Getting a job in Japanese companies - A personal guide

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Getting a job in Japanese companies A personal guide

Giang TranZIGExN VeNtura Co., Ltd

8/4/2015@Ton Duc Thang University


• Self-Introduction

• Getting a job in Japanese companies

• Personal advices

About me

• Name: Giang Trần

• Age: 32

• Born: Ho Chi Minh City

• CTO at ZIGExN VeNtura

Career Path

Software Engineer

Software Engineer


• How many of you is looking for jobs?

• How many of you is looking for jobs in Japanese company?

Getting job in Japanese company? Is it hard?

YES, it’s HARD if you don’t prepare

• How many of you think that you’re WELL PREPARED for getting jobs?

What’s different about Japanese company

• Strict on TIME

• Focus on PEOPLE not the skills

• Evaluate not only the result but the PROCESS

They’re reasons you shouldjoin Japanese company

Recruiting process

Apply job CV screening Interview

What wrong ?

Email has no content

What wrong?

Copy-paste email

Bad manners in Interview

Lack of smile Wrong posture

What you need to do before applying to a job

Find it by looking back to your PAST, asking FAMILY, FRIENDS

You can only ACHIEVE BEST result if you do something you LIKE

What is your GOALS to join the company?

What do you want to ACHIEVE next year?

Know Yourself


• Know your LIKES / DISLIKES

• Know your GOALS

Looks for Potential

• photo

Skills can be trained but not the people

Ability to LEARN


• New graduate, looks for POTENTIAL not real work experiences

• Show your ability to LEARN new things

• Try to do as much as possible OUT of UNIVERSITY

Learn basic MANNERS

Always on Time

Write a right e-mail

E-mail is your first impression to company

Interview:When waiting

Interview: Greeting

During Interview

Know about company

“Biết người biết ta, trăm trận trăm thắng”

Know about company

• GOOD COMPANY is the company in which you can GROW the most

• Research company over the Web, ask your friends…

• ASK QUESTIONS during the interview to know more

• How many of you think that you’re WELL PREPARED for jobs?