact that it is in the shadows and is in less focus, this ring is the past and is not what she has anymore. During this shot the camera slowly tilts up which could suggest realization of the situation whatever that may be, though from suggestion it is probably linked to the person she is talking to on phone and also who gave her the delicate ring on her hand in the shadows. The position of her hands is closed and could be seen as normal for an introvert; this could also link to sadness. Also with link to her hands the tension line is tense and suggests she is slightly angry with who she talking to on the other line but is taking out on the phone. The way in which the phone is in Rios lap could suggest that she deserves better and is above the person on the phone.

In the fourth shot it is a close of Rios face; this is the first time we see a close up of just her face with nothing else in it distracting our focus on her. This could suggest this may be her realization of the situation she is now in; which could be she is now single, she has lost someone close or she has had some different distressing news which has left her confused and surprised. The focus on just her could also suggest that she is having to make decision and all the conflict around her has gone to the back of her mind. Also the close is so extreme that there is no outside world around which could suggest she feels isolated and disconnected from the world. Her hair is flown away, messy and not in order; this could mirror her current situation in her life that she likes order organization, and that has now been taken away. The hair also distracts our vision and our focus on Rio, which could be seen as dictations in life and the natural order she is used to.

In the next shot we see a long shot of Rio on the bench still on the outside of the shot and off focus in regards rule of thirds. She is the only one in the shot and looks like she is looking ahead and possible looking ahead to her future which will be lonely and the shadows made from the trees could signify the darkness

she may endure in the future. The surrounding in this shot are more industrial, which could imply she is shutting herself from the world in way she is positioned in the shot, like she is observing it and is almost scared to venture into the situation that she has now ended up in after the conversation she has just had.

In the next shot it is a continuation of the last shot in which we see Rio now walk towards the shadows in to what we suggested in the previous description. In this shot this is the first time we see Rio in the center of the shot I stead of to the side; this could suggest that this the first time that she may feel confident or slightly sure of what she may have to do in this situation she is now in. We also cannot see her head in this shot, which could suggest she is making the next decision with her heart not her head.

In the seventh shot we see 180-degree shot of the previous shot we saw which of Rio walking away from the bench and walking into the shadows. This shot also

shows that Rio is to the left of the shot, which suggests she feels isolated and disconnected and that even though she was in the center briefly her confidence has gone again. In the shot she is walking not only away from the bench but the gat further back in the shot, this could suggest she is walking further into herself and is might be becoming more withdrawn. Rio is also holding her bag in such a way that she looks likes she is dragging it along; which looks glum and childlike. In the shot we can also see stairs that lead to a door that could lead through into a different life.

In the last shot we see the surrounding that were around Rio and now there is no one in the shot; this is the first time we do not see Rio in the video. The emptiness of the shot could reflect the character in the poems thoughts that she is lost in them, that she feels empty and alone; and that the lack of “life” in the shot could reflect the emptiness in her life.